Your Fave Five

CM Punk - He is almost the total package right now. Needs a new finisher to replace the GTS, but otherwise, he is the best all round superstar in wrestling today. His promos are epic and keep you hooked.

Sheamus - has a great look and style and he's badass too. Should be the WHC very soon and I think he would be fantastic in the role as a face.

Rey Mysterio - the best worker in the ring. All his matches are either good to great, he takes alot of bumps and I always look out for an ingenious new set up for the 619.

Miz - Has come through the ranks, made it to the top, headlined Wrestlemania and all the while evolving his character in an interesting and entertaining way.

Mark Henry & Truth - Both seems to have broke new ground with their heel turns and are fun to watch in different ways. I thought Truth's match with Cena at Capital Punishment was pretty good and his promos have been gold, while Mark henry has been DOMINATING for the past two months (as he should be).

Special mention for Orton as I do think he is awesome in the ring. I do feel let down by his promos and that has kinda killed his character abit, but his in-ring work is at the top end, definitely.
Because of the original format of the thread, I think I'll keep it to just Smackdown Superstars

The growth that we have seen over the past months in Rhodes has been tremendous. He and Rey Mysterio had the Best match at WrestleMania and the Best match at Extreme rules. His matches with Daniel Bryan were absolutely brilliant. His mic work is some of the best on SmackDown and His current program with Zeke is excellent. I look forward to a lengthy Cody Rhodes IC title reign.

What? Mark Henry? Yes Mark Henry! At first I was against his push as a heel, thinking others deserve the spot more than him. but as time progressed I began actually liking him. His ring work is great for a big man, and really great for an older big man like his self. His match with Big Show was one of the better Big Man vs Big Man matches of the current era, and his current program with Sheamus is really exiting and it might be the second best thing on SmackDown right now.

Sheamus has come a long way since his WWE title reign. I was really glad when he got moved to the Blue Brand because after his titles he dropped right into the US title scene. He, Wade barrett, Christian and Orton make up a solid main event for SmackDown. I am SO glad that WWE finally turned him face. And the way they did it gradually with him standing up against Henry was the best way to do it without a 180 out of no where. After the Orton-Christian feud is over I think Sheamus will be next in line for the World HeavyWeight Championship.

It was a toss-up between for first but here it is:

SmackDown, in my opinion, suits Orton better than RAW does. Now you truly have the two faces of the company leading each brand. His feud with Christian thus far has been nothing short of phenomenal. Orton being on SmackDown gives you a few matches that we weren't able to get before on a main event level like him versus Sheamus and Barrett. He's brought a lot to SmackDown and I can't wait to see what happens next after the Orton-Christian feud.

God Christian is perhaps THE best thing to happen to SD since HHH was drafted there. His feud with Orton is insane and the fact that (well, to me) that it hasn't gotten stale yet is crazy. Each of Christian and Orton's matches bring something different to the table. their wrestling styles complement each others so well and they do some great story telling in the ring. The reason I put Christian over Orton in this is because of the mic work. Other than that these two would be tied.

Kind of on here by default by being the Raw case winner. He's been on a little streak since then as well. May be headed for a feud with Kofi Kingston. Hope he gets better in the ring. Sick of seeing his one and only move. Nice job bringing back Ricardo though.


I'm still high on Punk, but he's dropped a little because he hasn't competed since MITB. Still the hottest commodity in the business. I think his stock will go back to the top after SummerSlam; when he defeats John Cena for the unified WWE Championship (the WWE would be stupid to do it any other way).


The SmackDown case winner is hot hot hot right now. Winning the case has legitimized him and he continues to put on excellent matches (two of the last three weeks). It looks like a feud with Wade Barrett may be in order. I'm really looking forward to that.


Or, Faceamus rather. Sheamus' rough, tough, no nonsense attitude was making him popular among the general fans even prior to his recent face turn (as evidence by his reaction at MITB). Since turning face, Sheamus has confronted the World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry. Due to Henry being the other half of duo, this feud could end up being a disappointment but regardless, the crowd is really behind the Celtic Warrior right now. That has him high on my list.


