Your Fave Five

My fav five at this present moment would have to be

5. Cody Rhodes He would have been higher if I posted a few weeks ago, but recently, he's become somewhat stale with the same old paper bags thing, and not that many real promos. Add to that the fact that Ted Dibiase is tacted onto his cape now and his stock is plummeting.

4. The Miz The Miz is always on this list for me, but with his recent string of "bad luck" I guess you can call it, he's a little lower on the list then usual. Maybe he can turn it around this Sunday and climb back up to his normal spot of number 2.

3. Mark Henry Not too much promo time for Henry, but his actions have been truly entertaining. Who wouldn't want to watch a huge Predator looking MF'er destroying everything in his path, including a big thousand pound giant, tables, cages, and employees.

2. CM Punk currently high on many people's lists because of his recent moments of promo platinum. He's riding the waves and carrying the company at the moment. Would be a huge mistake if WWE actually lets him leave.

1. R-Truth my dawg Troof has been on a role as of late. His promos have been gold and his in-ring moments have been extremely watchable, and a huge step up from the past. The little Jimmies have been gettin got. Before CM Punk began his tyrants, this was the main reason to tune in on Monday nights. And that's the Truth.

Honorable Mentions

Booker T=Commentary Goodness
Zack Ryder..... just kidding. WWWYKI= Who Would Want You Kontinually Involved? Not the WWE, and not me. sorry Ryder fans. But that also is THE TROOF.
Rank my five favourite WWE Superstars at the moment? Sure, why not? In a particular order...

CM Punk
For some people this choice may be reactionary, but it's not for me. If you asked me this question before "that promo", he would have still been top five. In all likelihood, he was have still been number one. He's possibly the most complete package in WWE. Charisma, ring work, mic work, look and - contrary to what most people believe - marketability. In a time when WWE are trying to break into the mainstream (which still thinks wrestling is for roided-up freaks), a straight-edge wrestler should be very marketable. Above all, the thing that Punk does is speak to me. He's exactly what I would want to be if I were a wrestler.

Daniel Bryan
He's been one of my favourite wrestlers ever since I became aware of him. And seen as I became aware of him pretty much as soon as I started watching wrestling properly, that says a lot. He's just an incredible wrestler and someone who I can once again relate to. I just love the guy and constantly hope that he gets pushed.

Cody Rhodes
In Legacy he was a bit boring and clearly playing second fiddle to Ted DiBiase. As "Dashing" Cody Rhodes he came out of the woodwork with force. As "Damaged" Cody Rhodes he has blown my mind. He's played this gimmick to perfection and made himself look like a credible world championship contender. He's my current pick to win Money In The Bank and to take the World Heavyweight Championship off of Randy Orton. Rhodes is constantly entertaining, and in a WWE of generic characters, he sticks out like a sore thumb. And that's a good thing. A very good thing.

Trent Barreta
Do you watch Superstars? Stupid question, of course you don't. No one does. But you should. Because sometimes Trent Barreta is on. And whenever Trent Barreta is on, he goes out there and gives his all. The guy is so fun to watch in the ring, and although you'll never see him with a microphone, I have it on good authority that he's no slouch. He's also a charismatic fucker, which is good. So to sum up, if you mark out when you see a wrestler who you know is about to be squashed, that wrestler is something special.

If you asked me to give you my top five WWE wrestlers a couple of months ago, Christian wouldn't have come into it. As a face, he was just so-so. Don't get me wrong, from and in-ring perspective he was - and still is - fantastic. His character was just very dull. As a heel, he seems rejuvenated. As a result, he's constantly entertaining me. This feud with Orton may well be the feud of the year, and a big reason for this is Christian.
My Fave Five are the top five guys who, when they're on my TV, I don't multitask. I'm one of those guys who likes to divide their Raw and SD! time between watching the show and twittering about everything that's going on; when these guys are on, I stop twittering.

1 is Punk, that isn't even debatable for me. He's the only pro wrestler in the world who reaches the mainstream at this point and he is the best figure in the industry since Austin.

2 is Daniel Bryan, just because of his in-ring work. I don't care who he's going against, the match is going to be fun to watch and interesting. He has put on wrestling clinics with the likes of two other men on this list, and I would LOVE to see him work with the other two.

