X's Reviews/Match Ratings

Yeah I was always bummed that Foley decided to scale back his in-ring career after only 15 or so years in the business, not that 15 years is anything to scoff at, especially considering the brutal bumps that Foley took for those 15 years. But yeah, he should have just taken a good year or so off and come back would have been great, but oh well, wasn't to be.

And yeah Eddie-Rey is probably one of the very best cruiserweight title matches in WCW history, if not the best. The Liger-Sano match is a classic as well if you've never seen it Shocky, featuring Jushin Liger pulling out probably the best shooting star press in wrestling history to send a crowd of 40,000+ into a rabid frenzy. Great match.
I'll have to find it, and watch it. My short attention span makes watching matches on youtube a laborious feat. I simply can't do it on a regular basis. I'll take you're word, seeing as we pretty much have an identical taste in five star matches here stateside.

I don't see them reviewed yet, but I'm interested to see what you have Edge vs. Orton at Vengeance 04, Jericho v. Benoit (ladder) at Rumble 01, and of course the First Hell in a Cell match.
I'd like to see reviews for Austin vs. Triple H from No Way Out 2001, Austin vs. Rock from WrestleMania 17, and Austin vs. Angle from SummerSlam 2001. Austin fan that I know you are, I'm shocked not to see more 2001 stuff reviewed. Post-'97, I'd say it's as good as he got. I certainly dug it more than his peak years of '98 and '99. That's just me, though.
You guys on about the street fight at RR 2000?

I have always, always said, THAT is the match of the decade. I, personally, at that point, had NEVER seen anything like that, even remotely close to that. Fucking awe inspiringly insane.
I'll have to find it, and watch it. My short attention span makes watching matches on youtube a laborious feat. I simply can't do it on a regular basis. I'll take you're word, seeing as we pretty much have an identical taste in five star matches here stateside.

Any early 90s Liger is worth watching, he was in a league of his own back then.

I don't see them reviewed yet, but I'm interested to see what you have Edge vs. Orton at Vengeance 04, Jericho v. Benoit (ladder) at Rumble 01, and of course the First Hell in a Cell match.

Well I should be coming up to Rumble 2001 sometime in the next few months I'd say, right now I'm in January 2000 so not long before I'm at January 2001 in my cycle. I'll have to pop in Bad Blood sometime soon and rate the original Cell match, likely another five star affair though.

I'd like to see reviews for Austin vs. Triple H from No Way Out 2001, Austin vs. Rock from WrestleMania 17, and Austin vs. Angle from SummerSlam 2001. Austin fan that I know you are, I'm shocked not to see more 2001 stuff reviewed. Post-'97, I'd say it's as good as he got. I certainly dug it more than his peak years of '98 and '99. That's just me, though.

2001 stuff is comin' up Coco don't you worry, just started the year 2000 so should be gettin to 2001 sometime in the next few months if all things go well. 2001 was one of my peak years of watching wrestling and ordering PPVs so I've got alot of fond memories of the era so you can no doubt expect good ratings for all of those matches.

You guys on about the street fight at RR 2000?

I have always, always said, THAT is the match of the decade. I, personally, at that point, had NEVER seen anything like that, even remotely close to that. Fucking awe inspiringly insane.

I don't know about match of the decade, but a classic, no doubt about that. I remember being blown away watching it at the time (RR 2000 was the very first PPV I ever ordered on my own;or atleast convinced my mother to order for me at our house), but their HIAC match a month later topped it in terms of violence in my estimation, adding the fire and falling-through-the-ring bumps. Can't wait to watch that sometime in the next few days.
BIG update here. Lots of good stuff.

