WWE Survivor Series - Team Cena VS Team Authority

Supposed rumors of Punk signing for an easier schedule.

How about Punk as the last member of Cena's team. Only to turn on him and join Authority. In the same match, Orton turns on Rollins/Authority (after they patch things up between here and then.
Screw the World Title picture, that's not going to be important for quite some time now (because Lesnar's reign is going to be boring).

What am I looking/hoping for is the return of the traditional survivor series. I know we had some last year, but I want a sense of relevancy to return to the event. Start by having about three 5 on 5 elimination traditional old school Survivor Series matches. This could cover in case Lesnar doesn't work the event (and if he's still champion by then!), while also giving young talent the chance to mix it up with some main eventers and upper mid-carders.

Hell, add 1 or 2 NXT guys to each team and see what they got. Last years event sucked, but it doesn't have to. I'd rather see a 5 on 5 main event than Lesnar wrestling the Big Show or someone else that is as unimportant as him.

I'd make a Team Rollins v Team Ambrose main event, or even a Team Cena v Team Authority main event. That way, if the WWE Championship wasn't the on the line, the WWE could have no choice but to put effort and build up into what was once a great annual tradition ;)

I know, I know, I'm pretty fucking good aren't I.

But pretty much I summed it up back then, I think it's a great main event and hopefully it feels refreshing. I probably couldn't care less who's on each team, just as long as it has actual thought placed into it, since normally they are just matches thrown together for the sake of the annual event. Cena, Dolph, Ryback and Uso's would make a pretty good team and someone mentioned above. And I would love to see NXT guys added to each time (what a way to introduce them). Actually the fucking Big Show will probably be on the fae team as well :rolleyes:.

But yeah, smarks thought Lesnar's reign as champ was going to be the bee's knee's. Yet I feel Survivor Series is better off without him, as in my opinion, the champion shouldn't have to defend at the annual event. I'd be all for having the 5 on 5 style matches in the main event. Beats the same old boring 1 v 1 match we get every damn month.
I always liked the Traditional Survivor Series match and this will be the first time in a while that ill actually be excited about a match featuring John Cena and with Brock Lesner not set to defend the WWE World Heavyweight Title until The Royal Rumble WWE really need to deliver with this match. As for who should take part I imagine the Authority team Will consist of HHH, Rollins, Kane and possible Rusev With Orton reluctantly Join the rest of the Authority before turning on them at some point during the match. As for team Cena, we will obviously Cena Himself along with Ziggler, Ryback and possible the Usos,
Shocked nobody has mentioned The New Age Outlaws! Seems to me that The Authority has two spaces to fill after Rollins, Kane and Orton (of course he will be on this team). The NAO are a perfect fit. Make much more sense than Barrett and Henry!

Cenas team is harder to predict. It looks like Ziggler will be there, and a few have already said The Usos which would not surprise me. If Reigns has recovered, this is where he returns probably as a surprise. If not, Ryback would be a good choice if they are serious about pushing him. I wouldnt rule out R-Truth or Zack Ryder either as they are 'on screen friends'.
I question why so many people are convinced Orton teams with the Authority. The fact that he RKO'd Rollins on last RAW tells us he will not.

He will probably be laid out and turned on by the Authority tonight, so they can write him off TV for a few weeks while he does that stupid movie.

The only scenario I see him in the Survivor Series match is as the 5th and final surprise member of Team Cena. It's in St. Louis, you know he's going to get a huge pop.

So it will probably be:

Cena, Ziggler. Those are locks. Uso's seem to be a favorite for this match (reluctantly and unfortunately). And the 5th could be someone at first, but then either that person or Ziggler gets laid out and "can't compete at Survivor Series". Boom, Orton surprise 5th member.
Team Cena will be Cena, Ziggler, Big Show, Orton (the surprise return to the ring being made the night of Survivor Series) and Jericho? Ryback? I really don't think USO's get used in this match.

Team Authority will be Kane, Rollins, Mark Henry, Cesaro and Triple H (in a surprise move announced on the last RAW before the show as he pulls out all the last stops for an Authority win)
After last nights RAW barring injuries I think it will stack up this way.

Team Cean - John Cena, Big Show, Dolph Ziggler, Ryback (they would be stupid not to use him he's a machine) and Orton in a surprise comback. If Reigns is ready to go, I would put him in either Big Show or Ryback's place.

Team Authority - Seth Rollins, Kane, Mark Henry (if Big Show is on the other team), Cesaro and either Rusev or HHH. I'm thinking HHH might want to be in the ring to ensure the victory.