3 is Tyson Kidd, not because I want him to win any championships or anything, just because he's another one of those guys who, no matter who he's wrestling, his matches are always fun to watch and exciting. I don't care if he isn't the best promo in the company, he still excites the hell out of me in the ring.

4 is Alberto Del Rio, simply because he is the best heel in the company right now. CM Punk isn't a full on heel just because he gets cheered so much; Del Rio is pure heel, pure evil, and pure brilliance. He's 6'5 260 lbs and wrestles lucha libre style. That's like Triple H running around throwing enziguiris and 'ranas. Are you kidding me? Del Rio is, aside from Punk, the best thing the WWE has going right now, and they damn well better not drop the ball on him like they have so many other international superstars over the years.

and last but not least, at the 5 spot, is Dolph Ziggler, AKA Mr. Ziggles. His ring work is spectacular, his mic work is abundantly underrated, and his personality is actually pretty hilarious when he is allowed to show it. His commentary work is even funny, and any time he's at ring side for a match, he always works a comment or two in so that you can hear it and it's always hilarious. I want to see the WWE allow Ziggler to show his personality and run with it.

And as soon as he comes back, since these lists are subject to change, John Morrison gets a special honorable mention and he'll almost 100% make my Fave Five when he makes his epic return, most likely at either Summerslam or Survivor Series.
My top 5 in the 'E' at the moment are
1) The Miz - Been a huge fan of him since he won Money in the Bank last year.
2) Cody Rhodes - I didnt really like him as one of Randys 'bitch's' a few years ago or even his Dashing gimmick. But his new gimmick, the 'undashing' one suits him perfectly.
3) Alberto Del Rio - Well he has come such a long way in such a short time.
4) Wade Barrett - He is easily a future world champion
5) John Cena - I'm not a total Cena fan but i'm also not a Cena hater. He has done alot in his career and he deserves everything he has gotten, even if he has become stale.
1 cm punk - nuff said im his fan since day one, is great in ring, great on mic
2 christian - although he is new to his current persona he is doing quiet good ,good on mic, awesome in ring
3 the miz - coz he is awesome he has tremendously improved over the years who thought a guy frm "THE REAL WORLD" would main event a wrestlemania
4 sheamus - he is a powerhouse decent on mic in the accent he is given good in the ring hope he wins mitb
5 zack ryder - i know he is given tv time on raw but with the horrible gimmick he has he has done quiet well and it could really be the beggining of ryder revolution hopes he becomes a big superstar wwwyki!!!
1. CM Punk, love his promos, love his in ring work, he's great at the little things.
2. John Cena, the best crowd worker in the business. He works everyone into either loving to love him or loving to hate him.
3. The Miz, really REALLY underrated by most on here because he's a reality show guy. He's proven himself though.
4. Daniel Brian, I would travel 12 hours round trip in one day to see him in ROH, he's still awesome.
5. Santino Marella, one of the most entertaining guys on the roster. Always a fun match.
1. The Miz- This guy was the reason I watched Raw for a good while. He still is a major reason, and would be the sole reason if it weren't for CM Punk. This guy has been my favorite since the summer of 2009.

2. CM Punk- No, I don't like him for his ring work, or his mic work, although those are nothing short of amazing. I like him because he's just so....... hilarious. Everytime CM Punk comes out, I know that I'll end up laughing by the time he heads to the back. It's a shame that he's leaving.

3. Dolph Ziggler- Everytime this guy comes out, I know that I am viewing the most talented man in the WWE. You can rip on me for that, but just go and look at the promos that he's cut recently when Vickie isn't doing all the mic work. He's really good on the mic. And in the ring........ he pulled a good match out of Mark Henry back on Old School Raw this past fall. That speaks for itself. He's probably the best in the WWE at telling a story in the ring. Watch some of his matches, and you'll see what I mean.

4. Cody Rhodes- This man is the best in the WWE at playing a character. In Legacy, he wasn't given a character. His first character was "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. He played that to perfection. It was a crap gimmick, and he played it to the point that it was a great gimmick. Now, he has his new "Disfigured" gimmick. He is putting so much emotion into his character. I am always intrigued when Cody Rhodes comes out.

5. Ted DiBiase- To be honest with you, I just picked the person who appealed to me the most on the WWE roster, because I don't really have a 5th favorite. But I do like the work that DiBiase puts into the ring. Always putting on excellent matches.
Its funny how people are actually having the same fave fives really. Mine are:

The Miz : I am a HUGE fan of his mic work! Seriously this guy is hilarious.. And his 'really' stuff, I actually crack up every time! Also he's fairly good in ring, I love the skull crushing finale! Would love to see how he handles a face turn. This guy is gonna be a future star fo sure.

