WZCW Discussion Thread

That was a good length and I enjoyed the rp. Your such a fantastic writer that you don't need to much non speaking stuff that you include. I understand it builds and all but sometimes it is alittle long. But like I said it is top notch stuff.
That was good stuff Ech. I did not choose against you by the way. I think you are going to beat Harris but It's going to be a toss up.
Yeah, Harris is really beginning to step up his game and improve, I'm wondering if I can push him a little harder, as I thought his past RP's were a little short.
I'd like to say my post, that possibly started it all, did say I really like your work Ech, just I have to imagine it actually happening if it was on TV and I felt that if that was a live interview, it would of gone on a lil more than most would. You roleplay REALLY well and I'm deadly serious when I say one of the best out there, just possibly a lil long, thats all :)
Dang...I can't believe people actually voted me. Echelon's RP's are way better than mine. He is really making me step up my game. I will have another one up within the next couple of days.
Then I'll take High Society off the roster, or better yet, I'll edit High Societys RP's to make them sound weaker than they actually are, what now? :flipa: :laugh:
How can I lose when i'm writing the match

When I tell you to make Harris the winner :p

Echelon: sorry about accidentally editing your post, Prax, my computer fucked up when I was trying to quote
Two second rate Canadian wrestlers against a chick that could legitimately kill both of them without trying, and another chick that despite her size could run circles around both of them, but first Prax, I don't think you have what it takes to beat Sex and Violence, let alone MY team
20 bucks???? geez Sincade this isnt the op shop over here. Yeah High Society are really flying high!!
Well I have had quite a few tonight (aussie time) so i need a bit of cash, so lay it on my brother.

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