WZCW Discussion Thread

For me the best RP's happen when i'm thinking about it for awhile and when i get started i get in the flow and well it just goes.
I do a combo of both.. I dwell on what I want to put and I get a general idea then type it up in word.. Re-read it and spell check and all that shit
When do my RP. I think of the scenery in my head and I try to picture my wrestler talking. When I get a feeling of what I want to say, thats when I start to write. It's funny because I have trouble of thinking about what to say but when I began to write, the words just come flowing out like nothing
Truthfully i would like to thank Downward Spiral, Joshk1985 and Echelon. they really help me with my Rp. they gave me Advice about doing a Rp. My first rp was shit. I took their Advice and became better I kept working at it. im only getting better so I will say it again Thanxs to Downward Spiral, Joshk1985 and Echelon!
The "information" is that I was fired from the WZCW staff. I had a disagreement with Jonny, and since he couldn't stand to hear what I had to say or hear anyone disagree with him, he took the easy way out and de-modded me and kicked me off the staff.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but there's nothing I can do. I really loved this fed and I had worked really hard on it as just about all of you understand and can appreciate, but apparently it isn't my call.

I won't be coming back to the staff as long as Jonny B is administrator of these forums if ever, I won't be RPing as Northern Lights on the fed either out of principle. I wish all of you luck.
damn P R A to the X I hate to hear that. your a cool dude, so what is going to happen at PPV? dont let a stupid mess up what you work so hard for.
Yeah I did work hard, very hard. I spent hours working on a battle royal, posting shows, upcoming cards, previews, reviews, etc. and I was planning on spending many more hours working on the pay-per-view, and it was all for nothing.

Oh well.
you still got to Rp baby, dont let a foolish disagreement mess up the fed. you can still help it success plus i came up with the money to pay you off lol
come on PRAX...without u...WZCW would never be the same without u!

U gotta have to have some kind of impace in this e-fed!

You were the man! You helped me out so much!

You didn't yell at me or even fire my character after the argument u and i have!

I am sure u and Johnny can work something out!
^ Tom McBrady? Your application was accepted, but your not on the card this week, but next week you will be, so be ready
Well, this is a unfortunate situation to be in!

So whats happened? any chance of a catch-up for those away this weekend?! What the hell has gone down?!
^ What do you need?

And, If you had read the rules of the fed, It lists all the guys in Charge, and how to reach them.
After the events of the weekend, lets not let the banter die out of this fed! lets try and keep the passion and love alive. We are a family at WZCW and yes, we have lost one of our own in Prax, he was a damn good rper and he put his heart and soul into this fed, just look at the battle royal for just one example. Wether it was wrong or right cannot be discussed because it has happened. But lets try and keep WZCW alive!
Well everyone wish me luck hopefully I can be apart of the Staff too. Please help me along the way. My ear is always open for Advice
I notice one of the staff members is banned...hmm

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