X's Reviews/Match Ratings

Oh. I always considered decent a synonym of average.

Anyways. I watched some Nasty Boys matches this morning just for Norcal.
Tonight's update:

5/14/95 Bret Hart vs. Hakushi - ***3/4
5/14/95 Razor Ramon vs. Jeff Jarret/Roadie - ***
1/27/06 Chris Benoit vs. Randy Orton (No Holds Barred) - ****
2/15/09 Edge vs. Triple H vs. Undertaker vs. Big Show vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Vladimir Kozlov (Elimination Chamber) - ***3/4
10/4/09 Chris Jericho/Big Show vs. Rey Mysterio/Batista - ***1/4
2/26/10 John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. R-Truth - ***1/2

4/17/94 Nasty Boys vs. Cactus Jack/Maxx Payne (Street Fight) - ***1/2
5/11/94 Cactus Jack/Kevin Sullivan vs. Nasty Boys (No DQ) - ****

9/20/08 Bryan Danielson vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima - ****1/4
I suppose I can accept 3 1/2 for that Nastys-Cactus Jack/Maxx Payne match. One of my top 20 favorites of all time. Pure fun, from start to finish
See I really like that match too Norcal, but when I compared it to the match that Cactus and Kevin Sullivan had against the Nasties two months later, the match with Sullivan was better IMO. Had to tweak my ratings a bit.
Update for the last few days:

7/23/95 1-2-3 Kid vs. Roadie - ***
7/23/95 Shawn Michaels vs. Jeff Jarrett - ****1/2
7/23/95 Bret Hart vs. Jean-Pierre Lafitte - ***1/2
9/24/95 Bret Hart vs. Jean-Pierre Lafitte - ****
9/24/95 Shawn Michaels/Diesel vs. Davey Boy Smith/Yokozuna - ***1/4
7/25/99 Jeff Jarrett vs. Edge - ***
7/25/99 Triple H vs. The Rock (Strap) - ***1/2
7/25/99 Steve Austin vs. Undertaker (First Blood) - ***3/4
9/29/03 Rob Van Dam vs. Christian (Ladder) - ***3/4
5/18/08 Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho - ****
2/15/09 Randy Orton vs. Shane McMahon (No Holds Barred) - ***1/2

6/15/97 Randy Savage vs. Diamond Dallas Page (Falls Count Anywhere) - ****

2/13/05 AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels (Iron Man) - ****3/4
3/13/05 AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Ron Killings vs. Elix Skipper - ***3/4
9/11/05 AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels - *****
3/11/07 Christian Cage vs. Samoa Joe - ****
10/14/07 Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage - ***3/4
4/13/08 Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe (Cage) - ****

12/3/93 Toshiaki Kawada/Akira Taue vs. Mitsuharu Misawa/Kenta Kobashi - ****3/4
Bret Hart Vs SCSA Survivor Series 1996


Hehe I think it gave it ****1/2, fantastic match that's only very slightly below their submission match.
Technically and overall, I would say the Survivor Series match is better, but the submission match wins becuase of the epic finish. Pound for pound though, ill take the Survivor Series match. Bit of a purist though, I can see why everyone likes the submission match better.
Small update tonight:

5/29/03 Eddie Guerrero/Tajiri vs. Shelton Benjamin/Charlie Haas - ***1/2
4/23/07 John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels - ****1/4
5/17/09 John Morrison vs. Shelton Benjamin - ***1/4

11/10/93 Steve Austin vs. Brian Pillman - ***1/2
9/15/96 Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho - ****

7/19/03 Raven vs. CM Punk (Dog Collar) - ***3/4
Sorry I haven't updated this in a few days, been really busy lately and spending most of my nights not at home. I've watched a nice little chunk of matches I've been meaning to get to today/yesterday though.

So, fairly large update here, mostly WWE though.