11/19/95 1-2-3 Kid/Rad Radford/Skip/Tom Prichard vs. Marty Jannetty/Hakushi/Barry Horowitz/Bob Holly - ***1/2
11/19/95 Shawn Michaels/Ahmed Johnson/Davey Boy Smith/Sid vs. Yokozuna/Owen Hart/Dean Douglas/Razor Ramon - ***1/4
11/19/95 Bret Hart vs. Diesel (No DQ) - ***3/4
11/20/95 Shawn Michaels vs. Owen Hart - ***1/2
2/3/00 Triple H vs. Chris Benoit - ***1/4
2/7/00 Triple H/X-Pac/Chris Benoit/Perry Saturn/Dean Malenko vs. Cactus Jack/The Rock/Rikishi/Too Cool - ****
2/27/00 Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho - ***
2/27/00 Edge/Christian vs. Hardy Boyz - ***3/4
2/27/00 Chris Benoit/Dean Malenko/Perry Saturn vs. Too Cool/Rikishi - ***
2/27/00 Cactus Jack vs. Triple H (Hell in a Cell) - ****3/4
8/25/02 Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio - ****
8/25/02 Edge vs. Eddie Guerrero - ***1/4
8/25/02 Christian/Lance Storm vs. Booker T/Goldust - ***
8/25/02 Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Benoit - ***3/4
8/25/02 Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H (Street Fight) - *****
8/25/02 The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar - ***3/4
9/4/09 Rey Mysterio vs. John Morrison - ****1/2

8/28/02 AJ Styles vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Low-Ki (Ladder) - ****
8/12/07 Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle - ***1/4

7/17/94 Lord Steven Regal vs. Johnny B. Badd - ***
7/17/94 Steve Austin vs. Ricky Steamboat - ****
7/17/94 Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair - ***1/4
1/22/98 Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho - ***1/4
1/24/98 Juventud Guerrera/Chavo Guerrero Jr./Lizmark Jr./Super Calo vs. La Parka/Psicosis/Silver King/El Dandy - ***1/2
1/24/98 Chris Benoit vs. Raven - ****
1/24/98 Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. - ***1/2
1/24/98 Booker T vs. Rick Martel - ***1/4
1/24/98 Bret Hart vs. Ric Flair - ***3/4
10/4/99 Bret Hart vs. Chris Benoit - ****1/4

Yep, we got ourselves another five star match in the HBK vs Triple H unsanctioned street fight at Summerslam 2002. Yeah, I'm an HBK mark, but come on, that match is a classic and a prime example of two men telling a brilliant story inside of a wrestling ring. Lots of other good stuff, watched Survivor Series 1995, No Way Out 2000, Summerslam 2002, Bash at the Beach 1994, and Souled Out 1998 this week, so some good matches there including a classic Benoit-Raven match that I'd LOVE to hear JMT's thoughts on.

Yep, pretty hefty update today, meant to post this last night. And remember you can always follow the blog I have for these ratings (which is updated alot faster and more frequently than this thread is) at this link:

No doubt about Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels. My opinion, 2nd best match of Triple H's career. What people now forget to realize, this was Shawn Michaels' first match in over 4 years. It was simply amazing.

And yes, Raven vs. Benoit (for the US title?) was awesome if I'm remember the right match.
a classic Benoit-Raven match that I'd LOVE to hear JMT's thoughts on.

Of course I love it. Easily makes the top five of my favorite Raven matches.

A couple of years ago, I bought a 6 DVD set of literally EVERY promo and match Raven had in WCW, and it was all in chronological order, and the build-up to Raven/Benoit is what made that match so great. Raven for weeks got the best of Benoit and just kicked his ass night in and night out with the help of the Flock. But, come Sold Out 1998, one-on-one, it was PERFECTLY booked (and exactly how Sting vs. Hogan from Starrcade 1997 should have been booked, IMO). Benoit beat the fuck out of Raven that night, and every single person following the storyline had to love it. Great, great match, even better feud.

I also really dig the Triple Threat match between Raven/DDP/Benoit that happened a couple of months after that at Uncensored. DDP kind of fucked up the ending, but man is it a fun match regardless.

And X... I thought you were a little hard on Lesnar/Rock. Personally, I prefer that and Angle vs. Mysterio from Summerslam 2002 over HBK/HHH. HBK/HHH was a great match, don't get me wrong, but I find the other two more enjoyable/satisfying.
Here are the ratings for last night's TNA Lockdown PPV, which I enjoyed immensely.

