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Who will Lesnar face at Mania

  • Rock

  • HHH

  • CM Punk

  • Orton

  • Undertaker

  • Cena

  • Other

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Brock shot to the top incredibly quickly during his run and faced off against most of the main stars already: Rock, 'Taker, Cena, Show, Angle, Goldberg, HHH. With the exception of vs. Angle at Wrestlemania, none were particularly classic bouts.

When did he face Triple H? I thought that was they whole reason behind Eric Bischoff creating/reviving the World Heavyweight Championship; Brock Lesnar, the WWE Undisputed Champion, refused to defend the title against RAW's Number One contender Triple H.
(And I would call his Hell in a Cell match with the Undertaker a classic as well.)

Now on to the main point of the thread, that Brock Lesnar has signed a one year contract with WWE... April Fools Joke, anyone?

I just find it hard to believe that Brock Lesnar would give up his solitude and home life to go back on the road, something that he made very well known that he HATED. Hes not like Hogan and Flair, he's not in need of money, I'm sure. The most I could ever see him signing is a Legends Contract/Merchandising Agreement (action figures, video game voice overs, DVD interviews, ect.), and I'm sure that kind of contract would be for more than one year. MAYBE I could see him doing one or two matches a year... but a full year of traveling and doing shows on a regular basis? as Gorilla Monsoon would say, "I find that HIGHLY unlikely..."
If Lesnar does come back I hope WWE start to use him and the other part timers with guys on the roster other than Cena, otherwise once they've cashed in WWE will be left with a bunch of guys who have been pushed to the side while novelty matches take the top spot and then asked to carry the show.
If the rumors are true about Lesnar returning, then yeah, Cena v Lesnar would be good, as would Orton v Lesnar, Lesnar v Taker, even Lesnar v Henry.

Lesnar beat all 4 of the above during his first run and never returned the favour, I think you shud always return the favour.

But whether Cena wins or loses at WM28, the program with The Rock is likely to continue. Whilst Rock is away Cena needs something fresh, trying to avenge a defeat from the only top star he has never beaten seems like a good challenge. Have Lesnar win a couple so that Cena for once is the legitimate underdog.
WHAT!!!! Lesner vs Punk? Punk is not on that level and its very unlikely he will be next year. That is ridic. If Lesner comes back it would have to be, Cena, Taker, HHH, Rock or Batista. Thats all.

Agreed. Punk will be lucky if he's still a main eventer by next year. He's done a pretty good job of turning the WWE title into the IC title so far. Of course the guy you're responding to thinks being champion puts you in the same league as Cena.

As for the topic. I'd love to see either Cena/Lesnar or Taker/Lesnar. Both would be huge.
Lesnar has already beaten cena numerous times, no need for them to square off again. Not at WM at least.

Let Lesnar take on Punk at WM next year. Les can beat cena at a lesser PPV this year

C'mon....that was a totally different Cena that Lesnar beat. Lesnar vs. Cena would be just as huge as any match.

Here's the thing with Punk. Lots of people on these boards love him, but he doesn't draw. He'll never draw, that's just the way it is. I'm indifferent to him, although I tend to like him since I'm also from Chicago, but it's just the reality. Punk is much better built up against a quality entertaining wrestler exactly like they're doing with Jericho.

I know there are rumors of Punk/Austin anyway, although Austin doesn't usually like to share the main event spotlight with anyone else. Wonder what he'll think of a match against Punk at WM29 when Lesnar/Cena/Rock/HHH/Taker and possibly Batista are all there too, lol.
2 things wrong with ALL of your scenarios.

1. Batista is ALSO in Miami and has ALSO resigned with WWE. It was pointed out that The Rock's last WM match was with Batista and that Batistas WM was with.. you guessed it.. JOHN CENA. They are going to have Big Dave interfere in Rock/Cena, just don't know which way yet.

