WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs 2016 LD

You have to gather all of the stairs around ringside into the middle of the ring, stack them on top of each other and then climb to the top.

Okay that just sounds like a lot of work. Not to mention bloody boring. Although if they were made of Lego wouldn't Balor have to be involved somehow.
What the heck happened in the make up room? Becky looks awful.

Something like this:
I hope that guy who just said gingers don't have souls gets run over in the parking lot after the show
They even added the name to TLC's title/marketing that year. That's how awesome they thought that horrible match would be.

Oh I remember. It was Tables, Ladder's, Chair's and Stair's. The PPV was okay, but the stairs match was terrible. All they did was hit each other with the steel stairs.
The ending to the Big Show/Cody Rhodes table match for the IC title where Show accidentally stepped through a table is still one of the greatest/worst table match finishes ever.

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