A Very Regal Three Hour RAW: King Of The Ring LD - 11/29/10

Then Triple H couldn't win against Goldberg, Kane, RVD, and the countless others without Ric Flair during 2003. Heels cheat to win. Edge did it with Lita and Vickie. You are looking way too into this Blue. I highly doubt most of the regular fans thought that King would be champ if Riley and Cole weren't there. They were probably like me, disappointed that King didn't win but glad he beat up Cole.
Those are all actual threats. Not a grandpa. Honestly I wouldn't even still be going on about this if it wasn't for the fact that no one seems to understand that barely beating someone who doesn't wrestle anymore and was old enough to be the Miz's grandpa without help makes your champ look weak. I know some of the people that I'm going at it with aren't dumb people, but seriously.
So, had Riley and Cole not been there King would be the WWE Champion. Miz couldn't beat him on his own.

I'm just saying that this is how it comes off to every non smark.

Ric Flair almost beat Triple H in 02 or 03. No one bitches about that, and it was a plain old match, which should have been a bigger advantage to the better athlete HHH.

King got a lucky shot and almost pulled out a miracle win. That doesn't make Miz look weak, the match type evened the odds for King. Miz made King look like gold, but no one is talking about that.

And you realize that you're the Smarky one here, right Blue?
Ric Flair almost beat Triple H in 02 or 03. No one bitches about that, and it was a plain old match, which should have been a bigger advantage to the better athlete HHH.

King got a lucky shot and almost pulled out a miracle win. That doesn't make Miz look weak, the match type evened the odds for King. Miz made King look like gold, but no one is talking about that.

And you realize that you're the Smarky one here, right Blue?
Ric Flair is 100x greater than Jerry Lawler. And also, how does a TLC match benefit a geezer? If Miz couldn't beat down and old man with weapons what makes you think he should be able to beat anyone?
How the fuck could you think anything else based on what happened?

My mistake Either way you caught it. Touche and I'll kill myself because of it.

Those are all actual threats. Not a grandpa. Honestly I wouldn't even still be going on about this if it wasn't for the fact that no one seems to understand that barely beating someone who doesn't wrestle anymore and was old enough to be the Miz's grandpa without help makes your champ look weak. I know some of the people that I'm going at it with aren't dumb people, but seriously.

It's simple man. Lawler may be 61 years old, but he can still be a crafty veteran. Miz was in control until he made mistakes. King capitalized on them. If Miz just took the ladder after he beat King with the chair, he wins. But he wanted to inflict punishment. He got caught on the turnbuckle, and got popped through the table. I don't see how taking an old man like Lawler for granted and then getting caught makes him look weak.

Just because he needed help doesn't mean anything. If King were smart he would have just popped Cole right when he got down the ladder and climbed back up. But he didn't. He followed Cole around the ladder a few times and then clocked him. Fault Lawler for not being a smart veteran in that instance.
The fact that this has been defended and defended for hours upon hours now really proves my point though. It came off as him looking weak to normal fans, who already are like "WTF, the guy from the Real World is champ?"
He didn't cheat, he got saved. He would have lost without Cole coming in from the desk. And it's not just the cheating. He barely got the title off of Orton after a Nexus beatdown and match with Barrett, not to mention the match was with King. Is this really that hard to see why he looks weak?
He didn't cheat, he got saved. He would have lost without Cole coming in from the desk. And it's not just the cheating. He barely got the title off of Orton after a Nexus beatdown and match with Barrett, not to mention the match was with King. Is this really that hard to see why he looks weak?

Like I said before man, you are looking way too much into this. He caught Orton with the SCF. Orton was going for the RKO and Miz caught him.

He got cocky and that almost led to his downfall.
I'm not exactly sure where this charisma is you say Morrison has because I don't see it. The guy can put on some good matches but he is absolutely atrocious on the mic. He was actually semi-interesting as a heel but as a face his entire persona changes and makes him completely uninteresting outside of the ring.

I will agree with you on that point. People compare this guy to Shawn Michaels. Im not sure how many people on this forum were watching wrestling in the 80s, but Michaels in the Rockers in early WWE and AWA was horribly boring. Couldn't cut a promo to save his life. Then he got an edge to him after the famed barber shop incident in WWF. That is what made him who he became. WWE fucked up by not keeping Morrison as a heel. Just like Shelton Benjamin, another wrestler who sucked on the stick. This is why the lack of a manager is such a shame in modern wrestling. Some of the greatest wrestlers never perform on the greatest stage, never put on 5 star matches because they didn't have managers to take away from their horrible mic skills. Let's face it, Ed 'Strangler' Lewis was good because of the promoter and his manager Billy Sandow.
The fact that this has been defended and defended for hours upon hours now really proves my point though. It came off as him looking weak to normal fans, who already are like "WTF, the guy from the Real World is champ?"

He's a heel.

This will piss people off.

People will buy PPVs in order to see the guy lose...and then he won't. Just like JBL.
Ric Flair is 100x greater than Jerry Lawler.
Ric Flair was an old man (and likely a Grandpa, as you oh so eloquently described Lawler), just like Lawler is an old man. And both were just handed a title match for no reason. Both opponents didn't take the match seriously, because of the "inferior" opponent.

And also, how does a TLC match benefit a geezer? If Miz couldn't beat down and old man with weapons what makes you think he should be able to beat anyone?
Weapons help an old man who isn't as much of an athlete as his opponent deliver painful offense, like Chairshots, or knocking someone off the top rope through a table outside the ring. If it was a normal match, King would have gotten his ass kicked, since all his offense revolved around the very weapons that you said Miz couldn't beat him down with (by the way, he DID beat him down with it, you just didn't watch the match and think King had all the offense).

This match was the Tortoise and the Hare. Miz (the young agile Hare) easily takes control of the match whenever he wants, but keeps King (the old Tortoise) alive by being lackadaisical. Eventually, he is lackadaisical enough to give King the opportunity to strike (hence top rope-table spot). Just like the Hare got too lackadaisical and took breaks, allowing the Tortoise to win the race. The Hare didn't look weak at all, he didn't take it seriously, and got caught in the end. Miz didn't take it seriously, and got caught in the end, but still won, because he used the tools available to him (namely Mike Cole)

Oh, and all this talk about Cheating is stupid. Last time I checked, the match was No-DQ. Interference wasn't illegal (or else the refs would have ejected A-Ri and Mike Cole or disqualified the Miz), hence there was no cheating.
He's a heel.

This will piss people off.

People will buy PPVs in order to see the guy lose...and then he won't. Just like JBL.
NOOOO, he's a heel, so he has to cleanly defeat every opponent, thus making them not worthy to have a title match on a Pay Per View. Miz not "cleanly" winning the match just proves that he's shit.......

Fuck that shit, Miz looked AWESOME by beating the fuck out of Jerry Lawler. Everyone is getting on the case of Miz, yet no one is giving him credit for carrying a 61 year old man who apparenly is so shit to a great TV Main Event.

Either Miz isn't weak, or Miz is awesome for carrying an old man. You're choice, you can't have both.
Why does Miz have to look weak? Why doesn't it make Miz look normal, and King look strong?

And you're right, Miz did do a great job carrying Lawer through it. Miz's job was to make himself look week, and Lawer look strong, and he did it. That is what the job of that type of heel is.

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