Your Fave Five

Evan Bourne- tenured in the biz for 11 years
educated feet, technically sound and a great highflier.
He may not be "The Rock" in terms of charisma but hw does have a very electrifying energy that he provides and has proven in many matches over the past 11 years that he is NOT and never will be a spot monkey, no matter how many times WWE tries to
market him as just a highflier, he's a great wrestler and seems to have
a lot of supporters{Cena, Jericho}, his contract ends in 2015 and It's obvious he will remain the guy Vince can count on to be a jobber and put over a heel, provide an extra ppv match and maybe just maybe he'll find his place in the upper midcard.

Trent Baretta-he's charismatic, he's shown glimpses of what he can do on the mic, he just needs a tag partner, he's very young and needs more time in the tag division before breaking out as a singles wrestler.
He's used as a modern spike dudley-jamie noble-early hardyboys like
jobber, but his surfer look/gimmick seems marketable to myself.

Bryan Danielson-Daniel Bryan-he's proven he's great on the mic when he is NOT scripted, he's one of the best in the ring as well.

Tyson Kidd-the guy is 30 years old, STOP MISUSING HIM WWE!

CM Punk-nuff said
1. Sheamus
Sheamus has been on quite a roll as of late forcing himself in the spotlight on Smackdown. Probably my favorite on the WWE roster (now that Punk is "gone"). Sheamus is a total badass and this Friday, he put on a hell of a match with Wade Barrett. I would say it's only a matter of months before he is wearing gold again.

2. Christian
Speaking of gold, Christian is next on my list. The World Heavyweight Champion is definitely keeping himself relevant on Smackdown over the last couple of months. Phenomenal match with Randy Orton at Money in the Bank and another great match on Smackdown with the Intercontinental Champion Ezekiel Jackson. Christian is playing a great heel role and his momentum is higher than just about any other Superstar on the Smackdown roster.

3. Rey Mysterio
My pick to win the WWE Championship this Monday. Why, I don't know, I think Rey could do a wonderful job as the WWE Champion. After all he has been putting over a lot of talent over the years. He hasn't done much on RAW besides a few big wins but this last Monday he really shined in the tounament.

4. Randy Orton
Oh the matches coming from this man get better and better. First another great match at the Money in the Bank PPV, then another fanfuckingtastic match on Smackdown this week. He has the right to be on my list.

5. Mark Henry
Beast mode. Mark Henry has taken out two of the biggest, most dominant superstars in the last couple of years in less than a week. First Big Show then Kane. It seems Henry's momentum can lead him right into the arms of a World Heavyweight Championship reign.
Here's mine
1.) CM Punk- he's been one my top guys for years when I first saw him on Ecw the first thing I did was google who the heck he was and was blown away. I'm glad to see how far he's come.
2.)John Cena- start your hating but there's something about his work ethic and the nostalgia with the hogan like character.
3.)the miz-this kid was amazing to watch grow into the most must see champ in history lol.
4.)Christian- with kane gone its down to him and mark henry as the on screen vets and face it you would rather see the strap in capt charisma and the kool-aid man.
5.)its a tie between Bourne and ryder, for no reason other than I like the underdog trying to make a name.
1. CM Punk
After the Money In The Bank PPV he has to be number one. The cloak was genuinely shoved over the eyes of the fans during the whole angle, and now it's evident that the whole thing was a work, something WWE have done very well, involving a multiple amount of storylines into this one. So far, due to the original worked shoot by CM Punk, you've got the on-going dispute between John Cena and Vince McMahon, the new one between McMahon and HHH as well as the fact that Punk truly is going to be glorofied during this whole thing.

2. Christian
Once again Christian had a great match with Randy Orton, the small snippet promos he did on the go home show of MITB were fantastic, and then this week he regained the World Heavyweight Championship, finally beating Randy Orton; albeit by DQ and he did a great job last night on Smackdown, in the opening promo, and made Big Zeke look impressive. Dude is red hot.

