You know the John Cena hate has gone too far when....


Getting Noticed By Management

I dont care if you rip on the man for what he does in the wwe, i am also in agreement that we have "cena nuff" and the 4 moves of doom and super cena but seriously to hate on the man for granting wishes to sick kids is a little cold hearted.

Some questions:
Is there a limit to the hate can spread?
Whats too far, if anything?
Am i in the minority for thinking this is wrong?
I don't know if I qualify as a hater or not to some people, but I find John Cena extremely stale, and have found some of his recent match wins...unnecessary, for want of a better phrase. I could go on some huge rant now, but no point really. But hating on ANY man for charity work is terrible. As a man, I have the upmost respect for the work Cena puts in to grant as many make a wish wishes as possible. I'm sure he gets a ridiculous amount of requests with a small amount of time to squeeze them in, but he still does it.

I don't have a problem with someone hating on his character, as I myself am part of the anti-Cenation. But attacking the man for his charity work and claiming it's some facade, then the hate gets silly.
I think the hate towards him for doing charity stems from the recollections of numerous former talents that have indicated him to be an asshole, a bully, and an unappreciative persona backstage. Some fans seem to think that he is only a hypocrite that is doing the charity so that people will love him. Its a very critical way of looking at things, but I guess they have a high fever from "Cenanuff" which is making them think that way.
I think the hate towards him for doing charity stems from the recollections of numerous former talents that have indicated him to be an asshole, a bully, and an unappreciative persona backstage. Some fans seem to think that he is only a hypocrite that is doing the charity so that people will love him. Its a very critical way of looking at things, but I guess they have a high fever from "Cenanuff" which is making them think that way.

What numerous people? Kenny, Tarver and.....

Those are really trustful guys.
What numerous people? Kenny, Tarver and.....

Those are really trustful guys.

Chavo Guerrero, Alex Riley, Rob Van Dam to an extent, Jericho indirectly (saying "typical, typical" when Chavo was talking about Cena). There you go, six total (that I know of), four of them explicitly. Explains "numerous".

Whether they are trustful or non-trustful is not the question here. When someone from inside reveals something shocking, it creates controversy. Fights, debates, changes of opinion- they soon follow.
Nothing is worse than a *********, spiteful, emotional anti-Cena mark...

You don't have to like him, but just accept him for what he is. He's the only guy who has ever played this "role" in the history of wrestling. The only comparable would be Hogan, and he turned in 96.

The guy is excellent on the microphone, stands for uplifting principles in life... Being drawn to the bad or "cool" guy is so... high schoolish. Who knows, maybe these are all high school kids on here.
Chavo Guerrero, Alex Riley, Rob Van Dam to an extent, Jericho indirectly (saying "typical, typical" when Chavo was talking about Cena). There you go, six total (that I know of), four of them explicitly. Explains "numerous".

Whether they are trustful or non-trustful is not the question here. When someone from inside reveals something shocking, it creates controversy. Fights, debates, changes of opinion- they soon follow.

I like how you threw in that I know of. Nice effort to make it seem like there is a lot more

I think Jericho said typical about once. I believe someone said he wasn't even really agreeing with Chavo or even talking about a negative thing about Cena. I can't remember but that interview is an hour or whatever long and I don't feel like finding that part right now. But I do know that Jericho was not agreeing with Chavo that Cena was shitty in someway. Plus Jericho said a bunch of good things about Cena in his last book. Jericho also said that he knew Cena was special and glad he choose to feud with him early on.

That RVD shoot interview in which he also trashed McMahon,Taker, HHH, Ross and Austin. He seemed really bitter at that time. He said HHH, Taker, Austin and Ross held him down and offered no evidence whatsoever. Plus all he really said was Cena didn't like the Spirit Squad. That could mean 8 billion different things.

Chavo Guerrero also said that John Cena is a really good guy. That he is a hard worker and is a cool dude. He even acknowledges that he takes a lot of what he said about him back. Chavo said this in February.

