WZCW Discussion Thread

New guy is gonna be fine; at the least, he didn't Barrett Stratton it. He at least has a compelling concept, and building a character takes time. Joining the fed. Is never easy, and no one gets it right off the bat*. If HurriKane wants any help, my PM box is always open.

Trust me, he's going to do better than my first outing as ?

*Shut up, guys. It was hard at first.

Edit; ok, I know that I'm new back, but did Pancake steal The Angel's mask :lol:
I remember absolutely despising my first RP. Quite intimidating after a good long time pondering if I'd ever go through with it. Things turned out OK though.
People have come out of their parents' basements from the Valentine's Day romantic massacre, looking to return to a place their once called a second home.

I was on the surface for that dark time. It wasn't pretty but I did what I had to do (i.e. myself) to survive.
Miss you guys. How are things?

Feeling's mutual...

I remember absolutely despising my first RP. Quite intimidating after a good long time pondering if I'd ever go through with it. Things turned out OK though.
he said, all regally...

Wow. What's with all the returns? Welcome back my children.
I'm old enough to be your slightly older unrelated person!

People have come out of their parents' basements from the Valentine's Day romantic massacre, looking to return to a place their once called a second home.

I was on the surface for that dark time. It wasn't pretty but I did what I had to do (i.e. myself) to survive.
Thanks to you, I know succotash is a thing. I just assumed it's something Sylvester made up, much like Pinky's "Zort", Quagmire's "Giggidy" or anything Tazz says (yes, both the Tasmanian devil and the wrestler). Go well.

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