Y2J Return? & Save Us Videos [KEEP IT ALL HERE!]

I find it odd that none of the announcers on Raw or ECW said anything about it, and that it isnt even remotely mentioned on wwe.com. Usually when something like this comes up the announcers will bring attention to it for at least a moment or two.
I find it odd that none of the announcers on Raw or ECW said anything about it, and that it isnt even remotely mentioned on wwe.com. Usually when something like this comes up the announcers will bring attention to it for at least a moment or two.
They've ignored them before. Granted, they don't do it very often, but it's been done in the past. Hopefully, it WILL turn out to be Jericho, and he really CAN save the WWE from all the terrible press they've been getting lately.
Im A Little New Here, And I Have To Say What Ever This Video Is
It Has Grabed The Attention Of Every Wrestling Nered In America, And I Personally Belive It To Be... Y2j

Also Does Anyone Know Were I Can Download This Video, I Would Like To Disect It Myself And See What I Come Up With
if they are trying to get the ratings and our hopes up with this promo, i think they are going to succeed in doing both. but as much as i hope it has something to do with jericho, this is the wwe and they have a way of making anything that has potential to be entertaining completly suck. WWE needs this to be Jericho. all we can do now is wait and see.

the save us from the promo and jericho coming to save the wwf in 99 are more then coincidence tho, if you ask me.
the save us from the promo and jericho coming to save the wwf in 99 are more then coincidence tho, if you ask me.

I honestly think alot of the things in that video are coincidences just based on two facts

1. I dont think that the WWE wouldn't put that much effort into it to put in clues every 5 seconds of the video IMO theres only 1 clue in there probably something to do with save_us.222

2. Vince Mcmahon thinks the fans are stupid. who else but Vince changes a storyline in a week or makes some big storyline completely forgotten like it never happened after its over. like I said in number 1 I think theres one obvious clue in there and I think Vince wants it to be seen and have people think theyve figured it out but really have no idea what it means.

wel that my:twocents: on this topic for now
There is a report that the entire idea of this kind of stuff is part of a viral marketing campaign, I hope it extends further than the videos like having stuff on the Website. and stuff like that. The idea of Viral marketing worked very well, look at Iron Maiden, they did Viral marketing in regards to the release of their latest album. This Got a lot of people interested. this should get people interested if more is done than just the video.
One of the big symbols for No Mercy this year is a dove. Any one else find this a bit odd? I'm thinking this may be another clue-tying into what shadowmancer said about planting clues other than the video. Did Y2J ever do anything with doves? Something with Fozzy maybe? Just throwing it out there.
They have ignored them before a silloetted Ricky Steamboat breathed fire for weeks before they announced the dragon is coming. Sometimes the vignettes speak for themselves, what's kind of lame about this is the only message I suspect is Save_us.222 and the counting down.

People scrambling to find hidden messages are marking out for nothing and in their efforts they keep putting bad info out like Bible verses, the numbers changing and Cyber Sunday being the 222 PPV.

And as far as the WWE giving fans what they want with Jericho, I would really wait and see. I really believe this is his return, but that doesn't mean he will be booked properly/

Matt Hardy came back and they jobbed him to Edge after all the "We Want Matt" chants. Despite all the interest in the illegit kid, it turned out to be stupid.

DX came back and was a wash, and when the NWO was in WWE it was pathetic, and ECW is about as bad as WCW Thunder. Vince could bring Jericho in and job him to CENA and TRIPLE H.
I think all of the video stuff just might be the hype for WWE'S New "Other" Website that will come out soon. It should feature a lot of classic stuff you can download, and etc... thats what I think this is all about.
Here is my train of thought on this. Jericho coming back would be a HUGE deal to the WWE, assuming they properly use him. Anyway, part of me does believe he'll be back at No Mercy, but part of me thinks that them showing this graphic for only two weeks prior to the event is a bit rushed. If I remember the countdown clock correctly, it spanned out over weeks and weeks until that faithful autumn night. It wasn't something that came up a week before a PPV. Still, I really hope he returns at No Mercy, mainly because I'll be there.

Anyway, here is how I see this panning out. Next week on RAW, the weird techy graphic comes back, but this time at the end, it doesn't say SAVE__US.222, but rather, it says SAVE_US.22J. Then, No Mercy rolls around and Mr. Kennedy returns. He comes out on the mic, starts doing his normal schtick about how awesome he is and how he's back and blargh blargh blargh. Next thing you know, mid-promo, the graphic comes up on the 'tron, but this time, at the end it says "SAVE_US.Y2J" This cues pyro of some sort and Jericho is at the top of the ramp, leading to an undoubtedly hilarious exchange between Jericho and Mr. Kennedy, much how Jericho's debut in the WWF/E was years back with The Rock in the ring.

So basically, yeah, that's what I am pulling for. Makes sense to me.
If this the case they could have simply said Save_Us.123 and then change the 1 and the 3. I think the Save_Us.222 simply means Jericho will once again claim he is here to save the WWE.

