What Do You Fear?


Everybody Has A Price!
What do I fear? That's a question that I ask myself all of the time and I always come up with the same answer: The future. I honestly do fear what lies ahead for me in this world. What if I don't become successful? What if I don't get a good job? What if I'm a complete disappointment to my mom? Those type of questions always run through my mind when thinking of this particular fear. Thankfully though, this is something I have to face whether I like it or not (unless something unfortunate happened such as death for example) and hopefully get over.

Another fear of mine is not necessarily dying, but more so dying alone. I don't want to be some lonely and sad old man who no one cares about when he dies. I don't want people to be sad when I die, but I also don't want my loved ones to not care about me and let me be lonely.

So what is your fear and why is that your fear?
Heights. I hate being up high, and it's something I can never get past. I used to have a job driving a forklift and whenever I would have to go up to D Level or higher, I would put those orders at the back of the pile and stash em somewhere so I didn't have to do it. I have absolutely no idea where the fear was established, but it's been that way as long as I can remember. I've never been able to get on a Roller Coaster, I've never flown in a Plane, and I would never even consider doing anything crazy like Bungee Jumping or Skydiving.
I also fear the future. When I was younger, I simply lived life as I pleased. I don't think I really cared for the future until I graduated high school. I feared living on my own and going out into the "real world". I feared adulthood. I'm 18. I haven't truly experienced it yet. I fear failing to support myself or burdening myself with debts. I fear becoming a dissappointment to my mother who has always been there for me but always emphasized that she wouldn't always.

I also fear heights. Whether I'm up high looking down or down low looking up high. I remember when I was four and I pissed my pants going to a post office with a high ceiling. I remember crying in the fourth grade when I flat out refused to go on a roller coaster at Great America and everyone laughed at me. I've somewhat gotten over that fear as I've gone on roller coasters more often. But the uneasiness I have when I'm up high always remains.

I also fear pigeons. Yeah, really. As a child, I did recess and wanted to play with them. They started flying and the noise of the wings flapping scared me and one of them actually pecked at me. I hated pigeons since (even though I guess I was asking for it). Actually, I'm not even sure if I'm scared of pigeons now that I think about it. I just know I have a great dislike for them.
I fear more than anything the idea of a loved one dying. I'll honestly start crying whenever I think that there is a possibility that someone might die. I have a grand mother who is 76 right now. At any moment she can die due to heart failure. I fear that this day will come sooner than later. Also I fear waking up and realizing someone by me has died. I personally have no fear of me dying however I more have the fear of having to experience others die before me. I don't know why but this gets me all the time.
You may laugh at mine. Dolls. They creep me out something fierce, man. It's the whole imitation of life that gets to me. Something about the way they are configured; with their unusually basic eyelids that blink or hell those that can't blink at all. Not to mention their voiceboxes that, over time, get warped in a demonic voice and now they walk, cry, some piss themselves and everything else. I get they are designed for little girls but should little girls really be given motherly practice at their age? I don't know it all just screws with my head. Not to mention all the movies and supposed hauntings when it comes to creepy dolls.

And I read somewhere those that fear dolls may because they fear having babies. I'm a guy and let me tell you I would be terrified over trying to take care of something so small and have them rely on me, a guy that half the time forgets things from time to time.
Fear #1- Clowns
Yes this one started when I was about 9, I was in San Fransisco with my folkls and some family friends. We stopped by a clown who had a bunch of stools lined up for all the kids to sit on while they waited for their balloon animal, and it was taking ages. I get tired of waiting so I hop off the stool and start to walk back over to my parents and the clown grabs me by my jacket and pulls me back onto the stool and tells me to wait. First off he didnt just tug it to get my attention, he full on pulled me and it scared the shit out of me. I mean the creepy voice he used when he said "SIT BACK DOWN" didnt help but the surprise of it mixed with the voice and the fact that this was the rattiest lookin crackhead of a clown ive ever seen really did it. After that I was terrified of clowns, had nightmares about them all the time. Then strangly by friend made me watch Stephen King's IT which is about an aincient monster who eats children every 30 years, and can shapeshift but primarily he looks like a clown. The first time I watched it scared me obviously, but then we watched again, and then another time and I ended up loving it and the clown. So the strange end result is I love and have no problem with scary clowns or clowns that are supposed to be scary, but regular clowns still creep me out.

Fear #2 - Someone I love dying
This one and the next are most definetly the worst. There are not many things that legitimatly terrify me, but the thought of losing a family member gets me and especially the thought of losing my fiance makes me feel like imploding. I do not fear death myself, however I fear dying because that would kill her and I would be leaving her and that is something that I will not allow. Even thinking the future and dying after i've had kids, the thought of it tears my heart out and they dont even exist yet. So do I fear death? No. But I fear harm to my loved ones more than anything in this world.

