WZCW Drama

It's not about doing something behind creative's back. It's about coming to them with something worth using.

Point out the ironic contradiction if you're feeling lazy.
It might be due to how you phrased things. You seemed adamant to push for everybody getting a speaking role as if this helped make a show better. It doesn't. It makes it a dull read and can take away from the superstars that actually have a feud they're working on.

I didn't say everyone had to get a speaking role.

I further clarified that in this weeks review that I think it should be at least 1 person involved in a match. Is that so crazy? One person to show us that the match is important.

And since we are in our Gold Rush season, pushing for more people to make appearances, have dialogue, etc outside of their matches without anything remotely looking like a feud made several including myself feel you were nit-picking in your review. Especially since Ascension is not up yet.

I stated in my review that Ascension was not up so take that into account for what I'm saying. Why is this the big thing that's being used against me when I stated that the show wasn't up?

And we purposefully tried minimizing Zeus's screentime to make room for other things this round because you had complained last round about how there was an excess of it. But you complained that we lacked his dialogue this round. To some this is a confusing gripe.

I said he didn't need to be on the show multiple times.

I never said take him out of it completely. He's the World Champion and we're coming off a PPV. It seemed like an obvious move to have him speak.

It seems like we're jumping from one extreme to another instead of doing what I suggested and spreading the love around. You don't need to remove him completely and I never suggested that.

I don't know how that could have been confusing.

We do want constructive criticism. But your complaints that somehow stretched over to the Predictions thread may be a big reason why several feel pissy at you. Keep your reviews where reviews go. I can't speak for everyone on Creative, but I am more than willing to tell you how I feel about what you say. Your desire for more dialogue, segments, etc for the guys that have nothing going on is not a terrible thing. It just doesn't sound like something enjoyable to read.

The Predictions thread thing is ridiculous. I can't even believe that people are actually pissy about that.

And were the last round of shows well received? No. I don't know if it was because of the short cycle but the shows weren't very good. I believe it has a lot to do with 12 guys getting nothing outside of their matches. I'm not 100% but I'd lean towards it.

How can you dismiss the idea as "not something enjoyable to read" when the way you want to do it turned out really poorly for MD 125 and AS201?

That's why actual wrestling shows focus so much on story arcs and "the bigger guys". Give Dolph a mic and you may as well give me a stool and a rope.

And yet we criticize actual wrestling shows for having the same segments over and over again.
Next time someone makes a post like the one Prophet did in the prediction thread should I just go through and explain the joke word for word? There's gotta be someone on creative who gets what he's going for, right?

Nobody got the joke it seems. Killjoy obviously didn't.

I love you Spidey, but I don't resonate with the PMing around stuff. That's probably because I'm literally never going to PM anyone about a feud or match, and since I've never been PM'd about a feud myself I may be on the exception for this particular sentence, but I don't see why the members should be doing so much behind creative's back.

You mean a role playing game with social interaction may require social interaction?

That's the only way a feud really goes that isn't some thrown together thing. It helps to tell us what you want to do or, like I said, guys aren't going to get used to the capacity Prophet was hoping for.
I posted in the feedback thread!

How is that as loud a manner as possible?

I posted in the thread where feedback is posted, left my comments and then that was it.

You poke back?


Rep's private. You could've kept it private. But you didn't.
Nobody got the joke it seems. Killjoy obviously didn't.

For anybody wondering what horrible jokes I made in the Predictions thread I'll post them here.

Apocalypse 2016

Dr. Zeus (c) VS Theron Daggershield - World Heavyweight Championship

The fed loves the evil stable stuff no matter how boring it becomes as was the case with the Apostles of Chaos. That thing won an award for storyline of the year and I'm still stunned at how anybody found it entertaining. That's not to say this version is boring, I like it much better the previous. Zeus wins to keep the WZCW trope alive.

Team Kick Ass VS Team Constantine


Flex Mussel VS "Showtime" Cougar

I guess so.

John Doe (c) VS Phantoms of Chaos - Tag Team Titles

Just give Ty the titles so the waiting game can begin. Hopefully he gets bored and vacates the gold before June.

Matt Tastic VS Ramparte

He's on every show seven times so he has to win.

Eve Taylor (c) VS Garth Black - Elite Openweight Title

Should be a lock to retain.