8/1/94 Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon - ***3/4
8/27/95 Hakushi vs. 1-2-3 Kid - ***1/2
8/27/95 Barry Horowitz vs. Skip - ***
8/27/95 Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon (Ladder) - *****
8/22/99 Edge/Christian vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Acolytes vs. Viscera/Mideon vs. Hardcore Holly/Crash Holly (Tag Team Turmoil)- ***1/4
5/21/01 Steve Austin/Triple H vs. Chris Benoit/Chris Jericho - ****3/4
5/30/02 Kurt Angle vs. Edge (Cage) - ***3/4
3/30/08 Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels - ****
8/17/08 Edge vs. Undertaker (Hell in a Cell) - ****1/4
2/15/09 John Cena vs. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kane vs. Mike Knox (Elimination Chamber) - ****
4/26/09 Christian vs. Jack Swagger - ***1/4
4/26/09 John Cena vs. Edge (Last Man Standing) - ****1/2
8/23/09 Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler - ***3/4
10/4/09 John Cena vs. Randy Orton (Hell in a Cell) - ***1/4

12/11/05 Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles - ****3/4
3/8/10 Doug Williams vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Christopher Daniels - ***

11/9/98 Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio - ***
Big update, been more than a few days since I updated this thing.

3/18/89 Shawn Michaels/Marty Jannetty vs. Arn Anderson/Tully Blanchard - ***3/4
4/23/89 Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect - ***1/2
3/24/91 The Rockers vs. Haku/Barbarian - ***
3/24/91 Hart Foundation vs. Nasty Boys - ***
3/24/91 Randy Savage vs. Ultimate Warrior (Retirement) - ****1/4
8/22/99 Test vs. Shane McMahon - ***3/4
8/22/99 Steve Austin vs. Triple H vs. Mankind - ***
5/31/01 Steve Austin vs. Chris Benoit - ****1/4
2/19/07 Edge vs. Rob Van Dam - ***1/4
1/21/08 Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Kennedy - ***3/4
7/20/08 Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho - ***3/4
4/5/09 John Cena vs. Edge vs. Big Show - ***
3/9/10 The Miz/Daniel Bryan vs. R-Truth/David Otunga - ***

11/28/85 Magnum T.A. vs. Tully Blanchard (I Quit) - *****
12/13/89 Ric Flair vs. Sting - ***1/2
4/17/93 Vader vs. Cactus Jack - ***
10/23/95 Eddie Guerrero/Mr. J.L. vs. Chris Benoit/Dean Malenko - ***
8/17/98 Bret Hart vs. Diamond Dallas Page - ***

6/26/09 American Wolves vs. KENTA/Roderick Strong - ****

Dragon Gate USA
1/23/10 Mike Quackenbush/Jigsaw vs. Super Crazy/CIMA - ***
1/23/10 Davey Richards vs. Masaaki Mochizuki - ***1/2
1/23/10 Naruki Doi/Masato Yoshino vs. Young Bucks vs. Shingo/YAMATO - ***1/2
1/23/10 BxB Hulk vs. Dragon Kid - ***3/4
Haven't updated this in about a week, mainly because I haven't watched that much wrestling over the past week or so aside from whats on TV. Here are some matches that have been updated onto the list though, in preparation for tonight's ratings.

3/29/87 Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat - ****1/2
6/23/02 Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam - ***3/4
6/26/05 Triple H vs. Batista (Hell in a Cell) - ****1/4

11/26/87 Ric Flair vs. Ron Garvin - ***

3/21/10 Daniels vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Kazarian vs. Amazing Red (Ladder) - ***1/2
3/21/10 Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me (Ultimate X) - ***3/4
3/22/10 Jeff Hardy/Rob Van Dam vs. Beer Money - ***

Stay tuned, I'll definitely be updating this tonight with my ratings for Wrestlemania.
Yep, watched the 2002 King of the Ring last week when it popped up on WWE 24/7. Pretty forgettable show outside of a great opener with RVD and Y2J.
Tonight's update:

