WZCW Discussion Thread

Looking forward to the Fab 15. A lot of movers and shakers this cycle.
Jokes about typos aside.... our roster has decreased in size a ton though, and we really need more faces in particular. I thought of PM'ing some people who I think might make good additions to see if they are interested. I've reached out to JWGunslinger, LSN, and The Butcher before. I might try them again and a few others.

I've tried pestering Butcher, but he says he doesn't have the time. Maybe you try and I'll double my efforts?

Has GSB ever had a run?
nightmare also said he may join. Get a thread in the forums administration section promoting the fed like Numbers did last year. I would, but I'm still extremely busy and I don't have time to make lengthy posts atm.
I may try to reach out to Will again. Some of the Book This guys could be recruited again. To my knowledge Theo and JAM are the only posters who do both.

Nah, I think with Amber Warren's addition to War and Death, as well as Zeus and Beard's victory, I think the new stable should top it.

I group tag teams together, but not stables. Stables have too many variables. For example, with all due respect to Showtime and Winters, Constantine deserves to stand higher than them, on his own as the Elite X champion.
The better the cycle you've had, the higher you are on the list.

Ty was only around for one night, but he won the World Title. Which is a pretty good cycle.

Don't mean to be a douche but Showtime lost the last two rounds yet Aubrey Sloan won the last two and became number one contender for the Elite X. Sloan isn't listed yet Showtime is.
Don't mean to be a douche but Showtime lost the last two rounds yet Aubrey Sloan won the last two and became number one contender for the Elite X. Sloan isn't listed yet Showtime is.

The quality of opponents also plays a factor. Bitch.

Fuck it, I'm going full douche mode, you drunken bastard.

Showtime lost to every tag team (except for War & Death) in WZCW, whilst losing to Theron the week before. Sloan beat one of those tag teams the week before and managed to beat three opponents to become #1 contender. So because Showtime lost to some good RPer's, he warrants a spot over someone who beat some good RPers.

Also, I'm still mad that I've never beaten Showtime in my 4 years here so him getting any recognition means I must question it. The Fabulous Fifteen used to be mine so anyone else attempting to recreate it sucks. You're Blade, you suck even harder. And I'm trying to get in the Head of Creative's good books so I can get an undeserved push/title shot.

Hope that clears things up. :)

Obligatory smiley face emoticon, just in case people don't realise that I'm not actually serious.
Know what all these jive turkeys have in common this cycle?

Losing to War, Death, and Vega

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