3. Randy Orton
Stellar performances left and right from RKO. The guy is so high on my good side, compared to when I lost touch with him a year or so back. He has a passion again, his wrestling ability has came out so much in his feud with Christian, he is playing his character so well and changing it in needed fashions. The smile on his face when he RKO'd Christian was great at MITB, and his match with Kane was good. Orton is becoming better all the time lately.

4. Rey Mysterio
Why do some people dislike Rey? He had good matches on RAW, his performance in MITB was good and hes been great since he was drafted back to RAW. His feud with CM Punk was like a bonus, and he always seems to get in the way of ADR which is always fun to watch. Rey is really coming out again, liking his stuff recently.

5. DBD
Daniel Bryan Danielson. Him winning the MITB was well deserved, he did great during the match, he really was like a nat during the whole thing, always in there, stopping people, getting in the way. Him locking in the Guillotine on the ladder was a great addition to the final scurry of the match, and honestly, the fact he could get a poor worker like Heath Slater over on SD! shows how good he is. DBD is the shit, always has been.
1 The Miz He is great and hmmm AWESOME!

2 Sheamus He acts on his size.

3 Justin Gabriel 450 Splash need more?

4 Randy Orton He can use RKO anywhere, and it always does 3 counts.

5 Zack Ryder He is like The Miz in future I think.
CM Punk would be in the List, but Unfortunately he's not with us the WWE that is. So i'm not going to list him. Now, THIS IS IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER. It is a very close running, so i can't just put em' in order on the spot, cause i have no Definite favorite.

5. Alberto Del Rio - He's got one of the best personalities in the WWE today. That little wink he gives that mocks opponents. Little sayings like "I'm Alberto Del Rio, But you already know that." He came into the business and feuded with Mysterio as well, which made him hated. He can really get off as a great heel. And he has massive amounts of talent as well. I can't wait to see Where his talent brings him in the future.

4. Cody Rhodes - Putting it Simply. Amazing Mic Skill. Can play any character given to him with perfection. Great in Ring Skills.. He is one of the "Perfect Packages" in the WWE today.

3. Wade Barrett - He brought about my favorite Faction in the WWE, The Nexus. He has amazing talent and potential, which is proven when he won NXT :P. He has the size, and is both quick and Strong. He is simply one of the funnest to watch in the ring today and will definitely go far.

2. Curt Hawkins - Shocked? You shouldn't be. If anyone watches superstars, you should see that he has amazing matches every week. His matches are better then some of the main events you see on Smackdown or Raw. I hope he gets a chance to compete on the Big shows in the future and captures a singles title or two. God knows he's earned it with his performances. And his mic skills? Not a problem. Just try him out and they'll see.

1. Sheamus -Another one of the "Perfect Packages" this guy is huge (has size) and is quick at the same time. Despite his accent, he puts on amazing promos...heck, the accent probably helps.. He has two powerful finishers. The quick Brogue Kick and The Powerhouse Celtic Cross. Just an overall "bad" dude
1. Cm Punk... It's obvious why
2. John Cena. Sunday really changed my opinion of him.
3. The Miz. Would really like to see him and Punk in a program... give them the spot light on raw for a while
4. Daniel Bryan. If he would cash in you would have Punk and Bryan as champs..
5. Dolph Zigler. When is this guy going to get the main event push?
1.Cm Punk....
2. Randall Keith Orton- He's by far one o fthe best wrestlers today, solid character, he's the new stone cold
3. The Miz- that's easy... because he's the MIZ and he's awesome! great mic skills, solid wrestling
4. Dolph Ziggler- Great look, ok mic, awesome move set. He's almost perfection
5. Zack Ryder- Just needs a chance and everybody will be spikin their hair, wwwyki
Here's mine:

5. The Miz - Being a strong hater of the Miz I would of never even thought he would enter my top 5 but the last few months I have come to 'like' The Miz. Maybe its the way he pulls the character off or maybe its that I can appreciate he has been working his ass off to prove himself he is making an impression.