Tonight's Update said:
9/26/99 Chris Jericho vs. X-Pac - ***
9/26/99 Triple H vs. The Rock vs. Kane vs. Big Show vs. Mankind vs. Davey Boy Smith - ***1/4
10/2/99 Chris Jericho vs. Road Dogg - ***
10/2/99 Triple H vs. The Rock (Cage) - ***3/4
3/28/10 Kofi Kingston vs. MVP vs. Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Matt Hardy vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kane vs. Christian - ***1/2
3/28/10 Triple H vs. Sheamus - ***1/4
3/28/10 CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio - ***
3/28/10 Edge vs. Chris Jericho - ***3/4
3/28/10 John Cena vs. Batista - ***1/2
3/28/10 Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker - ****3/4

11/7/04 20 Man X-Division Gauntlet Match - ***3/4
11/7/04 AJ Styles vs. Petey Williams - ***1/4
3/29/10 AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett - ***
oooooooooooooohhhh almost a 5 star for HBK and Taker.

I agree it wasnt perfec tthough, would have liked it to have went a little longer.

I MUCH prefer this over their 25 match though, it fucking pisses ALL OVER that
I don't know, I'm really split on it man. I'll have to watch the WM 26 match again, I mean, I think I liked it better than last years match, no I KNOW I liked it better than last year's match, but like....just a small little something was missing. Still, fucking amazing match on the story alone you know?

Yeah, I'll have to watch Mania again sometime this week and see if any of my ratings change on second viewing.
I felt this was one of the better MITB matches. Certainley far too many people, but still not bad, and wasnt botchamania 2010 like last years was. Last years was fucking embarassing
Yeah they had some unique spots and they all flowed really well, I mean that's all you can really ask for from a ladder match. The ending was a bit lame simply because it took Swagger like fuckin 45 seconds to grab the briefcase and it was just a bit of a lame finish. Still though, inventive spots, everyone got a little something in (aside from Benjamin, which kind of surprised me), yeah, not a bad ladder match. Not great or anything, but good.
Quick update for the past couple of days, switching back and forth between old stuff and more recent stuff.

10/7/99 Edge/Christian vs. Jeff Hardy/Matt Hardy - ***
10/11/99 Edge/Christian vs. Jeff Hardy/Matt Hardy - ***
10/17/99 Jeff Jarrett vs. Chyna (Good Housekeeping) - ***
10/17/99 Edge/Christian vs. Jeff Hardy/Matt Hardy (Ladder) - *****
10/17/99 Steve Austin vs. Triple H (No Holds Barred) - ***3/4
10/25/99 Steve Austin/The Rock vs. Road Dogg/Billy Gunn - ***
12/14/08 Edge vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H - ****
10/25/09 The Miz vs. John Morrison - ***
10/25/09 Undertaker vs. Batista vs. CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio - ***1/4

We have another five star match added to my list, that being the 1999 ladder match between Edge/Christian and the Hardy Boyz in October of 1999. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, this is the most influential ladder match of all time, MUCH moreso than the original HBK/Razor match-up. Anyways, great great match that was and will always be.
Pretty hefty update this afternoon from the past few days.

5/28/83 Don Muraco vs. Rocky Johnson - ***1/2
11/14/99 Chris Jericho vs. Chyna - ****
11/14/99 Edge/Christian/Jeff Hardy/Matt Hardy vs. Hardcore Holly/Crash Holly/Brian Christopher/Scott Taylor (Elimination) - ***
11/14/99 Triple H vs. The Rock vs. Big Show - ***
12/12/99 Kane vs. X-Pac (Cage) - ***1/4
12/12/99 Chyna vs. Chris Jericho - ***1/2
12/12/99 Triple H vs. Vince McMahon (No Holds Barred) - ***
12/13/99 Jeff Hardy/Matt Hardy vs. Edge/Christian (Cage) - ***
12/3/06 Jeff Hardy/Matt Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro/Joey Mercury - ****
2/25/08 Chris Jericho vs. Jeff Hardy - ***1/4
10/25/09 John Cena vs. Randy Orton (Iron Man) - ***1/2

