WZCW plays DnD?


WZCW's James Howard
Hey guys. Gauging interest here about if you folks would be interested in playing a game of 5th edition DnD. Either with 4 or 5 players. I am not opposed to DMing the game but since I already run two regular games I'd lil to be a player for once.

How often? I would suggest monthly at least. Once a fortnight is possible but once a month would work best. Depends how many hours we can find for everyone to play given time zones etc.

What do I need? Not much. We can use online virtual tabletops but for ease of play a microphone and a reliable internet connection would be all that you really need. Some of the software can be fairly intensive on the PC but I would say if you can play modern games without stuttering you should be fine. Webcams would be great but aren't necessary.

Anyway if you're interested post below. If you're willing to DM also say that
Do you even need to ask? I'm in. I do not have a mic on my computer would be the only issue.

Half-Elf Fighter.
Sweet as. Hopefully we can get another person or two interested. I think Yaz is willing to give it a go. Any of you guys interested in DMing?

Dag, mics are a couple of dollars man, it really will slow the game down without one.
I'll see what I can do about that. I've run into multiple issues when trying to add anything to this computer (I blame Windows 8), so chalk the lack of a mic up to laziness.
I don't have any knowledge of how it works so as long G as you don't mind a n00b, I'm in.
Ok, so we have a solid group of Pancake, Spidey, Dave, Yaz, Dagger and Thriller.

Dag and Thriller, I'm planning on using roll20 virtual tabletop, without a mic it's going to be a pita for everyone else and it's waaaaay too easy to forget about the guys who are typing in the chat and not talking aloud. I would suggest getting yourselves a cheap webcam as they usually come with mics and are not expensive. I am afraid I'm going to have to insist on having a mic in order to play though, I'd like the game to move along at a good pace and typing will just slow it down.

As for the rest of you add me on Skype if you haven't already and we'll have a chat about characters - again just easier to do it there plus it means that everyone else doesn't know the intimate details of your character.

If you already have the PHB, I use the array for stats, the core races have no limit but the others I try to restrict a little because they are such a small percentage of the population.

If you've played before and are willing to play a caster I would recommend it. Having a players handbook would be hugely useful as well, but I'll be able to guide you all through things (I'm at about 50 hours of 5th all of it as a DM, I still don't KNOW everything, but have a pretty good idea of most of the spells and abilities)

You're starting at 1st level. Shoot me a message on Skype guys.
If you need a mic, get a pair of cheap headphones you would use for listening to music. It works wonders. Mine cost $20 (Seinheiser headphones) and I've never had an issue talking to people over Skype, on the phone or on the podcasts. Most come with a mic so you don't have to look hard at the specs.
I use my webcam's built in mic, it serves me well enough for Skype and games like TF2. I think it cost me 20 or 25 bucks, it isn't super expensive to find a decent one. Just plug it into one of your USB ports and you're set.
Yeah. Webcams or a chea headset are the way to go. You don't need the ridiculous setup I have unless you want to do youtube (and even then really)
I have a laptop with a built in webcam and quite a few pairs of cheap headphones, I should be able to make something work. I will let you know my Skype info as soon as I remember it.
sweet as man, my details are on my profile.

Barring people dropping out the group is now full. Anyone else who is interested is on a waiting list effectively.
Are we going to use the roll20 video chat? Its easier for me to use Skype because my tablet can't run the video chat on roll20.
I could DM a game if needed; though you'd need to play around my work schedule, I'm a bit of a hard ass (low tolerance for dicking around) and I wouldn't take a group of 7.
I could DM a game if needed; though you'd need to play around my work schedule, I'm a bit of a hard ass (low tolerance for dicking around) and I wouldn't take a group of 7.

Thanks for the offer man (I may actually take up your offer at some point) but I actually really enjoy DMing. Though I would be interested in playing if you decide to run something (they're going to be doing LMoP for what it's worth)
We have our first character I was expecting something special from you guys and Pancake has not disappointed.
Having never played D&D previously, I had a remarkable amount of fun setting up my character with Pancake and Shotaro. I can see now how people spend a lot of time doing this. I'm looking forward to playing eventually.
Someone record this and put it up as an audio podcast or something pls.

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