Also because of the new stipulation announced by Vince McMahon last night, expecting lots of shenanigans, maybe a couple of surprises and a Team Authority win. It won't be a clean finish by any means and will leave more people pissed off. But I'm ready for it this time around.
Authority is picking a flimsy ass team if you ask me. Cena will also probably have Orton and Ryback- he is targeting those who support the authority. One is a main eventer, the other is on the rise and Cena is...Cena. Ziggler hasn't been presented as being on par with him, but he seems to be in the middle of some odd push. Big Show usually loses storylines, but he wins most of his matches.

On the other hand, the authority has

- Rollins, the unreliable coward. He also got help against Ziggler, who recently lost to Kane cleanly...KANE! CLEANLY! KAAAAAAANE!

- Kane, who loses more than he wins.

- Mark Henry, who until recently was the good guy version of Kane.

Rusev, admittedly the best decision.

If Cesaro joins, he cements the Authority as Team Jobber. If the Authority wanted a stronger team, they should have Rusev, Rollins, one of the Wyatts and maybe the Rhodes Brothers. Half of their team should not be comprised of a bunch of old dudes.
Mark Henry, who until recently was the good guy version of Kane.

Could that be the reason they're bothering with turning him bad at what many figured is the tail end of his career? Maybe it's possible he's turned for the sole reason of providing a counterpoint to Big Show working for Team Cena. I can't imagine why they're fussing with this Big-Show-Mark Henry business in the first place.....and if the purpose is to have them battle at Survivor Series, that will probably be the end of it.

Rusev, admittedly the best decision.

Hadn't even thought of him as a participant in this match, because if there's anyone on the roster who features as less of a team player, it's Rusev. Yes, I suppose anyone can be made part of a team, it's just that his ring persona cries against it, although wasn't he part of a group that existed for one night already? That's the point; I'm not even positive it happened.....and it was less than memorable, if it did.
So here's my early prediction; Team Authority- Rollins, Kane, Rusev, and their mystery partner; HHH.

At game time, HHH replaces himself with...Brock Leeeeeesssssnnnnnneeeer.

Team Cena- Cena, Dolph, Sheamus, and their mystery partner- they'll spend the week teasing CM Punk, but it will actually be...RANDY ORTON!!! Which the announcers will play up as a huge surprise, despite not fooling anyone.

They'll play out the trust angle with Orton and the rest of the team, but Rollins and Orton will fight their way to the back, causing a double DQ.

It will all come down to Cena and Sheamus against Lesner. Sheamus turns on Cena, allows Lesner to pin him. Sheamus then clocks Lesner with a chair, gets himself DQ'd, Team Authority gets the W. Sheamus proceeds to brogue kick the already roughed up Lesner.

And the announcers pretend to act as though more surprised than they should be; then out comes Rollins, briefcase in hand with a curb stomp to Lesner. He gets a 2 count. Lesner staggers to his feet, Sheamus pops back , Seth Rollins with another brogue kick. Rollins another curb stomp and a 3 count.

Your new WWE Champion celebrates with Sheamus, HHH, and Kane as Lesner pummels Noble and Mercury and destroys the announce table.
After last night, the teams are looking like this...

Team Cena: John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Big Show, Sheamus & Randy Orton

Team Authority: Seth Rollins, Kane, Mark Henry, Rusev & Triple H (?)

Not bad although I'm not completely sure if Triple H will wrestle as part of the team. If he does, it removes Rollins as the Captain of the team but there's no one better that I can think of to take the final slot on the team. Lesnar's a possibility but I don't see why he would wanna help and be on the same team as Rollins after Seth tried to cash in on him at Night Of Champions. And Cesaro is a jobber.

If Rusev gets eliminated, it should be by DQ by having him go berzerk and attack everyone on Team Cena with a Chair, similar to Snitsky 10 years ago at Survivor Series. Protects his streak of not taking a pinfall.

I hope Big Show and Mark Henry are part of this match as I'd rather not see them go one-on-one again after their awful match last night.

I'm happy to see the traditional Survivor Series match being treated as a big deal again. For the last several years, it was booked like a last minute filler match for the PPV. It's being given a long and proper build this time, it's gonna be the main event of the show, everyone on the roster is begging to be picked for the teams which makes it feel important. Assuming the two teams are made up of the guys I've listed above, every person on each team has their own storyline and feud going on with each other, and the stipulation that was added to the match makes it unpredictable and a hell of a lot more interesting.

