WZCW Discussion Thread

Drinking night #1 completed for my brother's birthday.

Now to focus on partying in celebration of my stepdaughter.

I have reasons to drink. I am not an alcoholic.
Sounds about right. I've used the birthday excuse a few times this month.

This is no excuse. I am literally celebrating happenings for everyone else by diving into Crown Royal and Angry Orchard like a swimming pool.

Also a great excuse to play this song:

I have done the latter after hitting a poorly-positioned barbed wire fence on my dirt bike. Can confirm that it isn't fun.

You sound like a redditor. Are you Falk? Are you part of the brotherhood?
Drinking night #1 completed for my brother's birthday.

Now to focus on partying in celebration of my stepdaughter.

I have reasons to drink. I am not an alcoholic.

I too have a reason to drink. It's a day ending in y.

Well I can't actually drink, I'm working.
This is no excuse. I am literally celebrating happenings for everyone else by diving into Crown Royal and Angry Orchard like a swimming pool.

I fucking love Angry Orchard. I was drinking that last week for my friends birthday along with Captain Morgan.
You don't drink tho....

Wait, what? Either I'm missing the punching (which is reasonable, I'm barely staying awake) or you sir have had too much to drink.

I fucking love Angry Orchard. I was drinking that last week for my friends birthday along with Captain Morgan.

I dig Angry Orchard, however my body does not. Gives me incredibly bad heartburn. The point that it isn't worth attempting to drink it.
This is no excuse. I am literally celebrating happenings for everyone else by diving into Crown Royal and Angry Orchard like a swimming pool.

Also a great excuse to play this song:

There is never a bad excuse to play this song. He's gonna be in Seattle in a couple of weeks.
Yes but I'm merely a lurker for the most part.

As do I my friend. I think I found Sam the other day in /r/squaredcircle

Wait, what? Either I'm missing the punching (which is reasonable, I'm barely staying awake) or you sir have had too much to drink.

Lulz wow. I thought you were Pancake. My bad. I just looked at the avatar and not the user name.

I dig Angry Orchard, however my body does not. Gives me incredibly bad heartburn. The point that it isn't worth attempting to drink it.

I've come to find I enjoy the hard apple cider and Redds apple ale a lot.
Redd's apple ale is good. It's not really what I would call an authentic cider but it's better than just straight beer... which I can't stand. I'm not much of a "beer" drinker at all.
Redd's apple ale is good. It's not really what I would call an authentic cider but it's better than just straight beer... which I can't stand. I'm not much of a "beer" drinker at all.

I can't stand beer either. It tastes awful. I'm more of a Margarita guy myself.
I can't stand beer either. It tastes awful. I'm more of a Margarita guy myself.

Margarita are good. As are mojito's. I can drink straight vodka from the bottle but most beer tastes like piss water to me. Especially Natural Ice or Milwaukee's Best or Colt 45. Even Budweiser on an off day.

I guess I'm weird.
Margarita are good. As are mojito's. I can drink straight vodka from the bottle but most beer tastes like piss water to me. Especially Natural Ice or Milwaukee's Best or Colt 45. Even Budweiser on an off day.

I guess I'm weird.

Not any weirder than me. I drink for the taste, not for the kick. While I can handle most drinks, if they don't taste good I'm not interested. Everclear Margaritas are where it's at. They are the best of both worlds as few ingredients are stronger and you get the sweet taste of the Margarita at the same time.

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