Randy Orton: What is everyones problem with this guy? Just coz he's now top guy on smackdown everyone had to hate him? Well I don't, the RKO is one of the most exciting finishers in the wwe and he is amazing in ring! How often do you see him botch a move? I prefered him as a heel but I still enjoy his face character. He has had an amazing career so far and I see him doing bigger things very soon. Oh and the beards great too!

CM Punk
This guy is hilarious.Follow him on twitter. I'm glad he has become so popular in the past few weeks too, he deserves it. His shoot promo has shaken the entire wrestling world, not many people can say they've done that. Really admire his straight edge lifestyle too. Also, he is the best wrestler in the world.

Justin Gabriel
Great high flyer; really want to see what this guy Is capable of on the mic, we have seen how he can perform in the ring but he has had no mic time! I am really looking forward to his performance at MITB, gotta feeling he's gonna steal the show. I am hoping he turns face v soon.

Wade Barret: Give this guy a world championship! Seriously, I mean I am biased coz I'm a fellow brit, but still I love his look, mic skills and in ring ability! His finisher isn't as bad as people say it is!! Hopefully if they back his look abit less generic, he can really stand out!

My fav 5 is in a random order by the way, tell me what you think..
1. Cody Rhodes- Easily my favorite superstar in WWE. I can confidently say, that Cody Rhodes is the future of WWE. His Mic Skills are top notch (with his gimmick), and is great in the ring. One flaw in Cody Rhodes is that, his Mic Skills are only as good as his gimmick. This is a perfect gimmick to go with the way he talks, so is the Dashing Gimmick. But when he was working with Randy Orton, he was terrible.

2. Sheamus- Sheamus also has good talent. A two time WWE Champion and a former United States Champion, is well on his way to more success. He is my pick to win Money in the Bank this Sunday. He also has good mic skills, I know people make fun of his voice, but if you actually listen to what he is saying, it is really good.

3. John Morrison- If he wasn't injured would probably be Number 2. Amazing In Ring Work, his Mic Skills need work, but there is a very simple way to fix them, turn him heel, his Mic Skills are very good as a heel, but as a face, they aren't. Everything about Morrison screams HEEL, not Face.

4. CM Punk- AMAZING Mic Skills, Great In Ring Work 3 Time World Heavyweight, Champion, One time Intercontinental Champion, Former Tag Team Champion, and 6/27/11, nuff said.

5. Randy Orton- I don't know what it is, but I just can't get enough of Randy Orton. I have loved Randy Orton since his finisher was the O-Zone. Him winning the World Heavyweight Champion from Benoit in 2004 was my Number 1 Mark Out Moment. I would like to see Christian win the World Title as he would be in my Spectacular Six, but I will be a fan of RKO for my entire life.
my fave five would go a little like this :-

1. Randy Orton - im a huge fan of his, always have been since his days in evolution. i think he started to lose a step or two last year, but since moving to smackdown hes began to prove himself a lot more again.

2. CM Punk - greatest heel in the WWE at this moment in my opinion. his mic skills are genius, an amazing superstar in general, and he'll be missed when he leaves after Money In The Bank.

3. Christian - i always liked him, when he was a heel. i wasnt really into a face christian but i since hes turned heel hes started to get my attention again.

4. Justin Gabriel - i think he has so much potential, if used correctly. if he gets a couple of IC title reigns behind him and moves away from heath slater i reckon he has a big future in WWE, and his 450 splash is always impressive.

5. John Morrison - ive always liked him and been a impressed by his in-ring ability. granted hes not the best one the mic, but he should at least get an opportunity at being the WWE champion and showing us what he can do with it, in my opinion.
1) The Miz - Gave me a reason to continue watching WWE in a post HBK/Y2J era. Once he eventually turns face I genuinely expect an attitude era-esque explosion in popularity and mainstream coverage.

2) CM Punk - His inclusion is a no-brainer really, it requires no explanation.

3) Randy Orton - Love the gimmick and he plays it brilliantly. In another way he's becoming like the John Cena it's acceptable to like, in terms of being a super-face. As long as they don't water-down his character any further, he's safe.