4. Christian - Okay so I was pissed when he lost the WHC after his first win but that bought about a heel turn that he has played very well. Turning on the fans, attacks from behind, mind games all underhanded tactics that weeks prior we hadnt seen and then there was the 'smart' but extremely underhanded tactic at MITB provoking Orton to get disqualified.

3. Randy Orton - If only for his reaction at getting disqualified is the reason he comes in so high straight away. The maniacal way in which he stared into the crowd before the first RKO and then walking away and returning. The look in Ortons eyes was twisted and even watching from home you could just hear the voices inside his head.

2. John Cena - I have always been a fan of Cena. Yes I like most others am growing tired of SuperCena. But these past two months or so we have been seeing Cena pulling out more 'wrestling' moves. Suplexes, Desperation DDT's, Side Headlocks, Clotheslines, Top rope leg drops. There have also been certain points were Cena has become Ruthless when he needs to be. The reason he made the impact he did was with 'Ruthless Agression'. Stop all this full Cena heel turn talk just give him more of what made the impact take away SuperCena allow him to be beaten but when it comes down to it he kicks the shit out of anyone who gets in his way. But the improvements I have seen from him so far is why he is No 2.

1. Alex Riley - Well what can I say about Riley. The leaps and bounds that He has made since pulling away from the Miz has skyrocketed him straight to the top of my Fave Five. His participation in the MITB match may of not been full of action all the way through but we saw Riley as he said in an interview he left his body in the ring that night. His finisher for me although it does seem slightly weak currently once he really gets to grips with it then it could look really dangerous. The pop he gets from crowds seems to be pretty good and with his entrance you can recognise him straight away.
1) CM Punk- I have been a fan since ROH and always wanted to see him get that one huge push, all I can say is it's about time. I think Punk is the best heel in the business right now and has really added a lot of intrigue to a rather stale WWE product.

2) Alberto Del Rio- I wasn't sold at first, but I love the personna. I think he is a good in ring talent, he plays his character well.

3) The Miz- I couldn't stand him at first, then I started becoming a fan when he was on the ECW brand with Morrison. I respect the hell out of his perseverance, and I hope he sticks around the top of the food chain for a while.

4) Daniel Bryan- Another guy I have enjoyed since ROH, I am gad to see he is finally getting a much deserved push toward the main event. If there is one guy on the roster that I know for a fact will put on a great match every time they come out, it is him.

5) Justin Gabriel- I am glad to see him finally gone from the Corre, and I am hoping they give him a chance to shine on Smack Down and not bury him on Superstars. I think he has a good look, a good moveset, he just needs a lot of mic work.
I'm not going to count CM Punk because he's not technically under WWE contract right now, even though he's obviously going to be back eventually. If he was in the list, he would probably be either number two or three. But yeah, as far currently active full-time wrestlers...

5. Christian
I was against the idea of him turning heel, and I still do wish he had stayed face but he's done a great job with his heel run. He's pulled off the whiner thing really well without having it come off as ridiculous and jobber-like. I point to all the segments he had in the SmackDown before Money in the Bank to show how much he's progressed with this character and how easily he can play the cocky douchebag. Not much needs to be said about him in the ring, as he can put on a good match with just about anyone. I'm glad that he's finally getting his just due with a REAL World Heavyweight Championship reign, as he's deserved it for years.

4. Rey Mysterio
Rey is still great in the ring and doesn't get nearly the credit he deserves for battling through all his injuries and still delivering. I'm pulling for him to win the title this Monday because it's probably his last chance to maybe get a reign that means something. But yeah, the dude still puts on great matches and is vastly underrated on the microphone, not to mention his overness and uncanny ability to connect with younger fans. He is a tremendous asset for WWE and they need to start treating him like the huge star that he is.