4/18/10 Rob Van Dam vs. James Storm - **3/4
4/18/10 Homicide vs. Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley vs. Brian Kendrick (Xscape) - **3/4
4/18/10 Kevin Nash vs. Eric Young - *3/4
4/18/10 Velvet Sky/Madison Rayne vs. Angelina Love/Tara - **
4/18/10 Homicide vs. Kazarian vs. Shannon Moore - ***
4/18/10 Team 3D vs. Kevin Nash/Scott Hall (Street Fight) - **3/4
4/18/10 Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson - ****3/4
4/18/10 AJ Styles vs. Pope D'Angelo Dinero - ***1/2
4/18/10 Abyss/Jeff Jarrett/Rob Van Dam/Jeff Hardy vs. Sting/Robert Roode/James Storm/Desmond Wolfe (Lethal Lockdown) - ***1/4

Match of the night was easily Angle-Anderson in what has to be probably the best match of 2010 thus far, or atleast about on par with Taker-HBK at Wrestlemania. Absolutely great match from start to finish with great spots, great psychology, a great story and an even greater finish. I'm going to have to watch it again tonight to see if maybe I was too generous or too sstingy on the rating, but right now I've got it at ****1/2 stars. Who knows, I may come back and edit it to make it even higher if I liked it just as much the second time I'll watch it as I did the first.

I'll be actually updating the different posts in this thread with a bunch of other new match ratings from this weekend later on tonight, so stay tuned.
I'll give Angle-Anderson a try. I may even cast my bias against both men aside for a few minutes.
You should Coco, it was a brilliant match. Best of Anderson's career no doubt and probably the best match of 2010 so far, with the only real competition being Taker-Michaels 2.

When that match was over last night I just threw up my hands and said "WHAT A FUCKING MATCH!". Fuck I almost was going to go full five stars for it but decided to hold back until I watch it another time. Fucking awesome match though, Angle went all-out.
Ok, BIG update here as I watched quite a few shows this past weekend as well as watching the regular wrestling programs on.

4/5/92 Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair - ****1/2
12/17/95 Bret Hart vs. Davey Boy Smith - ****1/4
3/6/00 The Rock vs. Chris Benoit (Cage) - ***
8/14/09 CM Punk vs. John Morrison - ***1/4
4/16/10 CM Punk/Luke Gallows/Darren Young vs. Rey Mysterio/David Hart Smith/Tyson Kidd - ***
4/16/10 Chris Jericho vs. Edge vs. Jack Swagger - ***3/4
4/19/10 Jack Swagger vs. Undertaker - ***

12/5/04 Kid Kash/Frankie Kazarian/Matt Bentley vs. Sonjay Dutt/Hector Garza/Sonny Siaki - ***
12/5/04 Diamond Dallas Page vs. Raven - ***
12/5/04 Petey Williams vs. Chris Sabin - ****1/4
1/16/05 Elix Skipper vs. Sonjay Dutt - ***1/4
1/16/05 Chris Harris/James Storm vs. Bobby Roode/Eric Young - ****
1/16/05 Jeff Jarrett vs. Monty Brown - ***
3/15/09 Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin vs. Suicide vs. Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed (Ultimate X) - ****
10/15/09 AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle - ****
10/18/09 Christopher Daniels vs. Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin vs. Amazing Red vs. Suicide vs. Homicide (Ultimate X) - ***3/4
10/18/09 Team 3D vs. Beer Money vs. British Invasion vs. Booker T/Scott Steiner (Full Metal Mayhem) - ***1/2
10/18/09 Samoa Joe vs. Bobby Lashley (Submission) - ***
10/18/09 Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan - ***3/4
10/18/09 AJ Styles vs. Sting - ***1/4
4/18/10 Homicide vs. Kazarian vs. Shannon Moore - ***
4/18/10 Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson - ****3/4
4/18/10 AJ Styles vs. Pope D'Angelo Dinero - ***1/2
4/18/10 Abyss/Jeff Jarrett/Rob Van Dam/Jeff Hardy vs. Sting/Robert Roode/James Storm/Desmond Wolfe (Lethal Lockdown) - ***1/4
4/19/10 Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam - ***
4/19/10 AJ Styles vs. Rob Van Dam - ***