Titus Avison (c) VS S.H.I.T. - EurAsian Title

It would take judging not seen since KO/Titus 1 and 2 for the champion to lose the belt.

Noah Ryder VS Veejay

Lineal King for a Day. He should try and cash it in each round.

Pre Show: Bearded Ants VS Men of Mayhem VS Keaton/Cooper - #1 Contendership

Cooper vs. Everest is the biggest screwjob of all time. This will replace it if Cooper/Keaton lose.

Meltdown 126

S.H.I.T. VS Noah Ryder (Gold Rush Qualifier)

Ryder doesn't need to advance since he's got the KFAD.

Dr. Zeus & Ramparte VS Bearded Ants


Matt Tastic VS Abel Hunnicutt (Gold Rush Qualifier)

Tastic vs. Titus for the title at the PPV. No reason for him to win this match.

Eve Taylor VS Veejay (Non-Title)

Can't see this going the other way.

John Doe VS Tony Mancini

Doe needs to win after losing on the PPV.

Ascension 103

Flex Mussel VS Kagura Daikonron (Gold Rush Qualifier)

Because it would be hilarious and I liked the RP more.

Titus Avison VS Logan McAlister VS Diabolos (Non-Title)


Theron Daggershield & Phantoms of Chaos VS Garth Black & Cooper/Keaton

Most likely.

Constantine VS Mikey Stormrage

I don't think we'll get a finish. This match really should be for the number one contendership instead of doing the triple threat. I believe this feud could knock Apostles of Chaos off the top spot for worst storyline. The tag match on PPV was pointless and I see this match being more of the same.

Vee A.D.Z. VS M (Gold Rush Qualifier)

Vee needs a win after the horrible showing at the PPV. He's not going to get it here.

Now tell me what I did wrong?

Rep's private. You could've kept it private. But you didn't.

You supposedly knew I'd make it public. Stop ya bitching and enjoy what you wanted.
I can say that PMing creative about a segment you want works.

This thread reminded me that I wanted a segment for my character before his Gold Rush match and asked Killjoy if I could write it. His exact words were
Killjoy via PM said:
So that's what I'm going to do.

With creative as busy as they are with everything they have to do it's always better to ask if you can do it yourself.
I further clarified that in this weeks review that I think it should be at least 1 person involved in a match. Is that so crazy? One person to show us that the match is important.
I agree with the general sentiment, but I definitely disagree with this specific standard. Especially as a firm rule. If everything is special, then nothing is. Some matches just need to be filler, or fluff, or job matches.

Although cutting some time from the guys who have too much and giving other guys a couple good minutes could do a lot.

I'll go back to Ziggler. I'm not a huge fan, but exposing his WWE.com exclusive promos to a wider audience would be a good use of time. And if there's a Seth Rollins situation going on in WZCW right now, then I definitely see your point.

Disclaimer: Still haven't bothered to get any context.
I can say that PMing creative about a segment you want works.

This thread reminded me that I wanted a segment for my character before his Gold Rush match and asked Killjoy if I could write it. His exact words were

So that's what I'm going to do.

With creative as busy as they are with everything they have to do it's always better to ask if you can do it yourself.

It's not about writing yourself a segment.

It's about the segments that were being written featured the same guys multiple times. You're already writing X amount of segments so just add some new guys into the segments.

That was the point. It's always been the point. No matter how hard Killjoy tries it's not about creative abusing their power. That was never my issue in this whole thing.

Are you disappointed that everyone didn't take your side?
Nobody got the joke it seems. Killjoy obviously didn't.

You mean a role playing game with social interaction may require social interaction?

That's the only way a feud really goes that isn't some thrown together thing. It helps to tell us what you want to do or, like I said, guys aren't going to get used to the capacity Prophet was hoping for.

I did say I was in that special few who've received one PM (haiku accidentally spoiled the fact I was in the 8-man recently) so I don't exactly know how it usually goes. Basically what I meant to say in that regard was a question of if creative PMs people first for feud ideas they come up with, but I guess that got an answer of "no, you have to pm people yourself" which is fair enough since I don't PM anyone who doesn't pm me first :p
I can see where you're coming from Prophet but I still think it's better if people volunteer to do it.

If creative has 3 segments with ???? and 2 people ask if they can write a segment for their character we'll 1 segment with ???? and 2 with people that wouldn't have gotten one otherwise.

