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WWE Womens Wrestling


Occasional Pre-Show
I know this thread might get me shot but here it goes.
I want to know why the IWC is always complaining about womens wrestling in the wwe saying its boring and pathetic. In my opinion the matches are actually good and i enjoy watching them, the only thing lacking is the buildups and stability of the feuds involved.
I have three questions for you:
1. do you enjoy the womens wrestling in the wwe
2. do you feel the division can get to the level it was five years ago with more stable feuds and buildups of talent
3. do you feel you would be interested in the division if the wwe put emphasis on the division
We say its boring and pathetic because the ladies that WWE get are not wrestlers, they are models who don't know how to put together a good match. Name me the last great Womens match you've seen in the WWE...go ahead, I'll wait. I do understand that sex sells and stuff, but they really need to train these girls better and maybe the division wouldn't be so weak.
Most people consider the Women's division shit simply because of the fact that most of the Divas on the roster are either horrible wrestlers or are horrible mic-users; or even in some cases, horrible at both. Of course, this isn't the only reason people dislike the Diva's division. Other reasons include (as you stated) lack of quality build-ups and lack of quality feuds. Needless to say, the Diva's division is very crap.

Now on to your three questions.

1. do you enjoy the womens wrestling in the wwe

I do enjoy watching women's wrestling, but only some of them. The only Divas that I can honestly say that I enjoy are Lay-Cool. These chicks are entertaining, hot, have good mic-work and are really, just fun to watch. I enjoy their constant ridiculing of other Divas and all their stuck-up bitchy shennanegans. Other Divas that I somewhat enjoy are the NXT divas. Sure, they might not be so good in the ring and could possibly use more work on the mic. But seeing them in those silly little competitions are fun to watch (then again, I'm usually just starring at their bodies---Kaitlyn in specific).

2. do you feel the division can get to the level it was five years ago with more stable feuds and buildups of talent

Probably. In theory, it should work. But the only piece that is missing here is the divas themselves. Will the divas be able to carry out quality feuds with solid builds to the extents where we, the fans will consider it entertaining? That's the question that fails to get answered. Like I said before, most of the Divas aren't so good. There are few that are considered worthy, but very few of them. If the divas are unable to carry a solid build nor keep up an entertaining feud, then really, it would be pointless gfor CREATIVE to bok such a thing.

3. do you feel you would be interested in the division if the wwe put emphasis on the division

It all depends on the Divas themselves. Booking is one thing. Carrying the actual storyline (feud) out is another. Of course, I'm not trying to say that I don't trust the Divas to do so. No. I'm merely stating this from a hypothetical point of view. If the diva's are able to pull it off, then so be it, lets see it happen. But if they can't do that, then what is the point?
I know this thread might get me shot but here it goes.
I want to know why the IWC is always complaining about womens wrestling in the wwe saying its boring and pathetic. In my opinion the matches are actually good and i enjoy watching them, the only thing lacking is the buildups and stability of the feuds involved.
I have three questions for you:
1. do you enjoy the womens wrestling in the wwe
2. do you feel the division can get to the level it was five years ago with more stable feuds and buildups of talent
3. do you feel you would be interested in the division if the wwe put emphasis on the division

Why are we always complaining? Because we are given 4-5 minute matches from women who are fitness models, and haven't received proper training in the ring. The few solid wrestlers we have in the division are jobbed out(Natalya, Gail Kim), frequently injured(Beth Phoenix), or have "alledged" backstage heat.(Melina) So what we get instead is LayCool and their "real talk", who sound like two immature 15 year old girls. The shame is both women are decent wrestlers, but their ability is overshadowed by their overbearing gimmick.

1. No, I don't. It's hard to enjoy something that the company tells you itself that it doesn't give a SHIT about. The women's tag match on Raw between LayCool and Melina/Gail Kim was ONE minute long. We're not even given the OPPORTUNITY to enjoy women's wrestling right now. Have you watched season 3 of NXT? Cole and Matthews shit all over the show and make jokes about how awful it is. If the company is telling you the division and the Divas are bad, why should I feel otherwise?

2. Anything's possible, I guess. The last women's feud I really enjoyed was the Mickie James/Trish Stratus feud. They took two talented female wrestlers, gave them a great storyline, and let them wrestle. I know they can't re-visit anything along those lines due to the "PG" era, but give me a decent storyline, and good wrestling, and sure, they can re-build. There will never be another Trish, or another Lita. But the division has plenty of solid workers right now, they're just grossly misused.