3. Randy Orton
This man has given us some great stuff in the ring this year and doesn't deserve the shit he gets. He also doesn't deserve the claims that he's better than Cena, because he's not, in any feasible way whatsoever. But that doesn't mean he's not a talented performer who deserves the spot he has. Remember that the fans turned Orton face; the plans were to turn Rhodes and/or DiBiase face and leave Orton the way he was. He's the number two face in the WWE now because the people wanted it, and even if I thought him beating Christian for the title after five days was bullshit, their feud has certainly been a highlight of SmackDown this year.

2. The Miz
He is what he says he is. Awesome. This guy worked his way from the very bottom, being a jobber/comedy character, to being the WWE Champion (and possibly a two time champion after this Monday). Reports indicate that his work ethic is matched only be Cena's. He is a great ambassador for the company and has the right attitude in every situation. He's great on the mic and can deliver in the ring when needed, this year's Mania main event aside. Miz is going to be a huge star and WWE needs to make sure to invest in him as much as possible.

1. John Cena
Cena is better than everybody else in almost every possible way. His haters still have no idea what they're talking about and are stuck in arguments that haven't been relevant since 2006. But most intelligent folks have come around and realized what a tremendous talent he is, how he can indeed wrestle, and how he knows how to contribute to a big angle (Punk, Nexus, Rock, etc.) even if the focus is more on the other party. I'm pulling for him to break Flair's record eventually, because if anyone deserves it, it's Cena. Never Give Up, bitches.
Oh man this is tough because there are so many guys I would love to include but here are the five.

Chris Jericho
My hero,my idol,the first wrestler I absolutely worshipped and the best in the world at what he does. This man was my childhood, the fact that he was able to accomplish both of his dreams in being a wrestler and in a performing rock band help motivate me to follow my dreams. Also I can't help but throw this in for the millionth time on WZ but I met the guy twice and he is amazing.

Randy Orton
While Y2J is probably the best on the mic, Randy is the best man in the ring. Everyone he works with talks about it, and watching him it show how brilliantly fluid and smooth he is. But i've been an Orton fan since he came to the WWE with that horrible haircut and got to watch him grow into one of the greatest of all time, the man is a god.

Drew McIntyre
I know I there's no way he should be on here considering how he's going down the drain but for some reason I cannot help but like Drew McIntyre. I love his look,accent,and when he's on I love his ringwork. I pray that this man can actually one day become the superstar he's supposed to be and win a world championship without it being a fluke or do nothing for him like Swagger.

Sheamus The guy is irish, so that is already a good start. But Sheamus not only has the physical stature that demands attention and respect but he is so much fun to watch in the ring, I don't think anyone shows strength and power in their moves and strikes as SOS, and I cannot wait til we see him turn face.

Truth has always been one of my boys but ever since his turn he has been the most enjoyable heel i've ever watched. He plays a psycho so well and he's so damn entertaining, I love it! The man had better win some title soon, because the improvements to his charecter definitely warrant that.

Honorable mentions, HHH, Booker T, Benoit, Goldberg, Sting, Undertaker, Kane, Edge, RVD.
5. David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty – Yes they are not doing anything with the Titles right now, but they have them. Until another team can dethrone them, they are in the 5th spot.

4. Dolph Ziggler – With Vickie's “help”, Dolph went from cheerleader to perfection in 5 years. In the next 5 years, I see him as a multiple time WWE / World Champion.

3. Ezekiel Jackson – He is the ECW Champion and current Intercontinental Champion. He has come a long way from being led by an Englishmen, first Regal, and then Barrett. At the pace he’s going, he’ll be WWE / World Champion in the next few years.

2. Randy Orton – # 2 Show. # 2 WWE World Title. # 2 Superstar.

1. John Cena – # 1 Show. # 1 WWE World Title. # 1 Superstar.

Superstars listed are subject to change.


2. Christian – The best feud in Smackdown right now with Captain Charisma. This is only going to get better for Christian if he can just get past his current feud with Orton with the Strap still in hand.

