Your Fave Five

My fave 5 is the following:

1. Randy Orton - I am a Randy Orton mark since I was 14 and this says everything. I was founding a lil bit in the cocky legend killer gimmick, so this can be the reason that no one could take his place in my fave five.

2. John Morrison - This place was to be for Edge, but since he is retired, "The Shaman of Sexy" fits the second one. I am a big fan of his look and his in-ring abilities and with some improvement on the mike I am more than sure that sooner than later he will be WWE Champion.

3. CM Punk - I used to hate CM Punk before the New Nexus. I was one of his very haters but since he changed his look and gimmick he earned my respect. Now I can admit whithout a doubt that right now he is the best in the world: charisma, mike skills, ring skill, look, everything. He can not missed my fave 5.

4. Ted DiBiase - Great potential, new Randy Orton. If WWE will push him as a face I think that he has a bright future. He was lost in shuffle the whole last year, but now he rejoined his former partner Cody Rhodes and I think this story will elevated The Million Dollar Son. Future world champion belive me!

5. Cody Rhodes - Almost the same reason as Ted. I liked him before Legacy. Now he is one of the hottest things on SmackDown and I am sure that 2011 is his year. I am cheering for him this Sunday to win the SD's MITB Ladder Match.

This is my fave five but these are not my all favourite wrestler from the WWE. I also like guys like Christian, Sheamus, Justin Gabriel, The Usos, Johnny Curtis, Zack Ryder, Alex Riley, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre and the list can go on. :p
I've always been a sucker for the technical type or edgy typw wrestlers. So here's my five.
1) CM Punk- I've been marking out for Punk since he's turned heal; I knew he always had it in the ring but when he got the real opportunity on the mic he's been gold ever since. He's the total package and can adapt to all styles.
2) Daniel Bryan-His in ring talents remind me of Chris Benoit with a lil less intensity at times. He needs to use a kick butt persona, but I just love watching his performances in the ring.
3) Wade Barrett- In my opinion this is the top heel of the future. He's great in the ring for someone his size; he's has a cerebral like Triple H feel to him. He needs to get a little more sinister and change his finisher. He has such a conning look.
4)Jack Swagger- Trust me; he's gonna be everyone's hero in the next year or so. He's techinically sound with really no holes in his game.
5) Zack Ryder-Ok, so I been drinking the kool aid too. No he doesn't fit my technical wrestling mold, but he's solid in the ring. You can't really hate someone who works really hard to get himself over. I think he's gonna do well.
In no particular order:

Trent Baretta - My boy T-Locks. I love this kid. There are very few people who make me want to sit down and watch a match that they are in, but Trent is definitely up there. He is just so smooth and accurate in the ring, he makes me want to watch him. This kid has potential and a very bright future.

Curt Hawkins - Hawkins has been very impressive on the under card of the WWE for a good time no, and for good reason. He just oozes charisma and you can see it every time you see him. He has that heel presence, the way he acts and moves in the ring is like many great heels before him have. He has that certain presence and ability about him. He is one of my favorites because he has shown he knows what he is doing, and does it good.

C.M. Punk - I think this one is pretty cut and dry. Punk is the best wrestler in the world, he is truly the best in the world at what he does in ring, on the mic, and everywhere else. He can do it all. He is quite simply amazing, and he is now blurring the line between heel and face, and Cena is doing it with him as well. Punk has always been one of my favorites, with or without this feud now he would be in my top five, but now everyone else recognizes it as well. He is the best in the world, and I can't find any legitimate reason why anyone could dispute it.

Cody Rhodes - Cody is the second best heel in professional wrestling today behind C.M. Punk, and it isn't even close. Cody knows how to work a crowd, he just says the right things to make people boo him. He is impressive week in and week out, and shows consistently why he belongs in the top tier of the WWE. He is in that higher echelon, and I am fully confident he will be a champion soon enough.

Zack Ryder - I'll probably catch heat from at least five people for this, because for every Ryder mark it seems there are five haters. But it's plain and simple; Zack Ryder entertains me. He entertains me on the mic, he entertains me backstage, he entertains me while working matches. And one of the main goals of wrestling is to entertain. he is always impressive in the ring, and shows that he can put on good matches and be a potentially serious threat. Zack Ryder is great, and I don't care what people think. Z-Ry, the Strong Island Kid, he entertains me. And last time I checked, wrestling was about entertainment, so he makes my list

Honorable mention to John Cena, Christian, and Randy Orton. Normally they would make it. But the under card has been so impressive lately, three guys who normally don't make TV, sometimes even Superstars, make my list. And that's saying a lot about the depth of WWE's talent.
1. John Cena
John first got over with me big time when he was thug-life. He looks amazing, has an incredible work rate, and while I miss his rapping intros, since I started watching wrestling again regularly, I want to see him perform. I was devastated he got drafted to Smackdown, but popped big-time when he was drafted back to the show.

