WZCW Discussion Thread

You know, you've put me in an awkward position now, since I was planning on not being vocal about it.

It's alright, I think we're in the same boat. That said it isn't so much Coldplay as Chris Martin I really bloody despise.

Also, you can tell me and Falk have been around a long time, we're quite possibly two of the most punctual people in the history of the fed.
Also, you can tell me and Falk have been around a long time, we're quite possibly two of the most punctual people in the history of the fed.

Time zones are a huge factor in that. Deadlines finish anywhere from midday to afternoon during weekdays so I don't exactly have the advantage of posting near deadline.
This is a selfish "look at me" post but I just want to know what is the general consensus on my runn with the world title? Rep to everyone who inflates my ego.
Clocks is the only song of theirs that I like.

You'll like "Speed of sound" as well, since it's the exact same thing.
It's alright, I think we're in the same boat. That said it isn't so much Coldplay as Chris Martin I really bloody despise.

They should make him a heel. I'll go out on a limb and say that there's probably a lot of overlap between people who watch wrestling and the people in our boat.
Time zones are a huge factor in that. Deadlines finish anywhere from midday to afternoon during weekdays so I don't exactly have the advantage of posting near deadline.

I always, ALWAYS kid myself into thinking I can post something decent before 7AM if I wake up at 5AM. So angry at myself...
This is a selfish "look at me" post but I just want to know what is the general consensus on my runn with the world title? Rep to everyone who inflates my ego.
I thought it was great. It was a far cry from the Ricky we saw at last year's LL (even though I marked for him as well) and it was a colourful break from the norm. Now, if you'll excuse me, my hips are quite tired from riding your lap. ;)
This is a selfish "look at me" post but I just want to know what is the general consensus on my runn with the world title? Rep to everyone who inflates my ego.

I wasn't a fan of the "swagtastic" Ricky Runn when you first started the gimmick, but it was exactly what the fed needed at the time. Ricky's the perfect chickenshit heel. I thought it was great.
This is a selfish "look at me" post but I just want to know what is the general consensus on my runn with the world title? Rep to everyone who inflates my ego.

You did a good job and definitely earned it. The initial win surprised me I will admit, but you won fair and square. It produced RP's that were a good read.

EDIT: Nice pun :)

You'll like "Speed of sound" as well, since it's the exact same thing.

Has a pleasant melody, but I had to fight the urge to not listen all the way through. You're about spot on though, probably my second favorite out of the two songs now of theirs I don't dislike lol
Thanks to creative for leaving the thread open. My computer crashed at about 2 am last night when I was going to format and post, and wouldn't start back up again. Figured I just go to bed at that point and hope it was open when I got up.
The second I get my online class, I have a 3-5 page history paper to turn in by this Saturday followed by a series of questions I have to answer out of a textbook they only now are telling me to get.

Needless to say, fuck.
The second I get my online class, I have a 3-5 page history paper to turn in by this Saturday followed by a series of questions I have to answer out of a textbook they only now are telling me to get.

Needless to say, fuck.

Part of the reason I was a business major. I loath research or writing papers. I was able to BS my way through nearly every obstacle in school but the research papers, they were a colossal pain no matter what.
Part of the reason I was a business major. I loath research or writing papers. I was able to BS my way through nearly every obstacle in school but the research papers, they were a colossal pain no matter what.

I don't mind the writing, it's just the urgency of it all. Guess I can't really complain though.
I don't mind the writing, it's just the urgency of it all. Guess I can't really complain though.

I prefer writing if it's fiction. It's no secret that I love fantasy writing (I wouldn't be in WZCW or do any fantasy booking over in my WWE section if I disliked it) and even to an extent can enjoy writing memos or reports, provided that it's MY insight that is the primary input. I detest research papers and always have because it's all "hey look what this guy said!" but I'm the one turning the paper in, it should be about my personal analysis on the subject. The whole concept of those assignments is redundant. That's just my two cents on it anyway. Been out of college for 3 years now.
The second I get my online class, I have a 3-5 page history paper to turn in by this Saturday followed by a series of questions I have to answer out of a textbook they only now are telling me to get.

Needless to say, fuck.

3 to 5 ain't bad. I could do that and hammer out an RP at the same time. Now a 15 to 20 page paper? LOL nope. Did two of those last semester. Damn near killed me.
This is a selfish "look at me" post but I just want to know what is the general consensus on my runn with the world title? Rep to everyone who inflates my ego.

Was always a fan of Ricky Runn so I liked it. Easily the most swag any champion has ever had in history.

Ricky makes a great chicken shit heel and with most heels not wanting to be chicken shits, it was nice seeing someone not be afraid to do it.
I prefer writing if it's fiction. It's no secret that I love fantasy writing (I wouldn't be in WZCW or do any fantasy booking over in my WWE section if I disliked it) and even to an extent can enjoy writing memos or reports, provided that it's MY insight that is the primary input. I detest research papers and always have because it's all "hey look what this guy said!" but I'm the one turning the paper in, it should be about my personal analysis on the subject. The whole concept of those assignments is redundant. That's just my two cents on it anyway. Been out of college for 3 years now.

I'm with you there on writing fiction. There are only so many ways you can write a paper that's been written thousands of times, you know? My school uses the Blackboard format where you can see what other students have turned in and to some of the quizzes, it's all the same answer just re-worded differently. I'm making a big deal out of nothing I know but it all caught me a little off-guard.

3 to 5 ain't bad. I could do that and hammer out an RP at the same time. Now a 15 to 20 page paper? LOL nope. Did two of those last semester. Damn near killed me.

It really isn't that bad. Last semester I had to write a 15+ page paper on religious doctrine and it damn near made me want to commit Seppuku. Just have to run around looking for the right textbook now.

This is a selfish "look at me" post but I just want to know what is the general consensus on my runn with the world title? Rep to everyone who inflates my ego.

I enjoyed Ricky's run (ha) and I thought it was a good change of pace. Kind of wished it would have lasted longer, or at least have a couple more feuds to it.
Ricky Runn summed up in a nutshell...

Last semester I had to write a 15+ page paper on religious doctrine and it damn near made me want to commit Seppuku.

Did you try re-writing the same things multiple times in different words and throwing in as many descriptions as possible without turning sentences into run-ons?
Blade leaves the team and the whole Creative mod team goes to waste. Wrong AS number and then non-extension RP threads being left open. Tsk... Tsk. ;)

I kid. I know some have been having personal issues. <3
All this talk about writing reminds me of the 50 page game doc + art bible I had to turn in for an assignment in college.

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