Alex Riley? For an unconfirmed report of Cena ribbing him and Riley reacting with anger. Which apparently breaks a locker room code and that's why his pushed stopped. So lets say that's true. That makes Cena bad how? Wrestlers, I assume, rib a lot. If it's some sort of code to not react how Riley did, wouldn't that be his fault? Or what may have halted his push was the fact he wasn't very good. I still remember his great promo on Ziggler in which he accused him (or maybe he accused Guerrero who was with Ziggler at the time) of having stinky breath. Nah, that couldn't have been it. Riley was obviously going to be a main eventer before Cena stopped his push all by himself. It's not like Vince runs things or gives two shits about how people react to ribs.

One guy who later recanted his statement (Chavo). One guy who I think did not talk about Cena in the way you thought (Jericho). One guy being bitter and really said nothing (RVD). One guy who said nothing (Riley).

I think the number of guys who explicitly bad mouthed him is now at zero.

Of course being trustful matters. If Nailz came out and said Vince is a homicidal baby killer, would you trust him? No. If you did, you would be an idiot. Also Bret Hart once said Vince and HBK have sex with each other, back when Bret was still really bitter (he also said he loved being in WCW in the same interview, so you know he was lying). You can't just trust bullshit without finding out if it is either true or from a trustful source.

Who cares what it creates? If it's not true, then it's bullshit. If Braden Walker comes out tomorrow and says Brodus Clay is actually a real dinosaur, would fights and debates breakout? Would your opinion of Brodus change if Walker said that?
I like how you threw in that I know of. Nice effort to make it seem like there is a lot more

I think Jericho said typical about once. I believe someone said he wasn't even really agreeing with Chavo or even talking about a negative thing about Cena. I can't remember but that interview is an hour or whatever long and I don't feel like finding that part right now. But I do know that Jericho was not agreeing with Chavo that Cena was shitty in someway. Plus Jericho said a bunch of good things about Cena in his last book. Jericho also said that he knew Cena was special and glad he choose to feud with him early on.

That RVD shoot interview in which he also trashed McMahon,Taker, HHH, Ross and Austin. He seemed really bitter at that time. He said HHH, Taker, Austin and Ross held him down and offered no evidence whatsoever. Plus all he really said was Cena didn't like the Spirit Squad. That could mean 8 billion different things.

Chavo Guerrero also said that John Cena is a really good guy. That he is a hard worker and is a cool dude. He even acknowledges that he takes a lot of what he said about him back. Chavo said this in February.

Alex Riley? For an unconfirmed report of Cena ribbing him and Riley reacting with anger. Which apparently breaks a locker room code and that's why his pushed stopped. So lets say that's true. That makes Cena bad how? Wrestlers, I assume, rib a lot. If it's some sort of code to not react how Riley did, wouldn't that be his fault? Or what may have halted his push was the fact he wasn't very good. I still remember his great promo on Ziggler in which he accused him (or maybe he accused Guerrero who was with Ziggler at the time) of having stinky breath. Nah, that couldn't have been it. Riley was obviously going to be a main eventer before Cena stopped his push all by himself. It's not like Vince runs things or gives two shits about how people react to ribs.

One guy who later recanted his statement (Chavo). One guy who I think did not talk about Cena in the way you thought (Jericho). One guy being bitter and really said nothing (RVD). One guy who said nothing (Riley).

I think the number of guys who explicitly bad mouthed him is now at zero.

Of course being trustful matters. If Nailz came out and said Vince is a homicidal baby killer, would you trust him? No. If you did, you would be an idiot. Also Bret Hart once said Vince and HBK have sex with each other, back when Bret was still really bitter (he also said he loved being in WCW in the same interview, so you know he was lying). You can't just trust bullshit without finding out if it is either true or from a trustful source.

Who cares what it creates? If it's not true, then it's bullshit. If Braden Walker comes out tomorrow and says Brodus Clay is actually a real dinosaur, would fights and debates breakout? Would your opinion of Brodus change if Walker said that?