7/23/89 Brian Pillman vs. Bill Irwin - ***
7/23/89 Scott Steiner/Rick Steiner vs. Kevin Sullivan/Mike Rotunda (Texas Tornado) - ***
7/23/89 Sting vs. Great Muta - ****
7/23/89 Lex Luger vs. Ricky Steamboat - ***3/4
7/23/89 Road Warriors/Midnight Express/Steve Williams vs. Samoan Swat Team/Freebirds/Terry Gordy (War Games) - ****
7/23/89 Ric Flair vs. Terry Funk - ****1/2
12/29/96 Dean Malenko vs. Ultimo Dragon - ****
12/29/96 Jushin Liger vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. - ***3/4
12/29/96 Chris Benoit vs. Jeff Jarrett (No DQ) - ***
12/29/96 Diamond Dallas Page vs. Eddie Guerrero - ***1/4
1/29/98 Chris Benoit/Dean Malenko vs. Chris Jericho/Eddie Guerrero - ***
11/22/98 Juventud Guerrera vs. Billy Kidman - ***1/2

Yeah, MASSIVE update here. Lots of good stuff, take your pick.
BIIIIIIIG update here. A good month and a half of TV/PPVs from April-May 2000 in WWF, Survivor Series 2009, last night's Extreme Rules PPV and this week's Smackdown and even Superstars as well as various other stuff like WCW Beach Blast 1992, TNA Turning Point 2009, a few Brian Kendrick in ROH matches, the semi-finals and finals of this year's 2010 NJPW Cup tournament, as well as a big show from Korakuen Hall in Tokyo for NOAH from a few weeks ago. Just alot of stuff. Let's get to it.

4/2/00 Edge/Christian vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz (Ladder) - ****1/4
4/2/00 Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle (2/3 Falls) - ***1/2
4/2/00 Triple H vs. The Rock vs. Mick Foley vs. Big Show - ***1/4
4/6/00 Dean Malenko vs. TAKA Michinoku - ***
4/30/00 Edge/Christian vs. X-Pac/Road Dogg - ***1/4
4/30/00 Dean Malenko vs. Scotty 2 Hotty - ***3/4
4/30/00 Crash Holly vs. Hardcore Holly vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy vs. Perry Saturn vs. Tazz (Hardcore) - ***
4/30/00 Eddie Guerrero vs. Essa Rios - ***1/4
4/30/00 Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho - ***3/4
4/30/00 Triple H vs. The Rock - ***3/4
5/4/00 Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit - ***1/4
11/22/09 The Miz/Dolph Ziggler/Jack Swagger/Drew McIntyre/Sheamus vs. John Morrison/Matt Hardy/Evan Bourne/Finlay/Shelton Benjamin (Elimination) - ***1/4
11/22/09 Kofi Kingston/Christian/Mark Henry/MVP/R-Truth vs. Randy Orton/Cody Rhodes/Ted DiBiase/CM Punk/William Regal (Elimination) - ***3/4
11/22/09 John Cena vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels - ****
4/22/10 Yoshi Tatsu vs. Zach Ryder - ***
4/23/10 Jack Swagger vs. John Morrison - ***1/2
4/25/10 CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio - ***1/2
4/25/10 Randy Orton vs. Jack Swagger (Extreme Rules) - ***
4/25/10 Triple H vs. Sheamus (Street Fight) - ***
4/25/10 Edge vs. Chris Jericho (Cage) - ***1/2
4/25/10 Batista vs. John Cena (Last Man Standing) - ****

3/22/10 Hirooki Goto vs. Masato Tanaka - ***1/4
3/22/10 Togi Makabe vs. Tetsuya Naito - ***1/4
3/22/10 Hirooki Goto vs. Togi Makabe - ***1/2

4/10/10 Naomichi Marufuji vs. Go Shiozaki - ***3/4
4/10/10 Jun Akiyama vs. Kensuke Sasaki - ***3/4