Most people will predict a Team Authority win, so they remain in power and maybe they might, but I could also see Team Cena pulling out the win and the new man in charge after Monday Night being...

Triple H wrestling doesn't really make sense storywise. When building up to wrestlemania, he pretty much admitted that if Batista and Orton got their shit together, he wasn't likely going to win. Granted, wrestling doesn't have much of a long term memory, so that might mean nothing. If Triple H does join, it's a sign that the authority is falling.

Personally, i want to see Triple H be the strategist again. I liked when he'd trick Bryan into getting handcuffed or manipulate the entire roster into targeting the shield. Having Dolph Ziggler fight Kane and Rollins seems a bit underwhelming considering what's on the line. Even the attack on Orton wasn't THAT much different than the attack on Ambrose.

Could that be the reason they're bothering with turning him bad at what many figured is the tail end of his career? Maybe it's possible he's turned for the sole reason of providing a counterpoint to Big Show working for Team Cena. I can't imagine why they're fussing with this Big-Show-Mark Henry business in the first place.....and if the purpose is to have them battle at Survivor Series, that will probably be the end of it.

Presumably and to his credit, Mark Henry has been beating the shit out of the Big Show on a weekly basis. That only means Big Show will be victorious in the end, but the authority hiring him is a bit...questionable. I'm not very familiar with the Survivor Series PPV's, but are their DQ's? Mark Henry obviously is more interested in damaging his opponents instead of winning. If anything, his fight against Show should scare the authority off. It would make more sense to use Mark in matches against guys like Ziggler, where his purpose would be to hurt him instead of pin him.

Hadn't even thought of him as a participant in this match, because if there's anyone on the roster who features as less of a team player, it's Rusev. Yes, I suppose anyone can be made part of a team, it's just that his ring persona cries against it, although wasn't he part of a group that existed for one night already? That's the point; I'm not even positive it happened.....and it was less than memorable, if it did.

Good point. He did help the authority against the Shield, but I don't remember him doing a lot. I guess it's just a matter of desperation and power. Rusev has been booked as the strongest heel right now outside of Lesnar, so he'd be a good addition. However, and maybe this is the plan, but he might not be willing to cooperate with the Americans and vice versa. If Mark Henry is on his team, you can expect some tension to be there. This might be what brings the authority down.

I do find it funny whenever guys like Titus and Slater offer their services. If the authority was really smart, they'd force them to join Cena's team. Now if you REALLY wanted to tell a good story, instead of beating up potential allies of Cena, the authority should choose his teammates for him.

If Cena had Zack Ryder, Sin Cara, R-Truth, etc as his teammates, then it would be a true underdog story- even if the authority was comprised of guys like Kane and Henry. It would make the authority more crafty, sinister and their fall would be that much more impressive as the odds would be against Cena and company. Plus, it gives the opportunity to put these guys over.
I think Macho Machismo's line up is among the most likely. They could go the route of consolidating some of the other feuds going on in the mid-card with this match. However, if they do that, it could potentially leave the rest of the card light in some ways.

Sheamus dropped the United States Championship to Rusev last night and I think it's more likely that we'll see him get his rematch at Survivor Series instead of seeing these two as part of the traditional Survivor Series tag team match, unless they have them pull double duty.

I could see Big Show & Mark Henry being in this match, which might be the best route to go if it'll save us from watching another dreadfully, insanely slow, plodding one on one match between them.

While it's possible for Triple H to wrestle, I don't think it's likely because he's not really got anything going with anybody in particular. When he's wrestled the past couple of years, there's always been a singular and persistent focus on a particular wrestler. We've seen it with Taker & Lesnar and we saw it late last year and on through WrestleMania season this year with Daniel Bryan. I could see Triple H deciding to step in if Randy Orton returns from "injury" in time and convinces Cena to allow him on his team. Trips could step in as a means of balancing out Orton since they have such a long history with one another both as allies and as enemies. If not, I see Trips staying out of this match as a wrestler, though I think Orton will show up and cost Team Authority the win or at least come extremely close in doing so.