Even if the write the segment themselves PMing creative with ideas will always be the best way to have your guy featured. Otherwise it's a crap shoot as only creative knows what they have planned.
I didn't say everyone had to get a speaking role.

I further clarified that in this weeks review that I think it should be at least 1 person involved in a match. Is that so crazy? One person to show us that the match is important.

You harped quite liberally on it. You even averaged it out.

I am not saying that your gripe doesn't come without merit. There's a reason why I said it might have to do with how you phrased things.

I stated in my review that Ascension was not up so take that into account for what I'm saying. Why is this the big thing that's being used against me when I stated that the show wasn't up?

Because there's a reason why we have two shows instead of one big show every cycle. The people that don't appear on one tend to show up on the other. Since your complaint seemed to be about how often people are around, it is fair to argue that the averages you made weren't done so with the whole of the roster taken into account.

I said he didn't need to be on the show multiple times.

I never said take him out of it completely. He's the World Champion and we're coming off a PPV. It seemed like an obvious move to have him speak.

It seems like we're jumping from one extreme to another instead of doing what I suggested and spreading the love around. You don't need to remove him completely and I never suggested that.

I don't know how that could have been confusing.

Since I wasn't part of the writing behind that, I don't have a real argument here. We saw your complaint. We tried reciprocating instead of ignoring you. That's all I know.

The Predictions thread thing is ridiculous. I can't even believe that people are actually pissy about that.

And were the last round of shows well received? No. I don't know if it was because of the short cycle but the shows weren't very good. I believe it has a lot to do with 12 guys getting nothing outside of their matches. I'm not 100% but I'd lean towards it.

How can you dismiss the idea as "not something enjoyable to read" when the way you want to do it turned out really poorly for MD 125 and AS201?

I can't believe anyone is that pissy about red rep that they had to make a thread about it in The Bar Room, but we are not of the same mind there.

You and I both know the real life shit that went down last cycle between Creative losing family members and the like. Not exactly a legitimate enough complaint to make. We're people that make mistakes and have lives outside of an e-fed. When getting constructive criticism, we expect the constructive part as well as the criticism. It can be argued that you used nothing but the latter. How would you like us to handle additional dialogue/appearances...would you like to see Meltdown become a longer read? Would you take stock in more WZCW.com Section appearances for wrestlers? See this is where we get places instead of Creative getting told what they should work on without giving us any suggestions to go with.

Personally I am on both yours and Killjoys side on this. I'm just trying to give you a reason why people like Killjoy may have problems with the critique. Believe me, I fucking hate Live Mas and KJ & Yaz know this.

And yet we criticize actual wrestling shows for having the same segments over and over again.

If you're asking for wrestlers without feuds to get more screentime you'll be getting the same segments over and over again

Please do not ignore how I pointed out how much it helps Creative to get things rolling if members actually talked to one another about creating feuds and tell us.

It may resolve threads like these.
For anybody wondering what horrible jokes I made in the Predictions thread I'll post them here.

Now tell me what I did wrong?

I didn't say you did anything wrong. I was giving you a possible reason on why KJ felt the need to red rep you. This looks more like a steady build to that red rep than KJ just going crazy.
You harped quite liberally on it. You even averaged it out.

Because it was the best way to show if anything had change.

I am not saying that your gripe doesn't come without merit. There's a reason why I said it might have to do with how you phrased things.

It's awfully hard to express tone through text.

Because there's a reason why we have two shows instead of one big show every cycle. The people that don't appear on one tend to show up on the other. Since your complaint seemed to be about how often people are around, it is fair to argue that the averages you made weren't done so with the whole of the roster taken into account.

I only did the averages of the two Meltdowns. It didn't include the second show. It was fair when talking about Meltdown to compare it to last weeks.

If I had taken the both shows from last round and put them up against this one Meltdown show than you'd have a point. I didn't. :shrug:

Since I wasn't part of the writing behind that, I don't have a real argument here. We saw your complaint. We tried reciprocating instead of ignoring you. That's all I know.

Good. That's a reasonable response.

Thank you.

I can't believe anyone is that pissy about red rep that they had to make a thread about it in The Bar Room, but we are not of the same mind there.

It's not about the red rep. I never mentioned the red rep.

It's about Killjoy being pissy, not taking criticism well and the need for a wider selection of characters to get screen time.

Why is this so hard to understand? Find me complaining about the red rep in this thread.

