WWE Survivor Series - Team Cena VS Team Authority

The fan in me wants Team Cena to win. The smark in me says Team Authority will win, but I want them to lose because the Authority storyline has run its course. But I see many potential swerves coming in Team Authority's favor - either Ziggler, Rowan, or a returning Orton. Then we'll have to put up with the "living hell" BS that we got at the start of the Authority storyline. But please, no more Big Show crying.
Rowan on Cena's team now just to me, makes it more likely... Rowan ends up surviving with Cena, only to turn on him when the Wyatts plan unfolds... that way it affects all sides... "She" turns out to be Sister Abigal... whichever Diva they pick for that role but I still think it might be something they give AJ... keep her off screen as much so she gets Punked more often but she shows up for the big matches/pre-tapes.
Whilst the show's ending last night was done well enough. I can't say it made the match itself anymore interesting as the Main Attraction ended up being Ryback which was made obvious since his insertion into the story.

I was legit holding out for someone big time to join a depleted and even flirted with the idea of perhaps; Orton, Jericho, Ryback and Reigns being the 4 replacements for the decimated original members.
Instead we ended with Rowan and Ryback as the 'surprise' guys, whilst Cesaro's tease was well done.

That said; like Navi mentioned above... Triple H not bothering to get into the match himself is strange and I assume something will be done at Survivor Series to drum up interest, because there ain't no way that it be given away free on the Network and nothing interesting happens to end the night.
I honestly don't see Rowan's addition being a swerve. I do believe that a full on feud between Harper and Rowan is about to begin. Because let's remember what Rowan's "good bye" video from Bray Wyatt told us. Rowan was an outcast growing up, wanted to be accepted, wanted a place of belonging. Now, he's out trying to find that acceptance and since he heard Cena say "the WWE Universe decides your fate" then he began to see the fans as a way to achieve his goal of being accepted. At least, that's how I look at it. And then from there, Harper will say that Rowan isn't a team player and then boom feud.

As for the match, I think that the betrayal [if any] will come from within the Authority, possibly through Kane. Kane has been forced to do the Authority's dirty work, and always been the one who took blame when things went wrong. So I wouldn't be surprised if Kane chokeslams Rollins at Survivor Series, allowing Cena to pick up the final pin.
As for the match, I think that the betayal [if any] will come from within the Authority, possibly through Kane. Kane has been forced to do the Authority's dirty work, and always been the one who took blame when things went wrong. So I wouldn't be surprised if Kane chokeslams Rollins at Survivor Series, allowing Cena to pick up the final pin.

I can't see Kane being involved in such a thing simply because he isn't relevant enough anymore and WWE has to know this.

Whatever the shocking twist or surprise is, it has to be big enough to carry a storyline for at least a month if not straight through to WrestleMania. Kane can't carry a match or a promo let alone an entire storyline at this point.

If WWE's creative team and writers fail to see this, they are so badly out of touch with reality and their fan base that it's a serious problem and we all have to ponder if the future of WWE isn't doomed.
Really surprised HHH isnt involved?! Thought it was a sure thing he would captain his team when his power is at stake....there's still time for a few more surprises though i guess....
I have a feeling someone will sabotage Team Cena during the match, as an ace in the hole/mole for The Authority, because I can't picture The Authority losing this one. A surprise Randy Orton return would add a nice twist to the match, because you have to wonder where Orton stands in all of this. He hates Seth Rollins, because a pampered and spoiled brat, but will Randy put aside all of his differences with his top rival to stick it to The Authority?

I'll go with Team Authority for the win, after one of Cena's teammates betrays him, because I find it hard to believe Triple H and Stephanie are going anywhere anytime soon as on-screen authority figures.
Without a doubt, Authority wins this. It doesn't make sense to take your number 1 money making heel stable off of the air. But I anticipate a VKM swerve, and I anticipate either a Rock return, a Stone Cold return, or a Cena leading the charge to save WWE from the hands of the evil McMahon family. Vince isn't a face, so I expect the swerve comes from him.
Without a doubt, Authority wins this. It doesn't make sense to take your number 1 money making heel stable off of the air. But I anticipate a VKM swerve, and I anticipate either a Rock return, a Stone Cold return, or a Cena leading the charge to save WWE from the hands of the evil McMahon family. Vince isn't a face, so I expect the swerve comes from him.

