Sheamus's Future - Discussion Thread

Well I personally see Sheamus as the next Ultimate Warrior.
He's tall, he's got a great phisique, and he's getting the push that so many superstars dream about.
He's shoved away by the rest of the locker room for getting a push because he sucks up to HHH.
Soon his career will be over, and he's gonna start beef with Vince.
i can answer this question in one word "no" seamus came out of nowhere and so did mattmorgan in the wwe and jon hidenriech, maven. they all had respective pushes and did great things but early in their career. and did not stick around true they never won the title but i doubt they will give the title to seamus again, he won and defended the title with only 1 pinfall against christian in a title defense. he only won 1 legitt match and if wwe does not realize tht is completely idiodic then yes there will be a futre for seamus.
Sheamus got his push from his Title run so now he'll just be a role player/upper mid card place holder for a while til' his next big feud. I just hope he doesnt get comfortable during this time and WWE bypass him for his future push!
I think his title run was premature, but he will be around far a long time. He's got a good gimmick, descent mic skills, and most importantly he's good friends with HHH. I wouldn't be to surprised to see him go over HHH at WrestleMania since there's a rumor HHH might take time off after WrestleMania. They might do an injury storyline. That would give him momentum until HHH comes back, and he has to job to them.
tbh i like shaemus. I've been more interested in his title reign than the undertakers over the last few months. People are hating on him but has the undertaker actually done ANYTHING to be remembered as champion during this reign? Shaemus beat Cena and orton and has Triple H at 'mania.
I can see shaemus staying relevant on Raw/smackdown on the upper mid card. People need to remember that the undertaker and HBK are retiring in the next few years, and even batista has said he's got a few years left. I think sheamus will fued around upper mid card and work against a face champions every now and again to give a champion a credible opponent for 1/2 ppvs.
People compare him to khali and kozlov. Kozlov and khali can barely speak a word of english (Their characters not what i've read online where they can actually speak english very well). They are also pretty unrealistic and can't carry a match long. I mean kozlov was reduced from a Headbutt to a push as a finisher??
Khali can barely move around the ring and all he's ever done is a head chop, Brain squeeze or that hangman drop move.
When shaemus beats someone down, it isn't embarassing to watch like kozlov or sheamus. He actually gets heat. I've not heard any "You can't wrestle" chants like kozlov used to get. Kozlov used to get a lot of boring chants too because it actually was boring to watch.
Shaemus on the other hand CAN actually wrestle and has 8 years of experience. He's also 6ft 6 and built like WWE seem to like. His pale skin and hair help stand out against the generic big body builder gimmick tbh. It gives faces ammo in promos, but also makes sheamus that more intimidating when he beats them up.
Sheamus got his push too early, but since he got it he has already become a midcarder. I maybe mistaken, but wasn't he supposed to get some type of rematch for losing the title? He has a good look, some decent moves and a cool finisher, but his mic skills need work. I do think he is raw and has good potential. Now that he has won a title they can't make him go away otherwise his push was a waist.

If the WWE really is grooming for the future Sheamus has to continue to get better and they need to work with guys like him, Morrison, Kofi, MVP, , Dibiase and Rhodes to keep the future bright.
Sheamus was destined to fail the day Vince decided to make him a world champion 2 months or so after having joined the company. There is no where for the guy to go from here but down. Any success he has from here can only be considered a step back, having already climbed to the top of the mountain so quickly. It was really a bad choice on everyones part to even entertain the idea of putting the WWE Championship on anyone so green so fast. IMO, this title run so early will probably only hurt his career, being that if he doesn't win his title back soon he will only be considered a flash in the pan. The guy is a former champion and they haven't even given him the normal championship re-match what does that tell you?
Sheamus was destined to fail the day Vince decided to make him a world champion 2 months or so after having joined the company. There is no where for the guy to go from here but down. Any success he has from here can only be considered a step back, having already climbed to the top of the mountain so quickly. It was really a bad choice on everyones part to even entertain the idea of putting the WWE Championship on anyone so green so fast. IMO, this title run so early will probably only hurt his career, being that if he doesn't win his title back soon he will only be considered a flash in the pan. The guy is a former champion and they haven't even given him the normal championship re-match what does that tell you?

