WZCW Discussion Thread

That would actually be a good idea. I feel like Lexi would work a lot better with a tag team partner like Grizzly to work off of.

Agreed. My original intention with Lexi was to put her in a team with a (mostly) serious partner and have her be more comedy than she was. But that never ended up working out sadly.
It's been a quiet few days. How's everyone else getting on with their RP's?
Almost done, just gotta polish it up some. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else comes up with this round.

Also, since it briefly got mentioned on the podcast.... Wrestler smilers via rep, gotta catch em all!

:pogo: :taijiri: :hogan: :snuka: :sabu2: :undertaker2: :robvandam: :raven:
All-Stars is coming together slowly. I don't know what part of the brain I unlocked to write the things I've written but yeah... I don't know what I'm writing, actually.
Had the All-Stars match done. Was sending it to my inbox. The internet goes down here at UALR due to warm piss that Arkansas calls snow. Enraged. Such red. So much red.
Worst ******* hangover ever on Monday, totally blitzed my immune system over the weekend, now I feel like shit and I still need to start my RP. Fuck you, body!
I find myself a little busy at the moment. So I might a tad bit late. Maybe a hour past the deadline at the most. Most likely 45 minutes.
Sad to see a few people miss the deadline this cycle but the threads are now closed for those who didn't require an extention. 12 hours is enough of a soft extention.

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