Why would they have to come off the air?

They will still be heels, they just won't be in charge anymore. And a breath of fresh air for a while will be nice.
Why would they have to come off the air?

They will still be heels, they just won't be in charge anymore. And a breath of fresh air for a while will be nice.

Breath of fresh air? They've only been on the air as The Authority for a little over a year. And the stipulation requires them to be off of the air, which would ruin the best thing in the WWE right now.
Guys I ask that you stop talking about the stipulation that was added on Smackdown to avoid spoiling it for other people. I don't want to hand out a bunch of infractions, so I simply deleted the posts, but until they mention it on Smackdown Friday night, it is still a spoiler. Adding quotation marks or simply referring to it as the stipulation doesn't help skirt the issue. Thanks.
Guys I ask that you stop talking about the stipulation that was added on Smackdown to avoid spoiling it for other people. I don't want to hand out a bunch of infractions, so I simply deleted the posts, but until they mention it on Smackdown Friday night, it is still a spoiler. Adding quotation marks or simply referring to it as the stipulation doesn't help skirt the issue. Thanks.

OK, Sorry about that.
Breath of fresh air? They've only been on the air as The Authority for a little over a year. And the stipulation requires them to be off of the air, which would ruin the best thing in the WWE right now.

The only thing McMahon said was that if the Authority loses, they will no longer be in power. They won't be "fired" or taken off of television. They will just become part of a new storyline where they are no longer "making the decisions." They will still be a heel stable and I'm pretty sure they'll still be one of the focal points of the WWE.
The only thing McMahon said was that if the Authority loses, they will no longer be in power. They won't be "fired" or taken off of television. They will just become part of a new storyline where they are no longer "making the decisions." They will still be a heel stable and I'm pretty sure they'll still be one of the focal points of the WWE.

Good point. But if that happens, I think they will not nearly be as powerful or impactful as they are now. Kane loses all the time, Rollins won't have the hired security to save his a** each time, and Triple-H/Stephanie will not be able to make matches or add stipulations in their favour. Take the decision-making power (and money) away, and The Authority will be outmatched easily. Maybe they will do a storyline where The Authority will be made to pay for all the power misuse they have done for the last year and a half.
Good point. But if that happens, I think they will not nearly be as powerful or impactful as they are now. Kane loses all the time, Rollins won't have the hired security to save his a** each time, and Triple-H/Stephanie will not be able to make matches or add stipulations in their favour. Take the decision-making power (and money) away, and The Authority will be outmatched easily. Maybe they will do a storyline where The Authority will be made to pay for all the power misuse they have done for the last year and a half.

This all may be true and it's perfectly OK.

They are all good at playing the heel card, and Rollins is a very good wrestler. Their talents won't be lost just cause they aren't making the decisions anymore.
Makes me glad there is not a lot of announced matches for this show. This could be chock full of shenanigans and great dramatic work by some great workers.

I see the stooges and Triple H becoming involved. I also forsee a Roman Reigns run-in.

BTW, my reaction to the news of what occured on Smackdown was akin to Nancy Kerrigan after she got whacked with the crowbar.
1. I don't think that there should be any more matches. No offense to guys like Cesaro, Hennig's kid, or New Day but the main event should get a lot of time. It will have a minimum of five decisions but likely more. Some past SS eliminations have made no sense in that they were so quick and made tough guys look like Barry Horowitz. I know Big Show and Mark Henry won't be survivors but that is no reason for them to get pinned after four minutes because "there has to be at least seven matches on a card for it to be good". That is ludicrous.

2. Randy Orton is not coming back to help The Authority unless he is starting a new character that suffers from brain damage. The beating he took goes beyond most we've seen in history. He got his head bashed in, there is no logical way he rejoins The Authority unless he is also being held in some torture cell and getting the Game of Thrones Reek treatment.

3. I agree with most that say that it would make more sense for HHH to be on his team. However, as a egotistical heel, it is not absurd that HHH feels confortable in his role on the sidelines or maybe feels he can help more outside the match as opposed to in it.

