[This Space for Rent]
If Baller switches from the Cardinals to an AFC team, and Battlez can rejoin as an AFC team it'll definitely even things out for next season.
Also, MK, I don't want you to quit unless you feel you can't handle the schedule - which no offense to anyone, but this franchise is one of the slower moving franchises I've ever seen. That isn't a complaint, as we're moving quite well right now, actually, but I think thats because we've gone from 9 people needing to play, to only 3-4.
I can't wait for the post-season and the draft.. but hell, getting EVERYONE online at once is going to be a task and a half.
As for Willie Parker - hes better than New England's RBs (in madden, anyways) but I don't know if that says much. You should look for getting a rookie RB in the draft.
Also, MK, I don't want you to quit unless you feel you can't handle the schedule - which no offense to anyone, but this franchise is one of the slower moving franchises I've ever seen. That isn't a complaint, as we're moving quite well right now, actually, but I think thats because we've gone from 9 people needing to play, to only 3-4.
I can't wait for the post-season and the draft.. but hell, getting EVERYONE online at once is going to be a task and a half.
As for Willie Parker - hes better than New England's RBs (in madden, anyways) but I don't know if that says much. You should look for getting a rookie RB in the draft.