2. Brock Lesner and Mark Callaway (aka The Undertaker) have real and legitimate BEEF like Rock and Cena do going back to a UFC bout a couple years ago. If in fact Lesnar is back, I can almost guarantee that Lesner will interfere in Taker/HHH tonight and then on Raw tomorrow they will do the same thing they did last year with Rock/Cena. The big difference is that both men will be there more often than the Rock even if they do not wrestle full time.
BTW, Lesnar will be the one to end the streak and then both men will retire.
Personally I don't want to see Lesner v Cena at Wrestlemania 29 because I'd like to see The Undertaker v John Cena. However i would like to see Lesner face Orton, Triple H or CM Punk. out of the three of these Lesner v CM Punk would probably be the best pick. Two very great wrestlers and great athleats.
I think Brock vs undertaker is the best choice for wm29. Taker never really beat Lesnar and sort of passed the torch to him after their hell in a cell match. I could see Brock saying he wants to be the one to beat taker and destroy his legacy at wm. Brock I think is the only real threat left to takers streak. Brock could also face rock at summer slam in a rematch from their match at 2002. A ten year later rematch. Brock and cena has happened but Brock never faced super cena. The match would be big but I don't want cena to be facing all these part time guys it will get redundant.
I think since the rumor is that Lesnar only signed a one year deal they will make Lesnar vs Cena happen at WrestleMania 29 and save Cena vs Taker for 30. In the past Lesnar's beat Cena and he's beaten Undertaker multiple times, even in Hell in a Cell. I'd prefer Cena over Undertaker vs Lesnar next year. WWE can build the match really well until then maybe with Lesnar getting the upper hand on Cena like he's done in the past without actually having a match...maybe Lesnar eliminating Cena from the Royal Rumble or beating him in a tag match. So far Cena's never beaten Lesnar and they can make it seem as though Cena can't beat Lesnar for a year leading up to this match, similar to what they did with Batista vs Cena when Batista got the win at Summer Slam and Cena didn't have a victory over him until they fought at WrestleMania. I hope we see another Lesnar vs Undertaker match just not at WM, maybe Summer Slam. Either way I'm excited because it's a one year deal so they can actually pull off a few dream matches even if they're not all at the big ppv's!
I don't want see Lesnar vs Cena, for the same reason I don't want to see Lesnar vs Rock: they've both been done. Let's move on to something new and fresh.
I'd like to see Lesnar F5 Taker tonight, after the match not as an interference, and then Taker vs Lesnar at next years Mania
WHAT!!!! Lesner vs Punk? Punk is not on that level and its very unlikely he will be next year. That is ridic. If Lesner comes back it would have to be, Cena, Taker, HHH, Rock or Batista. Thats all.

Punk isn't on that level? Can you explain that? His merchandise is outselling Cena's and he's consistently outpopping Cena, hell look at Survivor Series numbers and TLC's, he's OUTDRAWING Cena. Punk is VERY MUCH on that level.

Punk is edging out Cena and is miles ahead of Orton, what else do you want him to do?
I think some people are overvaluing Lesnar here. Sure the "IWC" would love to have him back, but it wouldn't be as huge as Rock's return was. Here's a guy that to the general population had about a 3 year run in the WWE and is not very mainstream. Kids won't really know who Lesnar is and there are a lot of people who watch wrestling but not MMA and vice versa.

As for who he could face, well I wouldn't mind seeing Brock/Cena but maybe at Summerslam and not WM 29. Another year long build would be overkill. If Batista is to come back he'd probably start with Cena anyway. Brock/Rock or Brock/Taker could also be interesting.
It could work, the only way I would be ok with this is if he attacks Cena after the match. If he interfered in the match it would just ruin it as I think Cena vs the Rock should end clean. Same goes for HHH vs Undertaker. I think he should interfere after the match when Undertaker is doing his pose and what not.
I would not announce Lesnar vs. anyone until rumble 2013. With the recent problems with health and the shit he pulled when he left.

