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The WWE Womens Division:What Killed It?

What killed the womens division?

  • Vince Mcmahon

  • Playboy

  • The Term Diva's

  • Lack of talent

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I honestly loathe the Womens devision. But, Candice did her part in destroying it. They need to build Beth in a Chyna like character then have her fued with Mickie James a la Chyna and Lita. That was only time I found that division watchable.
You guys should really stop knocking the Tna womans division it pretty much destroys the lame ass Divas. And please TBP are always the highest rated quarter hour on Impact so i dont know where your getting your kong rates higher information from. If you look youll find TBP always gain viewers whilst awesome kong segments DROP viewers.

wwe divas suck because they are all a bunch of non talented females, hence i left the word wrestlers out of that because there are hardly any REAL wrestlers on that show - a few.
Eternal dragon your wrong strip the Tna womans division and it still kills the divas in every way.
I honestly loathe the Womens devision. But, Candice did her part in destroying it. They need to build Beth in a Chyna like character then have her fued with Mickie James a la Chyna and Lita. That was only time I found that division watchable.

How did Candice destroy it? Because she actually did the work and improved enough to actually garner the push for a championship title? Candice has more of a claim to the title than Chyna did, and Chyna was a terrible champion, just god awful, if anything Beth should inspire not to be like Chyna. Neither Beth nor Candice are the strongest entertainers in the division, which is why the matches that they have aren't top notch. I'm Mickie or Melina could bring out the best in either of them.
You guys should really stop knocking the Tna womans division it pretty much destroys the lame ass Divas. And please TBP are always the highest rated quarter hour on Impact so i dont know where your getting your kong rates higher information from. If you look youll find TBP always gain viewers whilst awesome kong segments DROP viewers.

Even if that were true, it wouldn't matter. TBP are a unit, they work together as a team to get heel heat. Break them up, and they don't do quite as well. Awesome Kong is the top heel in the division, she's proven herself as big a draw by herself as TBP are as a team. If Kong leaves anytime soon, then TNA will have lost their biggest and most over female heel. They don't have anyone even remotely established enough to fill that gap that Kong would leave. TBP can only do so much, I would expect the ratings in the women's division to drop as a result.
Oh I apologise, Size 2 then.

I didn't mention blonde. The maority will have big breasts and parade them around in little clothing though.

Just like most wrestlers have big muscles and wear little clothing too? It's just an image, an image that is not just in the WWE, but everywhere.

I don't think the WWE would suffer in the slightest without the addition of female wrestlers. If the divas left, ratings wouldn't go down. They're just there. Most people don't even pay attention to the matches. Even hardcore female wrestling fans hate WWE womens division.

Actually did you know that in most rating breakdown of Raw, the ratings usually go up in diva segments? Not saying that they have a huge impact in the WWE, but I do think there's a core audience who are very dedicated to being fans of these girls. I can't back it up with much more than to say I'd be devastated to see the division just go away. All that history, just lost. Just horrible.

I have no problem with them posing nude - it's their choice. I have a problem with them being pushed in a completely separate thing due to it. You shouldn't become champion for taking your clothes off.

No diva that has posed for PB became champion because of that, end of story. Only three divas have ever posed for PB and become champion- and two of them were widely popular before they ever posed (Sable and Chyna). Candice became a champion more than a year after her turn in PB, and she was pushed not as the champion who posed for PB, but the champion that worked hard and improved.

Cena was pushed because everyone loves him. He'd be in the exact position without the movie. Can you say the same for divas who have posed in Playboy?

Yes, I can. The PB push is usually seen as a curse anyways, it does nothing for the girls except to drill into our minds that yes they posed for playboy, and yes we should definitely buy it on whatever date it comes out on.

TNA's division isn't the greatest, but it's 20 times better than what the WWE have to offer.

Not really.The Knockout division is kind of like those super-giant stars, great, but they die real fast. The WWE Women's Division will have its ups and downs, but when they're good, they're consistent.

T.101 said:
Eternal dragon your wrong strip the Tna womans division and it still kills the divas in every way.

Nope, the divas just don't need to flaunt their superiority with lame commercials and catty interviews trashing the Knockouts *cough*Velvet Skye*cough*. ;)

Flames Out
You guys should really stop knocking the Tna womans division it pretty much destroys the lame ass Divas. And please TBP are always the highest rated quarter hour on Impact so i dont know where your getting your kong rates higher information from. If you look youll find TBP always gain viewers whilst awesome kong segments DROP viewers

Lame ass divas?? :icon_eek:

So, The Beautiful People, in your opinion are the ratings champions of TNA?? Now I now why they never get more than 1.0 overall...

