Your biggest fear


Unregistered User
Some people are afraid of public speaking, others heights, some snakes or spiders and others their own death. So what's your biggest fear?

I used to be absolutely terrified of public speaking, and was pretty much petrified of it since 8th grade, but I got over it a little over a year ago. Now I'd have to say my biggest fear, as ridiculous as it sounds, is painful urination. I had a UTI a few months ago and it was the worst pain of my life, I wouldn't wish that kind of hurt on anyone.
I'm not to keen on public speaking. Then theres spiders, I'm a bitch when it comes to spiders. There just so creepy to me, I hate them.
Spiders, heights, dogs, the dark, and being in pretty much any social situation. Also my worst fear is probably giant waves, like 2012 the film size waves, I've had many a nightmare about them.
Let's see. I've never been sure what it precisely means to be afraid of heights. Does it mean being up high without much support or does it cover all instances of being up high? For instance, I'm not afraid of going up to the observation tower of something like the Washington Monument but I would be afraid of being 300 feet up in the air with nothing more to walk on than a crossbeam.

I hate spiders, but I instinctively want to kill them whenever I see them. I don't like snakes, but I rarely see them around my parts.

Ultimately, my biggest fear is being stuck in a virtually airtight space. I wouldn't call this claustrophobia per se since I don't mind being in tight spaces that I can get out of. However, I'd be scared shitless if I went spelunking and got caved in.
Tsnugs, if it helps, my fear of heights is all-inclusive. I had an internal freak out, flying to Vegas, and I didn't breathe for something like ten minutes driving through Klingmans Dome or whateverthefuckitscalled. I can barely stand getting on a ladder to clean windows at work. Just, anything over my height, I can't stand to try getting on.
Pain, death, gangsters, teenagers, teenage gangsters, sharks, the ocean, The Undertaker, getting banned, and Justin Bieber still being around in 2 years.
Spiders have always been an extreme fear for me. Aliens abducting me used to give me nightmares as well. The ocean is probably my biggest fear honestly.
Ultimately, my biggest fear is being stuck in a virtually airtight space. I wouldn't call this claustrophobia per se since I don't mind being in tight spaces that I can get out of. However, I'd be scared shitless if I went spelunking and got caved in.

^This and Drowning.

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