WZCW Discussion Thread

Damn...trust me she was a bloke!!!!!! uhhh Craig how are you getting to Fresno? can you swing by and put me up? lol
Sorry dude, not sure that I am in any shape to drive at the moment. Walking home wa seven a little bit of a problem. Tends to be that way when you start at 11am and dont stop. :)
I hate my RP I wrote earlier today. I felt like I needed a follow up on my intro but The picture thing was the only thing I could think of. I guess writer's block is contagious huh?
I don't have writers block, took we 2 days to write the first RP, then 2 hours to write the second.

And yes, I actually have started the match this time and I'm about halfway through it
Sorry guys... I got ideas still waiting on a reply.. It looks like hell might freezw over before I get it.
Guys, I know this is a bit of a banter thread, but just watch the spamming. If the post is just pointless, don't bother posting it.
I could beat anyone here if I put my mind to it :p.

No, really, it's true. I predict that I'm going over (again) thanks to the trusty backstage politics. Besides, Sincade, is that all you've got?
Ummmmm, has anybody else read The Shockmaster's post? I'm completely confused. If it's not too much to ask, can we be informed? unless it wuld make things uncomfortable, then I would completely understand.

Also, how does everybody do their RP's? Do they just sit down at the computer and go with it? Or do you plan it all out and then type it up? I'm more of the go with the flow type, although I have an idea of what I'm going to do.
I wouldn't worry about it, if Shock wants to leave its up to him... there will be more information when we have it for you.
Well when I rp I usually do it over the course of the week. So its normally a combination of ideas that I have come up with, and also going with the flow.

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