I've been around here longer than you, I know why the people leave. You're full of shit.
Do you? Because, and I say this out of love I still hold for my WZCW days, he talks about the same kind of things I got sick of.
It is creative's job to feature as many people as they can, and the shows should advertise their RPs for the people who aren't on creative and don't read every single RP every single round.
This actually made sense.
My opinion on all of this is that this thread was in very poor taste.
You bringing up the term "poor taste" is an incredibly slippery slope that you're better off not hanging around on.
It's scared at least 1 person off the fed (possibly more). We want people to join not be scared off because of shit like this
It sounds to me that one problem is that there is too many people as it is to keep everyone involved. Or at least that Creative is having difficulty juggling them. Adding more people is probably the last thing that matters at this point.
You seemed adamant to push for everybody getting a speaking role as if this helped make a show better. It doesn't. It makes it a dull read and can take away from the superstars that actually have a feud they're working on.
Shows are far and away the most dull part of E-Fed. The only matches or segments I stopped to read were the ones I knew the Creative guys were passionate about for one reason or another.
Your desire for more dialogue, segments, etc for the guys that have nothing going on is not a terrible thing. It just doesn't sound like something enjoyable to read.
See above.
That's why actual wrestling shows focus so much on story arcs and "the bigger guys".
This is the one thing Creative has always done, regardless of staff, that makes me cringe. You are not writing fucking RAW; this is an e-fed. What makes for good TV does not necessarily make for good cooperative creative experiences.
Who do you think you are writing these shows for anyway? Why do you need to focus on "the bigger guys"? You aren't competing for ratings. The only people you should be trying to please are the people you are each other. This doesn't mean "let everyone win everything forever@!", but it does mean prioritizing inclusion over trying to be like actual wrestling.
If you want that kind of e-fed, just go start a Book This! already. This fed, its members and shows, have ALWAYS benefited from breaking conventions.
Or maybe this could be solved just by WZCW members PMing each other about potential feuds and then telling us so we don't have to write some boring shit to appease people.
I'm sorry, who is the Creative member here?
And I'm also sorry if you find it boring to appease the people that give you a reason to be writing your shows in the first place.
When getting constructive criticism, we expect the constructive part as well as the criticism.
That's not how that works. His suggestions are constructive in that he wasn't just telling you what he didn't like, he told you why and what he thought could be done about it.
It can be argued that you used nothing but the latter.
See above. Also, he facilitated further dialogue about areas that can be improved and long-running faults in the way shows are made. Constructive doesn't mean "sugar-coated".
If you're asking for wrestlers without feuds to get more screentime you'll be getting the same segments over and over again.
Please do not ignore how I pointed out how much it helps Creative to get things rolling if members actually talked to one another about creating feuds and tell us.
I don't know about other Creative members, but it sounds like you are too focused on trying to run a facsimile TV show rather than an E-Fed. Every gripe of yours attempts to shift the blame for a lack of inspiration onto the RP writers when they've already put in a substantial body of creative work.