Holy cow... the ignorance on this forum astounds me at times. A word to the wise: IF YOU'RE GOING TO ARGUE AGAINST SHEAMUS'S WWE TITLE RUN AND HIS "LACK OF EXPERIENCE", DO YOUR RESEARCH, FIRST!!

I've explained this in a billion other threads already: Just so everyone knows, there IS life outside of the WWE, you know. Sheamus has been wrestling for over six years already. He began overseas in promotions in Ireland and England. Here is a picture of him in his early days overseas in 2005:


Not to mention the fact that he was in FCW since October of 2007, brought onto ECW in June of 2009 and won the championship in December. This is a SIX month span on the main roster of the WWE, not TWO.

No matter what you guys say or think, the guy is experienced, has a very unique look, large build, good mic skills, and he's a damn hard worker. Sure, Triple H is mentoring him, but that's because Sheamus was smart enough to approach him and learn the business from one of the best wrestlers of the past two decades. But gee whiz... he's just sucking up to the boss's son-in-law, right?

Sheamus wasn't plucked off the streets by the WWE, given a pair of tights, a raw egg to eat, and shown how to do a bodyslam before being promoted to the WWE Championship. He was more experienced than 90% of the FCW roster at that time and a good portion of the WWE's Raw and Smackdown rosters. He may not have been in the WWE for enough years to be considered "ready for the main event" in your eyes, but your opinion means nothing. He was given his spot because he earned it and deserved it, all while satisfying the audience's thirst for a new face to hold the WWE Championship. Sheamus was the perfect candidate for this. You were all sick of seeing Orton vs. Cena? Sheamus was your cure.

Given his WWE Championship reign and current feud with Triple H that will stretch through Wresltemania, he's going to get the rub that he needs to be a mainstay in the WWE Championship and main event picture. He's not going anywhere and you're all going to eat your negative words about him within a year's time. Mark my words.
I didn't say he was plucked off the streets I said he had only been in the WWE a couple months. Who besides you gives a shit if he has wrestled over seas for 6 years. Over here he was a nobody, and that's the way the fans still see him. To the casual fans of the WWEU who don't follow a wrestler from his grass roots of his home land he is a greenhorn not ready to be the figure head of the number one wrestling company in the world. For you to argue otherwise simply because he has a handful of years overseas experience is close minded on your part.
I didn't say he was plucked off the streets I said he had only been in the WWE a couple months. Who besides you gives a shit if he has wrestled over seas for 6 years. Over here he was a nobody, and that's the way the fans still see him. To the casual fans of the WWEU who don't follow a wrestler from his grass roots of his home land he is a greenhorn not ready to be the figure head of the number one wrestling company in the world. For you to argue otherwise simply because he has a handful of years overseas experience is close minded on your part.

I give a shit because it does make a hell of a lot of difference. Chris Benoit and John Cena didn't start out wrestling in WWE but they became pretty good wrestlers. You obviously don't follow FCW or anything of the like because I can tell by your post. It's not close minded to realize that there are other promotions out there and Sheamus was a good champ who brought us out of the monotony of shit Orton/Cena/HHH matches. Sheamus looks to be heading toward a match with HHH which is good for him because he will be getting a rub from one of the best in history.
The fans can't stand him for a reason, for you to say he has good mic skills is laughable, and he trying to look intimidating face looks like he is trying to pace a rather hard turd. For you to fly off the handle on me having this been only my third post at the time you obviously have a huge man crush here sorry didn't mean to step on your toes.
The fans can't stand him for a reason, for you to say he has good mic skills is laughable, and he trying to look intimidating face looks like he is trying to pace a rather hard turd. For you to fly off the handle on me having this been only my third post at the time you obviously have a huge man crush here sorry didn't mean to step on your toes.

