WZCW Discussion Thread

Meltdown was a great show guys. Thanks for the time off, I really needed it. Looking forward to getting back into the action next time around and starting to notch up those 7 wins... ;)
TLC RP: The reason for the lack of mention about the match is I have found in my time when you're put into a big multi man match, less is more. By that I mean, you shouldn't check list each of your opponents and talk about them in great length as it drags on after a while and feels redundant. Pick a few to focus more on and talk less about the others. I was much more interested in pushing The Elite storyline and I felt if we got across our goals to own every title in WZCW, that would make our RP's the most relevant. I agree that more could've been mentioned about the match and opponents, but stand by my RP as good, but maybe not great.

Oh yeah, I liked your RP, but I think the reason Kermit and I ended up winning (though I could be completely wrong about this) is we picked a team/person to focus our main theme on and made it a good portion of the RP. While the other teams were mentioned, since A. Amber and Young Justice already have history and B. she along with Califa were the champions, it made sense to structure our RP's focus/theme around them rather than a larger goal.

I understood the larger goal aspect of your RP, but the way I saw it (and wrote it) is you can't achieve those larger goals if you put the cart in front of the horse, which is kinda what I felt you did by leaving talk of your opponents and the match for last and in only two paragraphs. By no means do I think you should have spent the entire RP bullet pointing everyone individually, but I definitely feel there needed to be far more emphasis on a fairly well hyped match.

Glad you liked the feedback. If I can make the request, can you start your feedback for me on this roulette round RP? This is my first RP for a roulette round and I feel like I kinda tanked it.
Is the War & Death stable collectively called Pale Riders, War & Death, Four Horseman, or what exactly?

Pale Riders. I would love to call us the Four Horsemen, but.... Jerry McDevitt is about to be a very busy man. No need to add to his workload, knawmean?

It is worth mentioning... We may not be done recruiting, either. In fact, someone may be joining the congregation, and you don't even know it. It could be your partner, it could be our opponent. It could even be Ty Burna...

You know, just tossing that out there...
Thank you all who tuned in tonight. Funkay was a great guest, but it is the listeners that make the show! I hope you got some entertainment out of it! Make sure to rep Funkay for taking time out of his day to come on and share his thoughts. Truly one of the great minds of our fed.

Pale Riders. I would love to call us the Four Horsemen, but.... Jerry McDevitt is about to be a very busy man. No need to add to his workload, knawmean?

It is worth mentioning... We may not be done recruiting, either. In fact, someone may be joining the congregation, and you don't even know it. It could be your partner, it could be our opponent. It could even be Ty Burna...

You know, just tossing that out there...

Thank you all who tuned in tonight. Funkay was a great guest, but it is the listeners that make the show! I hope you got some entertainment out of it! Make sure to rep Funkay for taking time out of his day to come on and share his thoughts. Truly one of the great minds of our fed.


Aside from the tech issue with Funker, I felt this was your best flowing podcast to date. You are getting the hang of it and really settling into your role as host.
Again, all the credit goes to Kermit. He made me seem good. Dude knows what he's doing and I had a lot of fun. Sorry for going twice as long as other guests (this is a recurring thing with me clearly).
Aside from the tech issue with Funker, I felt this was your best flowing podcast to date. You are getting the hang of it and really settling into your role as host.

Thanks, bro. I'm trying. :)

Again, all the credit goes to Kermit. He made me seem good. Dude knows what he's doing and I had a lot of fun. Sorry for going twice as long as other guests (this is a recurring thing with me clearly).

Hey, it may be RP'ers you haven't seen in some time... The nWo moniker might fit.

But it isn't like you and I know any characters with ties to Zeus' past, that have been gone for a while... Do we, FalKon?

You're asking the wrong guy. I haven't been around WZCW long enough to know anyone outside the current roster.
Theo, I'm coming for that ass. Stormrage owns Beard. Check the record son. I'm so fucking stoked to see you with that strap though. We came up in tag teams together, so I'm super thrilled to see you have that success.

On another note, since it is already 10pm where I am, and we only have one match in, I'm going to say look for Ascension tomorrow.
I appreciate all the thanks and kind words. It's pretty cool of you guys.

Never did I think that The Beard would achieve the world title. I didn't join the fed for anything other than good times. I'm a soft spoken person and I just enjoy writing. I'll admit at times I've wanted to take my ball and vo home. Something always brought me back. I couldn't have done this alone.

First I owe thanks to Crock. He's never around these days and that sucks but he helped ease me into things around here. Plus working with him was a blast. BLT is still one of my favorites.

Next thanks goes to Numbers and TBK. When Crock left I nearly did but Numbers talked me into staying and TBK convinced me in joining Le Gentleman Masque in a tag team. I've always enjoyed being in a team.

Dynamite and Bear Hug. You guys were awesome. I had a blast working with Krypto and Grizzly Bob and you guys always had me if I was in a slump. You guys are good people. Same goes for JAM and Rated R. Your guys support is awesome.

Merk. Again he doesn't frequent but I consider him a close friend. During our WM29 weekend he refused to let me think the Beard didn't have a future. He's the best.

And Haiku. You bring out the best in me. I always feel the need to step up to your level since we formed a unit. Without you I'm not sure I would've made it this far.

If I forgot anyone I apologize. Of course creative deserves love. Not just for giving me this chance but for fucking busting their butts to put out the product. You guys are awesome. I need to get back to work now.


Yay I got a mention. I'm so chuffed for you buddy.
In case I haven't said it already, congrats Theo.

And not to steal any of Theo's thunder, but just to let y'all know I'm stepping down from Creative, effective whenever Ascension goes up. It's been fun, but I couldn't be 100% committed right now due to my personal life.

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