While I know there's almost zero chance of this happening, maybe they could use this match to highlight a couple of guys from NXT. For instance, on Main Event, Sami Zayn and Tyson Kidd just had a really good match that the fans were really into. It wasn't remotely on the level of some of the matches they've had on NXT, but it was still a good match and fans were clearly interested. Tyson Kidd has flourished as a heel in NXT, as he's been given an opportunity to actually display some personality, and Sami Zayn reminds me a lot of Daniel Bryan in that he's a likeable, passionate, scrappy underdog who can consistently put on highly entertaining matches and get fans behind him. Or, if not Kidd, then possibly Adrian Neville as part of Team Authority and use this match as a means of further hyping the feud between Neville and Zayn in NXT and for their big match at the next live NXT special, which will take place a few weeks after Survivor Series. Neville doesn't have to go full out heel, even though there've been some hints the past several weeks that he might be heading that way, the storyline could be that being recruited by Team Authority is a big opportunity and a chance to prove himself at a major ppv event, even though he may not exactly agree with The Authority's tactics or beliefs. The same could go for Sami Zayn as he's asked by John Cena to be on team and Zayn sees this as a huge opportunity for himself as well. If WWE wanted to go this route, I'd be all for it IF the NXT wrestlers were shown in a positive light rather than just be two guys to fill up spots and be booked in the match to look like a couple of wrestlers who don't belong anywhere close to the main roster.
I think Macho Machismo's line up is among the most likely. They could go the route of consolidating some of the other feuds going on in the mid-card with this match. However, if they do that, it could potentially leave the rest of the card light in some ways.

Sheamus dropped the United States Championship to Rusev last night and I think it's more likely that we'll see him get his rematch at Survivor Series instead of seeing these two as part of the traditional Survivor Series tag team match, unless they have them pull double duty.

I could see Big Show & Mark Henry being in this match, which might be the best route to go if it'll save us from watching another dreadfully, insanely slow, plodding one on one match between them.

While it's possible for Triple H to wrestle, I don't think it's likely because he's not really got anything going with anybody in particular. When he's wrestled the past couple of years, there's always been a singular and persistent focus on a particular wrestler. We've seen it with Taker & Lesnar and we saw it late last year and on through WrestleMania season this year with Daniel Bryan. I could see Triple H deciding to step in if Randy Orton returns from "injury" in time and convinces Cena to allow him on his team. Trips could step in as a means of balancing out Orton since they have such a long history with one another both as allies and as enemies. If not, I see Trips staying out of this match as a wrestler, though I think Orton will show up and cost Team Authority the win or at least come extremely close in doing so.

Last night, with Vince coming out and "Upping" the Stakes with the new stipulation, I sort of started thinking that maybe, with the Authority heading into dissension, it was possible that HHH inserts himself into the team.

Also, with the Authority continuously talking about assembling the "best Survivor Series Team ever"... I really wonder which guy stays out as either the Big Show vs Mark Henry feud is incorporated in to the match, or the Rusev vs Sheamus match is incorporated.

With this match taking up 10 spots, there is a chance we could be left with a very thin card to look forward, tho I will admit, this 5 on 5 is being sold to the viewers in brilliant fashion regardless of what else there is.

My spanners in the works for Team Authority?

Bad News Barret returns! - I'm not sure about when he will recover, but November was stated as the time he might return and given they are going to the UK, it is possible he returns on the tour in surprise fashion.
Also, he never lost the IC title, and this match could be a way to start him on the road to getting his title back!

Cesaro! - With Orton now surely off the Authority, they will be scouting for someone to take his place, and I believe directionless Cesaro would be perfect as someone who could do dirty work for Rollins in a more efficient manner, until the Authority is ended eventually(we know this angle is getting old and the team is starting to show cracks as it should be). Not to mention, Cesaro just needs a few good spots in a Multi-Man Main Event match to keep himself relevant anyways until they are ready to push him...
Yeah Barrett is a possibility.

Random Note: I really liked how Triple H seemed to be reluctant to take out Randy Orton, even coming across as morally conflicted in the process. I thought it was a rather refreshing take on the old betrayal storyline. It also leaves some room for a face turn, if they wish to go that route.
So who do you think will be on each team??

Team Authority has Kane and Rollins locked in. Could potentially be Mark Henry as well. Randy Orton looks to have severed his ties with them.

Team Cena seems to be building up Dolph as a member, potentially Big Show after his comments this week and the story is there for Orton to join.

Any possibility of Orton being a double bluff and turning on Cena?
I'd imagine this thread may get moved and merged. Possibly. But anyway...

Right now its Rollins/Kane vs Cena/Ziggler.

Henry/Show wouldn't be a bad call neither. I could see that. HHH will likely announce himself for the team also as it's a big 4 ppv. Either that, or MizDow. I could see Miz in the mix there so to speak.