You and I both know the real life shit that went down last cycle between Creative losing family members and the like. Not exactly a legitimate enough complaint to make. We're people that make mistakes and have lives outside of an e-fed. When getting constructive criticism, we expect the constructive part as well as the criticism. It can be argued that you used nothing but the latter. How would you like us to handle additional dialogue/appearances...would you like to see Meltdown become a longer read? Would you take stock in more WZCW.com Section appearances for wrestlers? See this is where we get places instead of Creative getting told what they should work on without giving us any suggestions to go with.

Look you guys asked for feedback.

You don't get feedback often and I suspect it's because of reactions like Killjoy's.

I'm not going to bother giving it again. You can do what you want. I'll PM ideas for Cooper/Keaton to Yaz and that'll be it.


Personally I am on both yours and Killjoys side on this. I'm just trying to give you a reason why people like Killjoy may have problems with the critique. Believe me, I fucking hate Live Mas and KJ & Yaz know this.

Killjoy has attempted to change my argument multiple times throughout this thread. I see no point in trying to understand him.

Please do not ignore how I pointed out how much it helps Creative to get things rolling if members actually talked to one another about creating feuds and tell us.

I sent a long PM to Yaz about Cooper/Keaton and what we could do for the build to the tag title match.

It's not like I'm ignoring the fact that people should send in suggestions for segments. They should but I feel like a better job could be done with using different characters instead of the same ones over and over again.

It was nothing to do with creative influence, even though Killjoy would try and make you believe that's what I'm saying.
Yeah that was a bit naive of me to say.

Back to the rope and stool I go.


I got you.
Because it was the best way to show if anything had change.
Why not use regression analysis to determine your effect on the change? Find a useful figure to quantify your bitching. Then see if you can find a statistically significant relationship between your bitching and changes in creative's activities. Once you know exactly how much your bitching affects their output, bitch accordingly.

This seems obvious.
As someone who has been involved in his fair share of fed drama, and at times even near or perhaps at the center of it, I feel like I can safely say with a certain level of authority that this is really fucking stupid.
As someone who has been involved in his fair share of fed drama, and at times even near or perhaps at the center of it, I feel like I can safely say with a certain level of authority that this is really fucking stupid.
You looked into context, didn't you?

As a qualified statistician, I could validate Coco's suggestion, although I don't know if that would clash with my current honours thesis "Figuring Out Why Everyone Likes Ty Burna's RPs Since I Find Them Alright But Not Super Dooper Amazing"
For the record, I am crazy. If I was as pissy as I allegedly am, trust me. I'd just push the red button like I've done in the past.
Look you guys asked for feedback.

You don't get feedback often and I suspect it's because of reactions like Killjoy's.

I'm not going to bother giving it again. You can do what you want. I'll PM ideas for Cooper/Keaton to Yaz and that'll be it.


We don't get feedback often because we're either getting our dicks rode or our balls punched. Look through that thread and you'll see I've written a few with more negative things to say than positive. But I always try to give out ideas and the like to go along with my criticism. We're trying to build on mistakes. To build we need suggestions so we don't make the same mistakes again. If you don't like giving examples on how we can change things, the feedback isn't exactly helpful to anybody. This is my argument to how feedback could be handled.

It's not like I'm ignoring the fact that people should send in suggestions for segments. They should but I feel like a better job could be done with using different characters instead of the same ones over and over again.

It was nothing to do with creative influence, even though Killjoy would try and make you believe that's what I'm saying.

We've taken that into account. It's not as solid of a resolution as you think, with it being a tournament-style round on top of the End of The Year Awards, but it isn't like we haven't taken what you've said and talked about it in the back. We're working on things playing out better than previously.


I got you.

You're the meaning in my life. You're the inspiration.
This thread is literally a carbon copy of the one Pancake made like six months ago. Not saying you're stealing material Prophet, just saying it's just as pointless.
You looked into context, didn't you?


In 7th grade we looked at drops of scummy pond water under a microscope. I remember it well because I had a particularly interesting drop of scummy pond water. There were all sorts of microorganisms floating around including a tiny little crustacean egg which my biology teacher found super fascinating.

Then at the end of class we wiped off the slides and dumped the scummy pond water out in a bush outside of the school and never thought about what happened to all of the life that was swimming around in it.

If you look closely enough anything can be interesting. That doesn't mean it actually is.

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