My Least Fave Five

good thread, though i am surprised to see orton tyson kidd and cody rhodes in some peoples lists, seriously do you people not like wrestling matches? opinion for you i guess.

5. Hornswoggle:
i dont despise the guy but he is worthless.

4. Santino Marella:
same as above, whats the point?

3. Justin Roberts:
because i dont hate many people, i have nothing against the guy personally but i have to mute when cena runs to the ring so i dont hear jeeeeeeeoooohhhnn ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

2. Mason Ryan:
i thought that it mightve been possible for the wwe to give pushes based on talent of audience reaction but clearly not, a failed rugby player(i base that only on the fact hes welsh and over-the-top massive) who has no charisma and no in-ring ability. seriously whos idea was he? one of the few guys who annoys me justt being there.

1. Michael Cole/Vince:
honestly i know cole is a character and hes just repeating what hes being told but some of the things he says are so counter-productive its frightening. and as for the J.R situation, i have rarely felt so pissed off with something its made me want to NOT watch the show, its bullying, not ribbing or taking the piss, bullying plain and simple, be a STAR my arse....

btw this thread is great for getting frustration out nice one
Randy Orton belongs nowhere near this list, but's your opinion. I for one think he's fantastic, and a great alternative for people that hate John Cena but still enjoy the classic mega-star in pro wrestling. Anywho...

David Otunga: This guy has such an incredibly look for a pro wrestler (even when he is wearing sweater-vests and bow-ties), but his mic work is garbage. He sounds like he's reading off the same piece of paper Laurinaitis (yeah, I can spell it. Be jealous) does. I had high hopes, but now it's clear that Wade Barrett really did deserve to win NXT Season 1...

Hornswaggle: Stop insulting my intelligence. Stop insulting midgets. Stop insulting the credibility of professional wrestling...

Eve: I'm not really sure if Divas count in this case, but I plain don't like Eve. She's a solid ring worker (relatively speaking of course), but she has no discernible personality and is bland. Completely bland. Cookie-cutter to a fault and I don't see that changing any time soon.

Heath Slater: He looks like a joke. He talks like a joke. He's a joke... I've said it before and I'll say it again, the only thing he'll ever be good for is being the brunt of a John Cena Wendy's joke.

Jack Swagger: I have to admit that he's come a long way since being paired with Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero. But hey, Ziggler is perfection, so he really can't help but look better... It's not that he's terrible in the ring, but I think it has more to do with being paired with Cole earlier in 2011. Every time I hear his music or see him come out I just want to change the channel or put it on mute. He has made me hate Rage Against the Machine, and that's just not fair at all...
5. Jinder Mahal-He counts right? Sure he never appears but he is pretty terrible in all regards that he shouldn't even be holding a roster spot. He is uninteresting, terrible in the ring, and terrible on the mic. I don't see him as anything more than a joke.

4. Kevin Nash-I use to like Nash, then he came back. He seems to have lost it. His mic work has been subpar, he nearly killed Triple H with that powerbomb, and the guy can barely move any more. All he brings to the table now is name value and I'm not even sure how much that is. I was excited about Nash's return and then I just lost interest the minute he started talking

3. Randy Orton-That's right, one of the biggest name stars is in my bottom five. I don't like Orton. He is good in the ring, I give him that and usually puts on a good match, but I just can't get behind him. I find his mic work boring and I can't believe I want him to go back to a heel as heel Orton bored me even more. A change worked for Sheamus, maybe it'll do it for Orton. Though I can't see him changing.

2. Alex Riley-No thank you. I've hated Riley since NXT and even with his face turn he hasn't got me wanting him to succeed. I hate his in ring work, hate his mic work. He is a walking botch. All he has going for is pretty awesome theme music. Though he shouldn't have it. DB would rock the shit out of that theme.

1. Mason Ryan-Ahh yes, Mason Ryan. I hate him. I hated Batista, minus his final heel run. Ryan just doesn't do it for me. He is bland and dangerous in the ring and I can't really judge him on the mic as he doesn't talk. He has a great look that's for sure, but I just can't get into him.
5 - Mason Ryan: The fact that he made it to my list means that I actually don't have many wrestlers that I would like to list here. This guy can still improve and might get out from my "least fave five".

4 - Sin Cara: Boring. He needs a manager or someone to speak for him, ASAP. A silent wrestler needs to have an awesome gimmick and be excellent in the ring to succeed, that's not his case.

3 - David Otunga: Brings nothing in the ring, nothing backstage, no promos, irrelevant since the end of the Nexus.

2 - JTG: Is he even employed on the WWE yet? Change his gimmick, I don't know, he's just unbearable as is.

1 - Health Slater: Has always been irrelevant, was just a filler in the nexus and a filler tag team partner to Justin Gabriel.

I'm not considering people that I don't even see on TV, like Primo or such, because it would be unfair.
I've had a great time reading through this thread. I'm surprised by how many people have Randy Orton and Kane in their list. For my list, I am not going to use Michael Cole, Hornswoggle or any other non-wrestling talent.

5. Rey Mysterio - I understand that Rey is one of the most popular wrestlers in the company, but he does nothing for me these days. His world title run in 2010 was boring for the most part and I'm just not into him.

4. Johnny Curtis - The guy is as boring as they come, and wasted much of our TV time last summer with his silly little segments. He's had one match on SmackDown to my knowledge, and it was him getting beaten up by Mark Henry. I've seen him in a few battle royals and what not but overall he bores me.

3. The Miz - Pairing him with R-Truth (who I like) has made him much, much better in my eyes but he's still a joke to me. He's about the least intimidating guy out there but walks as if he's got the body of Brock Lesnar. What a joke.

2. Santino Marella - He has some funny moments every now and then, but overall he is just too over-the-top for me to take seriously. He makes Zack Ryder look like Mark Henry.

1. Evan Borune - Am I really the only person putting this guy on my least fave five? I can't friggin' stand this guy...his stupid peace sign, the way he smiles for the kiddies and his "air bourne" finisher which I never liked. He's got no charisma, character or mic skills and watching him try makes me cringe.

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