WZCW Drama

I've lived through Alex Bowen having his multiple meltdowns in the discussion thread so I like to keep any drama out of their after seeing all of his stupid antics.

He's a fuck of a lot better talking things out than you are.
Plus it wasn't an issue with the creative or anyone other than Killjoy for being unable to take criticism.
I take criticism just fine.
The first two points aren't even about that. You're trying to make this Prophet vs. Creative but everyone else on creative isn't getting pissy with me for giving feedback.
Trust me. They are. So are people who aren't on creative.
I never said Killjoy is booking himself over other people. I said that it's ridiculous for you to say that talking doesn't matter when your character is heavily featured on both shows. That's not me saying you're doing shady stuff. Even when I pointed out that you put together the shows last week it's because you stated it as a fact. I'm not making that up. It's information which supports my belief that more characters should be given a chance to talk. By pointing out that you booked the show, which featured Tastic heavily, it supports my case that these segments are important and should be shared throughout the roster.

Your claim specifically targeted me and implied it was done on purpose.
But you did book the last round of shows which heavily featured Tastic on both shows even though talking doesn't matter, right?
No. Go ahead. Ask.
My complaint is that segments should be shared around so more people can have time to shine on the shows. I understand that spots are limited but having the same guys over and over again isn't the way to write the show. Now I'm the bad guy for thinking that way? Yeah, some bad guy I must be.
Right above your condescending bullshit was Lee telling people to send in segments. People obliged.
You put together the show last round. I would think that may count as making a single suggestion. The last weekly shows had an entire Matt Tastic interview which you said was your idea.
The last show put together was the PPV and I couldn't even write my match because of an emergency. So I don't know how many times I have tell you, I had nothing to do with it.
This isn't about you being controlling or manipulative.

It's about you getting all pissy because someone pointed out negatives in regards to Meltdown.

Don't ask for feedback on the shows if you can't handle criticism.
Hey, remember when Lee got mad about how I booked his heel turn and we talked ut out just fine? Remember when Ty was mad about how I wrote a segment and I said he was right? But yeah. I totally don't take criticism.

You can pretend like the shows are perfect all you want but the roster is smaller than it was when I first arrived. It's decreased in size nearly every year since then and if Ty were to leave you'd barely have a full roster page.
I've been around here longer than you, I know why the people leave. You're full of shit.

Keep acting like you're superior and soon enough you'll have to do Tastic vs. Baez in the main event of Kingdom Come.
That sounds like a swell idea. Am I supposed to be shocked by your claim that I abuse my status?
Point to Killjoy: Creative is undoubtedly "pissy."

Still, go Prophet.

I miss this.
Having no context for what's happening, Prophet is definitely making his point more strongly.

Killjoy is right. Prophet does have a big yap. But I don't count that as a shortcoming in e-fed land.
Wouldn't that depend on what one is yapping about though?
I love it. I specifically wrote all that down knowing you'd open your big yap 'cause you're so bloody predictable. Do me a favor and go ask KB or Slyfox to go see just how deeply I book myself to be so superior. Go ahead. Because I did not make a single suggestion this round about segments involving myself. Hell, haven't made a single suggestion since Lethal Lottery. But yeah. You go ahead and talk about how controlling and manipulative I am, trying to stir up a sandstorm on a cement floor. I'll sit here on my throne of skulls leering at you.

Something something Nazi mods.
He's a fuck of a lot better talking things out than you are.

I've never had a meltdown in the discussion thread. Bowen has had multiple relating to his drug issues and how he was written out of the fed/never got a rematch for the mayhem title.

I leave by posting "I'm done" in the request time off thread. I don't bring whatever problems I have in real life to the fed because I don't give a fuck about other peoples issues. Bowen is a fool but you can go be his friend if that's your thing.

I take criticism just fine.

Very few people give criticism for the shows. Why do you think that is? Is it because you're likely to get attacked you are to me when you're just trying to give feedback? Immediately you go on the attack for negative feedback.

No wonder the review thread is 90% full of "great show" and nothing else.

Trust me. They are. So are people who aren't on creative.

Then why ask for feedback on the shows if you get pissy with the feedback?

Your claim specifically targeted me and implied it was done on purpose.

It was in response to you acting like talking doesn't matter. It does matter and I'm sick of guys missing out while several guys get multiple segments.

Why is that so bad?

No. Go ahead. Ask.

You said on the podcast that you put together Meltdown 125 and Ascension 102.

Right above your condescending bullshit was Lee telling people to send in segments. People obliged.

Right here is where you show that you can't take criticism.

So did I.

What's your point?

The last show put together was the PPV and I couldn't even write my match because of an emergency. So I don't know how many times I have tell you, I had nothing to do with it.

I said weekly show. You knew I wasn't talking about the PPV otherwise I would have said PPV.

Hey, remember when Lee got mad about how I booked his heel turn and we talked ut out just fine? Remember when Ty was mad about how I wrote a segment and I said he was right? But yeah. I totally don't take criticism.