2. The Miz
I couldn't stand the Miz, I hated the Miz, I wanted to personally wipe that smirk off his face. Then it dawned on me. That is exactly what the Miz is going for. And then I had to realize I really am over for this guy. He wrestles well enough for a kid that grew up on 'hulk up, finger wave, slam, leg drop.' And on the mic I want to strangle him through the screen. Well done, Miz, and welcome to my list of guys I need to see.

3. Zack Ryder
He has done more then anything else in getting me to tune in to RAW everyweek with his Z! True Long Island Stories on youtube. Love his performance, his gimmick, his hard work getting himself over, and when I do see him in the ring, he can go. Kind of like another guy with a goofy gimmick I marked all over back in WCW, Disco Inferno.

4. Rey Mysterio
I've been bouty bouty and rowdy rowdy for Rey Rey since the wolfpac spit out K-Dog and they hung together. Rey has never been a promo guy, and K-Dog was exciting if not indecipherable, and Rey has been the small man kicking big guys butts forever, and I'm loyal, and want to see him everyweek.

5. Christian
His heel turn has not been the most creative, and its a shame, but watching Christian work is always a pleasure, and being that he is still healthy and Edge is gone, he gets that share of the love. But he's five because he can't get me to tune in Fridays just to watch him work, but I do see him every PPV, and one of these times he's got to actually Impale Randy Orton. Doesn't he? Much love to the Captain Charisma, love to see a Cena feud in his future. And less cocky, whiny generic heel #3, and more creative heel I know is in there.
5.Jack Swagger-Because he is a true wrestler, a former World Champion who they dropped the ball with.Reminds me of Kurt Angle.

4.Ezekiel Jackson-The face turn was perfect for him, I could see him being a huge part of Smackdown.

3.The Uso's-They could really bring back the tag division, the next 3D.And I dont even know if they're face or heel but whatever they are it's working.

2.Cody Rhodes-My pick to win MITB, Has the looks, personality, mic skills of a World Champion

1.John Morrison-I really hope WWE just forgets about the R-Truth attack and have JoMo return on Smackdown as the #2 face there and possible get World title matches.
1. The Miz- The reason I got back into wrestling a couple of years ago. When I was flipping through channels and saw him on Raw I did a double take. "Did Mike Mizanin really make it to the WWE?" I had been a fan of him on the Real World and the Challenge shows and to see him living his dream was pretty cool to see. This was right before he started his breakout "feud" against John Cena and I've been a Mizark ever since. He's put in the time and effort to be a star and is now being rewarded for it. The fact that he is now being entrusted to build up one of the company's potential future stars (Alex Riley) is a testament to how far he's come.

2. Sheamus- I've been a fan of the Celtic Warrior since his debut in WWECW. He has a unique look based off of his heritage, an old school intensity that you rarely see in newer wrestlers these days and is continually showing improvement in various areas of his character. His debut (albeit short) program with Goldust was a great reminder of how you don't always need a microphone to make a feud great. He's accomplished a lot in two years with the WWE and I think will shortly be adding World Heavyweight Champion to that list.

3. CM Punk- What is left to say about Punk that hasn't been said already? I've always respected his in-ring work but I never truly became a fan of his until his heel turn and feud with Hardy. One of my favorite feuds since I've gotten back into wrestling and my admiration of his has only grown since then. Whether it's creating the best faction in years in the Straight Edge Society or his brilliant matches with Rey Mysterio I'm always looking forward to what he brings to the ring. The best in-ring psychology of any current wrestler on the roster, and it's not even close.

4. Zach Ryder- Take an undercard wrestler with a tired and lame gimmick, a lot of desire and a video camera and see what may be one of the greatest examples of getting yourself over that wrestling has ever seen. Is Ryder a great in-ring or mic worker? No, but that's not why people like him. Ryder has a legion of Broskis because he has made it his goal to make his character (and himself) as entertaining as possible, and I can't help but root for him for this. Even if he never gets a serious push, there's no doubting that he's made an impression on the IWC.

