WZCW Discussion Thread

After about 130 rounds between PS4 and Xbox One, I finally saw somebody take down Jason tonight. Not hard to say the bastard is hard to kill. They tried that shit with me the round before but I smoked them all 8/8.
Had a customer today from a third party client called TNA. No, not that TNA, but he knew who they were. Found that amusing lol
After about 130 rounds between PS4 and Xbox One, I finally saw somebody take down Jason tonight. Not hard to say the bastard is hard to kill. They tried that shit with me the round before but I smoked them all 8/8.

My interest in the game really died off around Halloween and I haven't picked it up since, but I was in the high 40s, low 50s when I first saw Jason die. I was a spectator cause he got me early in the round. Between my girlfriend and I, we have killed him three times. The key is getting a competent player to play a female counselor and sneak into his shack and having a Tommy who actually plays aggressively as Tommy and doesn't just use him as an extra life to try to escape.
I think I'm on the fourth version of this sodding RP. Need to get it done tonight, am working all day tomorrow and will only really have time to format when I finish.

Anyone else have that one RP where you have the idea but just feel like you can't translate it over properly?
I think I'm on the fourth version of this sodding RP. Need to get it done tonight, am working all day tomorrow and will only really have time to format when I finish.

Yeah tonight's really my deadline as well, I'm looking at 12 hours of work tomorrow between two jobs. I'm working tonight as well but that's mostly start a process on a server and then monitor as the green bar slowly moves across the screen.
I think I'm on the fourth version of this sodding RP. Need to get it done tonight, am working all day tomorrow and will only really have time to format when I finish.

Anyone else have that one RP where you have the idea but just feel like you can't translate it over properly?

Every RP it seems for me. I'll plan something in my head and not really execute it on the screen.
Currently in the hospital with gf, mot sure what's going on, or if ima get my rp up on time, not really thinking bout that atm tho, hate waiting in hospitals
Currently in the hospital with gf, mot sure what's going on, or if ima get my rp up on time, not really thinking bout that atm tho, hate waiting in hospitals

Don't worry about it if you can't, mate. Priorities and all that. How is she by the by?
Wrote my RP out and then went to make my daughter lunch. By the time I'd come back, my PC had restarted and is now installing updates. I saved the work, so it's no biggie. But the issue I have is that I've been waiting two hours and it's only at 19% of the way through... Fuck Microsoft.
Don't worry about it if you can't, mate. Priorities and all that. How is she by the by?

We're still here, theu are doing tests and stuff. Her neck was hurting n that's where she had surgery last month, so its still wait n see. Fucking sucks, especially cuz drs don't wana tell me shit since I'm not "family"
Yeah tonight's really my deadline as well, I'm looking at 12 hours of work tomorrow between two jobs. I'm working tonight as well but that's mostly start a process on a server and then monitor as the green bar slowly moves across the screen.

I ended up giving up last night, and it'll be done when it's done tonight. I'll be fine for the deadline, it's more the fact that its currently quarter to 1 in the morning here, and I have another late morning till late evening shift tomorrow.

Sleep's overrated anyway.

Every RP it seems for me. I'll plan something in my head and not really execute it on the screen.

For what it's worth, the RP's of yours I have read don't show that at all.
FYI, I'll close the threads when I wake up tomorrow. So about 9 or 10 hours from now.
Who's going to see Star Wars The Last Jedi this weekend? I'm totally watching that shit. Haven't seen a Star Wars in the theatres since the original Return of the Jedi.
Assuming that everyone hasn't gotten an extension beforehand, I'd like to request one myself.

Dude just get something, anything, in. Even if it's just "Hi my name is War Zone and I will win my match!". Anything's better than a no-show.

Who's going to see Star Wars The Last Jedi this weekend? I'm totally watching that shit. Haven't seen a Star Wars in the theatres since the original Return of the Jedi.

Already? That snuck up on us. I thought that wasn't for another few weeks. I'll probably wait until the crowds die down. It's more enjoyable if people aren't talking the whole time. Kinda hard to avoid that on opening weekend.
Put it this way there's a potential someone wins the EurAsian due to my no show.

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