So you take it from people you deem as on your level but little ole me can just be dismissed as starting up trouble even though I'm making a valid point?

I've been around here longer than you, I know why the people leave. You're full of shit.

You must know a lot since heaps of people have left.

That sounds like a swell idea. Am I supposed to be shocked by your claim that I abuse my status?

What status?

We're arguing about an e-fed.

Neither of us have status, mate.
For what little it's worth. Killjoy deliberately baiting Prophet into calling him out doesn't pass the smell test.

Hope I'm not misinterpreting that. Because that's one of my favourite parts of this thing.
I don't give criticism because the things I find wrong don't warrent a non spam post.

It's mostly grammar and the fact my guy was announced as Anthony instead of Tony. Rather small in the grand scheme of things.
I don't give criticism because the things I find wrong don't warrent a non spam post.

It's mostly grammar and the fact my guy was announced as Anthony instead of Tony. Rather small in the grand scheme of things.
Non-spam posts and official review threads aren't the only place one can deliver criticism.
I'm quite an open book. I'm not the one who went on numerous rants over petty things.

vs. Chris K.O. and his open challenge in 2012 which a majority of the fed agreed with.

vs. Holmes being in the main event of Kingdom Come when I thought it was clear Showtime was the superior character and would win easily.

That's two.

I was right on both of those things. KO lost his open challenge and Holmes didn't get a single vote at KC. That was years ago.

And I did so in the discussion thread for both of those matches without making it personal. It was always about the character.

Wanna try again?
For what little it's worth. Killjoy deliberately baiting Prophet into calling him out doesn't pass the smell test.

Hope I'm not misinterpreting that. Because that's one of my favourite parts of this thing.

Believe whatever you want to believe. Does it smell like cheese?
I always assume that anyone who claims to read the shows is lying. Those things are tedious.
Oh for the love of god are creative actually upset at that show review? I thought this was a troll move! I've gotta readjust the detectors...

It was feedback. It was done in the character of Prophet, but it brought up a shitload of good points. I don't understand why you have to attack Prophet over this when all he's effectively saying is "Try and balance out the people on the shows since it gets a bit heavy on certain guys otherwise", and defending his points when he's being brought up on it. I would have written a very critical review of that round too if I had the free time, since you guys asked for a critical review pointing out where you could improve. Did you for some reason then expect people to turn around and say "Oh you, why would you ask for that when we all know it's 100% perfect in every way"? There'd be no point harping on about the positives since that's the shit you get right every week. I'm not gonna focus my tutoring on algebra and trigonometry if the student regularly gets 90+ on that but gets a 65 on differential equations, I'm gonna calculus the fuck out of them until they get it right.

3) It's wrestling. Wrestling > Talking. Besides, that's what RP's are for.
Wowsers. I'm going to need some time to take that in.
The write in to creative about a segment thing is two sided - obviously everyone knows the benefits of writing in, but for someone like me who has barely enough free time to stay in the fed let alone send out PMs every week should they just resign themselves to never being featured? For the love of god don't take that as "feature me more", I want to be as far away from talking segments as possible.
It is creative's job to feature as many people as they can, and the shows should advertise their RPs for the people who aren't on creative and don't read every single RP every single round.
Can't we all just agree that none of this would have happened if Milenko han't have showed up? Just kidding, Millie.
Yaz: Head of Creative & Moderator

Dave: Creative Moderator
Dynamite: Creative Moderator

Spidey: Creative Member
NSL: Creative Member
Haiku Hogan: Creative Member

I would love for someone on creative, who are apparently now pissy at me, to explain why this is such a horrible thing for me to suggest?

"Try and balance out the people on the shows since it gets a bit heavy on certain guys otherwise"

Really would love to hear it since Killjoy is claiming I'm pissing off everyone.
Yaz: Head of Creative & Moderator

Dave: Creative Moderator
Dynamite: Creative Moderator

Spidey: Creative Member
NSL: Creative Member
Haiku Hogan: Creative Member

I would love for someone on creative, who are apparently now pissy at me, to explain why this is such a horrible thing for me to suggest?

Really would love to hear it since Killjoy is claiming I'm pissing off everyone.
It's not a horrible thing, obviously. But they're averse to loud, angry tantrums. Go figure.

Which sucks. Because the culture of ass-kissing the fed generates (cue the usual suspects pretending it doesn't) inevitably leads to a lot of good points getting lost in these tantrums.

Still on your side, Prophet.

Anyway, probably safer if I hold off on that new character I have till this all blows over.
I'll happily take the blame if it calms everyone down. Why Prophet would make this thread outside WZCW is beyond me especially with the name he gave the thread.
I'll happily take the blame if it calms everyone down. Why Prophet would make this thread outside WZCW is beyond me especially with the name he gave the thread.

Dave is usually pretty quick to shut stuff like this down or move it to The Bar Room.

I thought I'd save him the trouble.


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