Fear #3 - Failure
Until I met the girl that I am going to spend the rest of my life with this one did not bother me at all. I was just going to do whatever, maybe screw around and try to be a professional athlete, even sing in a band. But the main focus of that is I wasnt worried about it, I was just going to see what happened and go with it. Now however I worry about this all the time. My highest goal in life is to have a good job where I make a difference in some way, live in Montana and raise a great family with my wonderful fiance. But at this stage in my life I am still trying to figure out what direction I am going regarding a career, and if I could just figure out what I want to do so much of that would go away. But more than anything I want to not only always provide for them, but give them a great life that they will be thankful for. To me nothing means more in life than morals, raising a family and being both a good husband and father, and making difference for the better in some way. My fear is to fail at any of those, because if I did I would be failing myself.

Fear #4 - Spiders
Theyre gross, creepy and stupid.
In reality I do have alot of fears, and they are hard to get over. But some can be overcame.

I at one time was very afraid of heights. I've been to cedar point 5 times in my state of ohio. It took me 5 years of going to even get on the Magnum Xl. After that I was afraid, but I went on the Dragster. Now I'm more easy going with heights, but I still don't like them.

Another is total darkness, I live in a group of Appts. When the power goes out it is completly black if it is at night. I usualy spend that time rolled up into a ball. Or I run down the stairs.

Another is animals that are taller and bigger than me. I love animals, don't get me wrong, and I'm not really sure ware this came from. But I'm a pretty big guy, over 6 foot and 300 pounds. But horses, cows, and shit like that I won't go around. I even have a hard time going to the zoo.
I fear what my brain imagines is lurking in the darkness. As a child I would arm myself with a bat or stick whenever I had to walk anywhere in the dark. Monsters or Vampires. Or murderous rapists. The imagination is a powerful thing. I prefer darkness to light, but once in a while it will hit me and I'll check my coat for the jack-knife or pepper spray I always carry.
Spiders. Snakes. These two creatures are first. Any size, they scare the living shit out of me. I can't see on in real life, from a distance or even on tv without freaking the fuck out. I don't really know where my phobia came from but I can't stand them. They're just too creepy for me to think about.

Parking Garages. I'm a big, tall dude. When I'm forced to park inside one of these, I run a quickly as possible to the building I'm going into. I don't exactly know what my fear of being inside one really is, but I don't like being inside one.

Tall ass buildings. Not really tall buildings but being high up in a tall building. After watching a couple tv shows on 9/11, I have the fear of being up in a tall building without being able to get out if something happens.
My fear(s)? I have a few fears. I fear what is to come in my life. I guess you could call that the future. I am not prepared to go to college and to go out into the world on my own. I can't cook, I have never washed clothes, I have never washed the dishes, and I suck at math. I'm going to have alot of trouble paying bills and balancing the check books.

I also fear that I will never find someone that will truly love me or will truly stick by my side forever. I want someone who will not care about all of my faults and problems, but will care and love me for being a good and caring person. I can't even swim!! Do you know how embarrassing it is to tell someone that I cannot swim?! It's tough.

I also fear that I will not get a job that I will like. I fear that I will work so much that I will never have time for myself. I fear that I will grow old and die and will have not accomplished anything in my life.
As far as I know, I'm not really afraid of much. Being distanced from my family for times has made me realize that when the time comes, I'll have to deal with it. I used to be scared of heights and would feel unbalanced on tall buildings. But after a few joyrides on a roller coaster that went away. I guess if there is something I'd be afraid of is money issues. Not that long ago I was in need of 1000 bucks and didn't have a job to pay the debt. I did manage to pay it all but there is no way in hell I'd ever like to relive anything remotely similar to it.

I am scared to death by my mother sometimes, though...
Tough question. I used to fear death, but due to my religious beliefs I know where I am going so death itself doesn't scare me anymore. Dying in my sleep still kind of does though. The thought of going to sleep never to wake up again, freaks me out a little. I never let myself sleep when riding in a car for that reason. I try not to when flying either, although sleep is a good time killer when on a plane. Then there's car accidents. I'm afraid when driving because of a really bad accident I had in January of 2003 that I never truly recovered from emotionally. I'm terrified behind the wheel to this day, and prefer to be a passenger. Especially when merging onto highways. So dying in my sleep and driving are my two main fears, but like any other fear they can be overcome in time.
I've got quite a few fears unfortunately. I guess I'll go from lesser important ones to most significant ones....

