The [OFFICIAL] WZCW Podcast Thread

Neither one of you sound like I thought you would.

it's pronounced Stalker by the way. I did it the way I did as a play off the name I gave him.
An empty arena Pure Rules match? Why?

Because the original idea was to imply it was pure rules but it was empty arena so that Vees parents wouldn't see him wrestle at long last but alas creative made a mistake and announced pure rules so I made the most of a mistake.
Great heel move I think.

Also I didn't fall asleep during our podcast. I had to use the restroom during though.
I don't mean to brag but, I'm 40 and rockin a thick, dark brown mop on my head with small spatterings of grey. I'm working to bring back The Mullet with a Lemmy goatee inspired by Triple H, (as seen in my Detective Frank Corpsin RP if anyone read it)

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