The 222 may mean nothing, as far as Jericho and Kennedy if they go that way, they will be wasting my time. Jericho vs. Kennedy while Cena and Orton fight over their belt, probably at some point in tag matches with their fathers is a waste of time. Simply put, have Jericho beat Cena for the belt to gain revenge and actually have a story that makes ef'n sense for a change.

And I don't the promo would be "undoubtedly hilarious."

Instead Jericho needs to come back and go straight into the title picture against Orton or Cena. If he goes to ECW or Smackdown, that would be like if Bischoff had sent Hall or Nash to Thunder instead of Nitro.

However, knowing Vince he will demand Jericho babysit Hornswoggle to get back in the WWE.
okay folks, Im convinced it is jericho. he's the only one I know that uses the colors of ice blue and purple in his entry themes. its obvious....:xmen: :headbanger: and its probably a hype up for his new book.
One of the big symbols for No Mercy this year is a dove. Any one else find this a bit odd? I'm thinking this may be another clue-tying into what shadowmancer said about planting clues other than the video. Did Y2J ever do anything with doves? Something with Fozzy maybe? Just throwing it out there.

No I don't find it odd at all because it has nothing to do with Jericho and he won't be at No Mercy. if he was they would tell you to get you to BUY the PPV.

If you start reading everything the WWE is doing into this one 5 second promo, you're going to be disappointed. Creative doesn't work that hard.

I don't expect Jericho back until the Survivor Series and he will probably debut on Raw the Monday prior or two Mondays prior to get you to buy it.

Vince wants your money and having Jericho appear in the blind doesn't get it.
See, that's the thing. WWE and Vince know they need Jericho now more than ever. They wouldn't offer him a "seven figure salary" if they were going to just throw him in to some stupid angle or if they were going to have him job out to people. They will put him in an angle that makes sense.

Sure, seeing Jericho thrown in to an angle with Cena makes sense, but I dunno, I don't really see them re-introducing him like that. I see them taking a little time to build him up, again, before putting the belt on him. I just don't see him being thrown instantly in to the main event picture. Especially considering he has roughly two years worth of ring rust to shake off.

Then again, they just threw a belt on Lashley months ago, rather than building him up. So who knows. It's the WWE.

All I know is that it'll be a good ride for the next few weeks.
Here is my train of thought on this. Jericho coming back would be a HUGE deal to the WWE, assuming they properly use him. Anyway, part of me does believe he'll be back at No Mercy, but part of me thinks that them showing this graphic for only two weeks prior to the event is a bit rushed. If I remember the countdown clock correctly, it spanned out over weeks and weeks until that faithful autumn night. It wasn't something that came up a week before a PPV. Still, I really hope he returns at No Mercy, mainly because I'll be there.

Anyway, here is how I see this panning out. Next week on RAW, the weird techy graphic comes back, but this time at the end, it doesn't say SAVE__US.222, but rather, it says SAVE_US.22J. Then, No Mercy rolls around and Mr. Kennedy returns. He comes out on the mic, starts doing his normal schtick about how awesome he is and how he's back and blargh blargh blargh. Next thing you know, mid-promo, the graphic comes up on the 'tron, but this time, at the end it says "SAVE_US.Y2J" This cues pyro of some sort and Jericho is at the top of the ramp, leading to an undoubtedly hilarious exchange between Jericho and Mr. Kennedy, much how Jericho's debut in the WWF/E was years back with The Rock in the ring.

So basically, yeah, that's what I am pulling for. Makes sense to me.

I hope you got cheap tickets to No Mercy, because I cant see Jericho returning here :D
and regarding a feud with Mr kennedy right the way... mmhhmm, sounds good, but I think IF he returns soon, they are going to put him against Cena (raw) or Rey mysterio (sd), just a tought.
LOL he doesn't need any build up. He's Chris Jericho. The videos are the build up.

Shawn Michaels came back after HOW MANY YEARS and went straight to the title picture?

Kevin Nash went straight to the title picture after his torn quad, Scott Steiner, Golderg all went straight to the title picture. REY MISTERIO straight to the title picture.

LOL sorry to say, that's exactly how they do it and the only reason Triple H isn't going straight to it is because the plan is probably for him to win it at Wrestlemania.
Yeah, he is Chris Jericho. I know the man. He's long been my favorite guy in the business and I couldn't be happier to see him back.

All I'm saying is I wouldn't expect him to come at No Mercy and just interfere in a match for the title. With this video buildup program they have going now, they will probably have it play out with him coming out and just doing some mic work at No Mercy and over the next few weeks on RAW, including more than likely a jab at how he is coming to save the WWE and capture the title.

I'm sure the following night on RAW, we'd see Cena (assuming he retains the title, which I sort of feel at this point he will) come out and make mention of Jericho, prompting Jericho to come out and exchange barbs with him before, inevitably, getting taken out from behind by either Orton or Kennedy. That would nicely set up a little introductory feud for Jericho to get over in while Cena goes about defending his belt once more against some schmuck he will inevitably mop the floor with.

