WZCW Drama

Fixed. I would certainly show both respect and concern if someone won a thermite eating contest.

Have you ever tried marmite? No one in this universe wants to eat spoonfuls of that factory runoff. Helps that it's easier to obtain too. It's also packed with many vitamins and minerals - forget doubled edged sword this thing's a triangular prism of fed issue resolving sharpness!
DirtyJosé;5418761 said:
The best RP's have always come from someone who was working away from actual televised wrestling styles. Always. The most memorable characters and moments have always been the ones that would have never been possible in a real world on real television. I feel like the same is true of shows. It may not ever win any awards, but Baller losing his head still makes me pop.

I deserve a push the next time I return just for losing my head
One tag champ is an Aztec Man-Dragon, the over half is a reformed black magic practitioner, the World Champion is satanic and summoned a demon, one of his partners might be an angel with amnesia.

Don't see what the argument is on that regard.
Have you ever tried marmite? No one in this universe wants to eat spoonfuls of that factory runoff. Helps that it's easier to obtain too. It's also packed with many vitamins and minerals - forget doubled edged sword this thing's a triangular prism of fed issue resolving sharpness!
I would rather eat thermite then that nasty shit
One tag champ is an Aztec Man-Dragon, the over half is a reformed black magic practitioner, the World Champion is satanic and summoned a demon, one of his partners might be an angel with amnesia.

Don't see what the argument is on that regard.

My character just started a gimmick where she literally steals the attributes and skills of other people.
I can't remember. But a forum search for "Saboteur and penguins" would probably lead you to it.

I tried that and literally couldn't find anything. I just found a bunch of references to Saboteur hating penguins, and quite a bit of memories came back to me. It was an early match and I remember being annoyed because it made my character look like a joke.

I can't remember why I was such an asshole about it. But was I an asshole? I think maybe the deal was people thought I was being an asshole about it but I actually handled it pretty well (in my opinion)? I can't remember.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find the actual match, but luckily...

Thanks Dave!
You're all a lot less interesting than you think you are when it comes to your characters, I must say. Bring back Saxoteur.

And if I didn't need more reasons to dislike Milenko, now I find out he hates Marmite. Damn you.
On the subject of boring WZCW characters that should have been better than they were, what happened to Vega? That dude sucked.
Still should've beat Showtime that one time. Biggest injustice ever.

Have you been enlightened by Mark Keaton yet, Doc? Best thing to happen to the fed since Harthan went bye bye.
Pancake had no points outside of not liking Dynamite. This one had meat but it's been corroded away. Never talked to Killjoy before this though which is new I guess.

Meet again in 6 months? Who wants to make a prediction on what that'll be?

6 months? That's August...so...Lethal Lottery. I'd put some chips on that one.

I tried really hard to care about this thread. I truly did. I just couldn't find it in me to give a damn. But since I read the entire first page, I feel like I have to post now to justify my waste of time. So I do just want to point this one thing out:

You posted in the Bar Room about a rep comment given over an e-fed issue. As a 6+ year administrator of an Internet wrestling forum, even I think that is lame. I hope you were properly mocked for the level of butthurt you displayed here. If not, just know I'm mocking you quite hard.

Sometimes, I feel like you're my spirit animal. And to think I used to think you hated me. Then you got me that cushy mod job, and then the All Stars...I heart you, Sly. I heart you hard.
Pancake had no points outside of not liking Dynamite.

The point I made 6 or so months ago was that Dynamite reacted to criticism I gave him in the discussion thread with a temper tantrum, to which I responded in kind. For the sake of the fact I no longer care about the issue (or this issue for that matter) I rather not drudge up old blood that came and gone.
You don't need the internet to fap. Ask your grandfather if he's still alive. I'm sure he has some helpful advice.
Wow, this is quite possibly the dumbest thread I've read in quite some time.

Going to go and wash my hands. I feel dirty after touching this shit. Any point Prophet may have had had been eroded due to him making it personal instead of sticking to his actual grievance. As for killjoy red-repping criticism (legitimate or not) is a shitty thing to do to be honest and tends to lead to people getting unnecessarily angry and personal straight afterwards.

I don't have a horse in this race but objectively you guys are both in the wrong.

Anyway two kids to feed and now I got shit all over my hands. Not even changed a nappy in like four hours. Fuck's sake.

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