4) R Truth - I used to hate him so much- everything from his entrance to move set. Now I can't get me enough of da Truth. He's just a really fun character, really well executed.

5) Sheamus - Has the rare quality of being able to play a monster heel and also deliver on the mic. Has fantastic comedic timing. He's also the sole reason I'll never be able to hear the word 'fella' again without breaking out a sizable grin.
Randy Orton. I love this guy (no homo).
I've been a fan of his for YEARS now. Heel.. Face.. I'm a fan.
But I prefer heel.

The Miz This guy.. I'm such a "Mizhead" now. He's golden on the Mic. He's approved in the ring!

Alberto Del Rio Mic skills.. Great ring work.. Future World champion.. What more could you want..?

CM Punk OMG.. He's amazing! Best at everything. Commentating.. Talking on the mic.. wrestling.. If he some how stays and Jericho comes back.. I would love to see who is truly the "The Best Wrestler in the World at What They Do."

Christian His best year since returning to the WWE, in my opinion.
I'm a fan of the his feud with Orton right now. I wanna see who he feuds with next.
As much as I liked Booker T in the ring I don't know how people can say he's improved/improving on commentary. He's very poor and even Wade Barrett did a better job and he was just answering questions. Anyway the SmackDown commentary team is bad. Now to my fave five. And I am picking from guys who I believe can be future World Champions not the likes of CM Punk who is an already established main-eventer.

1 - Daniel Bryan

Amazing in the ring, simply stunning at times. Great attire with the Jacket kinda old school backyard wrestling look to him. His pants go well high over his stomach though otherwise good look. The one flaw everyone has picked up on, his mic skills. He was great in NXT feuding with Miz/Cole. The promo which i'll link at the end where he spoke about WWE being a machine that produces big guys who only achieve never the small talented ones like himself. Great promo. Just needs to improve on mic.

2 - Mason Ryan

Now you're probably all thinking ' here we go another big guy mark like Batista ' well no. I believe Ryan should stay heel but not speak on mic. I live in the UK and have a lot of respect for the Welsh but the Welsh accent just doesn't suit WWE TV. He has the WWE look to him. WWE need to make sure they make him a lot different than Batista. Change his attire maybe throw in the Taker straps. If he can't speak on mic like I recommended then he needs a manager. No not Punk even if he doesn't leave not Punk. I'm thinking somebody small to make him look fierce, Armada Estrada.

3 - Zack Ryder

I couldn't leave the Ultimate Broski out. The thing is he is a great talker (actor) so be it. He is very entertaining but us as fans have to understand what it takes to finally break out. We are all complaining saying how he's proven he can do it in the ring. Yes, he has but maybe he needs time. He is young and could learn a hell lot more from continuing as he is.

4 - Cody Rhodes

The closest or a tie with Daniel Bryan to a high flyer on this list. Wanna know why I didn't pick Sin Cara? Overrated!!! Really talented yes but he can't even talk english. What's he going to be like if he wins mitb? He'll have a promo with a translator. Anyway Cody Rhodes is my dark horse of 2011. I say that because his Un-Dashing gimmick is working perfectly as dumb as it is. He should just not wear a mask but continue his dark heel gimmick. It would work trust me. Great mic skills, hate where they are going with him and DiBiase.

5 - Wade Barrett

My pick for tonight's Money in the bank ladder match for SD. He isn't the best powerhouse in the ring I know but he has amazing mic skills. For example his Capitol Punishment promo. Not only did he attack the country which of course is a great heel technique but did at a patriotic themed PPV. He has class, style and is very intelligent. Chris Jericho should come back and help him by feuding with him.

Now the Daniel Bryan promo -
5: Cody Rhodes. Has 'Future Star' written all over him. Loving the almost Mankind-esque 'Un-Dashing' character, and my personal pick for Smackdown's MITB.

4: Dolph Ziggler. Dolph deserves to be higher, but following his loss of steam after the move to RAW, he needs to get rolling again, and the U.S. Title was a good place to start, but I feel him being left out of the RAW MITB has hurt him.

3: Sheamus. I'm expecting Sheamus to under go an evolution this year that will solidify him as a permanent Main Eventer. Big things will come from this man.

2: Christian. While I can see that Christian will never be able to quote 'be the face' of the company, I still think that he's easily the best contender on Smackdown for the WHC at the moment. I'm hoping for a well deserved victory at MITB.

