Possible Survivor Series Match


Pre-Show Stalwart
Okay this may be a stretch but not impossible....

Harper and Strowman defeat Ambrose and Orton at HIAC and Wyatt defeats Reigns. Rollins defeats Demon Kane causing Corporate Kane to lose his job.

During the next month tension between Rollins and Triple H increases, while the Wyatts reach out to Kane, finally tying up the storyline from 2013.

The Wyatts say they are here to take over and interrupt RAW matches with Ambrose Reigns and Orton attempting to stop the takeover. Rollins thinks he is helping the Authority, and assuaging Triple H by joining the faces in taking out the Wyatts. The Shield briefly reform. Demon Kane returns to side with the Wyatts.

Survivor Series. Wyatt, Harper, Kane, Strowman are joined by Rowan to face The Shield and Orton. Before the match stats the arena goes dark and we hear the gong. The Undertaker is the fifth man on the face team. Rollins remains untrusted heel and is also mistrusted by The Authority.

There are many ways this scenario could pan out...

I think you are stretching a bit to get all these involved. Wyatt, Harper and Strowman vs Ambrose, Reigns and Orton is pretty straightforward.

But rollins to join the faces doesn't really make much sense. If Hunter and Steph really felt threatened by the Wyatt family, they would just get all the heels out there to stop them. Rollins joining to stop them wouldn't fit with character or storyline. Then the only reason Kane joins them is because of his rivalry with Rollins. Again I don't think that makes much sense.

You then seem to make a huge jump as to why Undertaker would suddenly join the face team. Chances are he won't be on Raw leading to Survivor Series so why he suddenly appears would make no sense and there is no real reason why he would show up, unless you plan on him being involved with the Wyatts going forward, which has been done.
Seth retains the Title at HIAC
HHH comes out ,,pedigrees Seth, waves his hand to the titantron. The WYATT family comes out and destroys Seth with Strowman..
HHH again Waves and Sheamus comes out and cash in..Sheamus wins and joins The Authority.They beat the crap out of Seth...

Crowd gives a lot of heat as the Authority, J&J, Kane n Sheamus celebrate in the Stage..
Seth is put into a stretcher and carried to the ambulance when DEAN and ROMAN runs to the ambulance to check on their brother and yells out..HHH waves them bye as Dean and Roman is staring and HIAC goes into air..

SETH turns face when he returns two weeks after to RAW..SETH rides some car to the ring as The WYATTS and Authority are destroying DEAN and ROMAN in the ring..
SETH steps outside of the car wearing the SKULL mask of Shield and Carries a chair to the ring and fend off the Authority..Crowd erupts thus beggining the build up for the Seth vs Huh fued.
So at Survivor series it's Shield, Randy and Sting who joins with Seth as he learned the lesson .Vs Authority -Kane, Sheamus ans Wyatts this time...
Well, nothing's impossible but this is pretty close. The tension between Rollins & Triple H has been very, very slowly building and just suddenly jumping from tension to a full blown face turn within the span of a month is exactly the sort of hot shot booking that WWE has been moving away from in recent years. Something like a Rollins vs. Triple H program should be saved for WrestleMania, in my opinion, and given time to be fully fleshed out.

Also, you have to remember that Rollins spent well over a year bragging about how he was "the Architect" of the Shield, how it was his "creation" and that it was his to "destroy." Rollins' stabbing his "brothers" in the back was the cornerstone of his heel turn, so for them to just forgive & forget or, at least, give a modicum of trust to Rollins after all he's done to them so quickly is another one of those hot shot booking ideas that, in this case in particular, makes no real sense. Sure, I suppose WWE could do this and fans would react well to it but truth be told, it wouldn't have remotely the sort of impact it would have say 6 months or so from now. Rollins is still being booked like a self important, petulant, spoiled brat and going from that to being heroic enough to rebel against the Authority within a 30 day span? It's just not feasible.

As for Erick Rowan, it's entirely possible he won't be back until next year. I read that he suffered a torn bicep and torn muscles can keep someone out for a good half a year easily. Even if he did come back, I don't think anyone will care about him going upagainst the Family without being repackaged. His entire look is cultivated to that of the Wyatt Family from his beard to his ring gear; without the Family with his current look/persona, he's just a big, bald bearded guy with no real purpose, no character or much of anything else.
Okay this may be a stretch but not impossible....

Harper and Strowman defeat Ambrose and Orton at HIAC and Wyatt defeats Reigns. Rollins defeats Demon Kane causing Corporate Kane to lose his job.

During the next month tension between Rollins and Triple H increases, while the Wyatts reach out to Kane, finally tying up the storyline from 2013.

The Wyatts say they are here to take over and interrupt RAW matches with Ambrose Reigns and Orton attempting to stop the takeover. Rollins thinks he is helping the Authority, and assuaging Triple H by joining the faces in taking out the Wyatts. The Shield briefly reform. Demon Kane returns to side with the Wyatts.

Survivor Series. Wyatt, Harper, Kane, Strowman are joined by Rowan to face The Shield and Orton. Before the match stats the arena goes dark and we hear the gong. The Undertaker is the fifth man on the face team. Rollins remains untrusted heel and is also mistrusted by The Authority.

There are many ways this scenario could pan out...


The Wyatts reaching out to Kane doesn't make any sense. Kane got his vengeance against The Wyatts at HIAC.

It doesn't make sense for The Shield to reform either. That would be too soon, maybe after the inevitable Rollins face turn or if Rollins and HHH have a match together maybe after that.

How does Rowan come into your scenario? Taker has no reason to help The Shield/Orton either, he already got his win over The Wyatts.
Well I said it was a stretch...

But then Rollins teamed up with Ambrose/Reigns tonight, and Rowan came back. I think Demon Kane may be screwed up enough to join the Wyatts to gain revenge on Rollins, who would move towards tweener before his showdown with Triple H. And Taker would be there to celebrate 25 years since his debut.

And we shall see what we shall see.
Well I said it was a stretch...

But then Rollins teamed up with Ambrose/Reigns tonight, and Rowan came back. I think Demon Kane may be screwed up enough to join the Wyatts to gain revenge on Rollins, who would move towards tweener before his showdown with Triple H. And Taker would be there to celebrate 25 years since his debut.

And we shall see what we shall see.

Hmm, good call dude. I could see Demon Kane teaming up with the Wyatts and Taker being dragged in somehow.


5 vs 5

Kane joining the Wyatts would be pretty nuts and would form one of the most devastating factions ever. Almost too big to really manage/book haha.

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