What the fuck are you ranting on about? I neither expressed hate towards Cena for doing charity; I was merely mentioning a potential cause for it, neither did I say anywhere that I personally trust their words. Do you have screws loose in your brain or something? Total irrelevance and an absolute waste of space.
At the end of the day, whether John Cena is a little bit of an asshole backstage (who knows if that's the case, but I think he's very protective of his position as the top guy) or as a fan you are simply bored of his act, there isn't any way he can be criticised for his charity work, even if he is only doing it to make himself look good (which I highly doubt).

I know plenty of wrestlers have done "Make a Wish", but Cena has done so many more than anyone else. Whether he actually cares about the young child is irrelevant- the fact that he is willingly doing this and making the terminally ill child happy and giving them an amazing memory should be credited and applauded. I have alot of respect for Cena for granting all these "Wishes", he doesn't have to do it but chooses to.
I've no hate towards Cena at all. I quite enjoy him in the WWE, not my top wrestler but I don't have the hate some of the IWC do.

In regards to his charity work, how he can be hated for that is people with an axe to grind. Surely the 'Make a Wish' is for these children to have one opportunity to do something that otherwise would not be possible. If these kids love Cena to make a wish to see him, and out of what is confirmed by numbers of wrestlers as a very hectic schdule, Cena does that, how can he be criticised?

Some people seem to have a huge problem seperating John Cena the WWE entertainer and John Cena the man.

(sorry my interwebs grammar is worse than my regular grammar)

I don't get it either. Cena doesn't have to do it but he does do it. The kids seem to love it. The only thing I can imagine is that some people feel worse about themselves because Cena has a busy life yet still takes time to do something good and it makes them feel bad because they feel like they do nothing good or they just do nothing.
The WWE's constant patting themselves on the back for their/Cena's charity work annoys me sometimes.

But as for Cena HIMSELF, I don't know how anyone can criticize him for making sick kids happy by spending some time with them. Even if you wanted to take a diabolically cynical route and say that his motives aren't pure or whatever, that is irrelevant to the fact that these kids and their families really appreciate him doing these things.
I think the hate towards him for doing charity stems from the recollections of numerous former talents that have indicated him to be an asshole, a bully, and an unappreciative persona backstage.

And who knows? Much of that might be true.....or much of it might be sour grapes on the part of performers who are resentful that Cena has more of what they wish they had: power, money.....whatever he has that sticks in their craw. At the same time, they'd hardly be happy with the response probably given them by WWE management: "When you draw like John Cena, you can have what he has."

As for his charity work, I would have to believe he does far more of the "Make a Wish" deeds than he's required to do. Whether he does it because he really wants to use his influence to help kids.....or he's interested only in improving his image....all that matters in the end is the people he's helping. If he's brightened the spirits of a child in the hospital, try telling the kid that the man is a phony and only doing it for his personal gain.....and see how far you get.
John Cena has his drawbacks just like any other wrestler, as well as his detractors. I understand and personally agree that Cena's act has gotten stale and no longer am I at all interested in him being WWE Champion. I also agree that WWE sometimes protects Cena to such a degree that it's a detriment to other wrestlers he's in programs with. I think the best and most recent example of this was at Extreme Rules in his steel cage match against Bray Wyatt in which Cena ultimately overcame the 3 on 1 odds and had the match won had it not been for the kid popping up at the cage door to start singing. The worst part, for me, was Cena being able to overpower both Harper & Rowan as they were trying to keep the cage door shut. I get that wrestling is set up, I even get that WWE wants to crow about Cena's strength, but slowly overpowering two men like Luke Harper and Erick Rowan is just ridiculous.

With that being said, however, while I'd personally prefer Cena taking a backseat to others on the roster, I fully understand and appreciate why that won't happen. Cena's a top money maker for WWE and for all the hate he gets via the IWC, his merchandise sells, his segments on Raw are often among the most watched on the show and he tirelessly hypes the WWE brand. WWE's a business and that's how it has to be run.

