WZCW Discussion Thread

You're gonna put him on the shelf? After our match Ech, there's no chance of you moving on. And for Mohammed Hasheem, "What?"
"The One and Only" Downward Spiral, could beat all your asses. I've already made a start with victories over Titus, DC, Joe T, and soon, I will have demolished Koala Typhoon!

Not to mention that Spiral invented the cure for cancer, stopped poverty and makes it rain in drought affected areas. None of you could say that.
Not to mention that Spiral invented the cure for cancer, stopped poverty and makes it rain in drought affected areas. None of you could say that.

Haha sure now Spiral if that what you do in your fantasy world but buddy I live in the real world so when your ready to join me come along but the "one and only" will be no more if you get in the ring with me punk!
ok guys i havent been around here regulerly since like 03 or 04.

i was one half of The 3rd ever WZCW Tag Champs The Southern Rebels with my Tag Partner Devirginizer.

is there any old school people still around here.

i was one of the first 20 or so people to join WZCW when it was used as like a traning facility for the real promotion here WZWF.

just trying to see whos still around.

sorry for my mistake and posting my first comment where i wasnt supposed to.

The Rebel Bad Ass
Woah, that was a long time ago. I guess there could be a few people from back then still on, but I don't think anyone from that time is involved in the fed now.
So who thinks they habe their matches won? Be honest. My match, I think it will be a tossup. But I think Ech is writing it, so I have no chance.
You have just as good of a chance of winning as me, and even if you do lose, I'll try and make you look good.
I don't if I lose as long as I don't get screwed, I've wrestled 3 and been screwed 3 times!
Yooooo.........Now you know it aint a good show without Sincade making a impact....I think it going to be another 5 stars match

Mohammad Hasheem can get credit for ur latest screwed!

and i am screwing u again!!

but hey....I didn't screw Titus....

Titus screwed Titus lol!
Okay..okay....chalk up another victory for Sincade but hey I was suppose to be more aerial! Oh yeah it "Street Dreams" that is all Thank you!
haha looks like at Unscripted High Soceity will be taking those reject women down for the 1-2-3.
I agree with FlameboyUK - This is the freaking PAY PER VIEW GUYS!!!! You should all be doing everything you can to get a win here, as it will probably establish your standing in WZCW! If you ever, ever want to be looking at a World or Midway Title Shot in the near future, you want to win at the very first PPV, believe that. I was looking at the PPV Roleplays last Thursday and thought "Hey, maybe peeps are waiting for the weekend" - Evidently I was wrong. At this rate Titus & Mohammed should be our World Title Main Event, as the so-called contenders are obviously hiding coming up to the PPV.

I swear, if you don't Roleplay for the PPV I'll do everything I can to bury you on the next MELTDOWN. I'll have Hornswoggle make a cameo and pin you cleanly in the ring, after overpowering you in a test of strength, and finishing you with a finger poke of doom.

Don't make me do it.
Like Iscariot said, this is the most important time for people to be getting RP's in. There are guys who are desperate to have a match who we've had to tell that they would only get one after the PPV. Now the guys that do get a PPV match, don't even RP. Thanks to guys like Wrestling V.1, Iscariot, the_man, michigan and Sincade for getting RP's in. I just hope the rest of you can get them in as well. The deadline is the 24th of August, so I hope you can find the time to do just one RP.

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