WZ is going PG

As a fair warning, I used language before I saw this thread. But hot diggity this is kind of eh. I have to tone down the language I spew from my fingers I suppose.
Dammit, why don't you fuckers embrace the WZPG Era!?

Who the hell said I was embracing it you fucking asshole! Dammit jko why don't you go fuck yourself... kidding bro, I love you. In a complete homosexual way... censor that bitches!
Paradox, do I look like M_F or X?

Kidding, I love you in the non-homosexual way.

And Matt Fox, you embrace your own penis?
Meh, it's not too bad, as long as I can still spam in here. I'm kind of upset that I have to stop posting "I love me some drinkin'!" Not like my language is all that bad, except the occasional "f-bomb".
Why oh why must you use such crude language you scallywag? You are corrupting the youth of this great nation.

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