As far as all the "you can't wrestle" stuff about Cena, it's probably some of the most laughable of all the various anti-Cena arguments. For someone who "can't wrestle", it's amazing how many extremely strong matches he's had over the course of the past 10 years with such a broad variety of opponents ranging from all over the spectrum of high flyers, mat technicians, powerhouses, brawlers and jacks of all trades. The Five Moves of Doom stuff is crap as too many of the haters conveniently ignore the fact that EVERY wrestler has a handful of signature moves and sequences that we see in their matches.

John Cena is hated to such a degree sometimes that I think it emanates from a number of sources.:

1. They push Cena instead of the guy I like. - We've all been there at some time at some point with some wrestlers. We see guys we're just not into all that much getting pushed instead of those we prefer. Sometimes, in order to justify it to ourselves, we have to come up with reasons why. We all know the various reasons: Cena's playing politics, my guy's being purposely held back because management doesn't like him, WWE has no idea what talent is, etc.

2. It's good old fashioned cynicism. - There was a line from the first Spider-Man movie back in 2002 in which the Green Goblin is doing his villainous monologue in attempting to persuade Spidey to join him. I can't remember it word for word, but it was essentially something like "if there's one thing people love more than a hero, it's to see a hero fall, fail and die trying." I think that's a very true and unfortunate thing in society and we see it happen all the time. Whenever someone on television, movies, in sports, music or whatever makes it big, some fans start looking for ways, reasons or excuses to tear into them. Right now, for instance, people hate on Miley Cyrus all the time, including people who were fans, because she isn't a G rated Disney character like Hannah Montana in real life. It's almost as if some people resent the fact that she's a grown woman. In John Cena's case, he's been a major star in WWE and the genuine face of the company for almost a decade. In the mid 2000s, people were going nuts over him. Some of it is due to just being dissatisfied that he's still on top, that he's essentially the same act he always has been, that they're just burned out on him, etc. All of that's understandable, but the guy sometimes gets a lot of hate that isn't deserved.

As far as fans going too far with the hate, there are times and places where it's just not appropriate. For instance, at the 2013 WWE Hall of Fame induction ceremony, held in New York City, they showed a video presentation of John Cena granting wishes via the Make A Wish Foundation and the crowd in attendance shit all over it. I don't buy into the "I paid my money, so I'll do whatever I want" nonsense in situations like that. Essentially, they were booing a video package featuring sick and dying children who made a wish to see their favorite celebrity, some of whom may have passed away since and some of whom probably won't live to graduate from elementary school. Yeah, it's really edgy and cool to give the guy shit for visiting dying children. :disappointed: :disappointed: There's just a time and place for the Cena hate that's acceptable, but that wasn't it. Gee, and some New Yorkers wonder why so many people have the impression that they're all assholes. :rolleyes:
Some of the Cena detractors on this site are just ridiculous... I remember one thread not too long ago, arguing that John Cena is actually some sort of deranged psychopath because he never shows "emotion in an emotional situation"... Because being professional means that you're a serial killer right?:disappointed: Hate on Cena all you want for his stale gimmick, his shitty wrestling, or his corny mic-work, but don't try and turn something that's pretty amazing into something ugly. The point is, Cena is a legitimate hero to MANY young children, some of who are sick and dying and have one wish... To meet the man they idolize. Cena does his best to grant as many wishes as he possibly can to these children, and I for one find it amazing that he takes the time out of his ridiculous schedule to make a sick childs wish come true.

Honestly I am as tired of SuperCena as the next IWC smark out there, but how can you hate the man on a personal level when he's proven he is a legitimate good person... None of us know John Cena "the man", no matter how much we want to speculate.
If Cena is a asshole backstage then its irrelevant when it counts towards his charity work IMO.. Im sure he is protective of his position as the top guy in the company,and is a tireless worker who eats,shits,sleeps WWE.. Plus you cant do that many Make-A-Wishes without somewhat caring..

If the whole A-Ry and Cena thing happened,because A-Ry got butthurt by Cena,then Alex should have known better.. Plus I assume he was around the business long enough to know,he did break some locker room code.. Cena has a hectic schedule,does numerous charity works,is the face of the WWE?? I think the Cena you see is the Cena in real life.. He is who he is..
Oh, man. No one hates anti-Cena marks more than I do, so this may turn into a rant.