Christian may have (kayfabe) lucked his way into a second World Heavyweight Championship, but for a supposed "weak champion" he has done a lot to validate himself in the last three weeks. Captain Charisma picked up successive wins against the Intercontinental Champion Ezekiel Jackson and the returning John Morrison in singles matches. He followed that up by picking up a pin fall on the #1 contender Randy Orton via the Killswitch in a tag team match. While Christian is still SmackDown's lovable weasel heel, he is looking more and more like a threat to (somehow) retain the world title at SummerSlam vs. Orton in a no holds barred match. IF Christian does win (no matter how), it will solidify him in the top spot on the SmackDown roster.
5. Sheamus
The Face angle they are going on with Sheamus is very believable, I really like the way they are heading with this, as they are also bringing his Irish background into it. Don't get me wrong, he is still a badass and his fued with Henry will be interesting.

4. Cody Rhodes
This guy, he defiantly needs to win the IC title at summer slam, and he is gaining alotta momentum leading into that PPV. His gimmic is sorta getting old to me, but i think he is great in ring and on the mic

3. Dolph Ziggler
Had a sweet match against Evan Bourne last week, and i like the meaning he is bringing to the US title. His new music is sweet, big things to come from this man,

2. Mark Henry
He has been so dominant as of late, i love the destructive angle he has been going on and his work on the mic has thoroughly improved. Loved when he threw the audio technician (seriously, where did that guy go?)

1. CM Punk
Been my favorite about 5 years now, I love punk and the push he has been given puts him at number 1.
5. Cody Rhodes

I started watching wrestling just weeks before Cody Rhodes debuted. It gives you a special satisfaction knowing how much he has progressed to the point he's the top mid carder on Smackdown.

4. John Morrison

Strange Story I was once a very big Chris Benoit fan so I started tuning into ECW when he was drafted thier. Long story short Morrison got Benoit's title reign after Benoit killed himself and guess what I actually continued watching ECW until he lost the title to Punk which killed it for me.

3. Ezekiel Jackson

Honestly I have no idea why I like him other then the fact he's ripped. Plus in one of the best attempts at psychology I've ever seen the slams before the Torture Rack is just genious it makes since that even though he's been dominated for a while he can just come back with that sequence. Marked out when he won the Intercontinental and ECW Championships.

2. Sheamus

I normally like big bad ass characters. Sheamus is no exception I fell in love with him in ECW, I saw him win the big one in a shocker (I still believe it was a bad decision but it's turned out well) his character is freaking awesome. Plus this Fella has all the skills needed to be a star for years to come great look, good ring ability, good mic ability, he's the total package.

1. John Cena

Love Him or Hate Him he always gets a reaction. I'm onto the first choice in that regard no wrestler is quite like Cena. Wherever he is something big is bound to happen when he shows up. Everybody likes a winner I'm not exception, biggest star of today, and he's a role model my little brothers can look up to.
CM Punk - The obvious choice at this point. I like his new image/music that he is presenting as well, it's about time to mix it up for him and he did.

- Another favorite these days... his face turn against Mark Henry is turning out really well for him and he is getting over majorly as a face.

Daniel Bryan - I like how they aren't making him look weak on Smackdown, and you know what.. I think it's working for him. Another music change, and I think it's for the better. Let's go D Bryan!

Tyson Kidd
- Had a very good match on Smackdown with Daniel Bryan... I'm ready to see some more of this! I think it would be fine if he lost all the time like he probably will, but why not have him as the "kidd" that won't quit.. and just hangs with you the whole match.. but always comes up a little short against the better guys... kinda like his match with Bryan.