5. Rey Mysterio- I'm always surprised by the amount of negativity surrounding Mysterio in the IWC, mostly due to the fact that people seem to get mad that he has held the WHC title twice. I must have missed the memo where the word "Heavyweight" was strictly enforced, because I certainly wouldn't consider Chris Jericho or Edge heavyweights. I've been a Mysterio fan since his days in WCW and have always loved seeing him overcome the odds. Is the underdog gimmick stale? Yes, but what else could you give a man who is a main event staple where everyone else is at least 1.5x his size? He's a great entertainer, a merchandise machine and still one of the best workers in the E today (as matches with Jericho, Punk and Del Rio would attest to.)
These are MY fave 5. No order

1.Mark Henry. His heel turn was awesome. It was just what he needed.

2. Drew Mcintyre. I love this guy but he doesnt get pushed to the big guys ever. He has so much potential. WWE should push him just like Gunner in TNA.

3. Christian. My top wrestler currently standing. I love how he came from ECW title all the way to the World title. At least somebody taught sin cara a lesson. Come on Christian!

4. CM Punk. Pure Legend. Well maybe he is currently the best in the world.. I think so.

5. Albertooo DELL RRRIIOOO!. My second best at the moment. Please win the wwe belt im begging
1. CM Punk: Has been my favorite wrestler since 2005 and has never given me a reason not to be. Like he said he is the best on that mic, in that ring, even at commentary. I love the fact that the WWE is letting him go full steam right now because the fans who might not be familiar with his ROH/Indy work are actually gettting to see the "real" CM Punk.

2. Cody Rhodes: He has really developed into something truly special in the last few months. A year ago if anyone had asked me if Cody was a World title calibre cometitor I would have said no, and probably not for a while. Now, while I think he does still have justa little bit more devloping to do, I believe Cody could easily challenge for the title and be a credible challenger. I'm pulling for him in the MITB match.

3. Christian: Always solid both on the mic and in the ring. I believe his World title reign was cut waaayyyy too short and but it also gave us the chance to see him turn heel which I felt he needed. Right now, on Smackdown, Christian is the guy to watch.

4. The Miz: What I admire about Miz is that he's a self made guy. If the reports are true then the reason Miz became champion is because of his hustle. While other guys were just going to interviews scheduled by WWE, Miz was on the phone booking his own appearances, pretty much forcing Vince to take notice.

5. Daniel Bryan: While he hasnt really done much in the WWE aside from win the US title, I have seen this guy pull out so many great matches in ROH that I know he's destined for bigger things. I'm just waiting for the WWE to let him loose and truly show his potential.
1. Randy Orton- Big fan since his legend killer days. His legend killer promos were awesome. Right now he is probably doing some of his best in ring work. His matches with Punk, Christian and Sheamus have been very good and probably some of the best matches in the wwe this year.

2. CM Punk- The guy is single-handedly carrying Raw right now. Probably the best combination of in ring skills and mic skills in the wwe.

3. Daniel Bryan- Just a big fan of his in ring ability

4. Sheamus- Since moving to smackdown the guys looks a legit main eventer.

5. Cody Rhodes- Future champ
1. John cena- he is one of the top 5 greatest superstars of all time. he can pull off so many different gimmicks i mean rapper football player gangster marine and the hero type character cena could have an ice cream truck driver gimmick and make it look good. the man always puts on a good at least 4 star match and his passion is what sets him apart he truely loves the WWE

2. Randy orton-easily the second best star in WWE right now he has evolved from the new kid too his evolution personna too his legend killer days too the sadistic viper too the badass type he basically took austins gimmick and gave it a slick cool rocker look and when its all said and done he may be the BEST ONE DAY

3.Christian- he is a veteran master of the ladder match he has payed his dues and you better believe he can put on a good match i would love too see him and cena feud for the title

4. Sin cara- the kid is fucking amazing he is the most exciting superstar the WWE has too offer

5. Alex riley/Mason ryan- riley just needs a new finisher and thats it , give mason some matches make him a face and he is the next batista and will be a world champion

1. CM Punk- he's the best talker right now, The Rock is the best overall, Jericho is the 2nd best still in history, but Punk is the best now. His promos are the best as well as his in-ring ability, I like Daniel Bryan too, but he's boring on the mic while Punk is the total package and that's just the truth. He's THE best guy on the roster right now, not Cena, not Miz and this has been a fact long before he cut the two promos he cut recently.