11/15/09 Awesome Kong vs. Tara (Cage) - ***
11/15/09 Team 3D/Rhino vs. Matt Morgan/Hernandez/Pope D'Angelo Dinero - ***
11/15/09 Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe - ****
11/15/09 AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels - ****3/4

6/22/02 Brian Kendrick vs. Jody Fleisch - ***
5/15/05 Homicide vs. Brian Kendrick - ***1/4

6/20/92 Brian Pillman vs. Scotty Flamingo - ***3/4
6/20/92 Sting vs. Cactus Jack (Falls Count Anywhere) - ****1/2
6/20/92 Ricky Steamboat vs. Rick Rude (30-Minute Iron Man) - ****
6/20/92 Scott Steiner/Rick Steiner vs. Terry Gordy/Steve Williams - ***3/4

Yep, lots of good stuff.
Ey Mr. Eko, what do you think of this match between Tiger Mask iv and Naomichi Marufuji for the IWGP championship last January? As a fellow Puro fan, I thought that you would enjoy it. You might have already watched it but just in case here is the first part:

[YOUTUBE]<object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/MTxxjo0_hcY&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/MTxxjo0_hcY&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="405"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
Ey Mr. Eko, what do you think of this match between Tiger Mask iv and Naomichi Marufuji for the IWGP championship last January? As a fellow Puro fan, I thought that you would enjoy it. You might have already watched it but just in case here is the first part:

[YOUTUBE]<object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/MTxxjo0_hcY&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/MTxxjo0_hcY&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="405"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Ah yes the TM IV - Marufuji match from the 1/4 Wrestle Kingdom show, good match. I'm just glad to see TM IV drop the belt, I don't particularly dislike the guy like alot of people seem to, but it was overdue. NJPW's junior heavyweight booking has been rather stale since the seemingly never-ending TM IV push started.

I did rate that particular match though I do believe, let me check my ratings list real quick. Yep, here we go:

1/4/10 Tiger Mask IV vs. Naomichi Marufuji - ***3/4

Solid match, but not the best of the night IMO, Hiroshi Tanahashi and Go Shiozaki had a pretty stellar match after Marufuji-TM went on. Believe I gave that one four stars.

There's going to be a big amount of new puro match ratings coming soon as well as a lot more indies, infact I should probably update this thing sometime tonight. Quite a bit of ROH, the first EVOLVE show, some PWG, as well as some classic All Japan stuff. Should be a good one.
X, have you ever seen the LMS match between Jericho and HHH at Fully Loaded 2000? It's always been like my favourite match of all time, but I haven't watched it since I was about 12 in case the magic gets taken away.
X, have you ever seen the LMS match between Jericho and HHH at Fully Loaded 2000? It's always been like my favourite match of all time, but I haven't watched it since I was about 12 in case the magic gets taken away.

Oh yeah man many a time, absolutely classic match up, I should actually be watching and rating Fully Loaded 2000 pretty soon as I just finished up with Judgment Day 2000. I always loved the Fully Loaded shows, they were all pretty great I thought. But yeah Jericho-HHH's LMS is definitely a classic, one of the many, many, many classic match-ups the year 2000 in the WWF brought us.
Hiroshi Tanahashi and Go Shiozaki? I'll go watch that right now. Thanks for the advice Mr. Eko. Oh and I just finished watching Chris Benoit vs Great Sasuke. It was rated 5 stars. How many stars did you give it?

There's going to be a big amount of new puro match ratings coming soon as well as a lot more indies, infact I should probably update this thing sometime tonight. Quite a bit of ROH, the first EVOLVE show, some PWG, as well as some classic All Japan stuff. Should be a good one.
Can't wait to see the classic All Japan matches. This is an epic thread Mr. Eko.
If you're referring to the Benoit-Sasuke finals of the 94 Super J Cup, than yeah that got five stars with me as well, it's on the five star match list. Sasuke is one of all time favorite junior heavyweights, IMO he's just as good as Liger ever was.
If you're referring to the Benoit-Sasuke finals of the 94 Super J Cup, than yeah that got five stars with me as well, it's on the five star match list.
Yes, yes I am.
Sasuke is one of all time favorite junior heavyweights, IMO he's just as good as Liger ever was.
I agree with you man. And yet he doesn't get the love that he deserves from the wrestling community. It's a damn shame.
HUUUUUUUUUUGE update here for like the past week+ or so, lots of good stuff, some random WWE stuff from May 2000, a bunch of ROH stuff (should be a LOT more ROH ratings coming as I'm cycling through every show starting from the beginning), some classic puro stuff, as well as some recent indy stuff. PWG show from this past January with RVD, the first EVOLVE show from Gabe Sapolsky, the ex-booker of ROH. Basically just a ton of new stuff, and you can expect a ton more. Indy, puro, etc, all kinds of good shit. I've got just hours and hours and hours of events to catch up, so yeah, stay tuned kiddies. More than one five star rating here.