4/5/10 Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson (Ladder) - ***1/4

1/4/10 Prince Devitt/Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Averno/Ultimo Guerrero - ***

1/24/88 Barry Windham vs. Larry Zbysko - ***
1/24/88 Ric Flair vs. Road Warrior Hawk - ***1/2
4/2/89 Samoan Swat Team vs. Midnight Expres (Bobby Eaton/Stan Lane) - ***

Man, I totally forgot just how great of a feud Jericho/Chyna was, their Survivor Series 99 match is a classic. Jericho was so red-hot when he came to the WWE though, he was dragging good matches out of just about everyone he faced.
Nice update for the last few days, including THREE five star matches being added.

12/16/99 Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy - ***
1/10/00 Triple H/X-Pac/New Age Outlaws vs. The Rock/Mankind/Acolytes - ***1/4
1/23/00 Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz (Tables) - ****
1/23/00 Triple H vs. Cactus Jack (Street Fight) - *****
1/23/00 Royal Rumble - ***1/4
9/26/02 Eddie Guerrero vs. Edge (No DQ) - ****1/2
4/1/10 David Hart Smith/Tyson Kidd vs. Trent Baretta/Caylen Croft - ***
4/9/10 Edge vs. Chris Jericho - ***3/4

1/31/90 Jushin Liger vs. Naoki Sano - *****
1/4/10 Togi Makabe vs. Mohammed Yone - ***
1/4/10 Tiger Mask IV vs. Naomichi Marufuji - ***3/4
1/4/10 Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Go Shiozaki - ****
1/4/10 Takashi Sugiura vs. Hirooki Goto - ***3/4
1/4/10 Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Yoshihiro Yakayama - ***

10/26/97 Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Misterio Jr. (Mask vs. Title) - *****
3/16/98 Chris Jericho vs. Juventud Guerrera - ***
4/11/99 Juventud Guerrera vs. Blitzkrieg - ****

So THREE new five star matches added, that being Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio from Halloween Havoc 1997 in WCW, Jushin Liger vs. Naoki Sano from January 31st, 1990 in NJPW, and Triple H vs. Cactus Jack in a street fight at the 2000 Royal Rumble in the WWF. I may have overrated the street fight a tiny bit, but this was probably my favorite match when I saw it live and it remained my favorite for several years, just a perfect example of storytelling in a wrestling ring in one of the most brutal brawl and knock-out drag-out fights in wrestling history, one of Foley's greatest matches and the match that finally solidified Triple H as the legit top dog in the entire wrestling business at the time. Had to give it the full five star treatment, nostalgia bias be damned.

I was also probably a bit too generous to the first tables match at the 2000 Rumble, but it was such a revolutionary match at the time and so innovative in terms of the spots and bumps that they took that I had to give it a stellar rating. I also had no problem giving the full five stars to Rey-Eddie G at HH97 and Liger-Naoki from January of 1990, two of the most legendary matches in wrestling history in the United States and Japan.

I also updated the blog with match ratings for this year's January 4th Tokyo Dome show for NJPW, which saw a few very good matches and one match of the year candidate in Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Go Shiozaki. Rounding out the update is a great rematch from last night's edition of Smackdown between Chris Jericho and Edge, only slightly below their WM match.
No doubt the Street fight gets a 5 Star treatment. That match was brutal, but amazing nonetheless. It's really a shame that Mick Foley called it quits a month later (full time anyway). He showed he had so much left in the tank if he just took a little time off. I still say that feud single handidley took Triple H into the elite stratosphere.

Also agree with Eddie vs. Rey at Halloween Havoc. A gem that often gets lost.

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