2. Randy Orton- When he was doing those vignettes, injured, talking about what he was gonna do when he was healed I just never really liked him, but once he came in and I dont recall much about whatever it was he was doing I just remember him cutting a few promos with a broken arm, but when he was apart of Evolution I started to like him and his Legend Killer gimmick, but The Viper is even better and I love everything that came with his new gimmick so much more, the music, the movement (to the ring and in the ring), the verbal pacing and his shocked expression after punting people in the skull, priceless. Wish it was back to that cause the Smackdown! Orton isnt as appealing, but still great, just lacking his old stuff.

3. Melina- Best Diva in the WWE today. Her in-ring ability exceeds all, yes even Natalya, hell I like her skills too, but even Bret said Melina was the best right now. Melina has great athletic ability which is well executed in the ring, but also extremely hot at the same time, and gives us The Split, the greatest entrance of all time. Melina is great as a heel or face, but better as a bitchy heel. The Primal Scream is epically awesome. The innovative moves are out of this world. You just have to love her in the ring and out, including YouTube.

4. The Miz- he's improved from being some dumb host, to some lame ass guy with a silly hat tagging with Morrison to being one of the best in the WWE right now, and ever since winning MITB, I've been a big fan of him, seeing him try harder since then... the intro to his match with Cena was epic, but real, and he really made himself a star. You have to love it, the whole journey of him becoming what he is today.

5. Naomi Knight- because there is no one better in FCW that needs to come up right now, that's more athletically gifted, male or female that I can see. NXT after NXT, FCW after FCW and even Tough Enough new and old and Diva Searches and people who were just plain called up via vignette or insta-debut, we've seen so many fuck ups, but this girl has it, the issue is a lot of contest winners never end up cutting it at the end of the day, but the ones that dont, do. Candice Michelle won titles, Ashley never did, Christy never did, Kaitlyn shouldnt, but Naomi deserves it. She's my favorite off the radar star.

I didnt list Taker or HHH because they arent full time and in that case they would be on, but then The Rock would be top my list at 1, Punk at 2, Taker then HHH and then Orton so I'm just going with top 5 out of all the fulltimers. Cena wouldve made my top 10 but not 5, not with this gimmick he has now.
1. John Cena

Amazing on the mic, great in the ring, passionate about the business. Great role model. What's not to like?

2. Kofi Kingston

He seems to be stuck in limbo right now, but I'm a big fan of this guy. He's fun to watch and he can cut good promos. He's got great merchandise too. I may pick up one of his shirts.

3. The Miz

I'm interested in how his character is going to keep going now that he's out of the title picture. I think Miz is one of the best (if not the best) new stars they've created.

He can talk, he's good in the ring, he has a great story. I like him. Bright future ahead for this guy.

4. CM Punk

I've thought for years that Punk is a good talent. He's not nearly as good as the IWC makes him out to be. But he's solid in the ring and on the mic.

Intrigues me right now with his situation, but won't miss him when he's gone.

5. Zack Ryder

WWWYKI! I love this guy. He is funny, he is charismatic, he's great on the mic. He can wrestle. He's got a great look and so on.

He could be a money maker for WWE, I like what they're doing, the slow build with him.

Looking forward to seeing more of Ryder on RAW.
1. Cm Punk - We saw his great promo 3 weeks ago, One of the best promos I've ever seen, deserves to be in the number one spot and hoping he beats John Cena at MITB!

2. Mark Henry - Glad to see wwe is using Mark Henry like the monster he should be, he could be a contender for the WHC before he finally retires.

3 Zack Ryder - Woo Woo Woo You Know It!!! I'm glad Ryder is finally being able to get some tv time and Im also glad there pushing him as face.

4. Alex Riley - When I first saw him appear on Raw with The Miz a question popped into my head, can Riley make it by himself? Riley has been a face for over a month now and I'm happy too say he is doing really well and getting into big matches (Vs The Miz and MITB) and getting on Raw every week, the future is looking up for Mr Riley.

5. Sin Cara - I love this guy! His entrance is awesome (Botchable but awesome) His move set is awesome, I see big things for him in the future, the reason however he is at number 5 is because of what happened on SD! a few weeks ago when he lost his 1st match to Christian, I wasnt happy Christian beat Sin Cara, I know its momentium and confidence for Christian but I'd would've liked it more if someone different put his first loss him, still I love work Sin Cara is doing and will happily continue to watch him. :)
5. Wade Barrett - he always grabbed my attention during the nexus angle and he is one of the main reasons i got back interested in wrestling.
4. Cody Rhodes - liked him during legacy and i always was more captivated at him rather then ted dibiase. im glad hes taken the ball and ran with it and he will definitely be a future world champion.
3. The Miz - proved everyone wrong, especially me, and im happy he did. hes AWESOME.
2. CM Punk - best wrestler in the world, best on the mic, and truly showing his brilliance at the moment. shame hes on his way out.
1. Justin Gabriel - my favourite at the moment and i think he has a promising future. i think its good to root for someone at the bottom of the ladder so you can see if they truly develop into a star. Gabriel oozes potential and i hope he does make it.
my fav five:

1) Evan Bourne: great highflyer, i think he has a bright future ahead of him.

