WZCW Discussion Thread

I don't really have any interesting writing stories, but I did turn in a multi page paper on The Hardy Boyz life story in high school for one my classes as a final project and I got an A+ on it.
Longest document I ever wrote was 250 pages long. It wasn't for school though, spent a summer writing it.

I've got I think 75 pages on that doc now I did for school, but I've not written for it or my other docs in a long time.

Shortest doc I ever wrote was I think... 2-3 pages, not including the ADD or TDD.
Haiku.... Your next screenname should be Bluetista.... with a sig banner of Batista in his gear from tonight's match and any Batista avatar.
Where do you think they get their ideas?

I can't do it because I'm on a phone, but imagine me posting a photo of the South Park scene where they see that family guy is written by a bunch of manatees.

Also; is it sad that I miss Mad Mark Madden a lot and can't wait until all stars again? Last year it was like Christmas for me *tears up* ;_; :p
is it sad that I miss Mad Mark Madden a lot and can't wait until all stars again? Last year it was like Christmas for me *tears up* ;_; :p

You could always try to incorporate a similar NPC into your RP's. Kirilah went on to become one of if not my very most important NPC, and she is who I RP'ed as in All Stars last year. Definitely going with something funnier and less serious this time around at that show.
You could always try to incorporate a similar NPC into your RP's. Kirilah went on to become one of if not my very most important NPC, and she is who I RP'ed as in All Stars last year. Definitely going with something funnier and less serious this time around at that show.

Nothing can replace Mad Mark Madden though :p
The thing I miss is just how great writing in rhyme is when you're doing a comedy character/RP, but for purposes of sanity i won't do that with M... unless I'm not gonna get the deadline and I want to just chuck out a side story unrelated to the plot :)

Really can't wait for All Stars though, got a couple of characters I think would suit it perfectly :D
Really can't wait for All Stars though, got a couple of characters I think would suit it perfectly :D

Same. I've had a character ready since last year. I had to go into Plan B by entering Kirilah/Tiffany (she was going to be added to Theron's story regardless, so I just made it a backstory for her) when someone beat me to it with a similar gimmick to the guy I wanted to enter.
I've got something good for All Stars. Not nearly as good as Jew Gold though. I don't think anything will top that.
I signed up for another wrestling forum...

Dear God, I thought "buried" was used over here a lot until I went there.

I'm so used to this place that I don't even bother going anywhere else. I briefly tried to integrate myself with the wrestling community on another site but the stupidity level was off the chart. Everyone was bitching about the product and how they could run the WWE better than the McMahons. I pointed out how stupid that was and everyone jumped down my throat in unison. Apparently it was a god given right to be cynical of a product because it wasn't directly catering to the needs of the IWC. Fuck the children right? I wanna see blood, sex, and moar violence!!!

It got old fast...

Seriously... I told people to stop being so damn cynical and just try to enjoy the product anyway and got called a troll...
I signed up for another wrestling forum...

Dear God, I thought "buried" was used over here a lot until I went there.

If it's the forum I think you're talking about, I don't even venture into the wrestling sections at all there. Too many morons.

It's bad enough I deal with quite a few in the one section I do post in there.
If it's the forum I think you're talking about, I don't even venture into the wrestling sections at all there. Too many morons.

It's bad enough I deal with quite a few in the one section I do post in there.

It is the one you're thinking.

Dude was bitching about how Cena wasn't taped up from the match on Sunday but the Usos were.

I asked him why he wasn't bitching that Orton wasn't taped up either.

"What the fuck does Orton have to do with Cena no selling?!"

It is the one you're thinking.

Dude was bitching about how Cena wasn't taped up from the match on Sunday but the Usos were.

I asked him why he wasn't bitching that Orton wasn't taped up either.

"What the fuck does Orton have to do with Cena no selling?!"


Curse that Cena, always burying talent by putting on great matches with them!
Trying to write a match while texting leads to awkward situations. I just sent a girl a text saying I was going to run to get a burger...except I said rub a burger on...This is why I'm single.

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