3. As i said, if they give me a compelling storyline and 10-15 minutes of good work to tell their story within the ring on a consistent basis, then sure I would. But it's hard to care about a division that it's company tells you it doesn't care about itself.
Look Im a HUGE Womens Wrestling Fan and the IWC just has to have somethin to Bitch about. People keep sayin quit hiring models they suck we need more like Trish and Lita blah blah blah HEY NEWS FLASH When WWE hired Trish SHE WAS A MODEL(Shocking I know). The reason Trish became so Succesful was because she had other Great women to help her but look at the So-called Great women to help out the young ones(like K2(Yes K2 is young she's only 23 but been here since she was 19), Alicia Fox, Eve, and Others) they have LayCool(the most annoying Divas in the History), Melina(yes shes good but she botches alot and been getting injured alot), Gail(Shes alittle overratted), Natalya(shes still alitle young to), and Beth Phoniex(whos been getting injured).
So to answer your Questions
1.Yes I enjoy the Diva Division.
2. Yes I do they just need some better vets to help them and some more Build-up and QUIT The 2yr. Long McTaker Push. If I was WWE I would try to get Trish and/or Lita back to help Train these girls and then yes it could.
3.Yes because I enjoy it right now so I would Really Enjoy if they did.
Why are we always complaining? Because we are given 4-5 minute matches from women who are fitness models, and haven't received proper training in the ring. The few solid wrestlers we have in the division are jobbed out(Natalya, Gail Kim), frequently injured(Beth Phoenix), or have "alledged" backstage heat.(Melina) So what we get instead is LayCool and their "real talk", who sound like two immature 15 year old girls. The shame is both women are decent wrestlers, but their ability is overshadowed by their overbearing gimmick.

1. No, I don't. It's hard to enjoy something that the company tells you itself that it doesn't give a SHIT about. The women's tag match on Raw between LayCool and Melina/Gail Kim was ONE minute long. We're not even given the OPPORTUNITY to enjoy women's wrestling right now. Have you watched season 3 of NXT? Cole and Matthews shit all over the show and make jokes about how awful it is. If the company is telling you the division and the Divas are bad, why should I feel otherwise?

2. Anything's possible, I guess. The last women's feud I really enjoyed was the Mickie James/Trish Stratus feud. They took two talented female wrestlers, gave them a great storyline, and let them wrestle. I know they can't re-visit anything along those lines due to the "PG" era, but give me a decent storyline, and good wrestling, and sure, they can re-build. There will never be another Trish, or another Lita. But the division has plenty of solid workers right now, they're just grossly misused.

3. As i said, if they give me a compelling storyline and 10-15 minutes of good work to tell their story within the ring on a consistent basis, then sure I would. But it's hard to care about a division that it's company tells you it doesn't care about itself.
Excellent points. Especially about the solid wrestlers being misused.

Why is Melina not in any hot feuds? She seems to have some skills.

The whole mean girl thing with LayCool is getting old. The WWE has milked it long enough. Hopefully, in a few weeks, Beth Phoenix will return and put an end to it but then what?

The WWE needs to write some decent storylines if they want the Diva's division to amount to anything more than eye candy.

As the above poster said, we have to give them more than 5-7 minutes and an actual story line to work with. They also need to use their top talents like Phoenix (Once back from injury) and Melina.
I know this thread might get me shot but here it goes.
I want to know why the IWC is always complaining about womens wrestling in the wwe saying its boring and pathetic. In my opinion the matches are actually good and i enjoy watching them, the only thing lacking is the buildups and stability of the feuds involved.
I have three questions for you:
1. do you enjoy the womens wrestling in the wwe
2. do you feel the division can get to the level it was five years ago with more stable feuds and buildups of talent
3. do you feel you would be interested in the division if the wwe put emphasis on the division

It's good to see that someone is entertained by it. Me? I could care less if they even get a spot on the show right now. But why should I care? The matches rarely last over a minute and the feuds just suck. And they are short of good talent, there are only about 3 divas I would consider contenders for the belt.