2) Sheamus: this guy is awesome, he is great inring and on the mic, he is belivable as far as dominating goes, glad he is shining on smackdown cause on raw he was getting screwed.

3) Randy Orton: i know, he is pushed over alot of guys, but he is just doing his job and he does do a good job, plus he is entertaining.

4) Sin Cara: new guy i really like him, he is great inring and brings a new kind of entertainment with him, havent heard him talk, yet, im ok with this cause i enjoy the wrestling more then the annoying promos.

5) Chris Masters: yes he is infact in my fav 5, cause he is a great wrestler, needs more air-time.
Fav Five in the WWE are:

1. Wade Barrett- an amazing talent, and apart from CM Punk probably the best mic guy in the company. He is a strategist and has a great moveset for a big guy and yet doesn't act like a "big guy"

2. Daniel Bryan- Bryan Danielson is one of the best wrestlers in the world and I love the fact that I can see him every Friday on tv

3. Chris Masters- one of the best wrestlers in the company and has improved 300% over the last 2 years. He deserves a push, his current face character is old school and is like Cena without the cheese.

4. Alberto Del Rio- Great on the mic, even better in the ring

5. Dolph Ziggler- he is seamless in the ring. So slick and polished, just an amazing worker.
1- John Cena : For me, he's always the man. He just does it for me like no one can do.

2 - CM Punk : He's been the number two since 2009 summer. There's not much you can dislike about him.

3- The Miz: He has a new character that is credible enough to be in the main event. He's crap in the ring but i like him because of his character.

4- Sheamus : I always love super angry characters. I mean Sheamus is one of those sumbitches who can be angry for absolutely no reason. I love his character.

5- Wade Barret : He's great on mic, and decent in ring, and again he's another fresh character. He would be No.1 if I was asked this question during prime of Nexus. I think they should use him in a higher spot.
No order

1) CM Punk - Great on the mic and in the ring. The hottest prospect in wrestling right now and obviously the most controversial we've had in ages. He's the only person in WWE right now that I would say could fit the Attitude Era.

2) R-Truth - His new persona is doing wonders for him and he's hilarious too with "Lil Jimmy" and his other catchphrases and with the way he acts. He really knows how to connect with the crowd as a heel.

3) John Cena - Even though I agree he's being shoved down our throats too much, I still like him cause he can run with the ball.

4) Daniel Bryan - I have high hopes for him and he is truly one of the best wrestlers in the WWE today.

5) Michael Cole - I know he's not a wrestler but he's absolutely hilarious in commentary as heel. I used to hate this guy but he's made me into a Coleminer. Cole FTW!
Fave Five:

- Sheamus: He will end up being one of the best-maineventers in the forseeable future. Awesome mic skills, great brute force and a great character.
- Christian: Awesome mic skills and basically carries SmackDown (a job which should be done by Orton.)
- CM Punk: Great promo after great promo after awesome promo. He's set the wrestling world on fire.
- Daniel Bryan: The best wrestler in the WWE at the moment. Has never put on a bad match.
- The Miz: I have no idea why, but whenever I see him I can't help but have a smile on my face. There's something about him that makes me love him.

Honourable mentions:

- R-Truth: Has lost a lot of steam, a shame really.
- Mark Henry: The guy scares me and is making one hell of an impact.
- Cody Rhodes: Stuck in a storyline with that plague DiBiase.
- The Usos: Great matches as of late and their entrance is awesome.
Well, if you are talking ACTIVE FULL TIME roster, here is my list:

5. Sheamus - He has what it takes to be one of the top 2 heels in the company. He is a great worker, and is just plain awsome at what he does.

4. Daniel Bryan - Maybe the best pure wretler in the company right now. I always enjoy his matches and think he should be getting an even bigger push than what he is right now.