4. Attached to #3, I don't think HHH wants to be in this match partially because he has taken a run of loses over the last year and The Authority is booked to lose this match too. I think The Authority is booked to lose because I think HHH and Stephanie need a break and will take a break for the holidays. I also look at The Authority and don't see them as much of a faction without replacing Orton. Having them get disbanded at SS on free WWE Network feels like a good move to leave iffy subscribers who may be on the fence about keeping their subscription.

5. I can honestly see Dolph Ziggler lasting to the end. I feel like he is getting a huge push and the powers that be love what he has been doing lately. He is also a guy who WWE may really want to feature at TLC.
What's the word on Sheamus? That injury is legit, right? Explains why the Rowan addition on Raw was totally shocking and seemingly thrown together.
1. I don't think that there should be any more matches. No offense to guys like Cesaro, Hennig's kid, or New Day but the main event should get a lot of time. It will have a minimum of five decisions but likely more. Some past SS eliminations have made no sense in that they were so quick and made tough guys look like Barry Horowitz. I know Big Show and Mark Henry won't be survivors but that is no reason for them to get pinned after four minutes because "there has to be at least seven matches on a card for it to be good". That is ludicrous.

2. Randy Orton is not coming back to help The Authority unless he is starting a new character that suffers from brain damage. The beating he took goes beyond most we've seen in history. He got his head bashed in, there is no logical way he rejoins The Authority unless he is also being held in some torture cell and getting the Game of Thrones Reek treatment.

3. I agree with most that say that it would make more sense for HHH to be on his team. However, as a egotistical heel, it is not absurd that HHH feels confortable in his role on the sidelines or maybe feels he can help more outside the match as opposed to in it.

4. Attached to #3, I don't think HHH wants to be in this match partially because he has taken a run of loses over the last year and The Authority is booked to lose this match too. I think The Authority is booked to lose because I think HHH and Stephanie need a break and will take a break for the holidays. I also look at The Authority and don't see them as much of a faction without replacing Orton. Having them get disbanded at SS on free WWE Network feels like a good move to leave iffy subscribers who may be on the fence about keeping their subscription.

5. I can honestly see Dolph Ziggler lasting to the end. I feel like he is getting a huge push and the powers that be love what he has been doing lately. He is also a guy who WWE may really want to feature at TLC.

Regarding Point #4:

Really, really good point that I didn't even think of. If the Authority is booked to lose, it makes total sense that HHH is not one of the members. Why have him in the match just to get eliminated? And he would have to be eliminated before Rollins too, or you risk making Rollins, your top heel, look like a complete joke. Assuming Rollins is gonna be the final member of Team Authority, it makes complete sense that HHH would not be in this match. I'm guessing Rollins is the final member and loses because of Randy Orton interference. That makes the most sense, sets up their oncoming feud for TLC, and doesn't make Rollins look bad in the process.
Regarding Point #4:

Really, really good point that I didn't even think of. If the Authority is booked to lose, it makes total sense that HHH is not one of the members. Why have him in the match just to get eliminated? And he would have to be eliminated before Rollins too, or you risk making Rollins, your top heel, look like a complete joke. Assuming Rollins is gonna be the final member of Team Authority, it makes complete sense that HHH would not be in this match. I'm guessing Rollins is the final member and loses because of Randy Orton interference. That makes the most sense, sets up their oncoming feud for TLC, and doesn't make Rollins look bad in the process.

Regarding the point about Seth Rollins having to be protected, he can easily be screwed our by a returning Randy Orton(as we know it was a storyline injury anyways). HHH's position alongwith his wife are the two in the most danger, so it would be fitting if he loses his position by going down himself.

That said; I think a huge shake-up is required, and merely having a clean win for either team just won't have the desired effect of causing people to be genuinely interested thus they renew their subs,etc... Survivor Series needs to end in a way that people want to tune in the next night,excited about what the next big storyline will be...
I would have changed up one man for each team, which would have put this match over the top, and raised the stakes significantly.

First, I would have removed one man from each team. From Team Cena, it would be Erick Rowan. From Team Authority, it would be Luke Harper.

Instead they could book Erick Rowan v Luke Harper as a separate match at SS.