1. Not since Trish and Lita left.
2. It can, but won't.
3. If they put in more of an effort, they could definitely make it better. It looks like they are just putting enough in to keep woman's rights organizations off their backs.
Just to throw in a quick point. Another reason it's so lame is that other than LayCool, all the other women wrestlers are just cardboard cuts out of real people. Everyone is either good or bad and they do have some people switch back and forth on a daily basis. Like the men, they need to develop characters for them The last great character I can remember was when Mickie James started. The psycho fan obsessed with the champion Trish. She could wrestle, she could talk, and she had personality. Now it's all about people like Kelly Kelly. Most of the tag team matches she is part of...SHE IS NOT EVEN TAGGED IN. Now..how lame is that.
Everyone is right. There is just no investment in the division anymore. They've been doing the same formula for the past 5-6 years. Heel vs. Face. Heel keeps cheating to win, so all the other divas rally behind the face to help her win then we end up with a lumber jill match or some other bull crap.

There is no investment. There was a time when there were two or three storylines using Divas going on. They mixed with the men, sometimes they were featured in main events and their matches lasted longer than 2 minutes. There is no one problem with the division and there is no one way to fix it. I will say it starts with the people in the back. Once they start to care, things will change. The girls will be trained better, the better wrestlers will start to get more tv time and maybe some of those girls will get some damn mic lessons. I think it all starts with the folks in the back. Can't be another Lita, Mickie, Trish, Ivory, etc without help from the back.
First off, I am TIRED of everyone saying "Oh Trish Stratus" this and "Trish Stratus" that. She flat out SUCKED. While Lita had some of the sloppiest clotheslines I have ever seen, she was light years ahead of what Stratus could accomplish in the ring.

Now, getting on topic.. you CAN'T compare the women's division of today to the women's division of 5 years ago. Despite the fact that Stratus was on the roster then, the other women in the division were more than capable of carrying a match. (also with the exception of Candice Michelle as well) but th emain problem is that the focus was on Trish/Lita, and then Beth/Candice was a secondary feud. In between there was the Mickie/Trish and Mickie/Lita feuds, but in truth, five years ago the division was faltering as well.

The problem is that Vince released a TON of talented women wrestlers within a span of a few months and left himself with nothing but eye-candy. I'm talking Molly Holly, Gail Kim, Jacqueline, Jazz, Nidia, Jackie Haas.. then Victoria left a few years later, then Lita and Trish... a LOT of these women were RIDICULOUSLY talented in the ring, but Vince let them go.. and the women's division faltered because of it.

The Divas Title needs to be destroyed and the Women's Title needs to be brought back. Beth Phoenix's injury.. just so you know.. happened a while ago but she wrestled thru it and ended up injuring it to the point where she couldnt wrestle thru it anymore and have to have surgery. (Victoria has the same problem, thats why she always wore the knee braces)

The women in the ring today are nothing but silicone and plastic smiles and have ZERO wrestling ability. If they didnt have the LOOKS on their side, they wouldnt be anywhere. In fact, they SHOULD be waiting tables in bunny costumes or sliding down poles in strip clubs instead of being in wrestling rings.

The sad part is that Vince has a good CORE to build on right now.. Natalya, Gail Kim, Beth, Melina, and Jillian Hall are all PHENOMENAL competitors and more than worthy of high profile feuds and matches.

But until Vinnie Mac sees the women's competitors as more than just a weekly T&A show, they never will get any sort of highlighting.

Oh, and the reason McTaker and Layla are getting all the exposure right now? I'm laying odds on them being "belt warmers" until Beth comes back (which should be really soon from what I have heard).

With any lluck, Beth will destroy them, take the ludicrous Divas belt, and pull a Mr Perfect and take a hammer to the belt and smash it.. then DEMAND the Women's Championship be given to her instead.

Again, thats just wishful thinking on my part

Let me answer your questions first.

1: I love women's wrestling. The only thing is, I never get to watch women's WRESTLING. All I get to see, are pointless competitions on NXT and Lay-Cool's "real talk". I wish the division was better but Vince mis-uses almost all of the divas. I would enjoy it if they could put on a decent fued. Oh yeah, and WHAT THE HECK IS UP WITH THE STUPID BUTTERFLY THAT THEY CALL A CHAMPIONSHIP? Seriously? :wtf:

2: Absolutely. We will be seriously lucky if it does though. Let's look at the Divas on the main rosters and NXT that we have that can wrestle.