Natalya - Bout time she's getting for realz again. I liked her in the ring as a face, she just wasn't getting the chance. Looking forward to see her in the ring some more, I truly believe she's the best women's wrestler out there today.
1. CM Punk: (Been a HUGE fan since he came to the WWE)
2. Sheamus: The guy is a BEAST. He's good in the ring and he doesn't have your typical bland attitude on the mic.
3. R-Truth: Holy crap the guy is funny. He's a solid wrestler to back it up.
4. Dolph Ziggler: The guy is good on the mic, he just never gets mic time because he has Vickie for that (Vickie has revived the meaningfulness of manager role). His matches are always entertaining and he's recently picked up his game big time.
5. DBD: Pretty much the reason why I watch Smackdown! His matches are always incredible; best WRESTLER on the Smackdown roster
My fave five is pretty close to yours Mr Fantastic with the exception of Dolph Ziggler. I think Mark Henry deserves to be in my Fave five because of how he is coming off the screen as a Brute, unstoppable, beast. I also agree that DBD spices smackdown up with his ability to carry an entertaining technical match.
5. Cody Rhodes- I enjoyed watching Cody progress from...this scrub to a nice mid-card heel on Smackdown! However, he's dropped quite a little because I think this whole gimmick has run it's course, but hey, when you have Cody's youth, he's still got a lot of time.

4. Daniel Bryan- I watch him on Smackdown. Top quality wrestling and submissions. Plus, he seems to be a very likable guy, which puts him on this list.

3. The Miz- He's kind of like Cody Rhodes, he went from this Tag Team he's a former world champion, and has some nice mic skills to boot. Plus, that love affair with Michael was very annoying, but I got some shits and giggles out of it. And a catchy theme

2. CM Punk-He's just on a roll right now. Let's see what's so appealing about him-Great promo skills-also good inside the ring, is in the middle of a great storyline with Cena, and is just on top of the world. And he has some crazy awesome references in his promos

1. Christian-Back then, TNA, and now, I've always enjoyed Christian. First of all-Back then-Amazing antics, amazing tag team wrestling, just a funny, funny guy, and even as a single's wrestler he wasn't terrible.

In TNA-Again enjoyable, he got a world championship, and he defended it well, proving he deserved it.

Nowadays-Is now on top of his game, he's in the middle of a feud with Random M'Fing Orton, he's got a nice, abeit a little weak heel run, and still has some promo power. I've always enjoyed Christian, so he had to beat CM Punk, I guess. :/
1. CM Punk - been a fan since his ECW days and i love him as a heel especially the SES and his 900th raw promo and commentating when he was injured I find that he is excellent on both mic and in the ring.

2. The Miz - excellent mic skills and funny i love his narcissist attitude and from what ive read his worked hard to get where he is.

3. Undashing Cody Rhodes - I'm loving Cody's new gimmick his great and has so much personality compared to dashing, he is the reason i watch smackdown each week and when his on im not disappointed.

4. Jack Swagger - the new kurt angle (sort of) i really like him for some reason, plus he has a funny lisp but as he says its not a speech impediment!

5.Sheamus - only a recent fan since probably MITB where i thought he deserved to win the match by how amazing he was, i thought how he powerbomb sin cara through the ladder was brutally awesome.
5. Sheamus

Always been a fan of Sheamus since his first WWE Title win and I've really been enjoying his face turn so far. He is great on the mic with his little Irish anecdotes and he is good in-ring as well. He definetly has the potential to become a big time babyface.

4. R Truth

"There better not be no spiders in this thread!"
What can I say? Truth cracks me up everytime he's on screen. He's great on the mic because he can get great heat and make people laugh their asses off at the same time. He's also not bad in the ring either.

3. Daniel Bryan

D Bry once again has always been one of my favs and he is only gonna get better now that he's got the MITB briefcase. That almost guarantees that he will be World Champ one day and I can't wait for that day. We all know he can go in the ring and is good on the mic when fucking Cole isn't stepping all over his promos. I love D Bry.

2. Christian

Also one of my favs for a long time. His run as a heel has been great so far and his run with the world title has been great as well. He is definetly good in the ring, having great matches with ADR and Orton and he is also good on the mic. Can't wait for the WHC Match at Summerslam.

1. CM Punk

Well obviously. Punk has always been my favorite since he debuted in the WWE and as of late he has become everyone else's favorite. We all know he is a god on the mic and can put on great matches with anyone. He just can do no wrong at this point.

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