As for team Cena. Once we have dolph, cena and show, its a matter of who. It really is. I think we'll have a situation where The Usos join the team also due to past ties with Cena. Dolph could then get taken out and made an example of, and we could be left with a 5 on 4 situation...perfect for an Orton return.
Whilst I don't want Tag Teams taking 2 spots on each side, I think the Usos vs Miz and Mizdow will be merged into this feud as the Usos just seem like the kind that Cena would pick for his team.

However, I do hope it isn't so, but looking at the card and how it needs to be filled out, based on current feuds...I'd say,atm, it looks like:
Team Cena: Cena, Ziggler, the Usos and probably Ryback/Sheamus
Team Authority: Rollins, Kane, Miz, Mizdow and ???
Team Authority: Seth Rollins, Kane, Mark Henry, Rusev & Triple H(?)

I like the idea of Triple H being in the match, chiefly to counteract Randy Orton. It's logical too, because the Viper's defection is something Trips would take personally and since he's a rare member of management that is physically capable of doing something about betrayals, entering himself in this match is logical.

Also, it's exciting because a match that should amount to a significant event is kind of "blah" with ordinary guys such as Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler and Kane in there.

Yes, we're already well familiar with Triple H but including him adds an element of mystery since he enters the ring seldom enough to create suspense when he does. Plus, watching him zero in on Randy Orton would provide some interesting theater.
Sheamus will probably demand his rematch at Survivor Series, so he is out. I feel Cesaro and Ambrose will join the two sides; Cesaro is the type of guy The Authority will be looking for, and Ambrose in one last attempt to get his hands on Rollins somehow, but Wyatt will screw Ambrose again, setting up their match for the next PPV. Wait a second... Roman Reigns! He should be totally fit for a return by then and will be the final guy for Team Cena. With Randy gone, Team Authority lacks that one mega star, so I have a feeling that either Brock Lesnar or Triple-H himself will join in. So the team line-up will look something like-
Team Authority- Seth Rollins, Kane, Cesaro, Mark Henry, Triple-H / Brock Lesnar
Team Cena- John Cena, Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose, Big Show, Roman Reigns (for Dolph Ziggler).
Don't think they'll waste places by putting tag teams in this match - especially if the reports of a multi-team match for the tag titles are true.

For me the teams would be:

Team Cena: John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Ryback, Big Show and Orton/Jericho

Team Authority: Seth Rollins, Kane, Mark Henry, Cesaro and Bad News Barrett (due back soon, would be a great Authority mouth piece of HHH/Steph want to take a step back)...orrrr if they want to really push the WWE Network as the free month will be coming to an end, then HHH has to lace up and get involved.
Well I'm wondering anyone many superstars on each team 4,5,6. 7!!!!

well lets pretend its 6

Team Cena - Cena, Ambrose, Sheamus, Orton, Ziggler, and a surprise return by the Rock

Team Authority- Rollins, Wyatt, Kane, Rusev, HHH, and a surprise return in Brock Lesnar

Now tell me that wouldn't be one hell of a match this also assuming Reighs , Bryan, and Wade Barrett are all still hurt

Now that would be epic
Here's what I think is likely and would be nice to see:

Team Cena - John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Ryback, Big Show, Randy Orton
Team Authority - Seth Rollins, Kane, Cesaro, Mark Henry, Triple H

Would like to see a big multi-man tag team match for the Tag Team Championship and Rusev v Sheamus for the US Championship so would leave them out of this.

Other potential matches on the card to compliment the above and Dean Ambrose v Bray Wyatt could include AJ Lee v Nikki Bella for the Diva's Championship, and Paige v Alicia Fox.

I can't help but wonder if Big E, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger, Curtis Axel, Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan will be used on this card in some form. I don't expect Wade Barrett or Roman Reigns to make it personally.

I'd also love to see an NXT tag team match, but I think that's wishful thinking.
This may sound crazy, but I don't think that Orton will turn face at Survivor Series. The reason why I am saying this is because the face roster is stacked. You have Cena, Ambrose, a returning Daniel Bryan, a returning Roman Reigns and other upper midcard/ midcard guys like Swagger, Big Show, Ziggler as faces. On the heel side, if you take out Orton, you've got Lesnar, Rollins and then what? Kane? Rusev?

So what I'm thinking is that this face turn is a red herring. Orton stays on Team Cena and betrays him as the "mole" in the team. Or he is out injured, does not play a part in the build-up at all, and returns only at Survivor Series. At the event he helps Authority win over Cena, thus remaining heel.

There has been no proper build-up to end the authority as well, in my opinion. Everything has been going their way and you certainly don't expect it to end all of a sudden.

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