1: CM Punk. Easily the best superstar active right now in terms of, well, everything.
in no ticulaorder:

1) Cody Rhodes- Easily has the best char on smackdown and prob WWE. Arguably the best on a mic on SD. And finally puts on fantastic matches in the ring. his feud with DB should have got a match at a PPV and I hope it still will, and his matches with rey at WM and ER stole the show. Watch him take the briefcase off DB as the end to their feud.

2) Dolph Ziggler- In my eyes he is arguably the best in ring performer, second only to guys like DB and Cody Rhodes. Has worked with the comp and paid his dues. has become decorated with every title they currently have. He has a unique yet still mainstream attractive look to get over, and he`s pretty dec on the mic. All who say he sucks on the mic, well, I just need to hear more from him and look forward to at least teases at a split with mama heel vickie.

3) Sheamus- Easily their best big man and brawler. Dude is surprisingly fast and his destructive attitude is refreshing. He has not one but two powerful finishers which is always a plus. One of which can hit at any time, and the other just lloks cool for his big fights. For a brawler he is very entertaining, mic skills are dec but I just like seeing him fight hence SD is better for him.

4) Alberto delrio- Another bigger guy who has demonstrated the ability to be surprising quick and technical. I Like that though he`s a fresh face he`s spent a decade of his life wrestling plus some MMA so he can actually cary a match in the ring which other fresh guys can`t. I always say if your new and your great, more power to ya, if your new and you suck, even if your good in another aspect, get out of the ME till you learn. Also am a fan of a heel with some personality. dude isn`t just smug and aggressive or cowardly but can actually do happy, excited( at others expense) which shows he could be a face and frankly i`m sick of every heel acting the same.

5) tie between christian and henry- I`m throwing a shout out to the vets who are getting a much deserved push before they retire, and are actually working it. Both Mark`s war path and christains opprotunistic ways are keeping me entertained and I hope they stay in the ME of SD for a while till Cody takes over.

Honurable mentions:

Punk- dude has been a God lately I`ll admit, but I never been a big fan and would therefore leave him out on the chance his buzz doesn`t last. Mostly I just liked his angel.

Daniel Bryan- super tech God. Would have made this list except his char is flat. mic skills, everyone harshed on them but I frankly don`t see him given any opprotunity to show if their good or bad.

Miz- Worked his way up the ladder, became decorated, mic skills galore, a decent size for being a well rounded superstar. would`ve been higher but I just feel his stock declining.
I guess we're talking about current superstars, not all-time favorite 5.

I don't get the syphilis channel or whatever the hell syfy is suppose to stand for, and trying to be patient enough to buffer smackdown from various online sources is personally annoying, so I'll be a little light on the SD brand... however.

1: The Miz. I've cooled on him some since his feud with Alex Riley. It was understandable at first. He needs to put someone else over, and he had a huge push, but that feud is stale IMO. That said, he's one of the funniest, and most awesome superstars I've seen in years. If he could improve on mat techniques just a little more, he could have HOF potential.

2: R-Truth Seriously... I LOVED watching his heel turn. That really brought me back to my 'new generation' days as a young teen, when I really started getting into wrestling. He's been, to me, walking nostalgia. Everything about him reminds me of 1992. And watching him with my own kids now. lol He makes us all laugh. Really, Riley, Randy, JIMMY! was the funniest thing I've seen in WWE TV since Kurt Angle spoofed Cena.

3: CM Punk. While I did eventually get on board with the Attitude Era, I can't say I was ever a huge fan, however. CM Punk is pure AE-esque gold. Like SCSA, I'm not red hot for him, but I can recognize something big when I see it, and Punk has just risen to the rank of WWE Legend and future HOFer, unless he pulls a Warrior or Benoit.

4: Big Show. I watched Andre on Prime Time Wrestling. Big Show is everything Andre was and sober. Better still is that he got the surgery to stop the advance of his gigantism so we should be able to see him in some way shape or form for decades to come. A truly likable giant, and every bit as talented as Andre.

5: John Cena. Someone just made the statement that he is the anti-hero for the anti-hero generation, and it's true, it's damned true. I don't LIKE the guy, but I always want to see what he's going to do. I find his matches boring, and more often than not his promos lackluster, yet... I can't help it, I always sit up and take note when he's on TV because inevitably something big is going to happen.
1. CM Punk - no need to explain this really

2. Wade Barrett - He has 'it'. Already one of the best on the mic and I am sure if given a chance with the brass of the WWE he could shine in matches too. If he gets a gimmick to carry (should have been MITB) he could be a big deal by WM.