5/6/00 Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit - ***
5/6/00 Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Jericho - ***
5/6/00 The Rock vs. Triple H vs. Shane McMahon - ***
5/21/00 Eddie Guerrero vs. Perry Saturn vs. Dean Malenko - ***1/4
5/21/00 Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho (Submission) - ***3/4
5/21/00 The Rock vs. Triple H (Iron Man) - ****3/4
2/25/08 Chris Jericho vs. Jeff Hardy - ***1/2
4/29/10 Tyson Kidd/DH Smith vs. Trent Baretta/Caylen Croft - ***
4/30/10 John Morrison vs. Cody Rhodes - ***1/4

2/23/02 Eddy Guerrero vs. Super Crazy - ***
2/23/02 Bryan Danielson vs. Low Ki vs. Christopher Daniels - ****1/2
6/12/04 Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk - ****1/4
10/16/04 CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe - *****
12/4/04 Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk - ****1/2
2/13/10 Brian Kendrick vs. Roderick Strong - ***1/4
2/13/10 Davey Richards vs. El Generico - ***1/2
2/13/10 Austin Aries vs. Tyler Black - ****

10/26/97 Yuji Nagata vs. Ultimo Dragon - ***1/2
10/26/97 Diamond Dallas Page vs. Randy Savage (Las Vegas Death Match) -

8/26/95 Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko (2/3 Falls) - ****

All Japan Women's Pro Wrestling
8/15/92 Manami Toyota vs. Toshiyo Yamada - *****

2/8/80 Antonio Inoki vs. Stan Hansen - ***1/2

6/8/90 Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Mitsuharu Misawa - *****

7/10/04 Kenta Kobashi vs. Jun Akiyama - *****

1/16/10 Bobby Fish vs. Kyle O'Reilly - ***
1/16/10 TJP vs. Munenori Sawa - ***1/2
1/16/10 Kota Ibushi vs. Davey Richards - ***3/4

1/30/10 Davey Richards vs. Kevin Steen - ***1/4
1/30/10 Jushin Liger vs. El Generico - ***1/2
1/30/10 Brian Kendrick/Paul London vs. The Young Bucks - ***1/2
1/30/10 Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Hero vs. Roderick Strong - ***1/2
Quick update here, mostly random bits and pieces from different things I've been watching lately. I've got ratings here for the 2nd and 3rd ROH shows in 2002 as well as some more random Brian Kendrick matches. I've decided to go through the entire history of ROH, so be prepared for a lot more ROH ratings. I also plan on watching the 2nd EVOLVE show sometime this week.

9/30/89 Arn Anderson/Tully Blanchard vs. Demolition - ***
6/8/00 Chris Benoit vs. Jeff Hardy - ***
6/25/00 Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho - ***
11/18/01 Edge vs. Test - ***1/4

6/19/02 Jerry Lynn/Low Ki/AJ Styles vs. Sonny Siaki/Jimmy Yang/Jorge Estrada - ***1/2

3/9/88 Tiger Mask II vs. Jumbo Tsuruta - ****
1/28/90 Tiger Mask II vs. Ricky Steamboat - ***1/4

1/6/97 Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Psicosis - ***
3/23/98 Sting vs. Diamond Dallas Page - ***1/2
3/23/98 Eddie Guerrero vs. Kaz Hayashi - ***