To Team Authority:- I would have it be Seth Rollins, Kane, Mark Henry, Rusev

& the guy I would add to the team:-


Think about it. Triple H has more to lose than any of the other guys, he wrestles occassionally (usually in Big Four PPVs, which Survivor Series is), and it makes sense that Team Authority should be lead by the leader of the Authority.

Now, for Team Cena. I would say Daniel Bryan or Roman Reigns, since they have been victims of the Authority in the past, so it makes sense to be part of the team to destroy the Authority. But both are injured, so I wouldn't have it be them.

No, instead I have someone else in mind.

At the contract signing, I would have Dolph Ziggler, Big Show and Ryback (replacing an injured Sheamus) join John Cena in the ring.

Cena then would say, as his final partner, a man he feels he knows better than anyone, a man who knows the Authority better than anyone.

Cena then points towards the entrance. Pause. Then the fans pop when they hear


Randy Orton, former figurehead of the Authority would come out, RKO each and every member of Team Authority, and "Raw" would end with Randy Orton posing after taking out his former stablemates.

How over the top would this be, to have Triple H and Orton in the match. It would make the match feel like the most important and star-studded for years.

Do you like my inclusions?
Well no one has to watch it now. WWE released a video of Grumpy Cat predicting the winner.

They put two pieces of paper down with the names of the two teams. On each piece of paper they put a can of cat food. The winner was the one that Grumpy Cat ate from first.

Want to bet this idea came straight from McMahon. Good God.
I'm really looking forward to this match but it's been a strange journey getting there. I'm not too thrilled with all the changes (Jack Swagger being on Team Cena for like five minutes) but I guess it makes sense. I still don't understand why Triple H isn't wrestling. He is the one that has it all on the line so you'd think he would want to get in there and take care of business himself. I also don't understand Randy Orton being written off tv. Nothing against Erick Rowan but imagine the pop if it was Orton that came out to join Team Cena. Not to mention he's a bigger name and actually belongs in this storyline. Why do Rowan and Harper suddenly have a problem with each other anyway? Harper does seem reluctant to get physical with Rowan, not out of fear but because he sees Rowan as his friend. I'll be interested to see if that plays a factor tonight.

This match reminds me of the 2001 main event. The stakes are high but a lot of the big names are missing. The big WCW names didn't come over until after 2001 and guys like HHH and Benoit were hurt. Here we have HHH not wrestling. Orton, Reigns, and Bryan are out. Ambrose seems like a natural fit in the match but he's not involved. This match seems like it will be good but could have easily been better. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
For me, I just can't believe that this is going to be the main event. But without a WWE Champion on the TV at the moment, this is the best that the WWE have.

That said, I am really looking forward to seeing how this plays out. I think the angle has been played out and tonight seems like a good stopping point to start winding it down. And I guess I am really interested in seeing what happens during the match with regards to who might show up. A lot of people are saying that Sting or Orton might show up and that, alone, is enough to get people pumped up. And if they don't, and the match just goes down without a hitch, people will likely be disappointed. Including myself.

That said, it can be good and I will be hoping that it lives up to it's potential. I like that the WWE are giving people like Ziggler and the Wyatt Family a chance to be in the main event. I don't see them being there at the end of the match but I give WWE some credit for giving them the opportunity to make something for themselves.

All told, this match is either going to be a blockbuster or a massive disappointment in true WWE style.

This is the obvious candidate for the match to close the show. I have always been a fan of the traditional elimination matches at Survivor Series and I give WWE credit for finally giving one of these a big storyline where it makes sense for everyone on each team to want to win as opposed to several of these matches in recent years where "Team Of Random Wrestlers A" faces "Team Of Random Wrestlers B" just for the sake of having an elimination tag team match. I'm severely disappointed that WWE have AGAIN put together a PPV event that does not have a World Heavyweight Championship match, but that's a topic for another discussion. The only reason I'm really looking forward to this is my nostalgia toward this match type. The stipulations are stupid and the competitors could have been better. I personally want Team Authority to remain in power, but there's no way that Team Cena is getting fired. The match itself might be good, but WWE have done a great job of making me not care about it. It looks like it will be a step above last month's garbage PPV event at least. The show ends with Cena as the sole survivor.

Team Cena will defeat Team Authority.
John Cena will be the sole survivor.

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