3. Christian - could put on a PPV quality match with basically anyone on the roster.

4. D. Bryan - always reliable to put on a great on SD. His series with Rhodes/Di Biase makes the show flow and it's gives us at least one good match to get out teeth into each week. (I call him D. Bryan all the time now even though it sounds stupid. thanks Booker!)

5.Rhodes - this one changes every week basically but I go with Rhodes just now for the same reasons a D. Bryan
5. Sheamus- hes really steped up his game since coming to friday nights
4. R-Truth- for obvious resaons. hes an amazing heel and its great to see him in the main-event spot
3.D. Bryan- he puts on great 5 star matches every week and now hes Mr. MITB great things in his future
2. Christian- he was gona be my number 1 but i changed my mind becuz the guy in the number 1 spot is a god (hint hint). his fued with orton is pure gold. his heel character is simply amazing and the mic work is solid. im a peep for life and im soooo glad hes now a 2time (2 TIME) world heavywieght champion.
1. CM PUNK- you know it. his fued with cena has been amazing and the match last night he had with cena proves how much of a impact he has on the wwe in a matter of just 3 weeks. CM PUNK IS AWESOME and i pray to god hes not leaving perminatly

CM Punk is not allowed on this list.. he is not a WWE Superstar... but he would be number 1.

Daniel Bryan - Finally we can get behind him and not feel foolish! The WWE may seem to know what they are doing after all... D Bryan's a beast... bring that World Title home baby!

Sheamus - The guy is a beast in the ring.. he is entertaining to watch and he knows how to work gimmick matches... he is so creative at using weapons and hurting his opponents. I love it.

Dolph Ziggler - I really really do appreciate good wrestlers.. especially since they are so scarce.. but Dolph Ziggler is someone who can actually keep a match interesting with his in-ring work.

John Morrison - I was really starting to buy into him as a major star when he got injured. Both him and R-Truth were on the cuffs of main eventing.. and it was working for both of them. They would have worked off of each other on their way to the top much like Rock/HHH. Morrison has a phenomenal look.. perhaps the best look in wrestling.. alongside AJ Styles... In my opinion.

Josh Matthews - LOL? WHAT?!? I seen him at a gas station after the Raw in Green Bay... first time I seen a "wrestling guy" outside of a stadium. I walked by him and said "MATTHEWS!!!", he responded with a "What's up man?!?". Plus I find him to be the best commentator in the business right now.
Okay . . .

1: HHH
Although he's not currently an active member of the WWE roster, he is still a member of the WWE Roster. Trips is my number one pick because he is the reason why i first watched wrestling and still do (okay he made his first appearance on WWE tv since Wrestlemania but still). He is everything you'd want in a wrestler. Nuff said.

2: Randy Orton
Orton has amazing in ring abilities and i love his gimmick. I love him as either a face or heel. Orton is one of my favourite mainly because i think he is absolutely gorgeous. Fuckin mint he is...

3: CM Punk
I can go on and on about Punk. He is great both as a face or a heel. HE has incredible wrestling skills and he isn't lying when he says he is the best wrestler in the world. His mic skills are the best in the business and it's a real shame he's "left" the WWE. I hope he comes back real soon.

4: JoMo
Okay his mic skills arnt the best, he needs a huge amount of improvement of his mic skills and you carnt say that his wrestling skills are shit.