Kong has been a great segment since she debuted in TNA. She simply paved the way for the lame Beautiful people to pick up some of the bones after Gail kim left. Pairing with "Cute" (I almost threw up a little just to think about that...) Kip? Really? I guess their ratings allows that and much more.

Oh, and the Champion Taylor Wilde is just as funny and entertaining as a dead horse.

wwe divas suck because they are all a bunch of non talented females, hence i left the word wrestlers out of that because there are hardly any REAL wrestlers on that show - a few.

Non talented females working in the BEST and BIGGEST Wrestling promotion in the World. (I guess my 52 years old aunt could make it too the WWE then!!) :rolleyes:

Do you realize that the best Knockout (Gail Kim) was in the WWE before? Oh, and she may return, I wonder why...

Eternal dragon your wrong strip the Tna womans division and it still kills the divas in every way.
LOL. I dont need to read what exactly ED said, but your answer just... wow...

too bad that a wrestler's technique in the ring (especially in the WWE) is by no means an indicator of how good of a pro wrestler they are.


You must be talking about Candice, what makes you so sure she wasn't a good wrestler before? Because she couldn't do 50 variations of a suplex? she couldn't do a Shooting Star Press into a Corkscrew Hurricanerana DDT Powerbomb? She couldn't chain wrestle properly?

spare me...

I wasnt referring to Candice but to Maria.This is an typical example of someone who has been pushed because of the playboy factor but cant wrestle for sh*t and wont try either thank god she's was released but it seems that Mccool is heading her way.

And who in the Women's division doesn't have talent? The majority of the Women in the WWE are either already very talented (Mickie, Melina, Beth) or are learning the business very quickly (Maryse, Kelly, Candice). You've got a few bad eggs (Victoria, Michelle, Maria) but those select few don't take away from the rest of the bunch that actually know what their doing.

The faces.Lets face it most of the faces are so weak i cant stand to watch them.While the heels are the ones that dominate.Thet should turn the better ones in a heel.

The Playboy excuse is a cop out. In my eyes, anyone that says that "some woman" used the publication to get their feet into the door has no clue what the business is all about.

Why not? it worked for many of the former and current divas.

I'm assuming that you and ED were arguing about Candice. She did playboy and was seemingly catapulted to stardome. But as history has shown us (with Sable, Torrie, Chyna, etc) women in the WWE that choose to pose in Playboy are already established superstars within the company.

How were Torrie and Chyna established? My only memory of Torrie were those disgusting bra and panties matches and of chyna being a valet.

WWE created the "playboy push" as a gimmick push. They have proven that the push did not mean more than the title, and the message sent was that the push was not a one way street to the title, but merely a way to give those girls who received the push some more exposure. Candice was given a title shot because she earned it, the same way everyone else in the WWE earns a title shot, she was entertaining and she was over and the fans wanted to see her with the title.

Being over and earning it doesnt mean you have any skill.

Yet the WWE focuses more time on the women than they do the tag divisions, the WWE added a secondary title to the Women's Division, filling the spot of the now completely defunct Crusierweight Title.

The secondary title is a disgusting sight and completely unnecessary, the only meaning of it is to fill and empty spot.

Yeah, it really looks like the WWE just flat out doesn't care about their women's divsion :rolleyes:

Of course they dont care.Because if they dont promote feuds, make the in-ring time longer and make sure their champion wrestles each week.They dont give a sh*t

But to be fair you have opened my eyes a bit, now i know the womens division isnt the real catastrophe i thought it was.
I wasnt referring to Candice but to Maria.This is an typical example of someone who has been pushed because of the playboy factor but cant wrestle for sh*t and wont try either thank god she's was released but it seems that Mccool is heading her way.

Maria has been pushed? How so? McCool won't be released, not as long as she has power within the company.

The faces.Lets face it most of the faces are so weak i cant stand to watch them.While the heels are the ones that dominate.Thet should turn the better ones in a heel.

Many of the female faces that are pushed heavily are strong in their roles. Mickie is a strong face, Melina is a strong face, Candice is a strong face, Kelly has shown signs of competence (though she isn't as heavily pushed). Maria is the only face that could be considered weak, and she's not really pushed at all.