3. CM Punk - The hottest thing in WWE right now. I have always been somewhat fond of him, but the last month has brought a whole new respect for what he does. Maybe I am riding the bandwagon..who knows! lol

2. The Miz - I truly thing he is the future of the business. I have a lot of respect seeing where he has came from to where he is now. I can't imagine him winning any title other than the WWE or World Heavyweight championship now...I feel he was brought up the ransk the right way, not too fast..not too slow! I have a feeling I will be cheering for him for a LONG time.

1. Randy Orton - I have been a BIG fan of him ever since he did the skits updating us on the progress he was making with his shoulder injury all those years ago! I have enjoyed every twist and turn his career has made, even though my favorite was the "legend killer", the "viper" suits me fine as well! I hope Randy is on top for a very long time.
My list goes something like this:

1. John Cena - Say what you want but he does it all. he's carried the company for years now and sells out every venue he comes to. Hate him or love him, he brings it all and leaves it in the arena.

2. R-Truth - He's really stepped up since turning heel and he's bringing more passion and aggressiveness to his matches. His mic work has always been solid.

3. Kofi Kingston - One of the most exciting Superstars in the ring today. He flies like he's on a video game. He's held both mid card and tag team titles and will soon get that Main Event push I've been waiting to see

4. CM Punk - He kind of a throwback Superstar because he's very smart in the ring and in general. Not the biggest, but does more with less than anyone.

5. Randy Orton - Can't deny what he's done and how much he's catapulted himself to being where he is now. Total package.
Well, just like any Top 5 things can change on a weekly basis. People fade in and out, and show flickers of greatness that can propel them to the top of my list for a single week... As of writing this, my Fave Five in the WWE are:

CM Punk: An obvious choice, but one that is obvious for a reason. His feud is red-hot and has the whole industry talking. It may go over the heads of the casual fans, but if everybody in the locker room is buzzing about it, you know you've made an impact. Nobody is going to forget this feud for a very long time...

John Cena: Yes, John Cena. He's been just what CM Punk needed to fuel his anger-filled rant. Cena is boring 9/10 of the time, but every once in awhile he's exactly what a feud needs to progress. No Cena, no CM Punk feud. He has also been getting steadily more entertaining for almost all of 2011.

The Usos: I guess this is kinda cheating because they are two people, but they are probably my favorite thing in wrestling right now. Not only are they fantastic in the ring, but they have mad tag team wrestling seem way more relevant for more than a month now.

Dolph Ziggler: It's nice to have a United States champion that is great in the ring, and has a personality. As much potential as Kofi Kingston has, since being let down off of the Randy Orton feud he has done nothing interesting.

Kelly Kelly: I don't care how generic she is in the ring. Nobody gives a damn about how well the divas wrestle, because none of them have been able to since Lita left. But K2 is probably the hottest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. Also, I legitimately couldn't think of anybody I wanted in the 5th spot on this list... Take that WWE superstars...
Okay, let's see:

5. Sheamus: He's found his home on Smackdown, where he fits the main-event picture like a glove. He may turn face soon, and I'm interested to see how he plays the role.

4. Cody Rhodes: Love his gimmick, his mic-work, his wrestling. He's just about to hit the main-event, and I will love it when he does.

3. Daniel Bryan: The most consistent worker in the company today. He can pull a decent match out of pretty much anyone, and often gives guys their best so far.

2. Christian: Right now, he's showing why he deserves to be in the main-event. His matches with Orton have gotten better each time, and he really knows how to piss off a crowd.

1. CM Punk: I mean, c'mon, of course he's number one. Insane promos lately, the hottest angle in the company (or any company, actually). He's the most talked-about guy in the business right now, and deservedly so. Every second of screen time with him is pure gold.
Mine are:

1: The Miz: Really enjoyed his reign as champion, and the whole MiTB briefcase run.

2: Del Rio: Just a cocky guy, good in the ring, and just a superstar i am entertained by.

3: CM Punk: Amazing on the mic, amazing in the ring. Nuff said.

4: Sheamus: Gotta have a big guy in there, and he's one of the best. Great worker in the ring, and when he is beating the crap out of someone, it's believable that they are staying down.

5. Ziggler: Same sort of deal as the Miz, great reign as IC champ, and he's great in the ring.
My Fave Five
1) Drew McIntyre - Has it all, just needs that main event push and im sure he would get over
2) R-Truth - Always liked him and glad hes finally got his big break
3) Zack Ryder - Always liked him but now love him, awesome show on youtube
4) Wade Barret - Should be in the main event by now but wwe are just so incosistant with these guys, they give them one massive push but before you know it hes the ic champion and on superstars like he was last night
5) Eve Torres - just cause

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