5: Dolph Ziggler
Well this guy has "IT". Although i feel he should improve on his mic skills, he is IMO the 2nd best wrestler in the WWE (1st being CM Punk). I don't think iv ever been bored whilst watching his matches. Every single one of them has been very entertaing to watch. He shouldn't be a mid carder. He should be a main eventer and get a huge push that he deserves . And Vince/ HHH should reward him by doing so.
1-christian. Been a huge fan of his since the e&c days. Great face of heel. Puts on great matches with everyone and has great mic skills 2-punk. Really intense guy that makes you believe what he's saying even though it's clearly fake. Excellent in ring skills 3-henry.Mean monster heel. No goofy jokes all business. 4-del rio. Good on the mic and in ring. Lots of charisma 5-truth. Good balance of seriousness and comedy. Hits some sweet spots in the ring
I'd have to say
Smackdown -
#1 Sheamus - I'm loving this guys kick ass attitude at the moment! Hopefully he will be champ soon!
#2 Cody Rhodes - this has got to be my favourite gimmick at the moment and he's doing it perfectly! Can't say I'd wanna see him win the big one.....yet! I'm a firm believer in earning ya stipes before reaching the top! For example I wanna see him wear the ic belt a couple times first.
#3 Christian - I've always liked this guy and almost marked out when he got the gold on Sunday! When he clutched the title in the way out was a perfect heel thing to do after winning it in such dirty fashion
#4 Wade Barret - this guy needs some direction SOON! this guys has all the tools to be a bug star. Honestly thought he was gonna take MITB as that's all he needs!
#5 Jinder Mahal - i would like to see him and khali actually be a tag team and hold the belts - at least it would be better than Otanga and Henning..

Raw -
#1 CM Punk - do I have to explain? :)
#2 Alberto - I would have bet $100 bucks that del rio was gonna win the MITB I wanna see him hold the briefcase for a while for a surprise title win!
#3 Miz - I'm glad he finally got a victory over alex and is in some what of a title picture at the moment which is wear he should be but I can see punk coming back with the title in the end and perhaps a face turn..I don't know maybe to good to be true lol
#4 Ziggler - he is seem to be getting more mic time as of late and he's doing great plus with the whole 'my title is the best' attitude he is putting some prestige to it!
#5 Kofi - man creative needs to do some thing quick! He's very much becoming a 'holder' for the mid card title
For the first time in a long time, I have some interest in pro wrestling and that is due to CM Punk and Christian. I grew up watching the WWF/E during the Superstars and Attitude eras, so I guess I'm considered "old school" by today's standards.

My current WWE Top 5:

1. CM Punk - Truly the voice of wrestling fans like me, and the first breath of fresh air in a long time.

2. Christian - "Old school" guy that finally got his shot at the big stage (Unlike Jake The Snake, Mr Perfect, Rick Rude and all others that weren't used up their potential).

3. Cody Rhodes - The most promising of the younger talents, who can obviously make a gimmick his own... moved far, far away from the gigantic shadows cast by his dad and brother.

4. Randy Orton - Manages to remind me of Jake Roberts of the Superstars era and HHH of the attitude era, not as good as either of them though.

5. Alberto Del Rio - I've always been a mark for the rich snob heel persona (The Million Dollar Man, JBL, etc). It's a formula for success, and this guy does it better than anyone else right now... Are you taking notes Ted DiBiase Jr?

6. R-Truth - Deserves an honorable mention... I never thought this guy was even an upper middle card talent since his K-Kwik and TNA days. However, he's managed to entertain me as of late.
My Fav. Five at th moment is-
1. Evan Bourne-amazing in the ring, and finally starting to get the attention he deserves, actaully starting to have fueds
2. John Cena- He has been very entertaining lately, and even though he has been getting booed out of the building with his fued with CM Punk, has handled it like a preofessional, anyone who says he cant wrestle, look at the WWE Championship match from Money In The Bank
3. Christian- With his main event push, becoming World Champion came after many great in ring performances and promos
4. Randy Orton- Very entertaining in the ring, and is very unpredictable
5. CM Punk- Great in ring perfomeances and is pure gold on the microphone
As of right now:

1. Rey Mysterio - The guy always has consistently good matches and is always fun to watch in the ring. I'd go as far to say he's been the most consistent in ring performer in WWE over the past two years or so. The amount of hate he gets really baffles me.

2. CM Punk - I know that technically he is not a part of WWE any more, but this guy has been one of my faves for some time and his work over the past month just solidified that feeling. Great talker, great worker, great wrestler.

3. Christian - To be fair, I've never liked him as a face, and wasn't particularly upset about his five day title run. But his heel turn has been done really well and I'm glad to see him as champ again.

4. Orton - He does bore me a little at times, but he's been on fire in 2011 with great feuds and matches with Punk and Christian. I generally think the quality of his matches are better than people give him credit for.

5. Ziggler - I hated the way they messed up his momentum with his switch to RAW earlier in the year, but hopefully he can turn it round now with a good U.S title run. Consistently good matches, decent talker, good look, Vickie by his side. What's not to like?

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