Lay-Cool (they CAN wrestle)
Gail Kim
Eve (I see potential in her)
Beth Phoenix

AJ Lee
Aksana (Might as well put her on here)
Maxine (She's not that bad)

With these divas/future divas, we can definately have a good roster. Think of all the fueds we could make here. The thing is, WWE creative doesn't take the time to think of good angles with them. I have been waiting for so long to see a good match/storyline with the divas. I'm one of the biggest Diva marks and would love to see matches that are longer than 2 minutes. I think that with some time and effort, the Divas can offer us a lot more than they are now.

3: I'm already interested in it. Well, kind of. I think that I would be even more interested if WWE creative made them some decent fueds.

In conclusion, I'm saying that the roster we have/will have isn't bad at all. Of course there are a couple bimbos that we could live without but we can't have it all. If WWE let these girls actually put on a good 10-15 minute match, I think we could be impressed. Some of the divas have some SERIOUS mic skill (Lay-Cool inperticular). There are so many good angles that could come out of the division if WWE would just take the time to think of something good for them and let them shine.
Its perhaps one of the great ironies (if any americans need an explanation as to what irony please ask) of the E is that while VKM has been pushing PG on the audience, the basis of the divas division remains and is now more than ever, that sex sells.

1. The division right is on life support. There are so few divas with either good mat skills and or mic skills that the division is dependent on Laycool. Layla has be pushed to far to soon and MM gives the nasty impression that she is riding the benefits of being the new Mrs Mark Calloway and has lost focus, when she didn't have the talent to do so. Booking really does leave me baffled when the likes of Gail Kim, not bad looking lol, and far more talented than Lay and MM, is jobbing - likewise Nattie Naidhart.

2. Please tell me when this golden age was. Yes, Lita and Trish were around, but I would never described either as great mic works and both botched so much they were a danger to themselves and others. They were surrounded by a deeper pool, MJ, Victoria etc, but they were badly booked as well and promo times minimal. Besides, at the same time, equal 'exposure' was given to divas like candice, torrie and stacy - who couldn't spell mat, let alone use one.

3. It baffles me that management seems incapable of putting together a division of divas who are both good looking and good workers. OK mic work as well might be a stretch. There are no shortage of indie workers who excel in the ring and look good in a bikini. Sarah del Rey, MsChief, Melissa Anderson, Daisy Haize etc, not to mention the skilled performers in Japan and Mexico. Daniel Bryan is not a success in the E based on his mic work, but because he is one of the best in the ring. If the E wont give the women the promo time, and why should they when the standard in the ring means one would care, then the first step is to hire people know what they are doing. Make the crowd buy it, then let them talk.

It's an embarassment the way NXT season has gone so far. As AJ is nailed on to be a roster addition anyway, why damage her by association? Maxine, Kaitlyn, Aksana and Jamie are HORRIBLE in the ring. Naomi is just awful on the mic, but given Alicia Fox's current standing, the E is obviously looking for a replacement black diva.

There were no glory days and there is no current viable route to a better future. There are only two ways I think to save divas in the E, stop the sex first agenda and hire Kong, or wait until Dixie gets bankrupted by Eric and Hulkie, buy up TNA (ironic name considering the subject matter).
There are actually several of the Divas on the roster that can wrestle and wrestle well. The problem is that the WWE doesn't take women's wrestling seriously and it's little more than an excuse to watch hot woman run around in revealing and/or skin tight outfits.

There's no real depth to the Divas and there hasn't been for a very long time. There generally aren't really very many actual feuds among the Divas, it mostly consists of them simply being placed in random matches. And on Raw or SmackDown!, most of those matches typically last about 2 minutes. Usually, the only time you'll see a good women's match in the WWE is if it takes place on Superstars, and even then it still has the label of throwaway tagged onto it.

Like most, I would like the WWE to put an actual effort into the Divas. At the same time, however, it's kind of easy to understand why they don't. Historically, women's wrestling has never been a draw in the United States. Even TNA has pretty much abandoned the Knockout Division as a serious component of their wrestling product and that's really how it's been for close to a year now. The segments of the Knockouts tend to draw well, comparatively speaking, compared to the rest of TNA iMPACT!. TNA does actually have feuds for their women most of the time instead of random matches.

