WZ is going PG

I'm I the only one getting the overwhelming urge to post the freestyle rap Jay does from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back in retaliation to all this?
I really don't believe this, but if Crave and the staff believes this will attract new members then so be it... I'm getting sick and tired of seeing the same people on a daily basis anyway... and if we all like this place we'll just have to adapt to the changes...
First off...What about the ICP ad on the main page? Is that going too? Onto the real business at hand...

That's right folks, you heard it here first. In order to attract new posters to the boards, we've decided that WZ should basically be "toned down a bit". Here's how:

I'm fucked.

  • The Bar Room will be called "The Clubhouse" to avoid the reference to alcohol and promote a healthier lifestyle to young posters.

  • Does this mean IC has to change his sig? What about WZCW's Drake Callahan? Does he need to go to rehab?

    [*]The Cigar Lounge will revert back to it's old "Chit Chat" name in order to avoid a smoking reference.

    Yea, 'cause God forbid kids see someone close to them, like their mommy or daddy, smoking :icon_rolleyes:

    [*]In the Bar Room, or anywhere else, posters will not be allowed to mention cigarettes, drugs or alcohol in a positive light.

    But...but...I like drinking. It makes people like TM and 48/7 tolerable. Not a fan of cigarettes...No comment on drugs :shifty:

    [*]Threads containing "Sex stories" will not be allowed

    I'm thinking I'm at fault for this...Fuck...Sorry guys...

    [*]Threads containing nothing but scantily clad women will be closed and the pictures deleted.

    Well, there goes all my Bar posts...Oh, clubhouse posts. Whoops.

    [*]All bad language will be censored and infracted, the definition of "bad" will be at the moderator's discretion.

    At the mod's discretion? Oh, fuck. So while one is OK with "pussyfart" or "twatwaffle", the other gets offended, so I get bant? Fucktard is obviously getting crossed off the regular curse list.

    [*]There will be a special "Bar Room Guest Host" every week.

How special? Like Schiavo special? Or, Paris Hilton special?

We appreciate that these changes won't be popular at first, but please realise that WZ is a privately owned forum and at the end of the day our main objective is getting page hits.

If I promise to sign on and off 100 times a day, will that help you change your mind? Just a suggestion.

Thank You for your understanding.

Who said I understand? Not very nice to take it upon yourself, ya know...

I really have to applaud Wrestlezone for taking the initiative to Clean Up it's act. With this innovative concept, not being done anywhere else, we can certainly attract a new breed of poster.

You're big thing is that you want people to accept a dissenting view, right? How's this for a dissenting opinion...Fuck you.

Like I told Mr. Hall, we will no longer be serving alcohol in the Bar Room ... I mean, The Clubhouse. Rather, we will be serving cookies and milk. We will also be serving Ovaltine on special occasions.

Mr. Hall? Who? Scott Hall? He'd be pissed if we shut down the keg stand contest.No cookies and Milk either. I don't want that little boy in my mouth. Ovaltine gives me the shits.

I'd like to also propose that there be no references to:

Lord Sidious. Figured I'd add that in now.

What if I need help from a female on how to deal with my girlfriend's period?

They already said this. Do you not read? And, at least spell it right.

Controlled Dangerous Substances

I like your wording. Weed is totally acceptable under this wording. Find me a doctor that says it's dangerous, and I'll change my opinion.

Scantily-Clad Women

They said this already. I think I may have to resort to sending pics via PM, thus taking away from my posting time.

Who the fuck ever mentioned rape here before this?

See: Rape

Oh what the fuck. This is bullshit. You're an ass.

I swear this is a stupid idea.

See what I did there?

Using the Lord's name in vain

Whose Lord? I don't have one, so fuck Jesus.



Giving us a brand new set of rules sounds like instigating to me. Luther said himself...This will be very unpopular.

... while interacting with other "Club" members.

Sp...If I send a PM to someone saying "Fuck you, fuck this, you're a douchebag", and they've never stepped "foot" in here, it's all good? I can work with this.

This concept will be sure to increase Wrestlezone's Advertising Revenues two-fold, as we attract first-rate companies to the site.

:lmao: I'm sure they're lining up now...

Way to go, Wrestlezone!! Welcome to The PG Era.

Lariat, at this point, I'm just finding excuses to post that video. I reckon, if X is still posting shit off the "no-No" list, and 487 is calling people marks, and Harthan is calling it a work, then it's probably a work.
Either way, it's an excuse to say "shit" and "fuck" a lot. I'll either get it out of my system, or I'll have a whole lot of fun sharing sex stories until then.
I like how everyone is taking this seriously. Marks. All of you! And does this mean anyone with a John Cena avi or sig gets modded?

Other than the couple of non-barflies that have drifted in and noticed this, I don't think anyone is actually taking it seriously. I could be wrong though, maybe they are. I just figured they were playing along.
I like how everyone is taking this seriously. Marks. All of you! And does this mean anyone with a John Cena avi or sig gets modded?
Read again, a lot of us are not taking this seriously. If this was serious why post it in here and not under Important Site Administration?
Wow... I just logged on to find out that the sub-forum formerly known as the "B-Room" is considered the clubhouse?

FalK's sig fixed for the PG era.

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