Where in his post did I say he had good mic skills? He was shaky at first because he is decent on the mic now and his Irish accent isn't much of a hinderance. He's a decent monster heel with a good moveset and good psychology in the ring. Sheamus is doing okay in the WWE and he can only improve.
The guy bores me what can I say get over it or fuck off for all I care I'm interested in your opinions about as much as you are interested in mine. They could have picked somebody else for this mega push for god sakes for you to go along with whatever the WWE feeds you and say he was your savior because that's what Vince said is just ******ed.
I didn't say he was plucked off the streets I said he had only been in the WWE a couple months. Who besides you gives a shit if he has wrestled over seas for 6 years. Over here he was a nobody, and that's the way the fans still see him. To the casual fans of the WWEU who don't follow a wrestler from his grass roots of his home land he is a greenhorn not ready to be the figure head of the number one wrestling company in the world. For you to argue otherwise simply because he has a handful of years overseas experience is close minded on your part.

Wait a minute... you're telling me that he's too inexperienced for the WWE even though he has more experience than half of their roster and I'M the close-minded one?

It doesn't matter if you guys give a shit about it or not. It is an undisputable fact. If you want to take the low road and try and disregard fact just to make your bullshit sound like it has ANY kind of validity whatsoever then feel free to continue to make yourself look like a horse's ass.

Your ignorance is the exact point of my previous post. If all of you weren't so ignorant, you would realize that none of you have a leg to stand on with your arguments. It's quite laughable, actually.

The fans can't stand him for a reason, for you to say he has good mic skills is laughable, and he trying to look intimidating face looks like he is trying to pace a rather hard turd. For you to fly off the handle on me having this been only my third post at the time you obviously have a huge man crush here sorry didn't mean to step on your toes.

Welcome to your first pwnership on Wrestlezone Forums. Don't argue if your facts aren't straight.
The guy bores me what can I say get over it or fuck off for all I care I'm interested in your opinions about as much as you are interested in mine. They could have picked somebody else for this mega push for god sakes for you to go along with whatever the WWE feeds you and say he was your savior because that's what Vince said is just ******ed.

Yes please tell Vince McMahon how to run the most popular & sucessful wrestling organisation in the world. Please tell him as you have such vast knowledge due to your years of experience in the wrestling business in such organisations as? The guy knows what he is doing with HIS business.
The thing that makes Sheamus so good is he is more a badass heel than a monster heel which means he won't run from his competition he will decimate them. His signature moves have great impacts to them(the kick, the uranage backbreaker & the Crucifix Powerbomb) and even in his debut the crowd were really into his match. Hell the guy even had his first ever loss to Goldust whereas most guys lose matches to main event talent he took his first loss to a 40 year old. Like him or loath him the guy is here to stay and will probably work a brilliant match with Trips at WM.
There is nothing left for Sheamus. He's boring as hell, no charisma, he gets no pop. He had a terrible title reign. All of his moves came from Razor Romon. WWE needs to get rid of Sheamus

Rko 4 Life:worship:
At TLC Sheamus won the WWE championship in a tables match against John Cena. Ever since then he lost it in the elimination chamber. In Sheamus's case he can argue that it took 5 other men to defeat him & lost it to the person he won it from. This is just to ask the question. If Sheamus becomes an iconic figure in the WWE, Will Cena be known as the man who passed the torch? or is it too early to tell where he gets the torch from? (because he might face HHH at 'Mania). remember this is a huge if Sheamus becomes a legend. I'm not a fan of his at all, but I find this to be interesting.

