Your FAVE FIVE, sucka

The Doctor

Great and Devious
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1. Sin Cara (Mistico) - Unique, fun, and has awesome ring attire. I love watching him flip and flop around. The fact that he's become a bit of a good-natured running joke between me and my friends helps. We always have tons of evil twin jokes whenever he's around, while at the same time being in awe of his acrobatics.

2. Daniel Bryan - As much as I enjoy his everyman nice guy persona and his ring skills, he's taken a small drop in my FAVE FIVE because of his recent uninteresting booking. Love the guy though and I want to see him become more aggressive and start winning a lot, hopefully leading to a match with Henry at Wrestlemania.

3. Sheamus - Hilarious, big guy, great accent, and puts on great matches. The Brogue Kick may be my favorite finisher in the game right now. While part of me wants Daniel Bryan to cash in MITB on Henry at Wrestlemania, another part of me wants Sheamus to be the one to take Henry out.

4. Mark Henry - I've loved the guy for a while, but he's been going above and beyond the call of duty with this title run. I love his intense promos and his feats of strength and want to see him keep the title for a very long time. All hail the World's Strongest Champion!

5. Air Boom - Power 25 counts them as one unit so I will too. Kofi Kingston's been one of my favorites since his debut and ever since he and Evan tagged on ECW that one time I've been wanting them to become a real tag team. Every year in Smackdown vs. RAW I make them a team and it's fantastic to see my dream happen in real life. The two are just pure fun and excitement, and last night's match ending was great.
My fave five, in no particular order:

1. John Cena. Still the face of the company, despite the negativity he receives (and occasionally deserves).

2. CM Punk. Hardly the best in the world, but he is very good and is a refreshing change of pace.

3. Sheamus. Loved him as a heel and I am surprisingly liking him just as much as a face. A powerful and intense guy with a unique look who has displayed surprising versatility for a relative newcomer.

4. Mark Henry. Went from a laughing stock to a dominant plausible champion in a very short period of time.

5. Daniel Bryan. Still waiting for him to truly take off, but I see a bright future for this talented superstar.
Update: If Sheamus fails to keep his momentum going, he risks losing his place to a fourth Triple H who has a lot of traction at the moment. In that he's gonna put your skinny fat ass in traction.
1. John Cena: Pretty much the top guy.

2. Sheamus: Is really interesting as a face and has been having good matches as of late.

3. Mark Henry: The most dominant guy in all of WWE.

4. CM Punk: Is making most use of the opportunities given to him.

5. Air Boom: Are good together and are bringing some interest back to the tag-team division.
1. Cody Rhodes-Cody has been one of my favorites since day one and he has arguably been the best and most entertaining midcarder for awhile now. Throw in the return of the vintage IC title and the fact he is the best character (in my eyes) currently in the WWE and you have a winner.

2. CM Punk-Like Rhodes, Punk has always been a guy that is near the top of my list. He constantly is putting up stellar matches and is great on the stick. Sure he gets overrated by the marks, but I can live with that.

3. Dolph Ziggler-More midcard love. Ziggler has the potential to be a freaking superstar someday and I really hope they let him. He is one of the best in ring workers and when given the opportunity he usually performs on the stick as well. He may have the brightest future of all the midcards currently in the company.

4. Zack Ryder-The guy is walking entertainment. Sure he is overrated due to how many people have been calling for a push for the guy for God knows how long now. It seems he is finally getting his chance to accomplish his dream and I'm all for it. He has the dedication and the skills to succeed, that's for sure.

5. Sheamus-I was joking around with my friends about how Sheamus and Christian could easily be in my fav five and with their match at HIAC we decided to add the stipulation that the winner gets my final spot in my fave five. Sheamus won and what's not to love about the big Irish man? Face Sheamus has been absolutely stellar and I can't wait to see him back in the main event picture.
Ziggler-Always been a fan of his since his Ziggler debut.

Cody Rhodes-This guy is on FIRE, and I hope he feuds with Booker if rumors are true.

Sheamus-Boring heel run which leads to an awesome face turn! Great white is awesome right now.

Christian-He puts on solid matches every time he steps through those ropes. Always been a favorite of mine and he will always be in top five for me.

Mark Henry-This run is how I pictured this guy to be in the WWE. He never turned out that way till 15 years later. But, he has been awesome and fun to watch him destroy everyone. Are you scared? You know you should be scared?!
1. Triple H - always love seeing The Game in the ring

2. Randy Orton- I wish this guy would turn heel again, he was awesome as a bad guy

3. Cody Rhodes- Love the gimmick. Brought back the old IC belt...brilliant

4. John Morrison- If this guy developed the ability to talk, he would be a world champ

5. Christian- So pleased that he is now a proper main eventer, he deserves it.
Mark Henry
So much love for Henry at the moment. I don't love his ring work, I don't love his mic work. I just love his aura that he's built.

CM Punk
Still fresh. Still great.

