WZCW Discussion Thread

The ending redeemed the show. Zeus's group is now the best stable in Fed history.

Pancock needs to reply to my PM soon!
The ending redeemed the show. Zeus's group is now the best stable in Fed history.

Whoa-ho-ho there! While I loved writing that ending, I dunno if we can call it the best ever. AOC would be up there, so would Crashin Movement (if we're talking entertainment). TSA is always a stable I know was and is damn good. I don't even know if we're the best now, because The Elites are a damn good stable to have, as well.

That said, I want to send a big thanks to Ty Burna. Ty, for lack of better word, is the man. At the very least, the title scene just became a massive question mark, as well as a big freaking deal. What exactly is going to happen at the LL? What will happen with Ty? Where did The Beard go?

Why am I asking these questions? I already know most of them.
I should've worded it better. When it's over with, I think we will remember W&D more fondly. The break up could be spectacular.
So between my inability to see Youtube videos and work and a lack of him being introduced, I was shocked to see Theron win a match he wasn't in when I scrolled through the show really quick.
So between my inability to see Youtube videos and work and a lack of him being introduced, I was shocked to see Theron win a match he wasn't in when I scrolled through the show really quick.

Not to mention the description of how my entrance resembles Triple H's. I thought WWE doesn't exist in the WZCW universe? Who wrote that match, Killjoy? I need to rep them and it's blank. :p I'll get everyone else who wrote too, liked this show and am quite interested to see what comes next.
I was calling this match with Ty all week, ever since he returned my thought was we were going to be matched up against each other during the roulette round. Having not read any of the RP's, I was quite deflated that I didn't win the match as I thought I wrote a pretty good gem. More concerning is not only did Ty beat me, but by extension Beard beat me, who I'm sure must've wrote a great RP. Congrats on the win Theo. Back to the drawing board for me I guess.
I was calling this match with Ty all week, ever since he returned my thought was we were going to be matched up against each other during the roulette round. Having not read any of the RP's, I was quite deflated that I didn't win the match as I thought I wrote a pretty good gem. More concerning is not only did Ty beat me, but by extension Beard beat me, who I'm sure must've wrote a great RP. Congrats on the win Theo. Back to the drawing board for me I guess.

Theo's RP was fucking stellar dude. He had easily the best rp of the round.

I'm glad we got yet another world title match under our belts though.

Congrats to Theo you son of a bitch. I'm getting that title back. Right after I run through your groupies first.
So taking a look reaaaaal quick at what Showtime and I have gone through match wise together:

1: 2nd round of the Eurasian Title Tournament
2. Mayhem Title match
3. 2 fall Triple Threat Match with Drake Callahan for the Eurasian Title and Mayhem Title
4. Multiple tag matches teaming together and against each other.
5. Showtime becoming the only person to make Ty tap out.
6. Hell in a Cell for World Title.
7. Main evented Kingdom Come III for the World Title
8. Triple Threat match with Austin Reynolds for World Title
9. World Title Match after Showtime defeated Steven Kurtesy.
10. Falls Count Anywhere match for the World Title

I'm sure I may have missed a few but god damn, that is an impressive list of matches that we have had.
So taking a look reaaaaal quick at what Showtime and I have gone through match wise together:

1: 2nd round of the Eurasian Title Tournament
2. Mayhem Title match
3. 2 fall Triple Threat Match with Drake Callahan for the Eurasian Title and Mayhem Title
4. Multiple tag matches teaming together and against each other.
5. Showtime becoming the only person to make Ty tap out.
6. Hell in a Cell for World Title.
7. Main evented Kingdom Come III for the World Title
8. Triple Threat match with Austin Reynolds for World Title
9. World Title Match after Showtime defeated Steven Kurtesy.
10. Falls Count Anywhere match for the World Title

I'm sure I may have missed a few but god damn, that is an impressive list of matches that we have had.

You're missing my first win over you which occurred 3 shows before you tapped out, but I think you got pretty well all the single/multi man matches we've had. All of them great matches, this one included. Definitely have to read your RP and Theo's this week for some pointers and ideas. Like I said, I'm bummed about the loss as I would like to see a few more matches in my win column in our feud, but in light of what happened this round I think I'm okay with taking another loss.
Ty, what does this mean now?

Califa got destroyed.
Ty got destroyed.