*edit* title was suppose to say larger than LIFE personality
if sheamus goes over hhh at wrestlemania then hhh, if not, then it would be cena who passed the torch.

if sheamus beat hhh at mania, clean or not clean, it would solidify him in the main event. people like the great kali became champion and then never came close again. by hhh putting sheamus over, he moves into the main event scene as a permanent member.

but this all depends on what passing the torch is. just giving some guy a rub is not passing the torch. it is pretty much saying, you are taking my place here at the top. thats again why i think if hhh looses, he very may well be that guy.
I think this guy has already peaked. I think he is garbage. From his look, to his mic skills, to his God-awful in-ring ability. So maybe I am just far too biased to answer this, but I think it's for good reason. I think he is just terrible, and for me to even think about the word legend associating itself with Shitmus makes me gag. So him becoming a larger-than-life personality is hard for me to buy into. But who knows, John Cena is the top guy in WWE, so just about anything is possible.
I agree with Brahma Bull that giving a guy a rub is not passing the torch. If that were the case, then Cena would've passed the torch to Sheamus at TLC and that doesn't really constitute as "passing the torch" IMO.

If Sheamus can beat HHH at Wrestlemania (which is the direction I think WWE is leaning towards), I think that would qualify as passing the torch. Beating HHH on the grandest stage of them all gives Sheamus instant credibility and will do wonders for his career. Maineventers in WWE not only have to make money for the company but they must also estabilish a genuine connection with the crowd, whether that be a huge pop or massive heat and as of now, Sheamus has neither. The only heat he ever recieved in his title reign was the heat that people simply didn't want him as champ, not that they hated him.

That said, beating HHH can most likely help him establish that connection with the crowd and solidify him as a bonified maineventer.
damn well i get what your saying but it seems The WWE is trying real hard to keep sheamus as a top dog but i dont even know if the crowds that into him i know im not maybe because he got pushed to fast or because hes missing something but either way i dont see him as a top heel at all maybe top mid card at best but i dont think it was the passing of the torch at all i just think wwe was trying to let the fans know that sheamus is a top contender and a beast even tho i dont think so to answer your question finally i think they made him beat cena to let the fans know that sheamus is there to stay in the main event a top dog not just any other jobber but who knows how fair he'll get
To "pass the torch" as an idiom of transferring leadership from one to another e.g. CEO, American Presidency, a literal passing of a baton or torch in relay running etc. First, Cena would have to be established as the current leader of WWE, --a point one could actually make a strong case for-- second, but more importantly Sheamus would have to have to take up said mantle and be on equal footing and be considered the leader of WWE which is a claim that simply can not be made at this juncture and least of all can be proven with anything that even remotely comes close to resembling evidence and/or fact. Lastly, even if it came true years down the line this specific instance wouldn't be where the event would take place as Cena has yet to relinquish his perceived title as leader of and all around face (no pun intended) of WWE, regardless of the belt he may or may not posses.
I'm not a Sheamus lover or a Sheamus hater, but it will certainly be something different if he became an icon. It would also be very funny because all the sheamus haters would then start kissing his ass. Shame. But sheamus needs a few tweeks in order to head in that direction. He needs a new finisher desperately as the razors edge is a move that just looks bad emulated. He needs a bigger moveset, needs to wrestle longer matches and go over huge stars without getting disqualified. Whomever huge he goes over will establish him as a main eventer, although i feel like it wont be a "pass the torch type of thing", Because that's usually for wrestlers who are retiring. If he takes those steps he'll be fine.
It is ridiculous to say that the crowd is not into Sheamus. He is one of few wrestlers in WWE whom get booed by pretty much everyone. Whether the people don't like him or don't want to see him as a champ he is drawing major heat. As long as passing the torch goes, I don't see it happening yet. HHH is not the top dog anymore. Plus he already passed the torch to John Cena. And John Cena still has a while to go before he can pass the torch.

If Sheamus ends up being in WWE as a top dog for the next 5-6 years I think he will be one of those guys who never got the torch passed to but who took all the opportunities that he was given and made the best out of it.
Weather he becomes an "icon" or not how in the hell can you tell at this point. He's been around for less then a year and has only been in the main even scene for 4 months . Its not even a topic worth discussing at this point in time.

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