Why not? it worked for many of the former and current divas.

Who? Who could you say among the current divas has directly benefited from the exposer from Playboy? Have any off them received an additional added status within their role in the company? The answer is no, none of them have. You'll probably want to say Candice, but I've already explained why Candice is in the position she's in, and its surely not from Playboy.

How were Torrie and Chyna established? My only memory of Torrie were those disgusting bra and panties matches and of chyna being a valet.

Both women were popular superstars when they posed for the magazine. Chyna had already won the IC championship and was an established mid carder, having gained fame with DX and the Corporation. Torrie had been a successful valet, and gained popularity through her looks, so it wasn't all that surprising when Torrie posed for the magazine, but it wasn't like people didn't know who she was, because they did.

Posing for Playboy did nothing to elevate either woman inside the company

Being over and earning it doesnt mean you have any skill.


but yet you would agree with the fact that a wrestler's technique is not an indicator of how good of a performer they are, so now you're contradicting yourself

within the WWE, being a good wrestler and a good performer are the same thing, so if Candice was over in her position (which she was), and she was entertaining - enough so to warrant a title shot and eventually a title run. That means that she was a skilled performer and wrestler, and earned the position that was given to her.

The secondary title is a disgusting sight and completely unnecessary, the only meaning of it is to fill and empty spot.

regardless, the mere fact that the WWE even created the title is a pretty clear message that they obviously care more about the divas that say the Cruiserweights (who now have no belt) and the tag titles (which aren't even feuded over regularly)

The women have two belts and regular feuds, and because of that I'd hardly say that the WWE doesn't care about the division.
Wow, Ech hit it on the head there, He is the reason why you dont argue Woman's Wrestling with him. To top it off, Playboy almost seems like a career killer. The only one who has really lasted a log time after Playboy was Torrie. Christy Hemme was released soon after her playboy. Chyna was released after hers, Sable was released soon after hers, maybe Maria is next? I think the reason why Torrie, and perhaps Candice, will last a while is they have/had long stay criteria. Torrie, like no other just seemed like an angle to the WWE. She did all kinds of signings, charities, worked hard in the ring for a valet, dumped that ratty husband, and played her role well. Candice does a lot of PR for the WWE as it is too, and has an outside interest that WWE likes to try and cash in on. I guess I would just like to say that Playboy separates the girls from the women
I don't think anything killed it. It had to have been a big deal for it to be killed and it never was. The WWE, mainly Vince, doesen't care about the Divas, they're easily replaceable. That's due to not putting an emphasis on wrestling skills as opposed to looks. TNA has emphasized skills and if one of theirs is injured or quits it's noticeable. This isn't Japan where they're on the level as men or considered to be.These women bring it on themselves and then complain when we don't respect them; get over it ladies you're insignificant.
Nothing killed it, it's still good. Yes, Trish and Lita are gone.... but we still have Mickie James, Natalya, and Beth Phoenix to name a few. I enjoy the diva matches and do not see why people do not like the division. Some of them are almost as talented as some of the guys.

The only thing that could possibly kill the division right now would be if the "model" type divas all became champion and neither Beth Phoenix nor Natalya would beat them.... then that's what would kill the division, because it would be far too unrealistic for a Barbiedoll to continuously beat an amazon. Let's hope that never happens.

As for right now, I enjoy the diva matches on both raw and smackdown. The division is not dead.
The division isn't dead, IMO. It's picked back up over the years. Ever since the models came in, over the past few years, the division has grown stronger and stronger and right now, WWE has a good group of girls who can put on decent matches.

The division has two titles now and the titles are regulary defended and feuded over unlike almost every other title besides the World Titles.

WWE has kept consistant with their feuds and title changes. Which means, that they pay more attention in building their talent. All of the women are featured as much as possible and we see more and more diva action now. The women all have stronger roles and are all a main focus on RAW now.

Sure some of the women they push don't contain the perfect formula when it comes to being an accomplished wrestler, but they're going through the same stuff your most talented women have gone through. You're just seeing it happen on tv rather than in the indies, etc.

Playboy IS NOT a push factor. Sure you might get a WM push for a month, but that's it. Hell, I wouldn't even call what these women have gotten a push, all have lost their WM martches and were dropped soon after. Candice and Maria didn't even get itlte shots and still lost their matches.

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