I agree that Playboy is overshadowing the womens title, Ashley said something along the lines of 'This years wrestlemania was the best experience in her career' what about in 2005 or 06 when she faced Trish for the title? What about last year when she was involved in the Womens title match at Wrestlemania? Having an oppurtunity to face the Womens champion at Wrestlemania, although it was a awful match but non the less it should be the best experience in her career not being involved in a 'Bunnymania' match that lasted no longer then 4 mins with the lights going out for most part of it.
At mania they should do 2 seperate matches like Maina 22, 1 for the bunnys & another for the actual wrestlers competing for the title.
Wish Lita would come back & kick those bunnys ass!!
I wish WWE would realise that sometimes or most times fans dont want to see Divas competing in dance offs & swimsuit contest, they want to see them wrestle cos thats what they are there to do wrestle & there goal should to be the Womens Champion not appearing on the cover of Playboy! I hope it changes, but i doubt it ever will, Playboy will forever overshadow the title when it comes to Mania'