Your biggest fear

I LOVE public speaking. The idea of standing in front of a lot of people, knowing they have to listen to me tell them everything I want them to know is thrilling.

That's not an arrogance thing, it's just the truth.
I LOVE public speaking. The idea of standing in front of a lot of people, knowing they have to listen to me tell them everything I want them to know is thrilling.

That's not an arrogance thing, it's just the truth.

I'm the same way. The terrible thing about having that massive fear of public speaking for me was that I knew I had a lot of great interesting, funny, insightful, important things to say, but I was afraid to speak in any venue that would allow me to express those opinions to multiple people at a time. Since getting over it, though, I can hardly get enough of public speaking and I get a HUGE adrenaline rush off of it from time to time. I'm the vice president of the campus' film club and I've been running the meeting this semester while the president is on an internship in NYC, and I get to start off all the meetings by speaking to the group, leading discussions, talking about movies... it's great. Sometimes I don't want to stop, but I have to because we need time to screen the films.

I don't know exactly what it is, I think it's knowing that I have the power to say words that get a reaction out of people or make them think or educate them, but public speaking and I have always had a love-hate relationship, and I'm glad we're back to the love part.

And Richard, I looked up a huntsman spider, thing was fucking huge. I'd be scared of that shit too, and I don't consider myself scared of spiders. They're harmless, as you said, but they're bigger than just about any spider you'll find in the US. You Aussie's have some crazy shit down there.
How do you all cope with your fears? Have any of you ever conquered a great fear?

I kill spiders, mostly with spraying stuff. For heights I just tend to not look at whatever the high bit is (my heights fear is generally vertical stuff, especially stairways/bannisters where you can look over the side). I'll get major stick for this but for my darkness fear I sleep with the light on. I don't conquer my social fear, I always hate leaving my house/accommodation. My biggest fear conquering experiences are when I sleep with the light off (which I did til I saw the film Devil, and it set me off again), and that time I went to the top floor in Primark via escalators, that was hell for me.
Public speaking does rock.

Although the prospecting of turning into dough just like Crashin has me on edge.
Fear isn't really the correct word, but knowing that everything will end and that everything that has ever been done will be meaningless when it's all over gives or gave me a horrible feeling from time to time. It's like nothing you do will have any meaning in the end, and not even half a century after you die you will be forgotten - if you did something outstanding, it will just take a little bit longer. That can of course be advanced to the concept of general vacuity of existance.
I've always been kind of a philosophical guy and things that really bothered other people didn't bother me. It was more of a general depression that was stronger or weaker from time to time.
I was raised in a Christian family. Not very religious, but with the belief of a generous, saving god. That concept seemed so constructed and irrational on many levels to me and so obviously born in the deep blind desire of having a meaning in life that I just couldn't believe.
After a longer process of thinking I came to the conclusion that there is indeed no meaning that is ultimately given to you. If you need a sense, you have to create it by yourself. That being said, I try to live with strong principles and have adopted a utilitarian lifestyle - a concept that convinced me most because it tries to build an ethical approach upon logical reasoning with the premise that suffering is negative and should be avoided and happiness is positive and achieve worthy and I feel better than ever before.
Realising that time is just another dimension like room was a small factor, too, because in the end, something that happened 10.000 years ago is as equally important as something that happens now or tomorrow, at least that's what I think.

Okay, I went a bit off with that. :shrug:
I fear Norcal when he's at my apartment and either CM Punk or Jack Swagger's music hits. And my table fears him.

He knows why.
My biggest fear, well maybe not biggest, I'll get to that a bit later, but My fears are Snakes, Spiders, and Heights.

but my biggest fear is, FAILING.

Failing is the biggest thing tht scares me. Failure of being a good father to Lil 6time, failure of being a bad fiancee, failure at being a wrestler, just failure at all aspects of life. It scares me, but I have a good support system. Failure is a scary thing fellas, it makes me go crazy sometimes.
I failed at having an adequate-sized penis. Once the world caught wind of that, I softened up to failure. Not as bad as you'd imagine.

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