Y2J Return? & Save Us Videos [KEEP IT ALL HERE!]

I do hope it is Y2J. And the video seems to point at it.If it isn't Jericho it will be another wrestler. I claim this because PPV's should be known, not envolved in mistery. I do believe that there are clues in the video and maybe next week the video wil be longer.
I'm now reading that for sure the "SAVE_US.222" indeed is to hype someone or a group coming in which it's currently being said that there was a plan to hype the debut of New Hart Foundation pretty damn good and that they want to make a huge surprise of Chris Jericho's WWE return. However, I am determined indeed this is Jericho's return. 9 seconds mark there was a voice that said "I'm Back". All clues points to Chris Jericho, crystal clear. The theme, the countdown, "Save Us", the background music sounded similar to Jericho's old theme and this is suppose to be the time period he is to make his return.

It's been years since the WWE did something like this to actually question many fans and at the same time get them very hyped. I love it!
I Thought That save_us_222 Meant That Every Week It Would Change Leading up to Cyber Sunday,save_us_Y22, save_us_Y2J, etc.
i think its not chris jericho return i want it to be but if u watch that video again and pause it at the 2 second mark u can clearly see it say Cyber on it so its prolly just a cyber sunday vid plus they showed it on Ecw.
OK I watched the mcgruder video and even used my DVR and it just isn'tt hat easy to frame by frame. I did not hear a voice that said I'm back. I however did here music what is the song playing? It sounds like that one song they play at the begining of RAW. I also hear a woman moaning. The only thing I saw very clearly was Saveus_222 which if you type into the wwe search you get nothing. So it is a mystery I am not sure if they are talking jericho though I think it is more an ad for a new attitude area or basically the change we have been asking for. Who knows what that means. I am not saying its not jericho I am saying it is not obviously jericho though.
I'll tell ya this, Maluco, if Jericho returns and beats the crap outta Cena, we will see Cena begin a slow heel turn. People will rally behind a "bad ass" version of y2j. As for the message, I'd laugh my ass off if it was, like, jbl reuniting with simmons to reform the apa or sid vicious or something, and all you conspiracy theorists are up in arms. P.S. put your lips on her beave and say "conspiracy theorists" as fast as you can 100 times. You'll like the results.
There Seems To Be A Reference To Cyber Sunday, Its Says demos/cyberastronomy/data
There Seems To Be A Reference To Cyber Sunday, Its Says demos/cyberastronomy/data

Eh, like I said in a response, the term cyber doesn't necessarily mean or have to be a reference to "Cyber Sunday". The term "cyber" is common with computers. Cyber can be short for cybernetic:

the study of human control functions and of mechanical and electronic systems designed to replace them, involving the application of statistical mechanics to communication engineering.
theres a reference to everything, october 7th, and cyber sunday, so when ur dissapointed he doesnt come on October 7th (which u will but the PPV to see, then u will by Cyber Sunday because u will thinks its then. Also, i have a question on ECW did the the number 222 change to something like 221? It could be a countdown to a return. If it is Jericho he wont be back until 2008 as WWE is going to hype it forever
If it is a countdown as i said, which it very well could not be, the date would be May 2nd, a friday, that date was also seen in the video. Just a thought, but i would think he would be back before WM
Well, too be honest, the video was showing a couple things that referenced to Billy Gunn.

1. BAT_ASS being one of them
2. WM99_TRIPLE, he was in a triple threat at WM99 or Wrestlemania 15
3. The last digit seen was 1, may be a reference to "THE ONE" Billy Gunn.
and, the most startling to me....
3. KOR_13, the thirteenth King of the Ring tournament, which he won.

There were more references to Billy Gunn than Jericho, but I think that all that nonsense in the background was just to make it look interesting.

The SAVE_US.222 still concerns me, but more than likely this promo is actually for Chris Jericho.
I dont think they will hype it until 2008 if it ir jericho(Which i wanna say im positive it is him.) On Raw they only have about 3 main superstars, cena orton and hhh, tell u the truth everyone is sick of them in the highspot. smackdown has ede coming back a couple months, undertaker kane batista finlay khali. Jericho will not go to ecw i can guarantee that, he will be put on raw and possibly a cena heel turn since he isnt working out too good as a face. honestly i think its the main reason ratings have gone down, everyone is sick of him, thats one of the reasons i cut down watching it so much. too predictable

As for the video. Jericho all the way
i saw OCT7 which is no mercy.
He has all mondays off his book signing the month of october
it could end up being a countdown
This is my theory and this would be mad cool

this week they show save us 222

next week its save us 22

at no mercy they will show the video save us 2
and then pyros will go off and on the save us video it will show save us y2j and he will come out

just a thought and maybe a possibilty
Like the whole entire video in some sort seems basically demonic, We all know the WWE has a way to get our hopes up but then eventually shoots us down and we become very disappointed. There have been so many references in this video package. who knows it could hyping up cyber sunday for all we know. Like the only thing is saw really was I heard " I'm back" and i seen the save us _222. Not everything is certain though, all in all i am confident that it is Jericho but maybe it is the Hart Foundation because it doesnt really matter who it is because when they debut they are going to get a pop because this is highly anticipated. I hope it is chris jericho but like i said before in my earlier post that save us 222 thing makes logical sense.