While I would personally prefer something serious as a wrestling fan, there's probably more viewers to have that simply wanna watch the Divas bounce around and look pretty.
Womens wrestling has always been boring to me. They just don't make it look even remotely close to as real as the men do. I know it's staged, but they just make it look stupid. I liked Lita, Chyna was entertaining, Trish and Mickey were good. But otherwise... and especially now... it's a freaking bathroom break man. It just sucks.
i care about the divas division. i think alot of them can wrestle. like beth nattie laycool gail eve n melina can wrestle a good match. but obviously they misuse them which i think sucks. its like if your gonna give them 4 minutes a night..at least give them 10-15 minutes on a ppv to work out a good match. and idk why kelly kelly gets such loud reactions when although she is hot and has somewhat improved, isn't good. if they made her and girls like the bellas just job to the other divas when needed and let them wrestle amung themself on superstars then tings would be better.
1. Do you enjoy the womens wrestling in the WWE?

HELL, no! The women's division in the WWE IS boring and pathetic! Without question! Jillian Hall and LayCool in particular are the biggest wastes of time in the HISTORY of professional wrestling. If Michelle McCool wasn't aligned with the Undertaker I don't think the WWE would waste the amount of time that the do on her and Layla is just along for the ride. Thank GOD Jillian Hall is going to be a "trainer" for FCW. At least she won't suck on national tv anymore.

2. Do you feel the division can get to the level it was five years ago with more stable feuds and buildups of talent?

Another HELL no! All but MAYBE 2 of today's divas are nothing more than models that the WWE has attempted to train to wrestle. Another example of the WWE putting looks before substance. Today's divas can't hold a candle to Trish, Lita, Victoria or even Jacqueline. Not that they were flawless but compared to the absolute sewage of today's bunch they LOOK flawless!

3. Do you feel you would be interested in the division if the wwe put emphasis on the division?

NO! They don't deserve the time that they get on tv. If the division was given more emphasis the ratings would go straight down the pipes!
1. Do you enjoy the women’s wrestling in the WWE?
Nope, tis shit.

2. Do you feel the division can get to the level it was five years ago with more stable feuds and build-ups of talent?
I think WWE would have to completely revamp the division to get it anywhere near the standards it was five years ago, and by that I mean: new wrestlers (wrestlers, not models), more TV time, more feuds and storylines etc…however, that being said, I don’t WANT the division to be anything more than the piss break it is now. At the end of the day, no matter how many hours and storylines Diva’s get, they’re not gonna draw a dime (proof? NXT.) Plus, the creative team already have enough on their plate with new rising stars, investing even more time and effort into a division that no one cares about is just plain silly; especially when it’s not gonna attract or keep views.

3. So you feel you would be interested in the division if the WWE put emphasis on the division?
Nope. I already get frustrated when Diva’s take up TV time that should belong to important future prospects.
1. do you enjoy the womens wrestling in the wwe

I enjoy womens wrestling to some extent. I'm not a huge fan of LayCool but I got to admit they can wrestle, they're not the best wrestlers in WWE but they can put on a decent match.

do you feel the division can get to the level it was five years ago with more stable feuds and buildups of talent
I actually think it can. All the girls or should I say most of them can wrestle, they just don't get the ring time or the storyline build up. If we got like a 8 minute match like 5 years ago, we could see all girls improve.

do you feel you would be interested in the division if the wwe put emphasis on the division
The thing is you have 2 great wrestlers Melina and Gail Kim not involved in any feuds and have LayCool the face of the division who are mediocre. I would get interested if LayCool could feud with Beth when she returns and maybe on RAW get a Melina vs Gail Kim feud going, I know they're both face but that's a feud I want to see.

These are the girls who can wrestle:

Gail Kim
LayCool (like them or not they can wrestle)
Eve (she's mediocre too)

The wrestlers who could be mediorce

Alicia Fox
Kelly Kelly ( she's 23, she's young and if WWE uses her the right way, she good become a decent competitor. Also she has like a 10 year career in front of her, give her time)

So we have 6 divas that are decent to great competitors and 3 that need a little improving. That's 9 divas. There is no need for any of the others. So instead of having LayCool run the shows (yes RAW and Smackdown) have someone on RAW turn heel and then LayCool can feud with Beth on Smackdown.

And as I like to say: Sexy, Smart and Powerful? Try Useless, Non Existant and LayCool.

(by the way I don't hate LayCool, it might seem like I do but I just think they are being overused)

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