Daniel Bryan
If you watched the most recent Superstars, you'd have seen them start to build Bryan as a frustrated MITB holder. Ridiculously excited for this potential angle.

Loving the guy as a face. He should really be the WHC contender sooner rather than later.

Triple H
I've only started to like him more since the "losing control" angle has come to the fore. Before that I was pretty indifferent.
1. Dolph Ziggler - in the WWE and on Twitter, man this guy is IT I fucking love him. Mic work, in ring work, gold solid fucking perfected gold.

2. Randy Orton - there has never been a time where I haven't liked Orton, and I don't give a flying fuck what anyone has to say against him.

3. Cody Rhodes - I never thought he would be as good as he is now, holy shit has he improved. Great in ring, great promos, he took what could have been a disaster of a gimmick and made it work for him perfectly. Future World Champ? yes please

4. Alberto Del Rio - I was a fan when he beat up Rey Mysterio the first time, and haven't lost faith in him. Solid in ring, good on the mic when you can understand him.

5. John Cena - love him or hate him, hes still $$$

Honorable Mention to.....
CM Punk - I loved him more in the SES than in his current state, I think his work then was better as a whole than his current work.
1. CM Punk - His Pipebomb promo brought me back into WWE full-time. I tune in to Raw to see what happens next with his character.

2. R-Truth & Miz - Take the two most entertaining men in the company and put them together. This is Rock n Sock Connection-type of genius. R-Truth's heel turn was literally one of the best turns I have ever seen, I enjoyed the build, turn and aftermath more than anyone else I can remember. And Miz has grown on me from when I began to take him seriously around WrestleMania time. Miz is the future of the company, and his character has no limits - a Miz / Ryder feud next spring would be AWESOME!!!

3. John Cena - The franchise. Let's face facts - WWE would be nowhere right now without him. He's entertaining more often than not and I appreciate that he's trying to expand beyond the Five Moves of Doom. He needs to be a better storyteller in the ring, perhaps by being a 80s Hogan-style slight anti-hero.

4. Alberto Del Rio - He would be #2 but he's slipped a bit for me in the past month. His character is believable, he's a proper heel that everyone can hate and he's fresh in the ring. Great performer.

5 (tie). Air Boom - Single-handedly reestablishing the tag-team division. Best tag-team since Morrison & Miz, who last won titles in 2007. I really missed the tag-team division, I'm very glad its back and this team has a lot to do with it.

5 (tie). Mark Henry - He's not the best wrestler, he's not the best on the mic, but he sure is milking that angry black man stereotype for all its worth. Usually its wasted, but Henry is incredibly believable - I can see him as this pissed off dude who you do not want to be near. Too bad WWE didn't think to give him this ultra-push until now. It will be interesting to see how long "The Most Dominant Champion In History" holds the title. And an added benefit to his angle is that Orton is putting him over clean. To me, this is exactly what Orton needs, to be brought back down to earth a bit so he can rebuild himself in time for Royal Rumble (in his hometown) and WrestleMania... I guess that means Orton will win it back in January, eh?

Honourable mentions:
Zack Ryder - He would be on the list if he were a better wrestler. Hopefully his in-ring ability improves, because I've really begun to like his character quite a bit.
5. Sheamus - So happy that they switched him face, and boy is he fitting in nicely. Solid moveset, and is really building the crowd reactions. My money is on him taking the title from Henry; Orton should have another feud before he gets ANOTHER title match.

4. Mark Henry - What many believe to be a tribute reign could actually become one of the most dominant runs in recent memory. Hell, it already is. Henry's giving out some of his best ever work, and long may it continue.

Joint 2. Cody Rhodes - Both are bringing prestige back to their respective belts. Cody's character is enigmatic, and not half bad in the ring. Not quite ready for the world title yet, but boy he is close.

Joint 2 - Dolph Ziggler - Like I said with Cody, bringing rep back to his belt. Intriguing team with Swagger, got a great heat magnet in Guererro, and is phenomenal in the ring. I'd say Cody is ahead of him right now, but I prefer Dolph out of the two, so I call them even.

1. CM Punk - the recently announced #1 merchandise seller. Loved him since before his ECW debut, but I never thought he'd progress this much. Every potential to become the number 2/joint number one in the company. Not the best at anything, but damn good at most, and thats the key. Can wrestle, brawl, use submissions, fly, talk on the mic, talk at the announcers table, and can manipulate the crowd in any way. Like I said, he isn't the best at one particular thing, but because he is so damn good at most things, he is the best in the world.

Honourable mentions...

Cena - don't like him much, but it's hard to ignore him.

ADR - beat Cena and Punk in a cell. Regardless of how he did it, that speaks for itself.

Air Boom - good team, working well together. Hopefully this won't just be a stopgap to put the belts on someone, and will fully kickstart a team division.

R truth and Miz - REALLY looking forward to seeing how their current angle plays out. Two VERY interesting characters.

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