Are You Afraid to Die?

Not really, maybe if I had dependents or something, but fuck it, I wont have even known I was alive after I am gone so what difference does it make?
Am I afraid of death? No. I'm not afraid of being dead because it's unlikely I'd know about it.

Am I afraid of dying? Hell yes, the thought of sitting and waiting for the end scares the shit out of me.
No, not at all. Death is a nature, just as life is. I'd be upset to die soon, as I'm a bit young, but I'd say I've done everything on my bucket list. Not saying I want to, I just don't fear it. If it's painful, I wouldn't be too hunky-dory about it, but hey, it happens.
I am not afraid to die, but it would be nice to keep living. Death is just natural, and I also believe in heaven, so I think afterlife would be kinda cool. I would like to live a long and happy life, and then die from natural causes. That just seems the easiest. So no, I am not afraid of death.
I try to appreciate family, friends and acquaintances regularly. That way, if I should go suddenly at any time, they will all know I loved them. I try to enjoy my surroundings and do fun things that make me laugh. I smoke weed and drink a lot.

but no i'm not afraid to die.
Who isn't afraid to die? Think about it: have you accomplished what you set out to do in your life and can you say that you've already had a fulfilling existence? I'd hazard to guess that everyone that has posted in this thread so far couldn't answer in the affirmative to that question.
Afraid to die, no. At least, not too afraid to go outside. I'll still look both ways before crossing the road though, and try not to get murdered. I'm more content to stay alive.

If given a shorter time span than I assume, that might change.
Some psycho puts a gun to your head, or ties you up and starts soaking the room with gasoline, you don't think you are going to be shitting your pants in fear of losing your life? This is not a question for anybody in particular, I'm just saying I don't know if the answer to this question is a simple yes or no like some people kind of make it out to be. Ideally, I think everyone would like to die quick and painless when their time comes, but until then you have no idea how, when or why it is going to go down and what kind of state of mind you will be in when it does. The world is an ugly place and people have died in all kinds of horrible ways. I'm not trying to sound morbid or depressing, that is just my take on the whole thing. What I do fear is the inevitable death of the people I love and care about. Luckily I have been pretty fortunate in that I haven't lost too many people around me, but like I said and as we all know it is inevitable and that is something that I am afraid of.
Oddly enough, the thing that worries me the most is people snooping through my stuff when I die xD Ideally, they would just put me in my room in a chair and lock the door forever. GIMME MY PRIVACY

I'm not so much afraid of dying as I am of waking up in a casket. It's the most irrational thing about me (I believe) and shouldn't be possible, but even talking about it is freaking me out right now STOP IT YOU GUYS

But seriously, even though there's a ton I still want to do I've done a lot of things that to me are amazing, looking back. So I'm more curious than anything; I've heard stories from people that have "died" for moments or whatever, but I wonder what it's really like, since nobody that's actually been dead for a while has been able to comment on it (to my knowledge) YET *ominous thunder*
Do I fear death? ... No

Do I fear how I'll die ... sometimes.

After death is an unknown, even though I have a strong feeling I know how it will be. It does not affect my mindset today. Sure I'll be dead, but I wont know it. I was "dead" billions of years before I was born. And I'll be dead until the end of time. Unless there is reincarnation ...

But fearing how I die will always get me a little. I'd like to go out in my sleep after I've accomplished everything I could ever do. But If I died tonight I wouldn't even know ...

Damn thats kinda dark I guess.
It used to scare me shitless. It would actually keep me up at night well into my late teens early 20's. Then the fear just kind of went away. I don't want to die, but I stopped being afraid. If someone put a gun to my head I would be scared of dying, but it's not something I think about. I am more afraid of losing the people close to me, and how my wife and child would be if I died young. It is something that is going to happen to us all so all I can hope for is that I accomplish some more things and raise a good kid then hopefully go in peace.
Death doesn't scare me what scares me is will I be remembered if I die today or if I die tomorrow I don't want to be the person that people see I am dead and are like who cares. But I also don't want to be the person who dies and everyone is like devestated. As long as I die with no regrets I am fine. I also want to die at a young age like 65 I don't want to be old and grumpy and in alot of pain

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