3/30/02 Christopher Daniels vs. Bryan Danielson - ***1/2
3/30/02 Low Ki vs. Christopher Daniels - ***1/4
3/30//02 Bryan Danielson vs. Low Ki - ****1/4
4/27/02 AJ Styles vs. Low Ki - ***3/4
4/27/02 Christopher Daniels vs. Donovan Morgan - ***
4/27/02 Eddy Guerrero/Amazing Red vs. The S.A.T. - ***
2/26/05 Jimmy Jacobs vs. Brian Kendrick - ***
3/12/05 Brian Kendrick vs. Jack Evans - ***1/4
4/16/05 Jay Lethal vs. Brian Kendrick - ***1/2
Big time update here.

6/29/00 Kurt Angle vs. Hardcore Holly - ***
7/11/04 Edge vs. Randy Orton - ***1/2
2/28/05 Shawn Michaels vs. Edge (Street Fight) - ***3/4
7/16/05 Chris Benoit vs. William Regal - ****
8/29/05 Edge vs. Matt Hardy (Street Fight) - ***3/4

6/26/02 Low Ki vs. Jerry Lynn vs. AJ Styles vs. Psicosis (Elimination) - ****1/4
4/24/05 AJ Styles vs. Abyss (Cage) - ****
5/15/05 Raven vs. Sean Waltman (Clockwork Orange House of Fun) - ***

6/22/02 Brian Kendrick vs. Paul London - ***
6/22/02 Jerry Lynn vs. AJ Styles - ***1/2
6/22/02 Doug Williams vs. Bryan Danielson - ***
6/22/02 Low Ki vs. Amazing Red - ***3/4
6/22/02 Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles - ***3/4
7/27/02 Natural Born Sinners vs. Carnage Crew (Bunkhouse) - ***
7/27/02 AJ Styles vs. David Young vs. Adam Jacobs - ***1/4
7/27/02 Low Ki vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Doug Williams (Iron Man) - ****1/4
8/24/02 Michael Shane vs. Paul London - ***1/4
8/24/02 Bryan Danielson vs. Donovan Morgan - ***1/2
8/24/02 Jay Briscoe vs. Mark Briscoe - ****
8/24/02 Low Ki vs. AJ Styles - ***3/4
5/30/09 American Wolves vs. El Generico/Kevin Steen (Tables) - ***1/2
6/13/09 American Wolves vs. El Generico/Kevin Steen (Submission) - ****
3/5/10 Davey Richards vs. Eddie Edwards - ***3/4
5/10/10 Jay Briscoe/Mark Briscoe vs. Dark City Fight Club - ***

5/16/87 Midnight Express vs. Barry Windham/Ron Garvin - ****
11/17/97 Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Chris Jericho - ***
11/17/97 Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko - ***

3/13/10 Chuck Taylor vs. Ricochet - ***1/4
3/13/10 Claudio Castagnoli vs. Bobby Fish - ***
3/13/10 Mike Quackenbush/Jigsaw vs. Hallowicked/Frightmare vs. Amasis/Ophidian vs. Fire Ant/Green Ant (Elimination) - ***1/2
3/13/10 Chris Hero vs. Ikuto Hidaka - ****1/4

1/8/05 Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs. Tatsuhito Takaiwa - ****1/4
4/13/10 Kensuke Sasaki vs. Takuma Sano - ***
4/13/10 Toshiaki Kawada vs. Naomichi Marufuji - ***3/4

7/23/94 Kenta Kobashi/Mitsuharu Misawa vs. Steve Williams/Johnny Ace - ****3/4

3/1/92 Tiger Mask III vs. El Samurai - ***1/2
5/17/92 Chris Benoit vs. Tiger Mask III - ****
5/3/93 Jushin Liger vs. Tiger Mask III - ***1/2

Dragon Gate
9/5/08 SHINGO vs. PAC - ***1/4
9/5/08 Ryo Saito/Susumu Yokosuka vs. Young Bucks - ***1/4
9/5/08 Naruki Doi/BxB Hulk/Masato Yoshino vs. YAMATO/GAMMA/Yasuhi Kanda - ***1/4

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