A Very Regal Three Hour RAW: King Of The Ring LD - 11/29/10

The Doctor

Great and Devious
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Did Cole call it the Era of Awesomeness?

Doesn't matter. Either way, Miz still sucks.
I love everyone involved in the KOTR to some degree or another, so I'll have to play the fanboy card and root for JoMo to win. Though I'd honestly be okay with any of them winning.

If the cable is established in my new residence by tonight, I'll be here.
I love everyone involved in the KOTR to some degree or another, so I'll have to play the fanboy card and root for JoMo to win. Though I'd honestly be okay with any of them winning.

This, except replace "JoMo" with Bryan. I wouldn't even mind a McIntyre or JoMo win if it meant gimmicky stuff and more personality from either of them. King Morrison at his Palace of Wisdom!
This, except replace "JoMo" with Bryan. I wouldn't even mind a McIntyre or JoMo win if it meant gimmicky stuff and more personality from either of them. King Morrison at his Palace of Wisdom!


Come on, Doc. Bryan has a title. He doesn't need KOTR.

JoMo totally deserves to be in this tourney. He needs a resurgence and quick.
I'll be absolutely shocked if Alberto Del Rio does not win the KOTR tonight. It suits his gimmick to a tee, and will give him another push in the direction of the main event. Can you imagine the entrance he already has, but now with crown, robes, etc., ? Instant heat. I predict he wins tonight by defeating Sheamus in the finals.
I'm betting on a King DCR. Del Rio, Morrison, Sheamus, and Bryan are doing things. McIntyre has nothing going for him. Jackson's better off squashing peons than putting on a crown. And can you REALLY imagine WWE going with King Kofi Kingstone? If so, look at the initials.
Meh. To me he's a guy with all the tools in the world but little clue how to use them. He's got a good look. He's got a unique voice. He can wrestle better than Barrett but somehow Barrett's taken what he's got and uses it masterfully. Drew just doesn't.
I'd love to stay up and watch this. As a matter of fact, I do have a late start tomorrow. No start at all if it snows. Alas, I shouldn't risk it. I might just get up early and watch it before I leave.

I made my feelings pretty clear in that handicap thread or whatever. DBD 4 Lyfe.
I'm really hoping Daniel Bryan can pull it off. There isn't another guy in that tournament I actually want to win. If The Jiz can carry the WWE championship, Daniel Bryan should be allowed to win this thing and keep his U.S. title.
McIntyre has it all. He just can't use it all. However, winning this could be a step in the right direction for him and so I wouldn't mind it.

Plus, I have a bit of hope for him after seeing him do that crowning motion after his match on Smackdown.

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