this week Save_ us 222
next week Save_us 22j
the week after.... the week leading up to no mercy....Save_us Y2j.

not everything is certain but we as the fans got our hopes up and by god we are all anticipating Jericho or even the New Hart Foundation.
Its deffinetly not cyber sunday promo. Cyber Sunday isnt until after no mercy. the way no mercys card is loooking right now, its going to be a decent ppv.. better than the past several. they dont need to start hyping up cyber sunday already, its not even a really popular ppv to be honest.

the countdown idea is what i have a feeling is going to happen
they might even make a whole diff video with different codes and what not
more for us to talk about haha
Where is everyone getting:
Save_ us 222
Save_us 22j
Save_us Y2j

Why are people saying that. Is that something you just made up or can you provide why that would make sense with the 222 changing like that, other than the fact that there are 2's in the name and Y2J

Someone tell me...
plus if it was for cyber sunday, they wouldnt show little codes talking about diff ppvs like wrestlemania and survivor series
if no one has noticed the countdown at the end. it shwos all the codes and the last two numbers u see is all the codes leaving the screen and the last ones are 3 2 1
This cant be a countdown. It still said Save_Us.222 last night on ECW. Here's what I figure will happen.

These ads will continue to run until Oct.7 at No Mercy. That night, Cena will win his match with Orton. Just as he begins to celebrate the lights will go out and the video will play.
The next night on Raw, Cena will begin to congradulate himself on continuing his winning streak, then the video will show again. Every Raw until Cyber Sunday the video will show whenever Cena is in the ring. At Cyber Sunday, Cena (champion) will be standing in the ring as the votes (pertaining to who will face him for his championship) are about to be shown. As the votes climb, the numbers go kookoo, and the video will play again. The term Save_Us.222 will stay on the screen, and will somehow change to Y2J. A pyro goes off, and the votes reveal that Y2J got 100% of the votes. Whether he becomes champion on that night, I'm not sure, but he probably will.

Some may think this is a bit far-fetched, but as far as I'm concerned, it incorperates most of the clues/hints/dates givin in the video that point to CJ. This is just what I figure will happen.
they wont bring someone who hasnt been in the ring for 2 years right into the title picture let alone give him the title
I have no idea how you people are turning Save_Us.222 into Save_Us.Y2J. Seems to be stretching it a bit. Agian, I will give my insight on what I saw on the video . . .
At the 6.9 second mark, it reads SKITTLES_SLAM. Summerslam 2005 was sponsered by Skittles, and it was the last Pay-Per-View Chris Jericho took a part of.

they wont bring someone who hasnt been in the ring for 2 years right into the title picture let alone give him the title

When he does come back, John Cena isn't going to have the title. He's going to fued with Cena because the night after Summerslam 2005, Cena and Jericho took part in a "You're Fired" match and Jericho lost. Jericho will be coming back to fued with John Cena, but not for the title because Randy Orton will be the WWE Champion.
i saw that.

No mercy is what I think. I saw OCT7 layered scross the background of the video. the video has nothing to do with cyber sunday

Also i read something about he might come back as a heel

Honestly. it wont work, they try to bring him back as a heel, everyone is going to cheer for him either way, he has been gone for 2 years and he was deffinelty a fan favorite and one of the best. I speculate a cena heel turn
^John Cena looks to be turning into a heel from the actons that they have him doing. Yes, he's fueding with the top heel at the moment, but once Randy Orton wins the title, I think Cena's going to go "crazy" and basically attack every one.
I have no idea how you people are turning Save_Us.222 into Save_Us.Y2J. Seems to be stretching it a bit. Agian, I will give my insight on what I saw on the video . . .
At the 6.9 second mark, it reads SKITTLES_SLAM. Summerslam 2005 was sponsered by Skittles, and it was the last Pay-Per-View Chris Jericho took a part of.

When he does come back, John Cena isn't going to have the title. He's going to fued with Cena because the night after Summerslam 2005, Cena and Jericho took part in a "You're Fired" match and Jericho lost. Jericho will be coming back to fued with John Cena, but not for the title because Randy Orton will be the WWE Champion.

I was replying to someone who said jericho is coming back at cyber sunday to defeat cena at cyber sunday. Im aware orton is winning the title at no mercy. but i dont expect a jericho heel return, more likely a cena heel
my estimation. it has to be jericho, I could understand a couple things showed up that might speculate jericho. but with all of this evidence, there is just no way its a coincidence. plus I know jericho and wwe have been talking for the past few months and now this comes up.

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