1. Trying different foods

This might be one of the weirdest fears out there, but ever since I was a little boy, I hated trying different foods I've never tasted before. It continues to this day. I would get sick whenever I had to try just about any food I didn't want to try (which was practically everything). I would only eat potatoes as a kid, and was too scared to eat anything else. I'm 26 now and though my diet is much better than it used to be (I eat some meats and I like a lot of different fruits now), I still will refuse to try any foods that I don't want to and the rare occassions when people talk me into it, I'm terrified of it. I'm starting to think that this fear isn't totally psychological and that I could have a taste bud disorder as well, but who knows.

2. Spiders

This happened for two reasons. I remember the year, 1990. I was 6 years old. Two events happened that year to cause this fear that continues to this day. One, I saw the movie Arachnaphobia. I'm one of those people that thinks 95% of horror movies are lame and stupid and thus not scary. This movie still terrifies me (along with Final Destination and the Exorcist). The scene that scared me the most was when the guy puts his shoe on where a spider is hiding, and bites his foot and he dies from the bite. The other thing that happened was in Kindergarten, our teacher was reading out of a science magazine about black widow spiders and how they can kill you if they bite you. Those two things combined made me terrified of spiders. Over time, I've gotten better about them as in some instances I've let them live, but only if they're tiny, baby spiders.

3. Maggots

I don't have a story here. They're just creepy as hell. Ewwwwww.

4. Not living up to my expecations: aka failing at life

I'm a very ambitious person who unfortunately was not blessed with initive and courage to act out and fullfill my dreams. I get complacent easily and won't often move forward with what I want to do, though I'm getting better at it. But ultimately I want to die as someone who the entire world will never forget. Very ambitious, very egotistical perhaps, but unfortunately I just don't have the drive that others do, and thus I am worried that I will not succeed and will not live the great life that I've always envisioned for myself and wanted. I'm afraid that I'll die a failure. But the thing is, the only way I'll believe that I'll succeed is to be the absolute perfect human being, which isn't possible. No one's perfect, but I expect myself to be. Not a good combination.

5. People

For some reason people seem to like me and I can get attention easily. I do have people skills and am a good listener and people always like to talk to me for whatever reason. But at the same time, I hate being around people. I much more enjoy being by myself. The harshness and cruelty, and mind games, and selfishness that people possess scares me. The hatred and bigotry that people possess disturbs me. I have serious trust issues when it comes to people. I don't really trust anyone and I always expect every person I ever meet to eventually turn their backs on me, disappoint me and hurt me emotionally (and even physically). I often feel that I am too nice, giving, and emotionally weak (I suffer from depression) for the people in this world, and I fear that anyone I meet will chew me up and spit me out (figuratively speaking). This leads to my final fear.....

6. Women, Relationships, Love, Loneliness

As you can probably imagine, I have had very little (well, let's just say no) success with relationships and women. I have never been in a relationship with any female that I have liked in my 20 years of being romantically interested in women (started when I was 6 in Kindergarten). Every situation was different. Some were beautiful snobby girls that wouldn't give a nerdy guy like me the time of day, others were already in relationships with other guys, others just saw me as "the friend," some I screwed up on myself. But because I'm as old as I am and have never been in a single relationship, I have severe confidence issues when it comes to this which only makes it worse obviously, as women don't like insecure guys (not any that I've talked to anyway). I'm scared shitless that this trend will continue for the rest of my life and I will die alone. But yet at the same time I'm scared to be in a realtionship. Because my time to myself will be over and my life as I know it will be over. With a relationship comes spending all your time with someone, kids, marriage, and the eventually the end of life. I want love, but I'm not sure I want that path. I guess I have too many other ambitions to settle for that simple of a path.
6. Women, Relationships, Love, Loneliness

As you can probably imagine, I have had very little (well, let's just say no) success with relationships and women. I have never been in a relationship with any female that I have liked in my 20 years of being romantically interested in women (started when I was 6 in Kindergarten). Every situation was different. Some were beautiful snobby girls that wouldn't give a nerdy guy like me the time of day, others were already in relationships with other guys, others just saw me as "the friend," some I screwed up on myself. But because I'm as old as I am and have never been in a single relationship, I have severe confidence issues when it comes to this which only makes it worse obviously, as women don't like insecure guys (not any that I've talked to anyway). I'm scared shitless that this trend will continue for the rest of my life and I will die alone. But yet at the same time I'm scared to be in a realtionship. Because my time to myself will be over and my life as I know it will be over. With a relationship comes spending all your time with someone, kids, marriage, and the eventually the end of life. I want love, but I'm not sure I want that path. I guess I have too many other ambitions to settle for that simple of a path.

:icon_cry: I can relate to that my friend. I have never had any success with women. I'm always afraid that they just want to be friends or that I am not good enough for them. I don't know. All that you said I have felt the same about before. Except unlike you, I have no other ambitions other than finding true love.

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