I'm not a huge Cena fan, but I do appreciate several things about him. I enjoy most of his matches, and he does really have an extensive catalogue of great matches, dating back to a pretty good debut against Kurt Angle. And think about this: now that CM Punk is gone, and Undertaker's future is uncertain, John Cena is the only full-time wrestler in WWE who has a 5 star match to his name. Isn't that incredible?

Off camera, he seems like a really good guy. A bit awkward, but a good guy. He has a great passion for the business, and he's a model professional. And he loves his fans, you can see it every time he interacts with them.

Meanwhile, Cena haters are the most low-life scum of the IWC. They mock children for liking John Cena, which is fucked up. They hate him because they see his charity work, where he makes sick kids really happy, which is even more fucked up. They're often semi-literate, semi-******ed manchilds who hate blindly on a good man because he's the best at what he does, while their favourite wrestlers aren't.

They blame Cena for defeating certain wrestlers, as if he's booking himself. They're complaining about his charity work being on TV, as if he demanded it, even though anyone with eyes can tell you that WWE will promote the shit out of any positive press, regardless of what the wrestler involved has to say.

You don't like his charitable acts shoved down your throats? Then where were the complaints about that Conor the Crusher video, that featured the likes of Daniel Bryan making the sick kid happy? Well, because maybe, in that tiny little mongoloid brain of yours, you realise that complaining about Conor's video would make you a horrible, horrible human being. And yet, when it comes to John Cena, these marks become utter assholes, and show absolutely no remorse for it.

Has Cena gotten a tad stale? Sure. His promos are samey, and he hasn't done anything really exciting since he was battling CM Punk in 2011. But he's still an excellent pro-wrestler. Again, the only full-time member of the WWE roster who has a 5 star match under his belt. He still draws money, which is exactly what a good pro-wrestler should be able to do.

Cena haters are not only people who don't understand much about how pro wrestling works, they're also really sad individuals. I should probably pity them, but I hate them too much for that. There's one guy on the WZ website called Cena's Golden Shovel. A person so incredibly stupid and ignorant, but you can't pity him because he's also such a deluded prick when it comes to his beliefs about John Cena.

Honestly. If you don't like his wrestling or promo style, fine. But to hate the man and his good deeds is just fucked up.
I'm not a Cena hater, actually I'm a huge fan. I find him very entertaining . When it comes to the fans, like it has been said in the past, you pay your hard earned money so you can cheer or boo for who you want but I have to agree its taking it too far when you attack the person for giving back such as Cena granting wishes to sick kids. You hear the testimonies of those who have granted wishes through Make A Wish and you see it means so much to them and touches them just as much as it does the sick kids.
The WWE's constant patting themselves on the back for their/Cena's charity work annoys me sometimes.

But as for Cena HIMSELF, I don't know how anyone can criticize him for making sick kids happy by spending some time with them. Even if you wanted to take a diabolically cynical route and say that his motives aren't pure or whatever, that is irrelevant to the fact that these kids and their families really appreciate him doing these things.

I don't see it even as a bad thing that the wwe promotes all his wishes gild you have a company that gets as much negative press as the wwe does its good to have some good or and how can you not publicly thank the employee who's providing a constant stream of good pr
The WWE's constant patting themselves on the back for their/Cena's charity work annoys me sometimes.

Even if you find it "annoying", I'd suggest you take a step back from wrestling and reconsider what is most important in life, and then reapproach.

You can never have too much good news in today's world, or uplifting stories.
I think the hate towards him for doing charity stems from the recollections of numerous former talents that have indicated him to be an asshole, a bully, and an unappreciative persona backstage. Some fans seem to think that he is only a hypocrite that is doing the charity so that people will love him. Its a very critical way of looking at things, but I guess they have a high fever from "Cenanuff" which is making them think that way.