1. CM Punk and John Cena – Like Triple H, I can’t decide who is number 1 between these two. I SHOULD have an answer by the end of SummerSlam…SHOULD.
1. Cm Punk - I'm not saying this just because of his recent storyline with Cena/Triple H/Vince. He's been number one in my 'fave five' since Jeff Hardy left. He's the great on the mic and in the ring.

2. Dolph Ziggler - He's got a great look, solid on the mic and fantastic in the ring. He's got a good look, which is different and stands out. He just needs to get rid of Vickie.

3. Sheamus - I've always liked him and his recent face turn has got me even more interested. He's similar to Dolph as he's also solid on the mic, fantastic in the ring and has got a good look which is different.

4. Drew McIntyre - I'm annoyed that WWE dropped the ball with him. He also has a good look, good mic skills and is solid in the ring. He's a better overall wrestler than most of the current roster yet they haven't done anything with him for some time.

5. Derrick Bateman - I know people are going to be shocked with this pick but I'm really liking him in NXT (yes I watch it). He's another guy who has a good look, good in the ring and okay on the mic. When NXT ends (if it ever does) I hope he gets a mi-card title and then maybe goes into the World Title picture on SD, I think he could be another face but he's also good as a heel.
I have 3 that I love:

Nakajima: That guy, in 2/3 years, will be in the heavyweight class, and will represent the Kensuke Office, he has a lot of talent, is 23, and can be better than his mentor Sasaki.

Sombra: 21 years, has a mix of spectacular highflying wrestling with technical mat wrestling and, sometimes, powerhouse, and he's, clearly, the future of lucha libre.

Danielson: The best wrestler in the world, enough said. The guy wrestlers like no one, the mic skills are improving, he has a lot of charisma, he's only 30 and has clearly a bright future in the WWE.
1. The Miz - I'm a MizFit. He's entertaining on the mic and excellent in the ring. I love his look and his persona. Sure, he might be a combo of the Rock and Jericho, (at least, that's what he states his character came from) but he is darn good at playing it.

2. Dolph Ziggler - I like him a lot. He is an incredible athlete, and his latest matches have really caught my eye with his wrestling skills. He is decent on the mic, but that can be improved. I see a lot of potential in him.

3. Alberto Del Rio - Future World Champion. It's his destiny, and we all know it. His mic skills keep me entertained, as well as when he is in the ring. I'm just waiting for the moment when he cashes in the briefcase.

4. Wade Barrett - Another young guy that I really think can be something in the WWE. I'm glad they aren't rushing him to the top, and are moving him slowly slowly. He will be main event status in the years to come.

5. Sheamus - His recent face turn got me worried, as I see him more of a ruthless warrior then a man to cater to the fans. But I got to thinking that he can use his warrior mentality and use it in his own style as well as playing the face role. Kind of like a superhero gimmick, but more of a Captain America, who protects, then a Superman, who wins all the time.

CM Punk - We all know why.
Cody Rhodes - Cena & Orton started off scrawny like him. Look where the are now. Rhodes has the potential to become the face of the company in 5 years.
Christian - Once a peep. Always a peep. Love his heel character.
Zack Ryder - What can I say? I'm a Broski.
In no particular order:

CM Punk: For obvious reasons. He's on the roll of his WWE career, and you would be crazy not to have him in any top five list.

Dolph Ziggler: Current United States Champion. And while he doesn't garner much heat without Vickie Guerrero, he put on consistantly good-to-great matches.

Sheamus: Ever since his move to the SmackDown roster, he's not only put on great matches and been one of the top players in the Main Event on the show, but his recent face turn is something fresh for Sheamus after a down period of bad gimmicks and terrible booking.

John Morrison: He had a great match with Christian. I've always found Morrison to be very entertaining.

Christian: What is there to say? As much as I miss Edge, if not for his retirement, Christian wouldn't be at the highest point in his career. I like the direction his character has taken, and he always puts on a hell of a match week in and week out.
1. CM Punk - He's been my favourite for years because he's the best all around talent in the company.