You have a third action figure to play with or would Califa come back?
You're missing my first win over you which occurred 3 shows before you tapped out, but I think you got pretty well all the single/multi man matches we've had. All of them great matches, this one included. Definitely have to read your RP and Theo's this week for some pointers and ideas. Like I said, I'm bummed about the loss as I would like to see a few more matches in my win column in our feud, but in light of what happened this round I think I'm okay with taking another loss.

Indeed. I forgot about that one. I black that loss out of my mind ;).
I appreciate all the thanks and kind words. It's pretty cool of you guys.

Never did I think that The Beard would achieve the world title. I didn't join the fed for anything other than good times. I'm a soft spoken person and I just enjoy writing. I'll admit at times I've wanted to take my ball and vo home. Something always brought me back. I couldn't have done this alone.

First I owe thanks to Crock. He's never around these days and that sucks but he helped ease me into things around here. Plus working with him was a blast. BLT is still one of my favorites.

Next thanks goes to Numbers and TBK. When Crock left I nearly did but Numbers talked me into staying and TBK convinced me in joining Le Gentleman Masque in a tag team. I've always enjoyed being in a team.

Dynamite and Bear Hug. You guys were awesome. I had a blast working with Krypto and Grizzly Bob and you guys always had me if I was in a slump. You guys are good people. Same goes for JAM and Rated R. Your guys support is awesome.

Merk. Again he doesn't frequent but I consider him a close friend. During our WM29 weekend he refused to let me think the Beard didn't have a future. He's the best.

And Haiku. You bring out the best in me. I always feel the need to step up to your level since we formed a unit. Without you I'm not sure I would've made it this far.

If I forgot anyone I apologize. Of course creative deserves love. Not just for giving me this chance but for fucking busting their butts to put out the product. You guys are awesome. I need to get back to work now.

I appreciate all the thanks and kind words. It's pretty cool of you guys.

Never did I think that The Beard would achieve the world title. I didn't join the fed for anything other than good times. I'm a soft spoken person and I just enjoy writing. I'll admit at times I've wanted to take my ball and vo home. Something always brought me back. I couldn't have done this alone.

First I owe thanks to Crock. He's never around these days and that sucks but he helped ease me into things around here. Plus working with him was a blast. BLT is still one of my favorites.

Next thanks goes to Numbers and TBK. When Crock left I nearly did but Numbers talked me into staying and TBK convinced me in joining Le Gentleman Masque in a tag team. I've always enjoyed being in a team.

Dynamite and Bear Hug. You guys were awesome. I had a blast working with Krypto and Grizzly Bob and you guys always had me if I was in a slump. You guys are good people. Same goes for JAM and Rated R. Your guys support is awesome.

Merk. Again he doesn't frequent but I consider him a close friend. During our WM29 weekend he refused to let me think the Beard didn't have a future. He's the best.

And Haiku. You bring out the best in me. I always feel the need to step up to your level since we formed a unit. Without you I'm not sure I would've made it this far.

If I forgot anyone I apologize. Of course creative deserves love. Not just for giving me this chance but for fucking busting their butts to put out the product. You guys are awesome. I need to get back to work now.


Welcome to the club buddy. You deserve it after that RP. Top drawer. Looking forward to chatting about it tonight on the podcast.
Thanks DarksideEric for the wonderful feedback. A lot of your points were bang on and I'm going to try to incorporate them into my next RP, providing I don't do it last minute like I usually do and forget. A few comments

Daggershield RP: I guess I was trying to be too clever with it. Disregard Theron as someone who lives in fantasy and then present my RP as such. Or was it. That's the kicker as Showtime et al were on the train so while we're led to believe it was a dream, maybe it wasn't. These was another twist to it as I downplayed The Elite in the dream and then low and behold, they were with Show all along. I write strange ideas when pressed for time.

TLC RP: The reason for the lack of mention about the match is I have found in my time when you're put into a big multi man match, less is more. By that I mean, you shouldn't check list each of your opponents and talk about them in great length as it drags on after a while and feels redundant. Pick a few to focus more on and talk less about the others. I was much more interested in pushing The Elite storyline and I felt if we got across our goals to own every title in WZCW, that would make our RP's the most relevant. I agree that more could've been mentioned about the match and opponents, but stand by my RP as good, but maybe not great.

Roulette rounds: Glad you really liked it. It felt really good, but again your points clearly kept it from being better. Something I will work on.

The ending redeemed the show. Zeus's group is now the best stable in Fed history.

Pancock needs to reply to my PM soon!

Now I know what it's like to be SOD. :(

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