That said if you only have him for a year. Him vs. Taker Survivor Series and Him vs. Cena WM 29.
I don't want see Lesnar vs Cena, for the same reason I don't want to see Lesnar vs Rock: they've both been done. Let's move on to something new and fresh.
I'd like to see Lesnar F5 Taker tonight, after the match not as an interference, and then Taker vs Lesnar at next years Mania

Taker vs Lesnar has been done more times than Lesnar vs Cena or Lesnar vs Rock.
First of all, I just want to say that I want John Cena to defeat The Rock at this year's WrestleMania (today). No, I don't have anything against The Rock, but I feel that John Cena really needs this win. He's beaten everyone else still active. With that being said, if John Cena were to face Brock Lesnar at next year's WrestleMania (and I'm hoping the Undertaker retires soon because he's too broken up physically and a 20-0 record would be the perfect send-off), I'd like for John Cena to beat Brock Lesnar. Yes, Brock Lesnar is a monster who has beaten all of his opponents in the WWE except Goldberg and has had a tremendous MMA run, but this isn't MMA. This also isn't 2002-2003. John Cena's star power is arguably bigger than Brock Lesnar's in the WWE at this point. If John Cena were to lose to Brock Lesnar at the next WrestleMania, it would suck because it still means that Cena can't beat the one guy he couldn't beat, ever. Now, of course this could be done at other PPV's with John Cena getting a victory, but I think WrestleMania is that defining stage to set the record straight. That's only if Undertaker retires before then, which might not happen. And, yes, I would love to see Brock Lesnar in the WWE again taking on all comers left and right. There are a slew of superstars that he hasn't faced before and I also think it would be great if he could wrestle Triple H in a proper one-on-one match. Also, think of Sheamus vs Brock Lesnar. How great would that be? Two guys that soared to the top quickly squaring off with equal aggression.
God I sure hope not! Cena is so freaking stale what would rehashing another Cena/Lesnar feud bring? Unless they FINALLY have Cena turn heal tonight.

I'd much rather see Lesnar vs UT but i get the feeling this will be the last WM match for the UT.

I know most people are against this but I'd LOVE a Punk/Lesnar WM29 match. Lesnar could cost Punk the belt tonight. Because of Punk's martial arts background and Punk being a "Paul" guy this just spits FEUD!
i dont really understand all of the negativity in here for Punk. i must admit, i am not the avid fan that i used to be x years back, but i still make sure to keep up with the goings-on. therefore, i was under the impression that Punk was pretty huge the past year (i have little to no interest in his current angle, however. not that its bad, iv just lost all interest in jericho... especially the usual heel jericho.) but more to my point, id LOVE to see Lesnar vs Punk at ANY time. WM29 aside, throw those two on opposite ends and put a mic in Punks hand... ill damn sure be tuning in.

i do hope either Lesnar or Batista gets involved in Rock/Cena tonight though. I WANT A CENA HEEL TURN!
I would prefer Undertaker instead of Cena. I dont want to see Cena in another 1 year wrestlemania build.

LOL @ CM Punk... um no unless its just a squash match for Lesnar. I cant take little bitchy Punk as a serious opponent for Lesnar.
Rather see Lesnar vs Taker, Cena vs Lesnar is not as big tbh because i dont know what build up they could do.

Lesnar was built as 'the next big thing' but soon after left the wwe, Cena not long after got his push to what we see now, it could be all around the fact Cena would be nothing without Lesnar leaving
Are we taking it for granted then that Brock is going to do a Dwayne and appear mostly via satellite? If so, I've already lost interest. I know that Brock's got funky guts so probably can't do a full time in-ring schedule, but he needs to maintain a constant presence throughout the year to make it a good build.[1]

Remember, Brock is by no means fantastic on the stick. For the most part of his relatively brief time in WWE Heyman was his mouthpiece. He's going to need a stooge to help garner heat for him because he just doesn't have the instant star power that, for example, The Rock or Jericho have.[2]
Moreover, Lesnar's tenure was - in the grand scheme of things - a flash in the pan. He was only around for less than 3 years, and spent most of his time on Smackdown.[3] It begs the question, how many WWE fans (diehards exempt) remember Brock or even care?