2. Sheamus - His wrestling is fantastic. He's charismatic and is one of the better talkers in the company. I became a big fan a week or two after he won the WWE title for the first time when almost everyone hated him.

3. Christian - He's probably a top three in-ring performer. I've been amazed at what he's been able to do with Orton. Orton's probably had the best matches of his career with Christian. His character was boring as a babyface so I'm really happy he's back heel now.

4. Daniel Bryan - I think he is the best in-ring performer in the company. Enough said.

5. John Cena - I love how he works so many fans into hating him. That's the beauty of Cena's character, and it's so funny because most in the IWC don't even see how they're being worked into hating the man. A lot of his promo work is childish and lame. I admit that some of the stuff he says gets a little too silly, but most of it I laugh at and am entertained by because he does a great job trolling the fans that don't like him. Also, Cena's wrestling is very good and he's been in plenty of MOTYCs.
CM Punk - Best mic worker, good in the ring, causing a stir and a controversial character. Could be ushering the WWE into a new era and garnering main stream recognition.

The Miz - I love the way he has developed and improved so much in every way since he joined. WWE put a lot of stock in him and paid off. He was the best champion for years and he has also shown a willingness and ability to elevate talent so early into his main event career.

Sheamus - Another one that has improved, especially in the ring and I am very intrigued to see how is received as a face.

Randy Orton - Always been a mark for Orton.

Alberto Del Rio - Just about one the toss up between the two MITB winners. I see his title run finally happening soon. He lost of steam after Mania, but it looks to be returning.
1. CM Punk. Been my favorite for years. Beside his Chicagohood, Pepsi affinity, and Cubs fandom, he is one of the best on the mic I've ever seen and has a character that seems more real than most because well, that's him. Recently I've become excited about WWE for the first time in several years because of his rise to the main event and seeing his frustrations come out on TV. I'm cautiously optimistic that this will lead to him being the SUPERstar he should be.

2. Daniel Bryan. What can I say, I'm an ROH mark. Bryan was my favorite in ROH for years and I'm very excited that WWE is pushing him the way they are. He can get a great match out of anyone. I hope he pulls out a lot more submissions (including Cattle Mutilation) in coming weeks and although I doubt it'll happen, a World Heavyweight Title Match at WrestleMania with him in it would be amazing.

3. The Miz. Watching this guy improve has been a joy. He's turned into the best heel in WWE and once he wins a lot more clean matches and becomes the dominant heel I know he can be, he'll be at the top of the card for years to come.

4. Zack Ryder. He got himself over on the net and really seems to have the crowd behind him. In a company of midcarders who struggle to stand out, the Long Island Iced Z does just that. WWWYKI

5. Evan Bourne. I'm a fan of in-ring prowess first, and this guy is just plain fun to watch. I hope the company uses him as more than a doormat in the months to come.

Hopes for the Future: Colt Cabana, Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli
1.CM Punk- great in the ring with a good moveset and the ability to tell a great story. his mic skills are excellent just look at his recent promos! the best in the world hands down (jericho is the best in the world at what he does wich is take epic dumps just look at the dvd cover for his latest dvd) 2. daniel bryan -fantastic in ring skills just look at his match with dolph zigggler. his mic skills are improving a lot. hope wins the title in maimi next spring. 3.sheamus- sheamus is just a beast plain and simple. i love the physicality of his in ring style. he has decent promo skills and his accent is funny. 4. sin cara-flashy but cool loking high flying moves and a great entrance. cant coment on mic skills for obvious reasons. if he can talk he has a future in the wwe. 5. evan bourne- much like sin cara in terms of ring skills but capable of more high risk spots than him. never heard him cut a promo so cant comment. by the way his 2 fingers taunt is annoying
These are not in any order, cause I love all these wasslers couldn't feel right ranking them against eachother

1) The Miz: Hey I'm a huge fan of his work, He improves so much each and every single time he's out there, he truley has the heart to become something special... And he has one hell of a heel gimmick