Matt Striker said in a shoot that some people think negatively about Cena because he's somewhat of a loner backstage. According to Striker it's because wrestlers constantly want stuff from Cena. They want to run programs with him to help them elevate their position or they want him to give them ideas on how to get more over.

According to Matt he sat down at a table with Cena and asked him how his day was going and John said "You know what? No one ever asks me that."

Striker said that after that he and John weren't "friends" but John would actually talk to him and stuff.

Take that for what you will. Obviously Striker could have made the whole thing up but I don't know what he would benefit from it.

As far as the topic is concerned.

One of the stupidest arguments I got into on the front page was someone arguing about The Rock doing charity stuff and the WWE not showing it on WWE television.
Somehow the person was blaming Cena for that and saying of course WWE will show Cena doing it but not other wrestlers.

I've also seen people actually claim WWE only does the Susan G. Komen stuff because they want to make Cena look good and claim it was his idea.

Bottom line is people are idiots.
We don't hate the charity, we hate the fact that he does it for attention, money and to get over. He's as phoney as the day is long, just like Rock said. Fuck John Cena, anyone who likes him is a kid or a ******.
i respect everything john does for the wwe but at the same time he has so much leeway in wwe why not put over people sometime it seems like everytime some one is on a hot streak cena is their and stops their momentum ala sandow the nexus and more he never loses and when he does it's by dq even hogan put over warrior back in the day how many people can we say cena has put over with the exception of a few guys like punk and daniel bryan
First of all let me say, I am not a fan of John Cena's in any way shape or form. I have watched him wrestle for the past 12 years, and in the beginning he was interesting but over the last few years, has become as stale as 3 week old bread.

Now even though I'm not a fan of his, I don't hate the man. How can I hate someone I don't know or have never met in person. I think it's ridiculous to say you hate someone you don't know, because you might one day you might meet them in person and find out they're actually a pretty decent person.

All we know about Cena is what the WWE publicity machine wants us to know. Quite frankly that's not really that much, and it's all I want to know, since I' not interested in the guy beyond what I see on my TV screen. It's admirable that he does so many Make a Wish, and goes out of his way to help other's, especially kids that make up most of his fan base, and I won't fault him for that. But it doesn't change the fact that I'm still not a fan.

Oh and as for how he acts at work, and how he treats the other wrestler's, well I don't give a shit about that either, cause I don't work there and he's not treating me like that. We all have our good days and bad days.
You know I read alot of posts just for the fun of it. I see all these reasons why people hate john cena and I can't help but laugh. Now I know everyone has the right to their own opinions and the Internet gives everyone a voice. Look at Triple H on Raw, he attacked back cause people opened there mouth. I wonder what Cena would do it he actually attacked people back, Alot of Cena hate comes from Rock Fans, Which I am a rock fan but I don't hate Cena for it. Cena made a point when Rock did leave but as Rock said he did everything he wanted in WWE. Now Cena said he is there every week and he said he will always be there in WWE, now they are saying he might go hollywood and that would make him just like the Rock.

Getting back to the topic at hand. There is alot of people who dislike Cena and act like he doesn't belong but Cena is alot like Hogan. Hogan made fans of both kids and Adults and went over well where Cena reaches Children better then the the adults mostly cause the kids dont look at the Rock the same way. The era of wrestling changed so Cena didn't turn out just like Hogan.

People come out and hate on cena cause he's the same for the last 10 years. This man gives up great matches with his 5 moves of doom, he cuts good promo's, he's not the best but he gives it his all every week for the WWE universe, love him or hate him, you gotta respect the man for all that he does. What I don't get is how you can hate a man who goes to see kids who are dying, he goes to cheer them up and give them hope. I enjoy Cena as a part of the whole product called WWE. Those who hate Cena should think why they hate him so much when he has a good heart and he goes to be with those sick people. Quite frankly I don't see any Cena haters going to visit kids with Cancer. Visit the Troops over sea's. Give hope to people who need it badly.

One last thing for all you Cena haters. if we didn't have Cena then Randy Ortan would get alot more air time and i dont know about alot of you but my head would explode. I just can't stand Orton.

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