And all the while, this causes Cena and Jericho to work together against whoever is coming at them, yet with underlying hints of tension between the two. It will eventually boil over, probably around the time of Survivor Series, and end in a match between Jericho and Cena.

I mean, seriously. We've seen this angle dozens of times and places before. What makes you think the WWE would invest a totally fresh idea in to the concept of a feud between the two. It's not possible for Jericho to get over as a total heel, especially as he's returning. The fans know and love the guy. And Cena won't do a complete 180 in to a heel role. Kids and dames love him too much. So instead, they'll build them up, side by side, as the best of friends, with this united bond and alliance until, inevitably, Jericho has enough, snaps on Cena, and goes heel.

Jericho won't be at No Mercy doing mic work or anything else.

They don't need build up for Jericho-Cena or Jericho-Orton or Jericho-Triple H. Cody Rhodes needs build up, not Chris Jericho.

If they put Jericho and Cena together as friends, even with tension, it will suck. I don't even think I would watch that play out.
Mr. Sam's 900th Post Extravaganza!

Like most other people, and like my signature at this time indicates, I am expecting it to be Chris Jericho. Of course, I could easily be confusing expectation with hope, as, although Jericho was never top of my list, he was always a favourite of mine. I'd rather they put him back in the main event picture, rather than with Kennedy, etc. Maybe even a program with Triple H in a "face vs. face" situation would be awesome, with Jericho inching out a win after a hard fought match, that sort of thing.

What would be the best is that Cena turns heel in this storyline (which I'm just assuming will happen at this point), hopefully before Y2J's return. That way, Jericho looks awesome coming back after all the hype and beating the crap out of the arrogant heel champion. The IWC would go nuts! Then again, I'm assuming a little too much. This storyline probably won't happen like that, probably won't even happen, at least straight away. Jericho might not even return, this could just be yet another over hyped "Mr. McMahon's son is Hornswoggle" situation. Which would suck, because we all want Jericho!
I really hope they do this like when they brought him originally. A nice little build up would keep people watching, myself included. [i know when triple h came back/was coming back around summerslam i constantly watched RAW because of rumors he'd be coming back.] I like the idea of a feud with Kennedy. If Kennedy somehow came back and we all found out he was the illigitimate McMahon.. Jericho could interrupt the big announcement or ceremony or whatever, starting a good feud. I don't particularly want to see him in the title scene, but I think this is a good opportunity to get some ratings and help build someone like Kennedy up to championship status. Leading him to go on to a world title main event.
and the new member of DX goes to....... JERICHO! would be a sweet stable. HHH HBK and Y2J against Mcmahon and his alliance. would be awesome ratings and tons of storylines
before i watched the video for like the third time i thought there was no chance it was jericho, but now i deffo think it is.. i swear i saw the word ass!

when jericho first came to the wwe/ f it was as the saviour of the wwf and now they need him more than ever! i can just see him being used to rid the wwe of all the things people dont like atm.

if jericho comes back at least for the short term ratings would go up for definite.
I really hope they do this like when they brought him originally. A nice little build up would keep people watching, myself included. [i know when triple h came back/was coming back around summerslam i constantly watched RAW because of rumors he'd be coming back.] I like the idea of a feud with Kennedy. If Kennedy somehow came back and we all found out he was the illigitimate McMahon.. Jericho could interrupt the big announcement or ceremony or whatever, starting a good feud. I don't particularly want to see him in the title scene, but I think this is a good opportunity to get some ratings and help build someone like Kennedy up to championship status. Leading him to go on to a world title main event.

if that ever happened ratings would go down. Jericho would be reduced to helping other peoples careers. they would use him like they do ric flair or umaga. I suspect a cena heel turn in the next few weeks for sure. even if y2j doesnt come back. Orton i feel will win the title. Cena and jericho feud for number one contender. In the mean time. HHH and orton feud for the time being and then it ends up to be fatal four way hell in the cell at wrestlemania, cena vs jericho vs orton vs hhh

that match would rocm at wrestlemania, it wouldnt be a flop like hbk vs cena
Just a small observation to those that critisised the announcers for not acknowledging it... Not sure about ECW since it hasn't aired over here yet, but on Raw there was no WWE logo in the bottom left corner during the video. They could be trying to make it look as if it's got nothing to do with WWE.

Also, a way that they could debut him while subtly turning Cena heel could be to a very similar promo to his debut in '99 - have him interrupt a Cena promo and act the heel, but because it's such a huge return the fans go wild for it anyway, Cena's reaction being similar to The Rock's eight years ago with him basically telling Jericho to STFU (in a non-internet way) and giving Cena a bit of a more heelish personality while setting up for Jericho vs Cena, all of the fans behind Jericho and Cena slowly looking more and more heelish every week.

US could stand for the US...

To save someone is to fight for the right of everyman...

And the song real American lasts for 222 seconds (minus the 5 seconds of commentry at the end)

the guy is Hulk Hogan

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