2) Sheamus: The Celtic Warrior is great!!! His accent and his fella comments, are the best parts of the show sometimes... Plus he's one angry ginger, who's bound for greatness within the WWE Universe

3) Alberto Del Rio: Need I say more, he's the total package... Great Mic skillz, he plays his gimmick off to near perfection, and he's a superb ring technician

4) Ricardo Rodriguez: He may not be a wrestler, but who don't love Ricardo... He's an prime example of how a manager can elevate a superstar, even tho Alberto dosnt need it, Ricardo makes him that much better... It's only a matter of time before Ricardo has more of a roll on T.V

5) CM Punk: He's the SECOND best in the World so I had to include him on this list, and you all know why so I'll leave it at that
1. CM Punk: I was a "Punk" mark since he first debuted. his in-ring skills are great, his mic skills are awesome and he knows how to WRESTLE. Only thing I dislike is his "GTS" finisher, WWE should have let him keep the Anaconda Vise he had for the first 3 months of his ECW carrer. StraightEdge.

2. The Miz: Just Awesome! I also like this guy since his debut. This guy worked from the absolute bottom, and mad it all the way to the top. Im also a big fan of Heel's. This guys gotta be one of the great mic users in the business today. Im just disappointed they mid-carded this guy recently. (Would love to see a Punk vs Miz fued for the WWE title someday)

3. Randy Orton: This guy. GREATEST. HEEL. EVER. Sucks they used him to replace Edge on Smackdown.

4. Evan Bourne: Great in-ring skills, little to no mic skills, this kid could be the next US Champ if the would just use him right. I like him for his High-Flying moves and his Wrestling skills.

Difficult...5. Alberto Del Rio: This guy had it going on Smackdown, great Mic skills, wonderful in-ring talent. RAW just mid-carded him. doing a great job with his gimmick (better than JBL). Great Heel for Smackdown, take this guy back to SD! and give Randy Orton back to RAW.
5. Dolph Ziggler. Always puts on a good match and with this new "Aggressive" Ziggler i think he will drop the US title to A-ry and then move on to the Main event Picture.
4. The Miz. Maybe not the best in the ring, But always delivers a good promo. I hope he stays in the Main Event are on raw and doesn't fall down to another feud with A-ry when he wins US championship.
3. Zach Ryder-Decent Ring worker, Funny guy, And recently he is getting a push on smackdown and even having matches on raw. Woo Woo Woo, You know it. Honestly 3 might be a little high though, but whatever.
2.John Morrison. This may be a little biased opionion because i also do parkour, but he his a good athlete. JoMo Has dipped into the main event before, He just has trouble staying there. If he Improved his Mic skills while he was injured i can see him as a WWE champion.
1.CM Punk. Do i need to list the reasons. He's the Best in the World. Amazing on the mic, Amazing in the ring, and a pretty good look even though WWE usually wants bigger guys to be the figure head. If you haven't figured it out...Yes i am a CM Punk Mark.
1- Drew McIntyre -> He is that type of superstar that or you love, or you hate...
He is like the most underrated and under-used wrestler in the WWE, however I feel that he isn't jobbing, WWE prefers to put him sidelined (he doesn't even show up on Superstars) because when they finally gave him a push, he can easily get back on tracks.

2- Sheamus -> I'm loving every minute of Sheamus since he was drafted to SmackDown, his role in the blue brand is the same that Jericho was for RAW last time, a believable upper-midcarder that could easily become World CHampion and people would feel alright about that.

3- Randy Orton -> RKO and his beard are awesome, enough said!!

4- The Miz -> He is like the perfect choice for covers and TV Shows to promote WWE and he I love his character in the WWE, the must-see Superstars. He is funny and I like the way he looks like he is going to cry whenever his opponent kicks out.

5- Wade Barrett -> He is a good average brawler wrestler, very good and he should be MITB Winner... He went from NXT Winner to a established upper midcard in a year.

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