Dark Match Winner
My fave 5 is the following:
1. Randy Orton - I am a Randy Orton mark since I was 14 and this says everything. I was founding a lil bit in the cocky legend killer gimmick, so this can be the reason that no one could take his place in my fave five.
2. John Morrison - This place was to be for Edge, but since he is retired, "The Shaman of Sexy" fits the second one. I am a big fan of his look and his in-ring abilities and with some improvement on the mike I am more than sure that sooner than later he will be WWE Champion.
3. CM Punk - I used to hate CM Punk before the New Nexus. I was one of his very haters but since he changed his look and gimmick he earned my respect. Now I can admit whithout a doubt that right now he is the best in the world: charisma, mike skills, ring skill, look, everything. He can not missed my fave 5.
4. Ted DiBiase - Great potential, new Randy Orton. If WWE will push him as a face I think that he has a bright future. He was lost in shuffle the whole last year, but now he rejoined his former partner Cody Rhodes and I think this story will elevated The Million Dollar Son. Future world champion belive me!
5. Cody Rhodes - Almost the same reason as Ted. I liked him before Legacy. Now he is one of the hottest things on SmackDown and I am sure that 2011 is his year. I am cheering for him this Sunday to win the SD's MITB Ladder Match.
This is my fave five but these are not my all favourite wrestler from the WWE. I also like guys like Christian, Sheamus, Justin Gabriel, The Usos, Johnny Curtis, Zack Ryder, Alex Riley, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre and the list can go on.
1. Randy Orton - I am a Randy Orton mark since I was 14 and this says everything. I was founding a lil bit in the cocky legend killer gimmick, so this can be the reason that no one could take his place in my fave five.
2. John Morrison - This place was to be for Edge, but since he is retired, "The Shaman of Sexy" fits the second one. I am a big fan of his look and his in-ring abilities and with some improvement on the mike I am more than sure that sooner than later he will be WWE Champion.
3. CM Punk - I used to hate CM Punk before the New Nexus. I was one of his very haters but since he changed his look and gimmick he earned my respect. Now I can admit whithout a doubt that right now he is the best in the world: charisma, mike skills, ring skill, look, everything. He can not missed my fave 5.
4. Ted DiBiase - Great potential, new Randy Orton. If WWE will push him as a face I think that he has a bright future. He was lost in shuffle the whole last year, but now he rejoined his former partner Cody Rhodes and I think this story will elevated The Million Dollar Son. Future world champion belive me!
5. Cody Rhodes - Almost the same reason as Ted. I liked him before Legacy. Now he is one of the hottest things on SmackDown and I am sure that 2011 is his year. I am cheering for him this Sunday to win the SD's MITB Ladder Match.
This is my fave five but these are not my all favourite wrestler from the WWE. I also like guys like Christian, Sheamus, Justin Gabriel, The Usos, Johnny Curtis, Zack Ryder, Alex Riley, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre and the list can go on.