Fave Five Moments of 2011

* The most obvious CM Punk shoots! I swear, if I don't watch Raw for anything else, it's to hear CM Punk say something that just makes us go crazy!

* I know there's been flaws since his debut, but the Sin Cara character and wrestler is amazing. We haven't seen moves like this from a guy in WWE in years!

* I like that Mark Henry finally got the well deserved strap! He's getting this monster push, and is the mean Mark we know and love. The silverback is back!

* The Rock's return- if you told me this time last year that The Rock would be back AND scheduled to wrestle 2 major events, I'd bet everything I owned you were lying. The Great One returned has returned, it'll only be a matter of time before he drags some jabroni down Know Your Role boulevard. . .

* R truth finally getting a change and turning heel was quite refreshing! Hopefully, we'll see more from the "little Jimmy" hater soon. Or somebody's gonna get got!
(in no particular order)

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