Brock shot to the top incredibly quickly during his run and faced off against most of the main stars already: Rock, 'Taker, Cena, Show, Angle, Goldberg, HHH. With the exception of vs. Angle at Wrestlemania, none were particularly classic bouts.[4]

So who could he face at WM? Of course, going up against Cena, the top dog, will be a big draw. Cena was nowhere near the level he is now when Brock left; now they could take it to another level. Or, the Undertaker, settling beef from that real-life 'confrontation'. Or maybe have Brock face someone like Sheamus and let them have an all-out scrap. Either way, I can't say I'm stoked.

Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike the fella, I just feel that some fans nostalgically make him out to be bigger and better than he actually is.

(Note to mods: please can we merge this into an overall Brock thread?)

1. Brock isn't the guy he once was, but he really doesn't need to be. I suspect his retirement in MMA was more about him not being able to compete at a top level rather than not being able to take full contact. Brock probably isn't gonna be asked to bump week in and week out. He can dominate a few jobbers on raw and save the bruises for the big shows.

2. I agree he's no Jericho on the mic, but Brock can hold his own. He was not the top draw in both WWE and UFC for nothing. His very presence commands attention and generates an emotional response. He doesn't need help getting heat, it comes natural to him.

3. How is he a flash in the pan? He was a huge deal during his entire WWE career, and left on his own with his last match at wrestlemania. If he had choosen to stay he still would have been a top star. 3 years might be a relatively short tenure, but it's plenty enough to move him out of the flash in a pan category. And Taker was also a Smackdown mainstay. They were plenty capable of being just as big of stars on Raw, the WWE wanted to elevate Smackdown to that level.

4. A fair point. He's no HBK, but who on WWE's current roster is?
HHH vs HBK...A Very talked about match as a fall out from this years match and likely out come

CM Punk vs Stone Cold Steve Austin...Straight Edge vs Bionic Redneck. A Clash of styles and personalties

Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker...A Match that Vince wanted for this Mania

Brock Lesnar vs the Rock....A Match between 2 mainstream personalities.

Brock vs Cena...Too Top this years Cena Rock match

Rock vs Cena 2...The Rematch

Cena vs Undertaker.....The Streak vs Superman

CM Punk vs Kurt Angle
CM Punk vs. Kurt Angle, where in the fuck did that come out of? Kurt only signed a new two years contract last year with TNA so wherever you pulled that out of, chances are out of your ass, it isn't happening so it shouldn't be listed.

CM Punk vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin. We've seen The Rock comeback, we know Brock can comeback and him returning which is going to happen eventually, will be big. Shawn has only been finished for two years and although his meeting with Triple H could be inevitable, Stone Cold Steve Austin hasn't wrestled a match in nearly ten years! Stone Cold is one of if not the greatest WWE Superstar of all-time, the guy transcended the industry and was entertaining while doing so. Very few fans dislike Stone Cold Steve Austin.

CM Punk is currently the cool thing to like in WWE. He took a microphone, spoke last summer, dropped a few things people didn't think WWE would allow talent to say, built a huge buzz around himself and has since been one of the big guys in the WWE. CM Punk is the anti-authority figure, the badass that people want to like and he's the guy most people wish and have mentioned they would like to see face Stone Cold.

They've already got instant chemistry, one is a beer drinking redneck, the other is a straight edge libertine, both could care less about authority and as Austin was in the late 90's and early 00's, CM Punk is currently on top of the WWE as the WWE Champion and one of their top guys. It'd be an instant draw, a great angle if played right and would bring a lot of buzz to next years, or the following one, whichever Wrestlemania they decide to do it, that we have got from this years.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. CM Punk. Every other match is just an added bonus to me.
Im gonna have to do a write in and say Brock Vs HHH. I dont think they faced off one on one before and could be a great rivalry.

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