WWE Summerslam 2016 LD

Dolph Ziggler has showed more emotion the last few weeks than he has in years and actually has me interested in a match of his.

More than the Universal title match even.
The SummerSlam Kickoff Panel is totally crushing it tonight. They are insightful, entertaining and on point...... Oh no, Corbin crashing the show. He is such an angry dude. I hope Kalisto heals up fast so he can get back and take care of business.
Do you think Rollins fears the Demon King, rbv13? I think he does but won't admit it.

Rollins is a talented dude but absolutely rotten to his core. People like him usually have insecurity issues. He has to be trembling inside. He knows he is up against something he can't fully comprehend. He is going to play dirty but Balor will overcome.


Man I was tweeting Sasha questions like crazy. Would've been a dream come true to get acknowledged in the Social Media Lounge.
OMG. Neville and Zayn teaming up. This could be major for Mr. Foley and his RAW Brand. It would be too sweet if Neville had the checkers to match Sami's gear. They could be the High Energy of the New Era.
This crowd must have forgotten that the Dudley's have renounced tables as evil. Silly Brooklyn fans.
So does the show start in 45 minutes or something

Show started an hour and eighteen minutes ago. Panel has been on fire and the twelve man got the joint jumping. From the early happenings I feel confident saying this will be the best SummerSlam ever.

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